Are you a person from abroad? Your assertion made me evoke a lot of questions I'd like to ask you.
Maybe Confucius came up with the idea " so-called the order of seniority" in order for political leaders at that time to maintain social order.
but I don't understand how the concept is related to " real democracy"
First of all,I'd like you to explain about what "real democracy" is like.
Democracy is a political system in which sovereignty resides with the people of a ceratin country if they carry out the system
And at least, in Japan ,to exert their sovereign right, anyone is qualified to get the right to vote when they become 18 years old.
Thus, in my opinion, democracy has nothing to do with the order of seniority (tyoyo no jyo.)
Ageism is a kind of discrimination and the word should be used when someone suffer a disadvantage from the difference of age.
The idea " the order of seniority" just puts emphsis on your mental attitude toword the elderly.
That's why we celebrate " respect for the aged day" as a national holiday