Animal Natalism and Intellectual Anti-Natalism 3

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0001考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:04:17.650
Anti-Natalism is intellectual in that it transcends the animalistic
and mechanistic chain of birth, going beyond the genetic code of
"leave offspring behind!" Blindly following genetic code may be natural
in terms of animal behavior, but it is insufficient for Homo sapiens.

Natalism emphasizes instinct, making it right-wing, while anti-natalism
is left-wing. The former often appeals to hate and violence, while the
latter tends to appeal to reason and intellect.

By choosing "non-birth," one can completely control and prevent the
imaginary child's unhappiness in this world. Thus, even if the state of
"non-existence" does not exist and there are always special cases where
some form of life or consciousness is assigned, preventing the suffering
and unhappiness of one's child as a human being is entirely possible
through non-birth.

Therefore, anti-natalism remains effective against unhappiness and harm.
Additionally,David Benatar sees the state of non-existence as desirable
not only for humans but for all living beings that have a sense of self.

In other words, the ideal of anti-natalism is a state in which all
subjects who experience suffering and harm no longer exist.

Previous thread:
Animalistic Natalism and Intellectual Antinatalism 2

0002考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:14:16.180
My life is not empty. It's full of joy + meaning. Just bc I have a uterus doesn't mean I have to give birth.

0003考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:17:07.460
My Antinatalist book is finally out!! Please read your final copy of Honouring
The Dishonourable: The Truth About Our Parents here + get your free copy of my ebook here.
The Amazon edition will be out shortly.

0004考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:19:40.830
Childbirth + procreation do not make a woman complete + established, they destroy a woman +
put her at risk of death + other complications associated with child rearing. Feminism has empowered
women not victimised them, without feminism women would suffer at the hands of men.

0005考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:22:05.900
I don’t hate families, but I despise breeders bc they spread misery in the world. And I’m far from being left wing.

0006考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:23:28.540
This world is built on:

- Slavery
- Theft
- Exploitation
- Cruelty

Just like breeding is built on these things, similarly, existence encompasses these things.
Our entire existence is unethical.

0007考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:28:36.410
This world is fucked up + trust me most people don’t want to be in it,
yet breeders breed more misery into this world mindlessly. It doesn’t make any sense.

0008考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:30:46.880
I'm not pursuing my childbearing abilities for my ethics out of pure compassion + empathy.
My antinatalism is born out of ethics, compassion + empathy for the unborn who deserve better
than this world.

0009考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:33:35.660
I would rather live an "unfulfilled" childfree lifestyle than be forced to give birth
like another cattle for another cog in the system.

0010考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:49:53.960
Ethics may be imaginary constructs but they are fundamental to ensure we lead good lives.
They are what differentiates us from animals as an “advanced” species.

0011考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 22:51:38.870
What differentiates us from animals is the ability to stop breeding.

0012考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 23:07:55.090
What distinguishes us from animals is that we can end our suffering in an ethical,
respectable, dignified manner gracefully.

0013考える名無しさん2023/05/08(月) 23:08:23.780
Humans have many built in mechanisms for survival, one of them is addiction.
We are addicted to chemicals like serotonin + dopamine. We are also addicted to suffering
bc we continue to breed despite the pain + misery that comes from it.

0014考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 00:29:53.230
We rape + pillage the earth + we destroy the environment purely for selfishness.
We do not live in harmony with Mother Nature that’s why our existence is unethical.
We have to exploit to survive.

0015考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 03:02:08.010
watch your ass

0016考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 04:39:03.100
What's on your mind?

0017考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 04:47:46.460
Are you genuine retard?

0018考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 05:00:08.970
You look troll and true retard, so you're better of getting out this thread immediately.

0019考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 05:19:59.530
This world resembles hell, so I would prefer to cease existing if it were possible.
I think it's natural for those who feel daily suffering and stress. I crave perpetual
tranquility and serenity, not just in my mind but also in my external surroundings.

0020考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 05:21:07.510
This society has too many people, which leads to excessive noise and chaos.
People are cramped together like livestock in a narrow shed, which sickens me
slightly. Why is there such overpopulation? It clearly harms the current ecosystem
on a massive scale.

0021考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 08:22:02.900
Let every man skin his own skunk

0022考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 08:27:42.930

0023考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 08:29:54.800
piggy pinko

0024考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 13:37:07.800
Remind me, what day is this in the span of human futility?

0025考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 13:40:11.800
He was not misanthropic but he preferred to indulge a non-existent world. Namely, it is the world with a population of 0.

0026考える名無しさん2023/05/09(火) 14:17:54.240
over and over

0027考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 01:18:23.790
We are living in a 'Myth of Sisyphus' kind of existence every day,
except for a handful of privileged individuals.

0028考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 03:33:10.290
age ← vain

0029考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 08:44:47.790
It may be difficult to get across humans manner to retard like you.

0030考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 08:58:25.910
yep ya

0031考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 09:09:38.480
I believe feces are rampant in your decayed brain.

0032考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 09:19:42.560
want to beat me by trash talk


0033考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 09:20:21.580
like animal?

0034考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 09:20:55.760

0035考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 09:26:35.340
TBH(to be honest), I find the philosophical discussions on this forum quite boring.
It seems like most participants lack intelligence, as evidenced by their poor English
skills. As an attempt to stimulate their intellect, I have dedicated myself to writing
in English on this platform.

0036考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 09:33:16.930
lack intelligence ???

that's the kind of guy that thinks of this thread title, right?

0037考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 10:12:46.830
In effect, it may be noxious to view such an intellectual thread for retard like you.

0038考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 10:16:55.360
Extinction = no more suffering

0039考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 10:18:26.470
Many people don’t want to be in this world too, but no one ever talks about them.

0040考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 10:22:14.700
Procreation is cruel bc it’s imposed on many people who don’t wish to partake in it.
My mother had no choice + same with some of the women in my family. Many women
have children to lock down a man + back in the day it used to work but it was always
at the children’s expense.

0041考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 12:36:41.830
Arthur Schopenhauer | Philosopher ✍ @SchopenhauerNow

“Life is a constant process of dying.”

0042考える名無しさん2023/05/10(水) 12:38:09.320
91% of people are no longer friends with someone they called their
"best friend."

0043考える名無しさん2023/05/11(木) 09:58:17.480
Why is procreation so newsworthy? Breeders fucked or had IVF + got pregnant +
gave birth, what’s so special about that? Bacteria multiply yet they don’t demand
a celebration for it. And what’s with “welcoming a child into the world”… so
they can suffer, get a disease + die. WTF?

0044考える名無しさん2023/05/11(木) 12:49:53.850
The positivity army is more upset at pessimists calling a garbage world a garbage world rather than being upset with the trillions of sentient beings suffering everyday

0045考える名無しさん2023/05/11(木) 12:56:31.190
"All good people are weak: they are good because they are not strong enough to be evil"

~ the Latuka chieftain Comorro

0046考える名無しさん2023/05/11(木) 13:05:55.070
Funny how people claim to oppose suffering yet support the continued existence of this garbage world with never ending suffering

0047考える名無しさん2023/05/12(金) 04:14:26.070
I’m kind of grateful that my country has strict gun ownership laws. Otherwise I would have pulled the trigger to my head out of pure impulse. Any sane person recognises how frustrating existentialism can be + existence in + of itself.

0048考える名無しさん2023/05/12(金) 06:49:57.730
There are so many horror stories from the Middle East + Asia of maids or nannies abusing
children. My mum told me about a nanny putting rat poison in baby formula to poison the baby.
Breeders are fucking lazy, when they can afford to, they still don’t wanna raise their own kids.

0049考える名無しさん2023/05/12(金) 06:54:49.580
Humans are savage and cruel animal.

0050考える名無しさん2023/05/12(金) 06:58:08.830
It’s difficult for people who want to die to be productive members of society, society has
nothing to gain from keeping us around. Voluntary euthanasia should be as easy as booking
an appointment to the salon. Yet they keep us alive even if our presence is a burden to the world.

0051考える名無しさん2023/05/13(土) 03:53:56.190
If you “follow the science” you will find:
Industry run trials
academic ghost writing
Conclusions not aligned w/ data
Paid academics to promote drugs
Lobbyist controlling politicians
Billions paid out in fines & lawsuits
Pharma funding major medical organizations

0052考える名無しさん2023/10/19(木) 02:41:51.630

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