Lots of turnover among Top 10 catching prospects
The Top 10 (ETA)
1. Joey Bart, Giants (2021)
2. Francisco Mejia, Padres (2019)
3. Keibert Ruiz, Dodgers (2020)
4. Sean Murphy, A's (2019)
5. Danny Jansen, Blue Jays (2019)
6. Ronaldo Hernandez, Rays (2021)
7. Miguel Amaya, Cubs (2021)
8. Daulton Varsho, D-backs (2020)
9. M.J. Melendez, Royals (2021)
10. Andrew Knizner, Cardinals (2019)
Top tools
Hit: Mejia (60)
Power: Bart (60)
Run: Varsho (55)
Arm: Mejia, Murphy (70)
Field: Murphy (65)