滅びる寸前まで能面顔の北方アジア人と混血してたネアンちゃん( ノД`)


↓の動画の「20:10頃」参照  あ、なんかこの動画字幕ついてないから俺が書き起こしといてやったぞw 


"Genetic analysis indicates that there are at least three distinctive geographical groups.
Western Europe, the Mediterranean coast, and East of the Caucasus.
There 3 populations differed anatomically, southern Neanderthals exhibited regional anatomical differences from that of northern counterparts.
A less protrusive jaws, a shorter gap behind the molars, and vertically higher jawbones.
Neanderthals living West of the Altai mountains also had their differences.
This suggests Neanderthal communities regularly interacted with neighboring communities within their regions but often not far beyond.
Nontheless, so for long periods of time, there is evidence of large scale cross-continental migration.
Early specimen from Mezmaiskaya cave and Caucasus and Denisova cave and Siberian Altai mountains differ genetically from those found in the Western Europe.
Whereas later specimens from these caves both have genetic profiles more similar to Western Europe Neanderthals.
Similarly, artefacts and DNA form other caves also in the Altai Mountains, resemble those of Eastern European sites about 4000 km or 2500 miles away.
This suggests two distinctive migration events into Siberia."