Each new post in a 4chan's thread rises it on top of the first page (so called "bump").
Usually there's some number of pages. The 0 page has the most recent threads.
Different boards, like /b/ - random and /sci/ - science can be "fast" or "slow".
Slow board is when there aren't many people posting, so the first page doesn't
change that often (/sci/ is slow). Fast boards have many people posting all the time
and whenever you refresh the first page, there are different threads (/b/ is fast).
There's is a "catalog", when you click on it, it shows you all the threads on particular
board, making it easier to find one you're interested int.

"Here, you post to a thread, then which rises up to the top. "
That's exactly the same as on 4chan, unless someone uses "sage" in the email field.
It doesn't "bum" - rise on top by this post.

"Besides, there are special browzers for 2ch and easy to find new posts.
I wonder if there is something similar for 4ch?"
There aren't special browsers, but there are special plugins for browsers.
I don't use them, but I think one of them is named 4chanX.