
The effect of restless confusion is increased by our long failure to require any uniformity in
skyline. The skyline jumps and down restlessly. What is the remedy? It is not to be found in
any increase of the control that can be exercised over elevations. There is power in local
authorities to control them now. The difficulty is not in the powers themselves. It is rather
that they are not exercised; and the reason why they are not exercised are not far to seek.
There are two chief reasons. First, the local authorities do not exercise these powers, because
if they did impose conditions on elevations it might damnify the owners and compensation
must then be paid, which would come on the rates. Secondly, were a local authority to
prescribe a style for elevations it must know what to prescribe, and it does not know.
There is no style which it can prescribe which has much chance of being accepted with
any measure of agreement. ["Town Life" by L. Kennet]
