Ten digits calculators sell for more than twelve digit ones so we extrapolated to an amazing six significant digits.
We also support complex numbers, that's right numbers on the 42sx can have a decimal point in any position.
We think this is amazing.

We've not left the computer science professionals out either.
The 42sx supports infinite length binary integers displayed in all their glory in base 2 (one digit at a time).
It has the complete functionality of the 16c plus dozens more functions.

Of course the 42sx is programmable.
We've taken the 42s's unsurpassed alpha mode and used that for programming.
You don't need short cuts or menus when you can spell out command names.
It is so much faster and easier than ever before.
You'll be able to enter both steps in no time.

The 42sx has been designed to our exacting specifications by contract manufacturer Mosry Soso.
The firmware is baked into ROM so you'll never need to upgrade.
What a time saver.