英検準1級スレ Part164
0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 5f7f-XRix)
垢版 |
2019/02/16(土) 13:10:02.23ID:JLO16A+b0
0936名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa3a-svTN)
垢版 |
2019/05/04(土) 23:44:46.60ID:WX6TY5ZGa
英ナビにあるWT(Writing Tutor)は無料だけど純粋に文法とかのチェックしてるだけみたい

あとはアイディー | 166円で英文ライティング指導。 | っての見つけた。これは安いのかな
0937名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 275f-31Zm)
垢版 |
2019/05/04(土) 23:53:21.26ID:2m9I9QCo0
0938名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 275f-31Zm)
垢版 |
2019/05/04(土) 23:55:52.56ID:2m9I9QCo0
Is multiculturalism beneficial to society?

Firstly, multiculturalism can help create an environment which is not profitable to Japan as a country.
Some foreigners start illegal businesses such as unlicensed taxi companies and hostels and avoid paying taxes.
This trend may not only undermine Japanese businesses but also even Japanese business standards.
Secondly, public safety may worsen due to different ethical values. The range of ethnicities differs from country to country,
so some foreigners may use Japan as a target of their crimes. For example, several Buddha statues have been stolen
while for most Japanese people stealing is taboo. It is difficult to tighten security and, at the same, find common ground
within a group of people who do not share the same moral values.
Lastly, foreign immigrant workers could become excessive once Japan finds itself in a recession.
The economy has a cycle of prosperity and recession. When the Japanese economy recedes,
Japan may have to maintain an excessive population whom the government would have to financially support.
As a result, it will increase taxes citizens have to pay, or will accumulate more national debt.
0939名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 275f-31Zm)
垢版 |
2019/05/04(土) 23:57:39.43ID:2m9I9QCo0
Is multiculturalism beneficial to society?

Firstly, multiculturalism boosts economic growth through foreign investment and increased job opportunities.
For example, Osaka, the west gate of Japan, is bustling with foreigners nowadays.
An IR is planned to be established on an artificial island by a foreign company,
which could create more local employment.
Secondly, cross-cultural understanding benefits the Japanese. Today, many Japanese people
have to travel oversees for business, and interact with people around the world. If Japan were already multicultural,
it would be very easy for Japanese citizens to adjust to new environments.
Lastly, foreigners in Japan may spread a good reputation about Japan when returning to their home countries.
Foreigners, residents or tourists, who have good impressions, may talk to their friends in their home nations.
Today, thanks to SNS, people’s opinions change so quickly, so a sense of trust can be established
between Japanese people and foreigners without much difficulty.
0941名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa3a-svTN)
垢版 |
2019/05/05(日) 00:12:51.74ID:RDCngPBYa
