Anonymous from 4chan
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垢版 |
2013/11/06(水) 08:16:02.45
Ohayo 2ch

I'm Anonymous from 4chan and I've been "lurking" there since 2008.
I was curious about 2ch and it's culture, I always wondered what are
the differences between 2ch and 4chan users. In this thred, please ask
me anything you want to know about 4chan and please also write
something about 2ch. Arigato.
0002三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
垢版 |
2013/11/06(水) 08:33:58.82
I've once visited 4ch and found it very troublesome to read.
You know, past threads are easily be buried under new threads.

Here, you post to a thread, then which rises up to the top.

Besides, there are special browzers for 2ch and easy to find new posts.
I wonder if there is something similar for 4ch?
垢版 |
2013/11/06(水) 08:43:53.22
What ethnicity are you?
垢版 |
2013/11/06(水) 08:44:02.60
Each new post in a 4chan's thread rises it on top of the first page (so called "bump").
Usually there's some number of pages. The 0 page has the most recent threads.
Different boards, like /b/ - random and /sci/ - science can be "fast" or "slow".
Slow board is when there aren't many people posting, so the first page doesn't
change that often (/sci/ is slow). Fast boards have many people posting all the time
and whenever you refresh the first page, there are different threads (/b/ is fast).
There's is a "catalog", when you click on it, it shows you all the threads on particular
board, making it easier to find one you're interested int.

"Here, you post to a thread, then which rises up to the top. "
That's exactly the same as on 4chan, unless someone uses "sage" in the email field.
It doesn't "bum" - rise on top by this post.

"Besides, there are special browzers for 2ch and easy to find new posts.
I wonder if there is something similar for 4ch?"
There aren't special browsers, but there are special plugins for browsers.
I don't use them, but I think one of them is named 4chanX.
垢版 |
2013/11/06(水) 08:45:47.98
I'm from Poland, country located in the central Europe, neighboring with Germany on
the left side and Russia on the right side.
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