delofamilia part3

0001NO MUSIC NO NAME2011/10/10(月) 10:15:16.76ID:oyFkCGQ80


2007年始動 不定期に活動中
廣山直人、Rie fuを中心としたバンド




0145NO MUSIC NO NAME2016/09/05(月) 18:25:50.87ID:SvI7fTSZ

0146NO MUSIC NO NAME2016/11/07(月) 12:05:59.99ID:w5PKXNdz

0147NO MUSIC NO NAME2017/04/18(火) 21:28:01.94ID:5qOML06v

0148NO MUSIC NO NAME2017/09/17(日) 14:23:08.03ID:ygaA7mh6

0149NO MUSIC NO NAME2017/09/30(土) 22:37:24.65ID:KjoTUtlW

0150NO MUSIC NO NAME2017/10/20(金) 19:54:05.10ID:ffdc1Yee

0151NO MUSIC NO NAME2018/02/12(月) 09:09:11.92ID:7xbKIMl4
グーグル検索⇒『金持ちになりたい 鎌野介メソッド』


0152NO MUSIC NO NAME2018/03/17(土) 09:36:26.64ID:A/vAo4xg

0153NO MUSIC NO NAME2018/10/17(水) 18:09:22.07ID:wYzNSLb4

0154NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/03/05(火) 18:52:34.09ID:aPwJacPW

0155NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/03/09(土) 00:08:55.07ID:M1Cj7ZOQ

0156NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/04/16(火) 18:13:00.60ID:hOtkf6nS

0157NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/05/06(月) 09:29:51.66ID:YyhJJSAm

0158NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/05/16(木) 20:45:36.87ID:+3P2EnIM

0159NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/05/16(木) 20:47:59.65ID:xoQ2i5NA
↓清春ヲタが悔しくて涙ながらにコピペ貼り付けまで5秒前 4 3 2 1

0160NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/05/27(月) 09:06:15.53ID:Vt1M4/MY

0161NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/06/01(土) 11:17:57.95ID:/YDw5enX

0162NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/06/02(日) 12:50:46.97ID:3Qo8Wyav

0163NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/08/21(水) 13:29:14.41ID:mINBlBDP
        ,-‐ttーt‐ttーt‐、                ,-、
     .、/バ゙、::.   .::`゙バ\,             ノ 'ー'ヽ
   .、/ヾ、゙ ::     .`:.、゙ゞヾ,             / /7 r'
   .、/ゞ゙゙`:.     .::   ゙゙バヾ|、,         'ー' / /′
  、/゙゙、:..           .::、゙゙ゞ〉、,           ノ /
  、|゙゙、` .::      .:..    ヾバv-、        </-'ヽ
  、|゙..:::.. __  ‐ - , ' ;::  バ;/,ヾヽ.         <二´ r‐'
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    ヽ :.   i :..  ,,,,,,__ ;' .::..゙ヾ、〉',ノ.        ヽ一フ r' ̄
     〉;;;,,,,,、_l ‐t=='''`__;゙ソ ::.  ト‐'          / ノ
     ゞ、___,ソー'ヾ`ー一'´、 .;::'  .〉  ノヽ (^`ヽ  _〈/ ,--、
      ゙(´"`;'l :.. 、i``、 ‐ ';;::.. ,'.|゙.〈,ィ〈ノ^)、ノ 〈   ̄,  〉
       ヾ.: :. 〉 :;r'ヾ、 :: :: ノ;;;::' /  .ノ <_   .ゝー</ /
        `ーイ、__,-;ノ ヽ /;;;::'´ / <,-'´ゞ、 _フ   ヽ.  く
          ヾ、ハヾ、:._ッ r;;'ノ   ゝ - l .r ノ   .,-、ヽ__ノ
           〉ー'一'´レ、 ,'/.   .| ニ | ト,ヽ.   ヽ `ヽ. ,‐、
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         ( _⊂⊃, ).     ヽイ | |ヽノ  .r一'′./
          〉   〈.       `ー|ノ ゙   ヽ、__,/

0164NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/03/01(日) 21:33:21.89ID:plKsUddP

0165NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/04/15(水) 20:42:04.10ID:AQpZNzXb

0166NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/11/05(木) 15:15:06.21ID:yxNU0Sp4

0167NO MUSIC NO NAME2021/03/23(火) 18:01:11.60ID:Rsxv5gnu

0168NO MUSIC NO NAME2021/07/29(木) 14:36:59.98ID:fQR6vsbA

0169NO MUSIC NO NAME2021/11/26(金) 14:47:20.66ID:LEPrthQj

0170NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/05/14(土) 15:10:57.91ID:YZUMOtEz

0171NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/05/27(金) 23:37:39.72ID:o+TCazRr

0172NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/05/31(火) 23:50:44.60ID:8UhS4D5M

0173NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/12/23(金) 12:34:07.03ID:SzHYp/jf

0174NO MUSIC NO NAME2023/01/13(金) 20:30:38.38ID:xRy3iKTI

0175NO MUSIC NO NAME2023/02/05(日) 22:02:45.20ID:LrEnGefg

0176NO MUSIC NO NAME2023/02/20(月) 15:18:12.82ID:skpdrwiT

0177NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/01/01(月) 05:03:58.83ID:sBPRNCqx

0178NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/17(日) 16:49:43.68ID:1KDTLzTF

3/17(日) 15:40配信

<大相撲8日目>若隆景を突き落としに破る千代栄(撮影・井垣 忠夫)

 ◇大相撲春場所8日目(2024年3月17日 エディオンアリーナ大阪)





0179NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/21(木) 17:32:59.40ID:xbJljtKr

0180NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/22(金) 23:26:28.54ID:kG1znE6M

0181NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/29(金) 16:09:07.15ID:NCC+OOCH

0182NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/29(金) 16:46:51.80ID:QeGTyfnS
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on tyui

0183NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/01(月) 13:44:37.53ID:lcWJ+GKM

0184NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/02(火) 14:36:32.14ID:zvmw57pj

0185NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/03(水) 19:58:22.40ID:k66L27up
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on aaa

0186NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/06(土) 15:31:55.62ID:/w3hTSfS

0187NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/08(月) 13:57:15.04ID:ta7xXD+E
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on,,,,

0188NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/08(月) 19:50:29.98ID:FcFb43b5
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary ona890

0189NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/09(火) 14:43:48.83ID:xUoJhBFy
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on\\

0190NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/09(火) 16:24:44.81ID:3mXf91kE

0191NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/10(水) 18:56:50.63ID:mMaynwtI

0192NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/11(木) 15:45:12.25ID:JgKj3paU
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onqqqq

0193NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/11(木) 15:46:20.92ID:4U/7ETEu

0194NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/12(金) 13:15:38.93ID:WUp6EzCF
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on2222

0195NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/12(金) 20:17:30.15ID:/u1uvO2J
