Stop the war

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0001考える名無しさん2023/11/07(火) 18:10:06.220
We should create two coexisting nations in one country.
Just as Israelis have the right to pursue basic happiness.
Palestinians should also have the right to have a home to return to, a place to work, the freedom to go abroad, and the freedom to attend school.
not by military force
The government does not necessarily represent all the opinions of the people.
Just as Hamas does not represent all Palestinians, it may be in both governments.
I don't know that
The only thing I can say is
It is wrong to force people to live in cages, without clean water, and without respect for basic human rights.
are they animals? They are also human beings.
just like us

0002考える名無しさん2023/11/07(火) 18:27:52.900
not comply with international law
That's just the beginning
Ah, you can destroy my country too.
As in
That would be World War III
should be placed at the top
It is the rule of law and dharma.

0003考える名無しさん2023/11/07(火) 18:37:38.630
Of course, the lives of the hostages are given top priority.
Hamas, bring them home.

0004考える名無しさん2023/11/07(火) 20:30:43.470
米でデモ隊同士が衝突 ユダヤ系住民の男性が殴られ死亡

0005考える名無しさん2023/11/07(火) 20:31:50.140
「ガザは子どもたちの墓場」イスラエル・イスラム組織ハマス 戦闘開始から1か月、パレスチナ自治区ガザでの死者1万人超

0006考える名無しさん2023/11/09(木) 05:52:57.430

0007考える名無しさん2023/11/11(土) 20:19:44.870
米 ブリンケン国務長官が語った“中東危機”後のシナリオ

0008考える名無しさん2023/11/17(金) 12:29:51.170
イスラエルは病院敷地内で武器発見主張もハマスは“自作自演だ”と非難 ガザ・シファ病院|TBS

0009考える名無しさん2023/11/20(月) 15:23:44.850
「地下トンネル」の証拠とする動画、イスラエル軍が公開 ガザ地区のシファ病院

0010考える名無しさん2023/11/22(水) 12:09:28.390
イスラエル、ハマスと4日間の休戦へ 人質50人解放か ガザ戦闘

0011考える名無しさん2023/11/27(月) 10:08:38.860

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