誠のサイキック青年団UPスレ12 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
垢版 |
2015/07/29(水) 17:02:56.05ID:o7fqkqzk0



誠のサイキック青年団UPスレ11 [転載禁止](c)2ch.net(dat落ちでレス74まで)
垢版 |
2015/07/29(水) 17:04:26.19ID:o7fqkqzk0
火 ttp://www.mediafire.com/
ぷ! ttp://home.puny.jp/
in! ttp://up.karinto.in/

?******** このような?付きのDLキーは
ttp://www.mediafire.com/ ←この後に貼ってDLページに移動する

垢版 |
2015/07/29(水) 17:13:52.14ID:o7fqkqzk0


アップローダ リンク集



mediafireからダウンロードしたファイル名が化けている場合、Orbit downloaderを使う

マカーの人があげたファイル名が化けている場合、Archive Decoderを使う

垢版 |
2015/07/29(水) 17:30:05.98ID:o7fqkqzk0


他にも色々なソフトがある。 自分が実際に使ってみて「イイ!!」と思うものを使おう。

一例だが、AMは22〜44kHzで16bit ステレオかモノラルかは好きな方。



AMラジオスレで需要のある推奨設定  32kbpsモノラル 48kbpsモノラル

  _    _            ∧,,∧
 |\ \_|\ \          (´・ω・)
 |  |. ̄|\| ̄|          .(__つ/ ̄ ̄/
. \|.◎| ̄|◎|━―――――━\/__/
  @ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ A          B  C
  ラジオ      オーディオケーブル   PC 録音ソフト
垢版 |
2015/07/29(水) 17:42:07.46ID:o7fqkqzk0
    ( ´∀`)
    /,   つ
垢版 |
2015/07/31(金) 21:33:29.10ID:vQZRZz4M0
10年前(アンテナ工事中 ネット配信)

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2015/08/07(金) 21:36:15.72ID:Gn6B0b9Q0
10年前(アンテナ工事中 ネット配信 サイキック外伝付き)

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2015/08/14(金) 22:02:40.34ID:qXlWuOlD0
10年前(アンテナ工事中 ネット配信)

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2015/08/21(金) 21:25:19.03ID:BPs40h6t0
10年前(アンテナ工事中 ネット配信)

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2015/08/28(金) 21:36:29.35ID:6Nka5pQC0
10年前(アンテナ工事中 ネット配信)

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2015/09/05(土) 01:01:50.13ID:3pGmmqAE0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/09/11(金) 23:46:32.48ID:pASPjZwo0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/09/19(土) 01:06:38.82ID:tSbxttwo0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/09/25(金) 22:09:20.79ID:UBWnKpwK0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/10/02(金) 23:22:13.72ID:6B8+2UNY0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/10/09(金) 11:10:33.77ID:Lm/txIjV0
垢版 |
2015/10/10(土) 02:32:13.29ID:U5jlF0aw0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/10/15(木) 21:03:40.54ID:lNzhHJpA0
垢版 |
2015/10/16(金) 21:46:42.28ID:FYbKvsPN0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/10/23(金) 21:54:40.40ID:5R7meb5V0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/10/24(土) 01:17:17.50ID:SzPUNxtL0
垢版 |
2015/10/30(金) 21:03:58.00ID:j5LDSHmF0
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/11/06(金) 21:46:13.02ID:Ju/PgkS20

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2015/11/13(金) 22:36:30.33ID:mB/pO1FI
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/11/20(金) 23:54:22.42ID:5xZZ9yzG
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/11/27(金) 21:38:33.95ID:T0SFc4ey

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2015/12/04(金) 22:47:04.32ID:tqJfUjRx
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/12/11(金) 23:18:24.29ID:meUpW6XT
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2015/12/18(金) 23:44:23.64ID:4v0ZQ4yq

垢版 |
2015/12/25(金) 21:43:14.99ID:7tEoCdOs

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2016/01/01(金) 21:19:08.40ID:7jOGMHfD

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2016/01/08(金) 22:43:36.64ID:kZV0ay+c
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2016/01/15(金) 23:51:55.83ID:SPrtTeSG
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2016/01/22(金) 21:49:40.55ID:eohSvz77

2002年05月19日 お願います
垢版 |
2016/01/24(日) 12:56:38.65ID:X3YKuZ5H
垢版 |
2016/01/29(金) 21:35:56.75ID:BjQXgxhf
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2016/02/05(金) 21:25:04.54ID:fwT8clLc

2002年04月28日 お願います
垢版 |
2016/02/13(土) 22:18:23.01ID:2lDEagwv
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2016/02/19(金) 23:05:38.62ID:Ja/4w653

2002年04月28日 お願います
垢版 |
2016/02/27(土) 00:31:11.29ID:YdUfkvag
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2016/03/05(土) 23:54:33.67ID:MvGhdT0Z

2002年04月28日 お願います
垢版 |
2016/03/13(日) 03:40:49.01ID:uli8j6S3
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2016/03/20(日) 14:36:08.92ID:hU1U+FZM
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
     | 答 |       保     守        │|
垢版 |
2016/03/27(日) 18:54:00.43ID:HUrIT5/B
  ___                             ム  i
 「 ヒ_i〉                            ゝ 〈
 ト ノ                           iニ(()
 i  {              ____           |  ヽ
 i  i           /__,  , ‐-\           i   }
 |   i         /(●)   ( ● )\       {、  λ
 ト−┤.      /    (__人__)    \    ,ノ  ̄ ,!
 i   ゝ、_     |     ´ ̄`       | ,. '´ハ   ,!
. ヽ、    `` 、,__\              /" \  ヽ/
   \ノ ノ   ハ ̄r/:::r―--―/::7   ノ    /
       ヽ.      ヽ::〈; . '::. :' |::/   /   ,. "
        `ー 、    \ヽ::. ;:::|/     r'"
     / ̄二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二ヽ
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2016/04/02(土) 21:47:47.30ID:mA9HvuKh
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2016/04/10(日) 00:19:29.40ID:v8l9AS2/
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2016/04/18(月) 01:03:30.78ID:n7YoQ5AI
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2016/04/23(土) 21:42:45.07ID:zDV0ScUj

2002年04月28日 お願います
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2016/05/08(日) 00:32:24.17ID:ap9UxcI+
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2016/05/14(土) 22:28:41.60ID:P2wI6125
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2016/05/22(日) 02:05:09.21ID:qPqICcYP
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2016/05/29(日) 01:14:12.25ID:ZvDWCB8P
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2016/06/04(土) 20:57:49.22ID:OugZlTpX

2002年04月28日 お願います
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2016/06/11(土) 23:48:35.18ID:PW1ChN0D
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2016/06/26(日) 02:21:53.44ID:gTir4T9y
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2016/07/09(土) 00:51:17.88ID:98sx3VCA
Virtual Reality.
It seems like this term is all the rage these days.
Every other week there's a new device or company announced in the VR space.
From high end head mounted displays such as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive
Samsung's GearVR mobile device headset attachment
to the basic and portable Google Cardboard.
VR is
and will be experienced at all ranges of budget and portability.
Goggle Tech is targeting the budget end of that scale.
Making use of Google's Cardboard specifications
the Go4D C1-Glass comes ready to be configured on your Android device.
Unlike Cardboard
which is bulky and not easy to carry around
C1-Glass has been designed with portability in mind.
HardwareThe goggles comes packaged in a small 150 x 80 x 35 mm black case
similar in size to a case for standard glasses.
The C1-Glass itself resembles a pair of plastic sunglasses made for a child.
The plastic used for the goggles is very flexible and light.
They weigh approximately 100g and measure 120 x 60 x 20 mm
and they fold up fairly flat.Despite the light
flexible feel
the lenses were mounted on sliders and adjustable by three different increments
ranging from 50 to 70 mm IPD.
After adjusting them into place
I'd be hesitant to move them regularly
as over time the notches that hold the lenses in position may wear out.
They do not seem very robust.
Field of view is in line with other Google Cardboard products
with a 90-degree viewing range.
(For comparison
the Oculus Rift has a 110-degree field of view.) Goggle Tech suggested that a device with a 2560 x 1440 resolution is optimal
but the C1-Glass is compatible with most smartphones with screens between 4 and 6 inches.
The design is quite clever.
Hooking the phone into the goggles is as easy as you would expect
and once in place
that handset felt rather secure.
The flexible material has significant spring
resulting in a reasonably sturdy grip.
The prongs that hold the phone
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2016/07/09(土) 00:51:26.00ID:98sx3VCA
It should be an exciting time for Microsoft.
It's pushing customers into a new era
setting aside the typical desktop and focusing on a touch-oriented interface.
It's ruffling the feathers of paying customers
analysts and critics alike
changing the way they compute on a daily basis.But the Windows overhaul ? the first since Windows 95 ? is a necessary risk if Microsoft wants to compete in a touch-based world.
Windows was once a powerhouse for Microsoft when the PC platform dominated personal computing.
smartphones and tablets
led by the iPhone and iPad
have changed the way people work.
Daddy Desktop
or rather Microsoft founder Bill Gates
is just as excited.
He admitted that he's already using the modern Windows revision
and is very pleased thus far.
Naturally Gates is going to say something of that nature -- anything else would simply be bad business."Hardware partners are doing great things to take advantage of the features," Gates told The Associated Press in an interview.
"It'll be a big deal
a very exciting product."Recently Steve Ballmer said in an interview that 2012 will be Microsoft's "epic year," comparing the release of Windows 8 to the introduction of the first PC."Windows 95 was certainly the biggest thing in the last 20 years until now," he said.
"I think Windows 8 certainly surpasses it.
It's a little hard to compare things like the founding (of the company) and the introduction of the first popular PC and the system that popularized it
but it's at that scale." Ballmer was then asked about what he's going to do if Windows 8 doesn't catch on.
He responded by saying the platform will do great
dismissing any doubts.
"I'm not paid to have doubts," he mused.
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2016/07/09(土) 00:51:34.89ID:98sx3VCA
Earlier this week
Samsung announced that it was bringing its own 55-inch curved OLED
the KN55S9
to European shoppers.
The company on Tuesday revealed European pricing for its massive curved TV and said that the TV would go on sale in the UK
Switzerland and the Netherlands starting today.
? According to Tech Radar
those in the UK with the money (and desire) for this TV will have to wait a bit longer.
According to TR
the TV will be arriving at "specialist retailers" on September 5
which is almost a week and a half away.
Samsung's curved OLED TV was first launched in Korea in June of this year.
The TV has yet to make it to the states
though previous reports suggest it won't be too long.
Back when LG's OLED TV hit in July
Value Electronics owner Robert Zohn told CNET that shipments of Samsung's panel were on the way.
Zohn said that he believed he'd be the first retailer to sell the Samsung Curved OLED TV
the KN55S9
in the United States.
The KN55S9 packs 4 x HDMI
2 x USB
1 x LAN
2 x component
1 x composite
Samsung's SmartTV 2.0
a 1980x1080p resolution
and a quad-core CPU.
We'll keep you posted on local pricing for the United Kingdom.Follow Jane McEntegart @JaneMcEntegart.?Follow us?@tomshardware
on?Facebook?and on?Google .
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2016/07/09(土) 00:51:43.90ID:98sx3VCA
Amazon users can now better protect their accounts with the added option of two-step verification.
The second-factor code will come from software tokens or SMS tokens and will be required every time you sign in from a new "device," which can be another computer
or even another browser.Lately
there has been increased interest in two-step verification solutions for websites
after some highly publicized data breaches that could have been protected by such a security solution.
Google has been one of the first companies to implement two-step verification for its accounts
but it wasn't until the iCloud account hacking that more people awakened to the need to enable this option for all of the important services they use.
government agencies have also been criticized during security audits that they aren't using two-step verification solutions
which could have minimized the damage in data breaches such as in OPM's case.The easiest way to use two-step verification is through SMS
which should provide a relatively strong extra layer of security in case a user's password is stolen or bruteforced.
it's well known that wireless carriers use security technologies that are either too old or broken (on purpose) for law enforcement's benefit
which means they are also highly vulnerable to more sophisticated attackers.
SMS-based second factor authentication is likely not too secure against targeted attacks.Amazon offers the option to use a software token
through apps such as Google Authenticator or Authy.
These apps create random six digit codes
which are tied to your Amazon account.
The security codes are generated locally on the device.
and more recently Google
are allowing users to fall back to SMS-based verification if the app-based verification fails for whatever reason.
This is done for convenience purposes
but ultimately it just means the security of t
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2016/07/09(土) 00:51:53.93ID:98sx3VCA
Earlier this week
reports emerged that the Origin-based DRM used in Electronic Arts’ just-released Battlefield Hardline will monitor hardware changes in addition to keeping tabs on how many PCs can play host to the game.
Battlefield Hardline apparently allows only five hardware changes per account before the game's activation becomes invalid.
Once those are used up
the game won't load for 24 hours per activation."We're sorry
an error has occurred," Battlefield Hardline's warning said.
"Too many computers have accessed this account's version of Battlefield Hardline recently.
Please try again later."Guru3D was the first to complain
stating that testing a "handful" of graphics cards with the game led to the error message.
Based on the report
it appears that the warning can be triggered if users swap out components on their machines
such as graphics cards
CPUs or motherboards.
An error popping up after a new motherboard installed is perhaps understandable
but locking users out after installing new CPUs or graphics cards seems a bit heavy handed.
Curious as to what's going on
we reached out to Electronic Arts for an answer."Origin authentication allows players to install a game on up to five different PCs every 24 hours," an EA representative told Tom's Hardware.
"Players looking to benchmark more than five hardware configurations in one 24 hour period can contact our Customer Support team who can help."Note the word "configuration." Origin seems to be keeping track of the hardware used on machines with Battlefield Hardline installed.
Also note that the EA representative put the blame on the Origin platform
not an invasive software DRM.What's curious here is that Origin will allow installations on five different configurations.
that should be plenty for all Battlefield Hardline players.
this limit makes us wonder if EA is having a hard time with customers sharing their Origin
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2016/07/09(土) 00:52:02.93ID:98sx3VCA
PNY GeForce GTX 660Ti 2GB GDDR5 Video Card with Assassin's Creed III (PC) for $219.99 with free shipping (normally $289.99 - use $20 coupon code LC28T7HK4N?7T7 ) and $50 mail-in rebate form).?Two (2) Dell UltraSharp U2412M 1920 x 1200 LED-backlit IPS Monitors with Dual-monitor
U-shaped stand for $594.99 with free shipping (normally $699.99 - use coupon code 6DBNK$ZJLR$L4J ).http://dl.tv/z3Linksys E2500 Simultaneous Dual-Band Wireless-N Router (Refurbished) w/90-day warranty for $33.24 with free shipping (normally $59.99 - use coupon code HSDISH5 ).17.3" Toshiba Qosmio X870-BT3G23 Core i7 Quad-core Gaming Laptop w/8GB RAM
750GB Hard Drive
3GB GeForce GTX 670M
Backlit Keyboard
垢版 |
2016/07/09(土) 00:52:11.92ID:98sx3VCA
Shopping around for a convertible laptop? Fujitsu could have what you're looking for: the Lifebook TH90/P.
This notebook has a special "Shift Hinge" that allows the user to position the notebook's screen in four ways: Theater for watching movies
Presentation for sharing content
Tablet for pen input and classic Laptop.
The device launches later this month for an unknown price."It has been designed to instantly adapt to the best mode for any use without being limited by its shape.
With support for styluses that can detect 1,024 gradations of pressure sensitivity
users can jot down memos or make sketches with the feeling of writing on paper," reads the company's press release.The company didn't provide a full list of specs
but reports that the notebook features a durable chassis with an "ultra-compressed
solid core" and machined aluminum construction.
The notebook also has an IGZO panel with a 2560 x 1440 resolution that's protected by a high-strength Dragontrail display
which can handle bumps and scratches.In addition to the screen
the new convertible laptop packs a fourth-generation Intel Core i5-4200U processor
a 500 GB hybrid drive
and a "long running" 12.5 hour battery.
that's it in regards to the hardware details.
We expect to see more information arrive before the laptop ships later this month.The company also updated two additional laptops late last month.
The Lifebook AH42/M is now offered with an Intel Haswell processor
the Pentium 3558U
whereas the Esprimo FH52/M comes equipped with Microsoft Office Home and Business.Fujitsu has also launched Personal Computer Norikae Cloud Service in Japan.
This new service aims to make it easy to migrate a customer's data and settings from an old computer
such as one running Windows XP
to a new one by way of My Cloud Library.
Customers signing up by the end of April 2014 will receive up to two months of My Cloud Library's 100 GB p
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2016/07/09(土) 00:52:20.02ID:98sx3VCA
Google announced on Monday that it is currently working with Verizon Wireless
T-Mobile USA and AT
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2016/07/09(土) 00:52:26.91ID:98sx3VCA
Zalman is a company we associate with coolers
cases and PSUs.
the company has been dabbling in the peripherals business for a while now
and the company this week announced a handful of new gaming mice and mousepads to add to its line of PC accessories.First up is the ZM-GM1 gaming mouse featuring an Avago 9500 LaserStream optical sensor and a 6,000 dpi resolution.
The ZM-GM1 features seven buttons in total
including buttons specifically for switching up the resolution.
The mouse itself is for right-handed users and features blue LED lighting and a black and grey color scheme.
It weighs 85g
has a 1.8m cable
and measures in at 125mm x 84mm x 38mm.
?? Zalman also introduced the ZM-M400 and the ZM-M250
both of which feature a maximum dpi of 1,600.
The ZM-M400 has four buttons
while the ZM-250 features six.
The ZM-M400 weighs in at 129g and is the heaviest of all three.
It measures 112mm x 82mm by 40mm.
The ZM-M250 is the lightest of all three mice introduces today
weighing in at 81g.
It measures 119mm x 64mm x 34mm.
? All three mice will be released on February 1 in Japan
along with a pair of mouse mats that Zalman also revealed today.
No word on pricing or availability for North America
but we'll keep you posted.Contact Us for News Tips
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2016/07/09(土) 00:52:34.04ID:98sx3VCA
During Lenovo's first fiscal quarter 2013 earnings call on Thursday
CEO Yang Yuanqing waved off Microsoft's own entry into the tablet sector with the Windows 8-based Surface.
In response to an analyst's question
he admitted that Lenovo wasn't thrilled about Microsoft producing its own hardware
but in the end
the Redmond company just becomes one more competitor on the list."[They're] just one of our many competitors.
We are still confident that we are providing much better hardware than our competitors including Microsoft," he said.
Microsoft reportedly didn't tell its partners about the Surface tablets until just hours before the public reveal.
Since then
Acer has seemingly been the only OEM highly vocal about the tablets
saying that Microsoft is making a mistake and that Surface will hurt its partners.
HP has seemingly shrugged off Microsoft's efforts
and now Lenovo is doing the same."They are strong in software
but [we] don't believe they can provide the best hardware in the world.
Lenovo can," Lenovo's CEO said.
"To be frank
we're not that worried about [Surface].
Microsoft is still our strategy partner.
We are very optimistic on the Windows 8 launch so we will fully leverage that to launch our new products."Earlier this week
ABC News said that Lenovo is gearing up to launch both Intel and ARM-based Windows 8/RT versions of the convertible IdeaPad Yoga later this year.
The Intel model will feature the Core family of processors
up to 8 GB of RAM
up to 256 GB SSD
and a 13.3-inch screen.
It will have an estimated price of $1,199 -- so far there's no word on the specs and price of Lenovo's ARM-based version.Microsoft confirmed four Windows RT OEMs earlier this week
naming Asus
Lenovo and Samsung.
However Toshiba said it has pulled out of the Windows RT race for now due to problems acquiring the necessary components for a "timely" launch.
"For the time being
Toshiba will focus on brin
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2016/07/09(土) 00:52:48.93ID:98sx3VCA
Season two of Elite: Dangerous is finally underway.
After the initial announcement at Gamescom and the subsequent months of hype surrounding the game’s next expansion
Horizons is finally available to all.The expansion comes exactly one year after the base game launched on PC.
Over the course of a year
various features were added
such as community goals
a wing group
the Powerplay factions
and competitive CQC (close quarters combat).
With Horizons
the first of many features is already available -- planetary landings -- with more to come in the next few months
such as looting and crafting
multi-crew ships
character customization and ship-launched fighters.
Elite: Dangerous Horizons Launch Trailer However
the expansion’s release also coincided with the addition of one more feature
for those still playing the basic Elite: Dangerous version
called Ships.
Frontier Developments stated that the biggest change
as evidenced by the update’s name
is the addition of new vessels.
Elite: Dangerous initially had 25 ships available
but the new update brings in five new vehicles
including the massive Imperial Cutter.
The update also includes a variety of new mission variants.
These include runs with multiple stages and the ability to take on missions while flying in space.
New scenarios were also added to keep the spacefaring experience interesting
such as escorting a VIP
answering distress calls
and performing search and rescue operations.If you own Elite: Dangerous
the Ships update is a free addition to the game.
you will have to buy Horizons for $59.99.
the expansion runs only on a 64-bit client
so you might need to upgrade to a 64-bit OS if you want to play with the expansion in the future.______________________________________________________________________Rexly Penaflorida II is a Contributor at Tom’s Hardware.
He writes news on tech and hardware
but mostly focuses on
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2016/07/09(土) 00:52:57.93ID:98sx3VCA
Google announced the launch of a new credit card aimed at small businesses in the United Kingdom.
The idea is to help out small business owners who might be struggling with the ebb and flow of seasonal business or similar issues by providing some extra credit that allows for a little bit of wiggle room.
Of course
the catch is that this card doesn't allow you to buy just anything.
Google is hoping to take the pressure off of local businesses by providing them with a card to pay for Google AdWords.Google explains that the AdWords Business Credit project was piloted in the US last summer to make it easier for small businesses to track their spending and pay for their AdWords campaigns.
With 74 percent of respondents to the pilot now using AdWords Business Credit as their primary form of AdWords payment
Google has decided to bring the program to the UK.Google is teaming up with Barclaycard for the UK program
which will pack a variable 11.9 percent APR.
When the search giant extends additional invites to U.S.
SMBs later this month
it'll be through Comenity Capital Bank with APRs ranging from between 8.99 percent to 18.99 percent (depending on your credit).
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2016/07/09(土) 00:53:05.93ID:98sx3VCA
Another new product from Genius is the ECO-u821
a compact 8000 mAh portable PowerBank for multiple smart devices.
This gadget is extremely handy for situations like CES 2014 where you're walking around taking pictures
texting messages and making calls
and there just isn't enough battery juice for one full day.What's great about this peripheral is that it can charge two devices at the same time
and is compatible with nearly every 5V Micro USB device on the market
making it a great recharging solution for most smartphones
media players
game devices
e-readers and so on.
The ECO-u821 also features a built-in USB output cable so that the only cable you need to worry about is the one for the second device.Specs show that the ECO-u821 is rather lightweight
weighing only 0.47 pounds.
This should make the recharger easy to stick in a back pocket or purse for on-the-go charging.Check out all of our CES 2014 coverage!
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2016/07/09(土) 00:53:14.94ID:98sx3VCA
When AMD announced the Mantle API
it shook up the graphics industry because developers realized that they could have a low-level
low-overhead API.
About a year ago
the Khronos group (the same group that made OpenGL) announced that it would be working on its own such graphics API
called Vulkan.
Fast-forward a year
and exactly one month ago the Khronos group finally announced version 1.0.
Since that day
a few developments have taken place
but nothing major just quite yet.
The idea was that on the day itself
vendors would have their drivers ready
the API would be available (in more than just a PDF spec)
and developers from various parties could get straight to work implementing Vulkan in whichever project they wanted to.
That did happen
but not entirely according to plan.One week after the announcement
Nvidia sent out an update to Shield Android TV that included Vulkan Support.
Following that
it took another two weeks for Nvidia to announce the desktop driver version 364.47.
that driver appeared to cause system instabilities among its users
so two days later it was pulled
now the 364.51 version of the driver appears to be clean.
And it's available right now with WHQL certification.On March 10
AMD posted its Crimson Edition 16.3 software
also with Vulkan support.Two days ago
Kishonti added Vulkan support to its GFXBench 5.0 (together with VR benchmarks)
and Imagination showed off the Sunset Vista demo that is based on the Vulkan API.
that teaser was followed up with the PowerVR V4.1 graphics SDK announcement.In the meantime
Intel also outed a beta driver for Intel HD graphics with Vulkan support.So
although we’re in the middle of GDC
we haven’t seen any games with Vulkan support.
On the day that the Vulkan API was announced
you could download a version of the Talos Principle that included a Vulkan backend
but that was it.Various game developers have already
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2016/07/10(日) 10:46:05.33ID:VdQiopKk
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2016/07/23(土) 23:11:35.44ID:5KGCEveL

2002年04月28日 お願います
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2016/08/07(日) 12:01:36.32ID:UV8E3Qw9
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     | 答 |       保     守        │|
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2016/08/13(土) 22:33:51.10ID:8k1G7nf+

2002年04月28日 お願います
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2016/08/15(月) 09:06:29.21ID:r3/F9YBO
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