洋書を読んで英語の勉強 38
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0001名無しさん@英語勉強中垢版2014/03/14(金) 06:03:23.01

洋書を読んで英語の勉強 36
0052ゴキブリ朝鮮人糞レスえワ殲滅キャンペーン絶賛開催中ピットクルー退散曼荼羅垢版2015/05/20(水) 21:30:25.39ID:CTmKANmD

常連往来 固定名無 毎日頭痛 妄想半島 驚愕唖然 年中無休
反日厨房 主張展開 洗脳教育 常識解脱 左翼新聞 錯誤報道
文化伝導 強要感謝 検定制度 内政干渉 従軍娼婦 補償要求
創氏改名 地位向上 強制連行 国外脱出 歴史歪曲 自爆民族
犯罪入国 贋作貨幣 強盗恐喝 婦人暴行 不良在日 帰化申請
模倣文化 滑稽千万 起源捏造 腹茶沸騰 伝統収奪 宗家願望
韓流幻想 外国喧伝 妄言国家 看過不可 涅槃到達 閑話休題
熱烈待望 国民覚醒 支援停止 竹島奪還 国交断絶 一心賛同
南北半島 平定祈願 民団総連 帰国解散 朝鮮退散 祈願心経
0053ゴキブリ朝鮮人糞レスえワ殲滅キャンペーン絶賛開催中ピットクルー退散曼荼羅垢版2015/05/20(水) 21:31:03.76ID:CTmKANmD

常連往来 固定名無 毎日頭痛 妄想半島 驚愕唖然 年中無休
反日厨房 主張展開 洗脳教育 常識解脱 左翼新聞 錯誤報道
文化伝導 強要感謝 検定制度 内政干渉 従軍娼婦 補償要求
創氏改名 地位向上 強制連行 国外脱出 歴史歪曲 自爆民族
犯罪入国 贋作貨幣 強盗恐喝 婦人暴行 不良在日 帰化申請
模倣文化 滑稽千万 起源捏造 腹茶沸騰 伝統収奪 宗家願望
韓流幻想 外国喧伝 妄言国家 看過不可 涅槃到達 閑話休題
熱烈待望 国民覚醒 支援停止 竹島奪還 国交断絶 一心賛同
南北半島 平定祈願 民団総連 帰国解散 朝鮮退散 祈願心経
0054ゴキブリ朝鮮人糞レスえワ殲滅キャンペーン絶賛開催中ピットクルー退散曼荼羅垢版2015/05/20(水) 21:31:57.24ID:CTmKANmD

常連往来 固定名無 毎日頭痛 妄想半島 驚愕唖然 年中無休
反日厨房 主張展開 洗脳教育 常識解脱 左翼新聞 錯誤報道
文化伝導 強要感謝 検定制度 内政干渉 従軍娼婦 補償要求
創氏改名 地位向上 強制連行 国外脱出 歴史歪曲 自爆民族
犯罪入国 贋作貨幣 強盗恐喝 婦人暴行 不良在日 帰化申請
模倣文化 滑稽千万 起源捏造 腹茶沸騰 伝統収奪 宗家願望
韓流幻想 外国喧伝 妄言国家 看過不可 涅槃到達 閑話休題
熱烈待望 国民覚醒 支援停止 竹島奪還 国交断絶 一心賛同
南北半島 平定祈願 民団総連 帰国解散 朝鮮退散 祈願心経
0055ゴキブリ朝鮮人糞レスえワ殲滅キャンペーン絶賛開催中ピットクルー退散曼荼羅垢版2015/05/20(水) 21:33:02.44ID:CTmKANmD

常連往来 固定名無 毎日頭痛 妄想半島 驚愕唖然 年中無休
反日厨房 主張展開 洗脳教育 常識解脱 左翼新聞 錯誤報道
文化伝導 強要感謝 検定制度 内政干渉 従軍娼婦 補償要求
創氏改名 地位向上 強制連行 国外脱出 歴史歪曲 自爆民族
犯罪入国 贋作貨幣 強盗恐喝 婦人暴行 不良在日 帰化申請
模倣文化 滑稽千万 起源捏造 腹茶沸騰 伝統収奪 宗家願望
韓流幻想 外国喧伝 妄言国家 看過不可 涅槃到達 閑話休題
熱烈待望 国民覚醒 支援停止 竹島奪還 国交断絶 一心賛同
南北半島 平定祈願 民団総連 帰国解散 朝鮮退散 祈願心経
0056ゴキブリ朝鮮人糞レスえワ殲滅キャンペーン絶賛開催中ピットクルー退散曼荼羅垢版2015/05/20(水) 21:33:58.01ID:CTmKANmD

常連往来 固定名無 毎日頭痛 妄想半島 驚愕唖然 年中無休
反日厨房 主張展開 洗脳教育 常識解脱 左翼新聞 錯誤報道
文化伝導 強要感謝 検定制度 内政干渉 従軍娼婦 補償要求
創氏改名 地位向上 強制連行 国外脱出 歴史歪曲 自爆民族
犯罪入国 贋作貨幣 強盗恐喝 婦人暴行 不良在日 帰化申請
模倣文化 滑稽千万 起源捏造 腹茶沸騰 伝統収奪 宗家願望
韓流幻想 外国喧伝 妄言国家 看過不可 涅槃到達 閑話休題
熱烈待望 国民覚醒 支援停止 竹島奪還 国交断絶 一心賛同
南北半島 平定祈願 民団総連 帰国解散 朝鮮退散 祈願心経
0057ゴキブリ朝鮮人糞レスえワ殲滅キャンペーン絶賛開催中ピットクルー退散曼荼羅垢版2015/05/21(木) 02:40:37.50ID:jbe/Omko

常連往来 固定名無 毎日頭痛 妄想半島 驚愕唖然 年中無休
反日厨房 主張展開 洗脳教育 常識解脱 左翼新聞 錯誤報道
文化伝導 強要感謝 検定制度 内政干渉 従軍娼婦 補償要求
創氏改名 地位向上 強制連行 国外脱出 歴史歪曲 自爆民族
犯罪入国 贋作貨幣 強盗恐喝 婦人暴行 不良在日 帰化申請
模倣文化 滑稽千万 起源捏造 腹茶沸騰 伝統収奪 宗家願望
韓流幻想 外国喧伝 妄言国家 看過不可 涅槃到達 閑話休題
熱烈待望 国民覚醒 支援停止 竹島奪還 国交断絶 一心賛同
南北半島 平定祈願 民団総連 帰国解散 朝鮮退散 祈願心経
0058えワ垢版2015/05/21(木) 16:04:33.33ID:R4l9lnXe
Should Have Known Better コメントと大意 

>Don’t back down, concentrate on seeing

The next three stanzas are tied together by the repeated phrase
“Don’t back down”. Each time he is talking to himself, trying to summon courage to do something.
However, the “something” changes each time.

In this first stanza, Sufjan is trying to turn away from his doubt and depression,
and the music becomes more joyful, with the addition of some percussion
and a sprightly synth line.
Similarly, the lyrics turn to joy with an exhortation to life and beauty.

Look for someting positive in each day
even if days you have to look a little harder.
Let the callenges makes you strong.
0059えワ垢版2015/05/21(木) 16:12:12.84ID:6Xw0G8K/



0060えワ垢版2015/05/21(木) 16:13:13.86ID:6Xw0G8K/
0061えワ垢版2015/05/21(木) 16:14:09.75ID:6Xw0G8K/
0062えワ垢版2015/05/21(木) 16:15:08.18ID:6Xw0G8K/
0063えワ垢版2015/05/22(金) 03:32:34.91ID:Q/Zrho4j
Should Have Known Better コメントと大意 

>The breakers in the bar,

Genius Annotation 3 Contributors ?
The dual reference to “the breakers in the bar” creates parallel imagery.
The bar refers to the Columbia River Bar, a series of sand bars and shoals that connect
the Pacific Ocean to the Columbia River. The Bar is known for its beautiful and unpredictable waves, often known as “breakers”
In the first reference, the breakers in the bar are mentioned as object of beauty
and wonder. These same waves take on a darker meaning in the next stanza

Interesting! Anyone know if the Youtube video for
“No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross” is of the Columbia River Bar
(it shows waves crashing)?
Here’s the video

0064えワ垢版2015/05/22(金) 19:21:04.69ID:Q/Zrho4j

Sufjan Stevens
Should Have Known Better Lyrics

Should Have Known Better コメントと大意 

>the neighbor’s greeting

Sufjan is encouraging the appreciation of the small joys life presents.
Each tiny form of hope, love, or joy
(such as a neighbor’s greeting) is a gift that contributes to an overall beautiful and happy life.

Sufjan visits a similar thought in “Impossible soul”
“Life is full of happenstance and mysterious experiences, both joyful and somber…
In the wrong life, everything is chance
Does it register? Do you wanna dance?
In the right life, it’s a miracle
Possibility, do you wanna dance?
0065えワ垢版2015/05/23(土) 01:07:50.65ID:vIn2MNP9
Sufjan Stevens
Should Have Known Better Lyrics

Should Have Known Better コメントと大意 

>My brother had a daughter

>The beauty that she brings, illumination

Stevens' niece is included in his litany of “good things”
that he wants to focus on. Her innocence and beauty bring light
(illumination), helping him fight the blackness of his depression.

Sufjan uses light and dark as obvious themes for life and death throughout this album.
Contrast this with his use of “firefly” as an endearing term for his mother in Fourth of July,
characterizing her as a fading light. Although death can bring about darkness, the vitality
and beauty of new life can provide an illumination that combats this loss of hope.

0066えワ垢版2015/05/26(火) 07:09:12.77ID:Peh0OdRJ
Sufjan Stevens
Should Have Known Better Lyrics

>Don’t back down, there is nothing left(2フレーズ目)

In this second stanza,
the “black shroud” of his doubt and depression fills his mind, battling against
the hope he tried to claim, and turning his thoughts back to suicide.

>The breakers in the bar, no reason to live

The “breakers in the bar” now symbolize danger and death, not beauty and wonder.
The conditions that create beautiful waves at the Columbia Bar are also extremely dangerous for ships.
Known as “the graveyard of the Pacific”, almost 2,000 ships and 700 lives have been claimed by the treacherous waters.
0067えワ垢版2015/05/26(火) 07:24:01.57ID:Peh0OdRJ
Sufjan Stevens
Should Have Known Better Lyrics

>I’m a fool in the fetter

“Suddenly he follows her as an ox goes to the slaughter,
or as one in fetters to the discipline of a fool”
He realizes his destructive behavior is a manifestation of his grief,
quite literally following in the footsteps of his dead mother.

I mistakenly looked up Psalm 7 and looked for the ending (vv. 14-16)
and found it is strangely relevant:
“He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment.
He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made.
The trouble he causes recoils on himself; his violence comes down on his own head.”
0068えワ垢版2015/05/26(火) 07:27:01.36ID:Peh0OdRJ
>Rose of Aaron’s beard, where you can reach me

Rose of Aaron’s beard, where you can reach me
Don’t back down: nothing can be changed
Cantilever bridge, the drunken sailor
My brother had a daughter
The beauty that she brings, illumination

Rose of Aaron’s beard is a reference to Aaron Rose,
the founder of Roseburg (a town in Douglas County, Oregon).
Stevens makes a point to incorporate Oregon history and town names into this album.

Better than the Beatles song of the same title.
Don’t forget to listen Elliott Smith too !

Rose of Aaron’s beard
from Sufjan Stevens ? Should Have Known Better Lyrics on Genius
This is a two pronged biblical allusion. Firstly it is a pun on the ‘rose of Sharon’ as mentioned in the Song of Solomon 2:1.
But the Beard of Aaron itself is mentioned in Psalm 133 regarding the delight of when family lives together in unity:
“How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!
It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the beard, on the beard of Aaron…
Furthermore, the flower “Rose of Aaron’s Beard,” contains chemicals used in formulating antidepressants.
Metaphorically, this represents that he is fighting his depression by spending time with family,
likely with his brother and niece, mentioned earlier.
To help improve the quality of the lyrics, visit Sufjan Stevens ?
Should Have Known Better Lyrics and leave a suggestion at the bottom of the page
0069えワ垢版2015/05/27(水) 01:38:05.67ID:WvdotP8T

コメントがたくさん付いているのは Aaron がモーゼの兄で、聖書でね、

少なくても Aaron のくだ(出エジプト記)りは、知らなくてはいけなくて、
0070えワ垢版2015/05/27(水) 01:47:11.51ID:WvdotP8T
Sufjan Stevens
Should Have Known Better Lyrics

>Don’t back down: nothing can be changed
>Cantilever bridge, the drunken sailor

past, the bridge to nowhere.
” The strength and stability of the cantilever bridge represents the importance of focusing on the present moment
rather than searching for answers through the past. Sufjan will no longer allow his past trauma to hinder him in the present.

>My brother had a daughter
>The beauty that she brings, illumination

Sufjan talks about this girl in Pitchfork interview:
“Pitchfork: Do you think your upbringing would make you not want to have kids yourself?
SS: Definitely. I mean, I have nieces and nephews, and there’s a very clear intentionality in how they are being raised.
My brother has a daughter, and she’s an only child, and she’s very social and outgoing and beautiful.
She has lots of spirit and she knows how to use an iPad and an iPhone?she’s more Internet savvy than I am
and she’s 4 years old. She’s surrounded by people who love her. There’s just so much intimacy".

At these lines of Should Have Known Better Sufjan is singing about intimacy and love we can give to each other.
Beauty of child is illumination, because loving a person can be a personalistic form of experiencing God.

I think the reference to his niece, ‘the beauty that she brings’
s contrasted with his mother, who I believe in this poem is referenced as his ‘black shroud’.
0071◆bKaGbR8Ka. 垢版2015/05/27(水) 02:14:36.84ID:tjDtJuYo

0072名無しさん@英語勉強中垢版2015/05/27(水) 02:48:42.66ID:ugyhTI+f
0074えワ垢版2015/05/28(木) 06:21:59.38ID:uaUCSbN5
GENIUS で面白そうなのがあったんで、次はこれ。

Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 1
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

Steven Spielberg
Alfred Hitchcock
Quentin Tarantino
Stanley Kubrick
Michael Bay

因みにスピルバーグには「Duel (決闘)→激突」という映画があるんで、
0075えワ垢版2015/05/28(木) 06:30:08.32ID:uaUCSbN5
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 2
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD


[Steven Spielberg]
Picture a child sitting next to a projector
Learning from your films to become a much better director

Now picture a 3 billion dollar dream machine
Who can block bust all over your crop duster scene !

Try to Duel with me Alfred, ya must be Psycho
I'll bring back JAWS and take a bite of your Lifeboat
I'm Always so on the top of my game, I get the Vertigo
My jet's in the Terminal, waiting for me to Murder! ya

I rocked the Academy and the DGA
You rock as many Oscars as that schlep Michael Bay
Next time you're filling up those jowls with three steaks and souffle
Check the trade, see me Amblin to my next big play
I produce cartoons and made games for all ages
You produce Jimmy Stewart making one of two faces

Maybe next time I visit, you'll be a bit more gracious
Now kiss my full moon and just bask in my greatness!
0076えワ垢版2015/05/28(木) 09:08:13.20ID:uaUCSbN5
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 3
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>Picture a child sitting next to a projector
>Learning from your films to become a much better director
Genius Annotation
While Hitchcock is influential enough to be taught to aspiring young filmmakers like Spielberg,
Spielberg claims that his talent was overrated and he could point out and improve upon his flaws at a very young age.
The rap begins much like the story of a movie would ? a setting, object, and character are introduced.

>Now picture a 3 billion dollar dream machine
>Who can block bust all over your crop duster scene!

Genius Annotation
Spielberg’s current net worth is approximately $3 billion USD, and he co-founded Dreamworks which is worth about $3 billion.
This is mainly due to his mastering the modern blockbuster with movies such as Jaws,
which he claims could “bust” (ejaculate) all over Hitchcock’s famous but outdated scenes
such as the cropduster scene from North by Northwest.

Genius Annotation がいわゆる「スレ立てさん」かな。
0077えワ垢版2015/05/28(木) 09:24:47.39ID:uaUCSbN5
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 4
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>Try to Duel with me Alfred, ya must be Psycho

Genius Annotation
Duel is the first, long length picture from Spielberg. Psycho is one of Hitchcock’s most famous films,
and is regarded as “one of the most shocking films of all time”.
It’s worth noting that both movies are from the same genre.
Spielberg thinks Hitchcock must be crazy for challenging him in a rap battle.

Duel =激突
Psycho =サイコ
0078えワ垢版2015/05/29(金) 04:40:12.46ID:/An0WpUH
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 5
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>I'll bring back JAWS and take a bite of your Lifeboat

Jaws was Spielberg’s first major success, famously featuring a killer shark. Lifeboat is one of Hitchcock’s earlier works
featuring a group of people attempting to survive on a lifeboat.
Here, Spielberg threatens to bring back one of his great works to completely engulf and
swallow Hitchcock’s films ? this also acts as a metaphor for Spielberg’s impact on the cinema, and the impact of Jaws itself.

Jaws =ジョーズ
0079えワ垢版2015/05/29(金) 04:49:43.80ID:/An0WpUH
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 6
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>I'm Always so on the top of my game, I get the Vertigo

Genius Annotation 3 Contributors ?
Vertigo is one of Hitchcock’s most well-known movies.
Vertigo is also a feeling of sickening dizziness that is often associated with a fear of heights.
To be on top of one’s game is to be at peak performance. Spielberg claims that he’s on top of his game
so often that it gives him vertigo.

This also references Spielberg’s Always, a movie about a pilot’s passion
for dare-devil firefighting, adding to the “high in the sky” theme of the verse.

0080えワ垢版2015/05/29(金) 04:59:17.10ID:/An0WpUH
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 7
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>My jet's in the Terminal, waiting for me to Murder! ya

Genius Annotation
The Terminal is a Spielberg movie, Murder ! is a Hitchcock film.

Murder !=マーダー(1930年の映画)
0081◆bKaGbR8Ka. 垢版2015/05/29(金) 16:46:54.47ID:ex+eS0ZH
Gods, Demigods and Demons: An Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology (英語) ペーパーバック – 2012/12/4
Bernard Evslin (著)

0082えワ垢版2015/05/29(金) 20:29:32.59ID:/An0WpUH
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 8
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>I rocked the Academy and the DGA
>You rock as many Oscars as that schlep Michael Bay

Genius Annotation
Spielberg has received 11 Outstanding Directorial Achievement nominations from
the Directors Guild of America (3 wins) and 15 Academy Award nominations (4 wins).
Despite all of Hitchock’s acclaim, he only received 5 Best Director nominations from
the Academy, none of which he won. Spielberg makes fun of this (with Yiddish term “schlep” ?
ie lazy bum) by pointing out that he has as many wins as Michael Bay, a director known for
his love of explosions but not his critical acclaim.
0083えワ垢版2015/05/29(金) 22:48:24.35ID:/An0WpUH
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 9
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>Next time you're filling up those jowls with three steaks and souffle

Genius Annotation
Hitchcock is well-known to have been a rather plump guy, and the use of the word “jowls”
(referring to large cheeks, especially droopy ones) reflects that. Reportedly,
he would sometimes eat three steaks in one sitting, plus dessert (Souffle, in this case).

>Check the trade, see me Amblin to my next big play

Genius Annotation
Amblin Entertainment is a film and television company,
founded by Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy & Frank Marshal in 1981.

This a play on the word “ambling”, meaning “to walk or move at a slow relaxed pace.”
Amblin Entertainment is a reference to an early short film from Spielberg entitled Amblin',
about a pair of wandering hitch-hikers.
0084えワ垢版2015/05/30(土) 03:04:49.93ID:GX1PkHKT
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 10
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>Next time you're filling up those jowls with three steaks and souffle

Genius Annotation
Hitchcock is well-known to have been a rather plump guy, and the use of
the word “jowls” (referring to large cheeks, especially droopy ones) reflects that.
Reportedly, he would sometimes eat three steaks in one sitting, plus dessert
(Souffle, in this case).

>Check the trade, see me Amblin to my next big play

Genius Annotation
Amblin Entertainment is a film and television company, founded by
Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy & Frank Marshal in 1981.

This a play on the word “ambling”, meaning “to walk or move at a slow relaxed pace.”
Amblin Entertainment is a reference to an early short film from Spielberg entitled Amblin',
about a pair of wandering hitch-hikers.

>I produce cartoons and made games for all ages

Genius Annotation
Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment has produced several beloved cartoon series,
most notably Animaniacs, but also its spinoff Pinky and the Brain as well as Tiny Toon Adventures,
Freakazoid! and several tie-in cartoons to his movies.

Amblin Entertainment has also produced several successful video game series
such as Medal of Honor and Boom Blox.
0085えワ垢版2015/05/30(土) 03:16:24.07ID:GX1PkHKT
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 11
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>You produce Jimmy Stewart making one of two faces

Genius Annotation
Jimmy Stewart starred in several of Alfred Hitchcock’s films: Rope, Rear Window,
The Man Who Knew Too Much, and Vertigo.
While some (like Spielberg) poke fun at his blank expressions in the movies,
this was intentional on Hitchcock’s part. He used the Kuleshov effect to extract
from Stewart the performance he wanted, and deliberately edited his neutral close-ups
as reaction shots so that the audience would project their own emotion onto Stewart’s face.
0086えワ垢版2015/05/30(土) 09:19:46.20ID:GX1PkHKT
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 12
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>Maybe next time I visit, you'll be a bit more gracious

Genius Annotation
Throughout his later life, Hitchcock repeatedly refused to meet Spielberg.
The reason for his reluctance was only revealed when American actor Bruce Dern,
who appeared in two of Hitchcock’s films (including psychological thriller Marnie),
released his autobiography, Things I’ve Said, But Probably Shouldn’t Have: An Unrepentant Memoir.

Dern says that he tried to convince Hitchcock to finally introduce himself to Spielberg:
“I said, ‘You’re his idol. He just [wants] to sit at your feet for five minutes and chat with you.
But Hitchcock refused, writes Dern.“

He said, ‘Isn’t that the boy who made the fish movie ?… I could never sit down and talk to him…
because I look at him and feel like such a whore’.
Bemused, Dern finally elicited Hitchcock’s reasoning:
“I said, ‘Why do you feel Spielberg makes you a whore ?’
Hitch said:
“‘Because I’m the voice of the Jaws ride [at the Universal Studios theme park].
They paid me a million dollars. And I took it and I did it. I’m such a whore.
I can’t sit down and talk to the boy who did the fish movie… I couldn’t even touch his hand.
0087えワ垢版2015/05/30(土) 09:23:49.52ID:GX1PkHKT
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 13
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>Now kiss my full moon and just bask in my greatness!

Genius Annotation 3 Contributors
Spielberg invites Hitchcock to kiss his ass with a play on the term “mooning”.
“Full moon” also references an iconic shot from Spielberg’s “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”
(1982), a shot that became the logo of Amblin Entertainment, a studio founded by Spielberg.
0088えワ垢版2015/05/31(日) 04:15:23.81ID:ShcGUZkC

Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics ヒッチコック 1
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

[Alfred Hitchcock]
That was a Close Encounter of the Turd Kind
But there won't be a pretty ending this time
Half your billions should go to John Williams
Now brace yourself as I reveal my brilliance
I'm the master, of suspense, so intense
No defense against Hitchcock once he presents
My skill is enormous, orchestrate brilliant performance
You're more horrible than Megan Fox's acting in Transformers
Come on, fish puppets and Muppets to stir the fears up
I squeezed screams out of chocolate syrup
I'm the best mamma-jamma ever stood behind the camera
Damage panderers and haunt you like the last Indiana
0089名無しさん@英語勉強中垢版2015/06/06(土) 10:21:44.85ID:dVUL7eY/




0090名無しさん@英語勉強中垢版2015/06/06(土) 12:36:57.12ID:NufqS2o7
↑↑↑自演馬鹿 精神異常者桜井恵三は



0091えワ垢版2015/06/13(土) 12:10:32.40ID:c5tCS9X1
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics ヒッチコック 2
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>That was a Close Encounter of the Turd Kind
>But there won't be a pretty ending this time

Genius Annotation
A play on Close Encounters of the Third Kind, one of Spielberg’s movies,
implying that Spielberg’s raps were shitty.
This humorous response from Hitchcock in response to Spielberg’s request plays out like one of the droll puns
he would use to start any given episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

Steven Spielberg has drawn some criticism for what some consider unrealistically happy endings.
The ending of this movie sees the aliens return all of their abducted victims and leave peacefully.
In contrast to that ending, Hitchcock threatens to beat Spielberg in rapping.

The Beefbus
Spielberg had also just shown Hitchcock his ass, so there might also be some dingleberry action.

a Close Encounter of the Thurd Kind 未知との遭遇
0092えワ垢版2015/06/13(土) 17:53:44.11ID:c5tCS9X1
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics ヒッチコック 3
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>Half your billions should go to John Williams

Genius Annotation
Steven Spielberg as of 2014 is worth 3.6 billion dollars, due primarily to directing and producing
(with each self-directed film on average grossing over $300 million dollars adjusted for ticket price inflation).

One of the most successful, critically acclaimed, and lucrative partnerships in the history of film.

Spielberg has utilised John Williams' composing skills for no fewer than 27 of his films (as of 2015).
This would lead you to believe that like Spielberg, Williams was very wealthy, sharing in his success.
However this isn’t the case with Williams' being worth $100 million which is seemingly insignificant
in contrast to his associate’s wealth.

Numerous people, critics and fans alike, believe that without Williams' signature composing,
neither Spielberg, nor his projects, would ever have achieved the success and acclaim that they have.
While many appreciate Spielberg’s films as classics, it’s undeniable that the films wouldn’t have made the same impact
that they did if it weren’t for the exceptional accompaniment of Williams' legendary compositions.

Despite what Nice Peter, Epic Lloyd and Hitchcock have identified as
what could possibly be considered a financial disparity between the two,
Williams and Spielberg still, after 40 years of collaborating, enjoy working together.

0093名無しさん@英語勉強中垢版2016/06/04(土) 10:21:15.25ID:B4vm7dSD

0096名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1a3c-thYA)垢版2017/08/14(月) 22:55:59.67ID:nFtg5FNH0
0098名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0dbd-nFVg)垢版2017/10/09(月) 11:11:33.84ID:FX4jxQNa0
0099名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d709-eGgt)垢版2017/12/09(土) 17:59:28.04ID:5y67ZISx0
★受験英語から脱却し、英語の4技能を伸ばす方法をまとめました。               日本語を経由せずに、聴く・読む・話す・書くを目指します。                     http://blog.livedoor.jp/matrix_x/
0100名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 6309-615/)垢版2017/12/24(日) 12:03:09.96ID:1JQUSiVb0EVE
「英語脳を作成」 し、ペーパーバック(洋書)を 「英語のまま読める」 ようになる方法を提案しました。商用サイトではありませんので、安心して読んでください。

ガラパゴス English からの脱出!
0101名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ b1be-X4KX)垢版2018/06/07(木) 01:45:50.95ID:T57oeg/50
0102名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ e53e-3TZr)垢版2018/06/15(金) 21:25:03.78ID:YxHL1PXn0

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