Clean Warm — Based on an American classic.
This voicing does a great impression of a Deluxe or a Twin, depending on power tube choice.
Clean Bright — As above, but with a chimier top end and sparklier overtones.
Paired with a long hall reverb, this one's perfect for “Sleep Walk” slide work and “Shine On” chordal cleans.
Crunch — A broken-up British combo with raw high-watt heat.
We liked this one best with EL84s. Dial back the gain for a touch of dirt, or crank up for sticky, syrupy sustain.
Super Crunch — Based on a consummate British favorite.
Think Super Lead to JCM territory.
OD 1 — An all-controls-at-11 “brown” voicing.
6L6s and EL34s bring out the mids of the OD1 voicing in the best way.
OD 2 — 5150 territory.
Throw out the gain knob for this one. This channel gives you a great front end for modern hard rock and metal.