■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0003名無しオンライン垢版2018/10/25(木) 21:19:20.77ID:5RJUdL0k
0012名無しオンライン垢版2018/10/25(木) 22:01:30.21ID:zPanCra7
oh shit monja
0013名無しオンライン垢版2018/10/25(木) 22:04:15.01ID:GJ8L5NID
0015名無しオンライン垢版2018/10/25(木) 22:28:21.15ID:HewGGLjE
"N! Kimura! It's born!!"

"Kimura!"? How is it
"... It's useless. This time,", I train,""
"......... Make?"

Sakai who harbored a child many times to take it out with how many times during not having that?
But Sakai repeated miscarriage by the surplus human bullet sexual intercourse for which a mother's body isn't consoled.
Fetus's organ, muscle and bone by which 25cm gun in Kimura became dispersive by the impact which crashed into Sakai's womb.
It's wrapped in blood and lymph fluid, and I have flowed from an anus.
That in which the crushed human body organization is intermingled readily," rather than a person", just like", I train," I came.

Sakai who has finished the 14th time of miscarriage, slowly", I train," of it's scraped
It's being scooped by both hands and it's being put in a bucket which matches the side.
And a bucket was tilted on the heated iron plate.
The fragrant smell which" is a bucket gate" gathers.

"It's eating, Kimura"

Mourning and Sakai who extends chopsticks to" my child who will have" after joining the palms together which serves both"".
Kimura says to the form that Sakai who lost his senses is pitiful that erection wasn't settled.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
