以下は"The Survivor"(Terrence Des Pres)の一部で、便宜上、(1)〜(4)に分けて

At its worst the prospect includes nuclear wipe-out, ecological collapse,
the either/or of totalitarianism and chaos?catastrophe, that is, different
in extent and consequence from the kind of local event which might destroy
a community or a nation, but which leaves the rest of us untouched.
Our present concern is with anti-life and anti-human conditions of
universal reach; disaster of such magnitude that, once imminent,
only the concerted effort of great governments could divert or cope with it.
But history proves, if nothing else, that power is devoid of imagination,
a dehumanizing apparatus in its own right, and that its exercise only
increases the kind of possibility we fear.
Indeed, to think of those who rule our larger fate, men at home in the
Pentagon and the Kremlin, is to invite despair; and out of what can only
be life's own stubbornness, the figure of the survivor begins to emerge
as a practical image of the self, as the prospective carrier of life and hope
should catastrophe explode our human world, a type of moral identity
commensurate with the dark ages now forecast.