星野源【28】ミ・ο・彡キリッ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001NO MUSIC NO NAME2016/11/26(土) 15:54:05.16ID:NbzuiDt7
星野源【25】ミ・ο・彡キリッ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

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星野源【18】ミ・ο・彡キリッ [無断転載禁止] [無断転載禁止] (Part19)
星野源【20】ミ・ο・彡キリッ [無断転載禁止]
星野源【21】ミ・ο・彡キリッ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
星野源【22】ミ・ο・彡キリッ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
星野源【23】ミ・ο・彡キリッ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
星野源【24】ミ・ο・彡キリッ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
【 約 束 事 】


・2ちゃんブラウザツール [http://ringonoki.net/tool/2ch/1-2ch.html]
オススメ Jane style (http://janestyle.s11.xrea.com/)

・携帯用2ちゃんブラウザ搭載サイト [http://mickey.mirv.net/mobile/menu.html] や[http://imona.net/]

・疑問が生じた際には、人に尋ねる前にまず自分で調べましょう (http://www.google.co.jp/


0342NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/06/05(水) 20:48:50.11ID:3VYAPZU7

0343NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/07/21(日) 16:02:40.48ID:uh59MTM3


0344NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/08/23(金) 18:51:02.23ID:zjOhUOgK

0345NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/09/13(金) 20:25:35.92ID:6eA5rDLT

0346NO MUSIC NO NAME2019/12/24(火) 20:06:31.61ID:2W2ed+R2

0347NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/02/25(火) 08:39:53.68ID:mmiRmNRV


0348NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/02/25(火) 17:06:21.86ID:lc7VdyGG

0349NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/03/10(火) 08:43:19.67ID:Cu6xjSKt

0350NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/04/14(火) 08:16:06.09ID:MfcdA4AA

0351NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/04/16(木) 14:49:56.27ID:65rJvUrx

0352NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/05/13(水) 18:14:34.02ID:FoROw9t3

0353NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/06/04(木) 09:39:26.16ID:Qd44Pz06

0354NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/07/01(水) 20:56:54.10ID:i7lGnw4W

0355NO MUSIC NO NAME2020/10/09(金) 12:26:53.75ID:KZYtl2a6


0356NO MUSIC NO NAME2021/01/30(土) 03:00:23.96ID:iy8HqN2G

0357NO MUSIC NO NAME2021/07/22(木) 20:39:37.69ID:cKX60jMX

0358NO MUSIC NO NAME2021/08/09(月) 16:57:20.14ID:9ZAB6+mi

0359NO MUSIC NO NAME2021/11/06(土) 22:12:53.47ID:ox//mjvN

0360NO MUSIC NO NAME2021/12/21(火) 15:45:59.90ID:BlFU3wJS

0361NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/01/17(月) 02:39:39.12ID:mPJ8LiTu

0362NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/03/22(火) 16:26:07.52ID:oiLnfkcM
テレビ東京、社運賭けちゃった? 『SPY×FAMILY』渋谷ジャック敢行 髭男&星野源W起用も話題 [爆笑ゴリラ★]

0363NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/05/19(木) 22:17:10.16ID:9IN+kjNX

0364NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/05/29(日) 23:19:08.78ID:BKzJSWl7

0365NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/07/30(土) 17:20:18.59ID:wTCoXJZe

0366NO MUSIC NO NAME2022/12/25(日) 15:04:39.77ID:BM/Ap+1c

0367NO MUSIC NO NAME2023/02/02(木) 15:17:52.64ID:hppiky+V
本スレ 誘導です

0368NO MUSIC NO NAME2023/04/06(木) 11:31:40.52ID:l3oKyHFe
【ラジオ】星野源 自身のANN新リスナーに金言「耳触りの良い言葉はあまり信用しないでください」 [湛然★]

0369NO MUSIC NO NAME2023/07/10(月) 04:08:00.10ID:WZe00sKZ

0370NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/11(月) 17:10:12.76ID:7K0pObY8

3/10(日) 5:05配信



【写真】「ちびまる子ちゃん」のさくら一家 祖父・友蔵が心の俳句







0371NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/18(月) 15:12:25.84ID:vBLN5cyI

0372NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/24(日) 21:13:44.68ID:q7pF6bQG

0373NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/28(木) 16:01:53.12ID:FlkX1iGp

0374NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/30(土) 20:28:42.95ID:xU/L/arO

0375NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/30(土) 21:06:28.23ID:m7DJiAMt

0376NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/03/31(日) 23:21:03.92ID:d4fIQqSa

0377NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/01(月) 15:03:39.56ID:x4mQG20Q

0378NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/01(月) 20:20:51.09ID:s/zJnySd

0379NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/02(火) 23:45:58.96ID:2xZYbWK2

0380NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/04(木) 19:08:31.03ID:OpJGmGpz
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onz

0381NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/05(金) 13:14:05.68ID:F6pr3BTy
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on-^

0382NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/06(土) 23:58:44.34ID:QKEjPo3j

0383NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/07(日) 19:42:01.98ID:faSFWnqP
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onx

0384NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/08(月) 19:36:02.73ID:FcFb43b5
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onac

0385NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/08(月) 23:38:33.01ID:2F94CEjB
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onxxx

0386NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/09(火) 15:19:00.38ID:xUoJhBFy
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onffff

0387NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/09(火) 23:46:25.69ID:ujOVjMya
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary ony

0388NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/11(木) 13:30:26.00ID:JgKj3paU
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onh

0389NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/11(木) 14:10:15.21ID:pwRxqYnl

0390NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/11(木) 17:33:30.08ID:VmHqkrGv
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onaa

0391NO MUSIC NO NAME2024/04/12(金) 15:16:21.55ID:WUp6EzCF
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on4

真・スレッドストッパー。。。( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています