>>69 の続き、1 minute 28 seconds から
"The Real Downton Abbey" Servants: The True Story Of Life Below Stairs 1/3

But above all, I want to ask some difficult questions that have been left unanswered for
decades. Amazing, isn't it? Our country was based on an idea around service so long.
Why was that? Why did that world disappear? And what uncomfortable truths can we
uncover while looking over the realities of servants' lives? [Episode 1: Knowing Your
Place] Between the mid-18th and the mid-19th century, grand country houses sprang
up all over Britain. New wealth in the British Empire and the Industrial Revolution
transformed feudal homes into grand estates of a new ruling class. One of these was
Erddig Hall in North Wales. Erddig Hall was a local landowner in York and their staff.
Thirty outdoor estate workers plus 15 indoor servants. In the servants' quarters, the
first thing you see is a poem blessing them all. "May heaven protect our home from
flame or hurt or harm of various name! And may no evil betide any who therein ??? by
it! Or who from homes beyond its gates bestow their toil on this estate." "Toil" is the
word. The hall was built on a generous scale: 200,000 square feet of house, six formal
reception rooms, a chapel, a grand dining room, and nine family bedrooms. In order to
service these rooms, there were twice as many rooms downstairs and in the outhouses.
(3 minutes 26 seconds まで)