0001NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/05/11(土) 00:04:02.47ID:0AaAmomC
0002NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/05/11(土) 02:49:14.63ID:yhMW6I+p
0003NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/05/11(土) 03:05:54.19ID:iU3TR3L2
0004NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/05/11(土) 03:12:52.43ID:u/oNOCHt
0005NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/05/11(土) 04:40:42.52ID:mN0NopON
0007NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/05/13(月) 01:49:54.44ID:JpNB5lwU
0009NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/05/26(日) 01:39:26.16ID:d1fNGF2D
0011NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/08/11(日) 02:19:10.58ID:WucAH6Jg
0013NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/11/25(月) 13:35:20.06ID:zuvA54sy

0014NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2019/11/28(木) 22:30:42.63ID:g1RrhMNl
0015NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2020/03/02(月) 17:23:59.48ID:KJB5Hdo0
0016NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2020/04/16(木) 01:20:46.97ID:rJPe2HH5
0017NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2020/08/30(日) 20:20:51.68ID:52Soi2vy
0019NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2021/01/28(木) 23:17:48.04ID:Ld5Xzl4L
0020NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2021/05/25(火) 08:45:05.09ID:dzZ5W+NM
0021NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2021/06/18(金) 09:53:02.79ID:hp2hNm/l

0022NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2021/07/09(金) 10:06:15.49ID:jmvYxWLW
0023NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2021/11/25(木) 16:43:14.77ID:hAioCZ8y
0025NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2021/12/11(土) 18:17:41.87ID:vT/Smo+x
0026NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2021/12/11(土) 19:00:50.88ID:2Xf/kJ7U
0028NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/05/13(金) 01:14:40.77ID:V1CdOu3e
0030NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/05/27(金) 23:29:41.15ID:oVTt8/Qj
0031NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/05/28(土) 18:59:20.51ID:UBAZ404W
0032NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/06/01(水) 01:02:22.53ID:/xbca7SO
0033NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/12/23(金) 13:10:37.40ID:H5yT/1l/
0035NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/12/23(金) 14:08:29.30ID:G01TtYQP
0036NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/12/23(金) 14:09:18.54ID:mnyA0R1+
0037NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/12/23(金) 14:10:44.93ID:fK5rU9iD
0038NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2022/12/23(金) 14:19:30.06ID:OqfLwmqs
0039NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/01/04(水) 14:55:26.98ID:XkPm8MZw
0040NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/01/07(土) 22:52:00.43ID:ULjymRlf
0041NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/01/11(水) 14:21:06.65ID:cEFrqRCr
0042NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/01/18(水) 20:55:40.74ID:b8Sh+7zU
0043NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/01/24(火) 23:24:51.71ID:3HsgoOdv
0044NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/01/25(水) 00:03:36.05ID:shKwDh6m

落語家もレベル上げれば ちょっとやそっとじゃ叩けないけれど
是が非でもお願いしたい 君の予想 書き込みしてよ

実力(チカラ)もナイ 人気もナイ ナイナイばっかでつまらない
現状はそんなで どうせなら大喜利も おもろいのを見てみたい
気が付いただけだ まるで笑いが取れてない イタいだけの悲劇だよ

落語家もレベル上げれば ちょっとやそっとじゃ叩けないけれど
是が非でもお願いしたい 君の予想 書き込みしてよ

諦めを覚えた胸に 力技いつか見せてくれ
ともすれば重荷な二代 押し潰される明日はいらない
是が非でもお願いしたい このままでは終わらない人よ
落語家のレベル振り切れ きっと復帰を信じてるから
0045NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/02/02(木) 02:16:58.66ID:A82z8LYD
0046NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/02/09(木) 16:47:06.46ID:xutzdfs1
0047NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/02/11(土) 00:45:38.70ID:nsXrwjVp
0048NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/02/13(月) 15:07:05.24ID:ChPzzfXa
0049NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/02/20(月) 22:33:01.94ID:TtbxbfKH
0050NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/07/18(火) 21:10:25.68ID:dt5clOCb
0051NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/08/04(金) 20:29:26.09ID:xyKOeaHf
0052NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/08/07(月) 00:35:48.63ID:fyjoi/8q
0053NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/08/07(月) 00:45:12.27ID:R3CIUp4n
0054NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/08/09(水) 00:05:02.03ID:MPbEl1AJ
0055NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/08/13(日) 18:43:44.83ID:wpp2evWG
0056NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/08/17(木) 16:16:00.66ID:VL575i2A
0057NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2023/08/17(木) 16:44:50.83ID:aepBeiAe
この人のお陰で男はやっぱ顔と巨根だと認識出来たし今は確信してるから感謝してる( *´艸`)
0060NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/03/16(土) 15:43:04.85ID:dnYybiB6
0061NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/03/16(土) 15:48:11.62ID:SC9O92Xr
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
0063NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/03/27(水) 00:25:53.22ID:+UmdjNDW
0064NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/03/30(土) 15:30:51.73ID:HHhQcIwn
0065NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/03/30(土) 17:04:56.63ID:iazdGSOF
0066NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/01(月) 12:46:44.85ID:lcWJ+GKM
0067NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/01(月) 16:26:42.95ID:lcWJ+GKM
0068NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/02(火) 19:51:42.83ID:kYfOupT6
0069NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/03(水) 15:32:05.23ID:1QGKUsZV
0070NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/05(金) 01:08:59.45ID:I+8VbFtX
0071NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/05(金) 23:20:39.87ID:b4DugMv2
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on9
0072NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/06(土) 17:08:56.83ID:f1f/B9o4
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onq
0073NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/07(日) 17:59:51.07ID:EcZcJXLT
0074NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/07(日) 20:16:50.29ID:faSFWnqP
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on3333
0075NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/08(月) 19:37:48.83ID:FcFb43b5
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary ona,,
0076NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/09(火) 14:17:36.82ID:xUoJhBFy
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on
0077NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/09(火) 16:14:57.65ID:xUoJhBFy
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary oncc
0078NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/10(水) 15:50:14.65ID:NEYDBKuJ
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary ong
0079NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/10(水) 15:54:15.45ID:9qQEN58V
0080NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/11(木) 16:41:26.96ID:JgKj3paU
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on
0081NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/12(金) 13:58:49.92ID:WUp6EzCF
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onz
0082NO MUSIC NO NAME垢版2024/04/12(金) 15:31:33.72ID:uuVcrKwY
