Hey, you!
I'm a bit offended because you went on a rampage in that thread yesterday.
That is not my own thread, so , needless to say, anyone can post anything there freely.
Still, I wanted you to take it into account to a degree. Do you figure out what I am talking about?
I had not translated the last Japanese script yet, so intended to do my assignment after going home.
Can you imagine how disappionted I was in when I saw what you had done?
I completely lost my motivation on the spot. You might say, " That was for you."
And if so, you should realize that your thoughtful behavior sometimes is regarded as " unwelcome favor."
Having said that, I know it was my fault because I left the text undone. So, from now on, I'll make it a rule to post both Japanese scripts and my translations at the same time.

On another note
With regard to the expression " I am offended ", in the book I'm working on now, there is a part where the author develops an argument about it.
According to him, you should always maintain a mentality with which you can look at things with an objective eye.
From such a viewpoint, the expression " I am offened" is mentally problematic enough if you use it unconsciously.
You might fall into a trap. I mean you are likely to be identical to the "offened" emotion.
So let's say, " I feel offended." With this expression, you are successful in separating you from the emotion.