Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 207
0848名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 35de-5Kgj)垢版2018/06/19(火) 14:22:15.85ID:R3L1SIpy0
Earth isn't comfortable for living life.
0855名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2ecf-4dYe)垢版2018/06/19(火) 19:23:15.07ID:zOaJ/VO10
Japan will score goals on the football match against Colombia today.
0857名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1908-4dYe)垢版2018/06/19(火) 19:41:08.17ID:6SgkN8mX0
I miss sailing
0858名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 81bd-Hvr/)垢版2018/06/19(火) 19:53:37.24ID:xh+occvQ0
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0862名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sa69-aZZl)垢版2018/06/19(火) 20:38:40.13ID:vHw7524aa
But I still love her.

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0863名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 99bd-aZZl)垢版2018/06/19(火) 21:19:13.55ID:oGb1UPoZ0
The system engineers in Japan are quite different from those in the West. Creativity is not required, and most of them are not more than subcontractors. It is the problem. You know why Americans or other Westerns don't want to work as system engineer in Japan.
0866名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 06bc-/RsH)垢版2018/06/20(水) 06:42:19.06ID:MdooBmKm0
I think that creativity is necessary for any job, but at the same time, simple work is also
necessary to improve productivity.
Many workers engage in simple labor. In single labor, creativity is rather disturbing
to increase productivity.
Even in the job of system engineer, creative people are a bit necessary, but many
require simple workers.
This is the same for both Japan and the West.
0867名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 06bc-/RsH)垢版2018/06/20(水) 06:50:57.71ID:MdooBmKm0
Continuous efforts and training are necessary to enhance creativity.
Even in any occupation, only those who have made such efforts will get creative work.
So most people will get subcontracted work. This would be nature's providence.
0870名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 35de-5Kgj)垢版2018/06/20(水) 14:30:53.99ID:UClwN7Cb0
I think the afterlife is just infinite blackness.
0871名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW e524-MuFE)垢版2018/06/20(水) 14:41:59.92ID:/fcT0MyR0
When I saw the starting lineup, I felt this time something different could happen. And my intuition comes right.
Of course, advancing to the tournament is still a long shot. But it's far better than coming home with zero point. I can say that they had their job done already.
0875名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffbc-E6HK)垢版2018/06/21(木) 03:34:29.54ID:TBOax3lv0
Congrats. I do not know much about football. I do not see games that they may lose.
I did not see it this time. It seems like a miracle happened just like when they
won Brazil a long time ago.
0876名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1f40-83fa)垢版2018/06/21(木) 05:29:35.78ID:ztQ61hdA0
Be careful about the site (>>874)

Read the detail at >>388
0880名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1fc1-E6HK)垢版2018/06/21(木) 20:27:00.06ID:4lV6jBFU0
Well, at least not worse than my office.
I'm now stuck in there with no one but these old hags, who won't stop whispering with each other about their gossips few desks behind me. It's just their voices that graze on my nerves.
Can't focus on my damn things on the thought of me breathing the same air with their kind. Where's my nice and hot colleague at my age?
0882名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 1fbd-vKja)垢版2018/06/21(木) 22:33:29.23ID:064UBAnL0
It's just because they have much more meat than the Japanese have even though they are homeless. But I believe life-style as being homeless is more accepted by Western society than in Japan, and I've seen many homeless people even in welfare countries like Denmark or Germany.
0890名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9fde-+no6)垢版2018/06/22(金) 08:07:27.71ID:iEZbYDWK0
I want to have dreams about Minase Inori, but instead I dreamt that I had no electricity in my house for 3 months.
0894名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 7fa3-plZC)垢版2018/06/22(金) 16:32:18.02ID:L5vSi8cH0
I occasionally spot grammatical mistakes in newspapers in English. I wonder if they don't use any grammar check softwares.
At the same time it reassures me because even native speakers make mistakes, non-native speakers like me can make a lot more mistakes.

By the way Reddit is a really good site to get used to writings of native English speakers. Subreddit, Today I learned, is especially interesting.
I'm surprised by the fact that ordinary people can produce such fabulous sentences. I also like subreddit, books. Someday I want to write a review about a book I am reading now, embracing defeat.
0903名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 7f24-plZC)垢版2018/06/23(土) 15:23:20.18ID:uvoc+tu10
Speaking English is easy but speaking error free English is extremely difficult.
I know many Japanese learners can speak and write very complex Japanese sentences but unfortunately most of them are full of grammatical errors.
It is needless to say this is also the case for our English.

English and Japanese have almost no common grammatical structures.
That's the reason why we struggle...
0904名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 7f24-plZC)垢版2018/06/23(土) 15:29:18.36ID:uvoc+tu10
I'm talking about grammarly.
I found grammatical mistakes again in English newspapers a while ago.
This is completely different in Japanese newspapers.
It is almost impossible to find any grammatical mistakes in them.
This may show the fundamental differences between English and Japanese.
0920名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9fde-+no6)垢版2018/06/24(日) 04:39:17.44ID:9Bil0jhs0
Why does Switch still outsell PS4 in Japan? The only good game on it is Xenoblade 2.
0923名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffbc-E6HK)垢版2018/06/24(日) 15:16:58.08ID:Acs6JEZ50
I 'll be in bed at 10:00 PM today. next morning I'll see triumph ovation on TV.
0928名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1fbe-mYn2)垢版2018/06/24(日) 23:42:54.36ID:Cupjn1LD0
I went to Kobe today. First thing in the morning I went to Nunobiki Herb Garden! I was alone so I had to share a car with a young couple.
During the ride up, the guy kept talking to his date in English! I think he wanted me to talk to him in English (I'm a gaijin) so I could make him look
good for his date.Then halfway through the ride a giant beetle came in the cable-car and his date started freaking out and yelling since there was no escape.
I couldn't stop laughing.. I felt bad and thought that maybe I should try to make him look good for his girl. I found him out and complimented his English and
apologized for laughing at his misfortune... I hope I made my amends..
0932名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f90-F6ok)垢版2018/06/25(月) 03:46:04.60ID:TpieXJtj0
I'm pretty sure you're confusing the "zero copula" form with grammar mistakes.
"Zero copula" is often used on english newspapers but never for regular conversation.
I've never found grammar mistakes on an english newspaper, so please share here the next time you find one.

Creo que necesitas ir al oftalmólogo.
0937名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7fa8-xBp1)垢版2018/06/25(月) 15:16:59.58ID:qeFziwxX0
I like your expression "cocooning." That's a nice one, easy to imagine.
I remembered a movie called Cocoon.
Unfortunately, our house is very old and has many gaps here and there.
So air con is not so effective here unlike in your place.. orz
0940名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffae-AfZA)垢版2018/06/25(月) 23:26:44.88ID:oy0qkBZO0
Why do you love long sleeves?
Maybe do you have any desease on your skin?
0941名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffbc-E6HK)垢版2018/06/26(火) 02:11:16.62ID:LLljfZxN0
you had better wear long sleeve for protecting ultraviolet lay.
0944名無しさん@英語勉強中 (US 0H1f-lC4z)垢版2018/06/26(火) 07:08:58.93ID:l95i+qs4H
You could just go to Reddit and start posting. And watch a bunch of TV shows.
Speaking is a bit tricky though.
You'll probably need to find some place where people are willing to talk with you. Maybe you could find somebody who's learning Japanese and willing to do be a conversation partner in return for helping them on Japanese.
0945名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffbc-E6HK)垢版2018/06/26(火) 08:22:27.09ID:LLljfZxN0
What a wonderful question! I’ve never heard anything quite like that, I want to know too,although
I have quite a bit of various idea of thinking about.
In short, I think reading books. children's books are particularly good.
It is not simply because it is easy, it stimulates the freedom of childhood memory.
If you read a masterpiece, you can immerse yourself as if you were in the story world.
Then you can absorb words and life energy naturally just like a child absorbs words and the world.
0946名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9fde-+no6)垢版2018/06/26(火) 17:02:27.61ID:ZtuV7O4K0
I have a tiny heart. I think it will disappear completely someday.
0949名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1fc1-N86a)垢版2018/06/26(火) 21:14:07.35ID:clEV2wqg0
Right. Our scrotum gets shrunk when we take a dip in the cold water, but at the same time the semen becomes so lively;
which was why back in junior high I tended to have this boner during my swimming club sessions.
After the practices, it was like my chore jerking it off imagining doing it with one of the female members.
I think when it's cold, we get horny so much harder than usual. So if some of you guys have an erection issue right now, I say you should try that. It totally works.
0955名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1fc1-N86a)垢版2018/06/27(水) 21:41:08.91ID:RWtcTUQD0
I was being serious. But anyway, I think it's one of the anxiety-induced diarrhea like when a person stands at a situation
where he can't have immediate access to the bathroom, it causes stress or anxiety in him which loosens up his anal. It's very common among guys.
You feel stressed because you think the idea of walking into a bathroom in public places is embarrassing and unbearable.
Or maybe you just had a gay sex with your boyfriend with massive cock. I'll go with the second idea.
0958名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4225-PNnE)垢版2018/06/28(木) 00:10:06.48ID:DSE0x9rF0
Why every one of you can't decent English?
Are you all junior high school student?
Today, even elementary student can write better English
Shame on you!
0960名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 95de-H7kE)垢版2018/06/28(木) 05:02:28.55ID:qLmUccqb0
It's a shitty language. It's my native language and I still can't get it perfect.
0966名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ c2a8-PNnE)垢版2018/06/29(金) 16:44:32.76ID:JKJjLTCE0NIKU
Kawashima was great last night.
Don't you think so, folks?
He made a super fine save.
The game itself was a difficult one for Japan, especially the last part..
Many Japanese supporters must have felt uncomfortable.
Hope they will do all they can and prove victorious in the next round.
Or is it rather asking too much, perhaps?
Anyway I want to see them play to their utmost and have no regrets. GO, JAPAN!
0968名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ c2a8-PNnE)垢版2018/06/29(金) 21:56:33.01ID:JKJjLTCE0NIKU
You mean Makino nearly turned in the opponent's cross for an own goal.
Yeah, that was close. A great save by Kawashima.
I meant the one saved by Kawashima just on the goal line, though. That was another fantastic play.
0969名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ a58d-VCRa)垢版2018/06/29(金) 22:16:44.57ID:mMEvMqjI0NIKU
I didn't watch any of the games. That's why they made it to the tornament.
I have this baseless superstition that they will lose if I watch it.
But I'm tempted to watch the next one, and I probably will depending on the time.

I expect total annihilation by Belgium, so that I won't be disappointed when that actually happens (which is highly probable).
And if Japan puts up a good fight, the excitement will be amplified.
0970名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ c2a8-PNnE)垢版2018/06/29(金) 23:07:28.75ID:JKJjLTCE0NIKU
I know how you feel. I mean, that superstition thing.
I tend to believe that, too, when my favorite baseball team loses when I watch their games.

I don't know about football very well, in fact.
So I checked FIFA Ranking to see how strong Belgians are.
Oh my god, they are number three, right?
But then again, mighty Germany couldn't make it.
There's no telling who might win. Fingers crossed for Japan.
0972名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 0224-PurJ)垢版2018/06/30(土) 10:18:00.37ID:2H/66d+80
It must be tough decision to stop attacking and bet on Colombian's win. He had to compare the likelihood of Japan's conceding another goal and Senegal's equalizing match.
He decided that if he had kept attacking it is more likely that Japan would lose another point.
Even in hindsight it was extremely difficult decision. He took the risk and it paid off.
Some people criticize the way but they seem to overlook the most important point: His decision is so difficult that most coaches could not have done the the same thing.
I would like to give him credit no matter what other people say.
0973名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c2a8-PNnE)垢版2018/06/30(土) 12:41:07.81ID:nh7ow5Ap0
Yes, it must have been a very tough decision indeed.
If they had lost the game, they would have been fiercely criticized.
But the coach's strategy worked and they won.
I hear Hasebe said, "The truth lies only in the result."
I admire their determination to win no matter what.
0976名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a58d-VCRa)垢版2018/06/30(土) 15:08:21.81ID:bMcbjc6G0
The problem lies in the fact that soccer (or any other sport) is an entertainment and a display of sportsmanship.
If the World Cup soccer was a war, what they did to advance to the tournament would be a valid (although gambling) strategy.
But since it is not a war but a sport, I think it's only natural that such a strategy would be met with a scornful reaction.

That said, I agree that many of the same people in Japan who are scorning the coach now would have probably bitched just the same if they played normally and ended up with 0-2.
I personally can't really judge it because I didn't watch it. From what I hear, the coach and players themselves think it wasn't an admirable thing to do.
0977名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 46bc-mzC7)垢版2018/06/30(土) 15:20:08.71ID:Y7GpA9er0
A man who did not read all the novels becomes a novel lover who is reading a lot of children's books with English study.
There seems to be such a thing.

From the point of view of reading, I practiced pursuing from the beginning in order, so I think that reading skills were naturally attached efficiently.
So to raise reading skills, I think it is important to read large numbers of easily readable novels such as children's books and YA.

I think there are three kinds of children's books.
1. Funny children's book when children read
2. Funny children's books even if adults read
3. Interesting and fun book whether children read or adult read

I think that it is good to read 2 or 3 for studying English.
0978名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a58d-VCRa)垢版2018/06/30(土) 15:58:16.76ID:bMcbjc6G0
I used to watch a lot of mixed martial arts events and just remembered the so-called "salty matches" (I forgot the English term)
A salty match is where the fighter clinches (hug) a lot or takes the opponent down, holds him there (hump) and do nothing except occaisonally throwing weak punches until the match is over.
Those are horrible matches. People pay money and end up sitting through that ordeal. Sometimes a whole event is full of salty matches.
0982名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 46bc-mzC7)垢版2018/07/01(日) 00:04:53.47ID:5P+1ZJrp0
What? Please speak English.
0991名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a58d-VCRa)垢版2018/07/02(月) 23:04:37.83ID:vFw3793C0
I expect a public execution by Belgium. Prepare for the fate of the Ochimusha Blues.
But AM 3:00 is too late (or too early) and I'm not going to watch it. So maybe they will win with the power of my superstition.
I heard the successor of the fortune-telling octopus has predicted a victory too. I wonder why they shipped the first one before this match.
0995名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 4524-PurJ)垢版2018/07/03(火) 06:09:06.91ID:ztxNozR30
They became defensive after scoring two goals. That's the last thing they should do 'cause keeping attacking is best defense. Honda brought back some momentum but...
But they did a far better job than everybody on this planet had expected.
I congratulate the coach and players.
Especially the coach's tactics to save players in the Colombia's match brought this result. Many players were so fresh that they could chase the ball from the front line. Without that brilliant coach we could not come here.
0999名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 21f3-8/hF)垢版2018/07/03(火) 18:14:16.08ID:DcRN5Zt00
First time using 5ch, what the fuck is this place, and how did Hiro allow it to get so big and slow?
I dont even know where to start trying to practice japanese
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c2a8-PNnE)垢版2018/07/03(火) 19:05:54.75ID:33boLpCs0
Folks, this thread is now ending, so I think I'll try to create a new one.
I've never done that, but I've kept posting comments here quite often lately, so I feel obliged to set up a new one.
I suppose all I need to do is to use >>1 as template, right?
I'm worried if I can do it the right way, but I think I'll give it a try after I've posted this comment. Wish me good luck.
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