They're all in the same language family; the Germanic language family.
However, I think Swedish and English are much more similar than German and either of the other two.
German has grammatical genders and is, in my opinion, much more complex than English.
However, because they're all related and share some vocabulary, if you speak any of these three
languages then learning one of the other ones should be easy.
That said, I don't speak German as I don't have any interest in the language.

Thank you for the compliment, however I would not be confident as a teacher since my path to
English fluency is primarily through exposure and knowing what "feels" right rather than the
technicalities that make languages work as they work, so if someone were to ask me questions
that involved linguistic terms beyond my current (basic) understanding I would be completely
unable to answer them.
Furthermore, I can only speak Japanese at roughly an intermediate level, and I'd probably make
many mistakes while doing so.