> 673
$ wget.exe
BusyBox v1.25.0-FRP-441-g53c3b08 (2016-05-24 12:20:38 BST) multi-call binary.
Usage: wget [-c|--continue] [-s|--spider] [-q|--quiet] [-O|--output-document FILE]
       [--header 'header: value'] [-Y|--proxy on/off] [-P DIR]
       [-U|--user-agent AGENT] URL...
Retrieve files via HTTP or FTP
       -s     Spider mode - only check file existence
       -c     Continue retrieval of aborted transfer ← コレ
       -q     Quiet
       -P DIR  Save to DIR (default .)
       -O FILE Save to FILE ('-' for stdout)
       -U STR  Use STR for User-Agent header
       -Y     Use proxy ('on' or 'off')