シン・ゴジラで学ぶ英会話 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
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0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9333-RVYB)
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2017/08/18(金) 05:45:08.06ID:7P1DrGHl0

Akasaka: Yaguchi, from here on out, Gojira comes under US-led U.N jurisdiction. Post-war Japan is a tributary state.

Yaguchi: Post-war extends forever, huh? This is a bad choice.

Akasaka: "No matter how enormous Gojira is, I doubt it can withstand the million-degree heat of a nuke. As a method of extermination, it's our only viable option right now.

Yaguchi: My team and I are on the verge of a breakthrough, with our freezing method.
0076名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/26(土) 21:49:50.50ID:JF7p5nHD0
make a decision「決定する」
pull off O, pull O off「O(困難なこと)をやり遂げる」(Oが代名詞の場合はpull this offの語順になる)
You'll make a great leader. make C「C(ある職業など)になる、Cに向いている」
0077名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sx6d-Or7A)
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2017/08/26(土) 22:02:30.23ID:1xfTqqf7x


0078sage (ワッチョイ 1ddf-1tuD)
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2017/08/27(日) 03:49:33.69ID:ob7aP9DC0
Giant unidentified life formか・・・
するとこの戦いはGULF Warと呼ばれる事になるのか
0081名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/27(日) 09:30:56.55ID:3M9IVCuE0
矢口; I'm so happy to see you all. Over half our team has returned to duty. Thank you. Our hearts are broken over all those we've lost. Let's do this for them. Honor their sacrifice. We're all hurting.
But I assure you... that together, we can and will prevail! For our country's sake. I ask you. Please pour your hearts and souls into completing our work. I beg you!

森: Well, let's get to it!

一同: Yes, sir!

0082名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/27(日) 10:54:25.86ID:3M9IVCuE0
安田: After cross-referencing the field data with Tsukuba's, I believe we've discovered how Gojira plans to propagate. I'm sure of it. Rise(?)-abilities like these could rapidly colonize the entire world.
「現場のデータと筑波のデータを相互参照した結果、ゴジラがどのように繁殖する気か判明したと思われます。自信を持って言えます。こういった類の増殖(?)能力は世界中での急速な群生化を可能にします (世界全体を支配します)」

間: Its body can evolve, make itself smaller, or even... sprout wings capable of flight.

リヒター調査団長: Let's go.

米研究者A: And that will mark the end to(of) the human race.

米研究者B: Before that happens, using our nuclear wisdom is the only road to salvation for mankind.

mark the end to/of 〜「〜の終わりを告げる・示す」
(オリジナルは of、吹き替え版は to になっている。意味は同じ)
0084名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW b52b-LvEj)
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2017/08/27(日) 23:01:00.57ID:3vANC5Dx0
0086名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/27(日) 23:12:26.55ID:3M9IVCuE0

壱岐秘書官: The vapor clouds' been spotted moving into Tama river!

金井大臣: What? moving?

柳原大臣: It's alive isn't it?

海保通信員: The creature's just off up Haneda Airport and Runway D. It appears to be entering the Tama river. Oh!

大門秘書官: We just got a report from Bayshore Expressway. It's flooding!

河野大臣: Damn! Not again.

関口大臣: Forget capturing it..

Sir, three experts have arrived. I suggest we go consult with them right now.
0087名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/27(日) 23:13:50.19ID:3M9IVCuE0

From the TV images, it's indiscernible... whether this thing could possibly be a relic dinosaur or from undiscovered whale species.

In my opinion, the creature is a heretofore unknown aquatic species. But I can't say for certain without an examination.

Since I don't know if this footage is legitimate, I can not say. If I commented on unverified evidence, I could lose my credibility as a biologist.

heretofore は「これまで」という副詞でunknownという形容詞を修飾
0088名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/27(日) 23:18:25.07ID:3M9IVCuE0

尾頭: This creature, it appears to be serpentine with auxiliary ambulation. And even though it possesses gills, it also has legs just like a lungfish does.

矢口: If it has legs, then can it come on land?

尾頭: Yes, it's a possibility.

大河内: If it does, who stops it?

安西秘書官: Well, frankly, we haven't determined which agency it falls under yet, sir.

関口: Um.. One of our scientists says that he believes that the creature's fin-like feet would more than likely be crushed by the immense weight of its own body, so it coming ashore should be physiologically impossible.

尾頭: We can't be sure of that since we are dealing with an unknown animal.
0089名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/27(日) 23:18:52.74ID:3M9IVCuE0
大河内: Is that so? Do you share this view as well?

菊川: Uh... I apologize for the deputy chief's lack of decorum, sir. But just as your experts have already concluded, I believe the creature coming on land is quite improbable.

大河内: I see.

東官房長官: Sir, regarding the damage to the tunnels, I'd like to humbly suggest that the sooner we hold an official press conference to calm the public, the better.

赤坂: But sir, I must stress this. Please be careful that you only give out information that's been verified thus far.

大河内: Let's do this. Please get my uniform ready.
0090名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/27(日) 23:32:36.84ID:3M9IVCuE0
0091名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/28(月) 07:00:51.75ID:qIBHBoOW0

大使館員: There's an emergency call from Yokota Air Base. B2, Number 1 seems to have been downed!

ランシング駐日大使: But, there is no way! That's impossible!

カヨコ: Godzilla... Truly a god incarnate.

地上無線: The target is shooting some unidentified weapon from the front. Bomber 2 and bomber 3 will circle in from behind. Payback time.

機内無線: Roger. Payback.
0092名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/28(月) 07:01:30.99ID:qIBHBoOW0

>B2, Number 1 seems to have been downed!
seem「〜のようだ」と感じている現在よりも前の出来事を表すときは to have been ...とto不定詞は完了時制にする。
→It seems that B2, Number 1 was downed.

down は他動詞で「(飛行機)〜を撃ち落とす」
no way (可能性を打ち消して)「絶対にない、そんなことがあるか」
there is no way (that)「〜なんてあり得ない」
incarnate「(形) 具現化した (名詞の後に置く)」
some unidentified weapon (someは可算名詞の単数形につくと『ある〜、何らかの〜』の意味)
circle 「旋回する」in 「(副)中へ」
from behind 「背後から」(behind は副詞だが from はその目的語に名詞や代名詞のほかに副詞や前置詞つきの副詞句を取ることも多い)

>Bomber 2 & 3 will circle ...
の will は「命令」を表す will でこの発言は地上からの命令。
0093名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/28(月) 07:07:08.21ID:qIBHBoOW0


赤坂: We were down to just under an hour, which was far too close for comfort, but we wouldn't have even had that if the PM hadn't been able to convince France.

0094名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/28(月) 07:08:11.54ID:qIBHBoOW0

>We were down to just under an hour.

down to 「〜まで減って、〜まで減少して」
too close for comfort 「(危険などが) 近すぎて不安になる、怖くなるほど近くで」
The car got too close for comfort.「車が近づきすぎて危なかった」

>We wouldn't have even had that if the PM hadn't been able to convince France.
仮定法過去完了 「もし(あのとき)〜だったら」
If条件節の動詞 → <had + 過去分詞>
帰結節の動詞 → <(would/should/cold/might) + have + 過去分詞>

If the PM hadn't been able to convince France,「もし総理がフランスを説得できていなかったなら」
We wouldn't have (even) had that. 「それすら持てなかっただろう」
(that は under an hour という時間を指す代名詞)
0095名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 05:00:16.50ID:Ptm2Pzhg0
矢口: A US carrier is leaving port?

郡山危機管理監: Correct. We heard that Yokosuka city's radiation monitoring alert went off. That could be why.

矢口: Let me check. I'll call the Nuclear Regulation Authority.

根岸監視情報課長: I have orders not to go public about this just yet, but radiation levels in the metro area HAVE risen in the last day.

矢口: Could this be caused by a leak somewhere? Have you checked?

根岸: YES! My team inspected all of the nation's reactors and didn't find a leak at any of them.
0096名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 05:00:49.10ID:Ptm2Pzhg0
矢口: Then where is it coming from!?

安田: Ahhh!!!! Wahaaa! Oowaaahhh! This is impossible!
「ああっ!わああっ!ううあああっ! こんなんあり得ない!」

矢口: What!?

安田: Quick! Here, look at re##xrklxq@viex somehow!!!

尾頭: This data shows radiation spikes that match the path the creature took.

安田: Look at this! See!?

矢口: Miss. Ogashira was right after all.

安田: Sorry.

尾頭: This information has apparently already gone viral.

矢口: That isn't good. Contact the chief cabinet secretary.
0097名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 05:01:53.89ID:Ptm2Pzhg0
have orders to do something 「〜するように命じられている」
「〜しないように命じられている」場合は have orders not to do something
go public 「(情報などを)公表する」
in the last day 「ここ1日、(今から遡って1日)」

go C「C(悪い状態)になる」
go viral 「(ネットなどで情報が)急速に広まる」viral「(形)ウイルス性の」
0098名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 05:03:15.89ID:Ptm2Pzhg0

東官房長官: This will be trouble.

矢口: The PM needs to call a press conference right away, sir.

森戸官房副長官: Actually, I think we should hold off... unless you can absolutely prove that the creature is radioactive. This could set off a huge wave of panic.

赤坂: And it's not enough of a spike to warrant evacuation. We also don't have any legal grounds to implement one.

矢口: But still, we ARE dealing with elevated radiation. Please remember that.

東: You're right. We can't wait. I'll talk to the PM. You there, schedule a briefing with the PM in five minutes.

0099名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 05:03:48.10ID:Ptm2Pzhg0

call O 「O(会見など)を行う(ことを決める)」
hold off 「すぐにやらない」
set off O 「O(悪い状況など)を引き起こす」
enough このenoughは代名詞。enough of Aで「十分な量(数)のA」
warrant O「Oを正当化する、Oの十分な理由となる」
legal grounds「法律上の理由」
0100名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 05:09:47.43ID:Ptm2Pzhg0
大河内総理: Yes, President Ross, I understand. Thank you.

     : So many unilateral requests... Typically American.


0101名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 21:24:47.01ID:Ptm2Pzhg0NIKU

森厚労省課長: ugh!

矢口: This is what Goro Maki left behind?

カヨコ: Uh huh.

矢口: I can't make sense of it.

間准教授: This thing is not a molecular array. So how does it relate to Gojira?

カヨコ: Well, perhaps, it's an analytical table, one with structural layers. Even though Maki intentionally left out some final data in his original hypothesis, we now have the complete version we can study.

ヤグチ: We'd like to analyze that info. Can we do that?

カヨコ: Sure.
0102名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 21:25:08.03ID:Ptm2Pzhg0NIKU
カヨコ: I'm bad at Japanese honorifics, so can we be informal?

ヤグチ: In that case... Can you tell me *what it is that the US wants with Gojira, capture or kill?

カヨコ: That's for the president to decide. **Who is it that decides in your country?

*what it is that... whatを強調する強調構文の疑問形。tellの目的語になる間接疑問なので、what is it that ではなく what it is thatの語順。
**Who is it that ...? whoを強調する強調構文の疑問形。
0103名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 21:34:08.80ID:Ptm2Pzhg0NIKU

早船記者: Land prices are soaring in West Japan. Food is short. Kanto area's shops and businesses have all been shuttered. And the city is full of the unemployed.
The yen's plunged, of course. Investors are scared... humph.. except those profiting from it. People come in all forms, good and bad.

志村: So did you uncover anything?

早船: Of course I did. That is my job after all. I use it an article I'm hoping can be published... on the day prior to the bomb drop.

志村: So, new Gojira material. In exchange, we can control the announcement timing. how's that sound?

早船: It sounds... very good.

I use it in an article (which) I'm hoping can be published on the day prior to the bomb drop.

I use it in an article.
I'm hoping (that) the article can be published on the day prior to the bomb drop.
の2つを(省略された)関係代名詞でつなげた形 I'm hopingが挿入節になっている(=連鎖関係代名詞節)
この場合、I'm hoping thatのthatは省略される
0104名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 21:40:25.40ID:Ptm2Pzhg0NIKU

里見総理代理: We have no choice. Not with the way things are now. Tell them "yes."

松沢新総理秘書官: Certainly, we will act accordingly that way, President Ross.

里見: Sigh... Well, you heard it. It isn't the first time something crazy's been foisted on us.

片山臨時外務大臣: That's for certain. Ugh! But this goes too far!!

里見: I agree. Get the Chief Cabinet Secretary.

風越秘書官: Sir.
0105名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/29(火) 21:41:29.51ID:Ptm2Pzhg0NIKU
里見: A resolution has just been passed by the United Nation Security Council, granting a US-led force to exterminate Gojira. As a party to that and participant, we must obey it and its tenets.
To do that, the PM needs to be vested with full powers so I can authorize... a nuclear strike.
(grant O to doの形は非標準だと思われる)

赤坂: Isn't there some other way? Think what the devastation will cause to Tokyo. (※よく聴き取れず)

里見: I never imagined... that I go down in history for something such as this.
0109名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/30(水) 21:50:19.87ID:N37MjDHL0

内閣府官僚A: So the cabinet finally made a decision on the relief and recovery bill?

内閣府官僚B: If you thought that was an inter-agency nightmare waiting till the Gojira bill..

内閣府官僚C: I guarantee a lack of precedent's going to cloud orders. Now (I) bet you can expect a lot of passing the buck to happen, too.

pass the back「責任逃れをする、責任転嫁する」
0110名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/30(水) 21:50:53.53ID:N37MjDHL0

総務省官僚A: I can't believe it. The security bill passed so easily.

総務省官僚B: Foreign ministry muscle. And the US pressure, of course.

総務省官僚C: From what I've been told about that deal, the US wants to use its Gojira info as a diplomatic card.

総務省官僚A: Well, if that's the case, Let's pray that aide Akasaka can handle the White House

the security bill (安全保障法案とも受け取れる)
muscle は名詞で「圧力、影響力」
And the US pressure (And と Under の聞き分け注意)
0111名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ca33-0iPI)
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2017/08/30(水) 21:51:53.18ID:N37MjDHL0

根岸監視情報課長: Based on all the analysis we've done, I can positively say that these gamma rays match no known elements whatsoever. It's unprecedented. uh, Gojira, is it? Its body is harboring new elements that are unknown to science.

赤坂: Well, this certainly explains why the US Department of Energy moved so quickly. Take this data with us. Call the PM.

秘書官: Right.

harbor O「Oを宿している、Oの住処となる」
0113名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/08/31(木) 00:02:02.45ID:gnWRikIR0

郡山内閣危機管理監: Sir, we need to set up emergency disaster control headquarters now!

大河内:Then, do it.


東官房長官: This cabinet council meeting is now adjourn. Let's get to work.


澁澤首相秘書官: There's so much bureaucracy involved. Every reaction requires a meeting.

小高首相秘書官: Come on, don't knock red tape. It's the foundation of Democracy.

弓成内閣広報官: Why does there have to be so much for a press conference?

東官房長官: In the last few hours, we have set up (an) Emergency Disaster Control headquarters. Its sole purpose is to combat the giant unidentified life form that has come ashore.
We are crafting a full-scale response to secure citizen safety, and that includes coordinated evacuation with both Tokyo and federal government agencies. Evacuation instructions will be issued shortly for areas along the creature's path.
0114名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/08/31(木) 00:03:16.38ID:gnWRikIR0
危機管理担当要員: The creature is currently headed to Shinagawa. We're clocking it at the seed of about 13 kilometers an hour.


菊川環境大臣: For something so big, it moves quite slowly.
「図体はでかいのに、ずいぶんと遅いな (でかい割にずいぶん遅く動くな)」

矢口: But it could still reach Tokyo in three hours at that pace.

関口文科大臣: Just imagine what that thing could do to the city.

河野総務大臣: Good god! The damage should be catastrophic!

金井防災大臣: Let's exterminate this thing, right now!

花森防衛大臣: Not in densely populated areas. We have to evacuate the citizens first.

郡山危機管理監: Have MIC and MLIT set up evacuation zones and transport.
0115名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/08/31(木) 00:04:04.12ID:gnWRikIR0

職員: The PM's ordered us to conduct evacuation measures. Report to your stations!

小塚都知事: I thought the orders would've come much sooner.

田原副知事: I can't say I'm surprised. The first-responses manual doesn't cover this.

小塚: An evacuation due to a monster. What's more, an expedited one.

田原: We've never even drilled for this type of action before, sir. Plus a city-wide evacuation will more than likely cause a general panic.

川又副知事: There'll be mass gridlock with everyone trying to leave the city.

恩地警視総監: In that case, we'll make every effort to control the traffic.
0116名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/08/31(木) 00:04:59.14ID:gnWRikIR0

アナウンス: Traffic signals are out of order. For your safety, please leave your vehicles and follow police and safety personnel instructions.

町内アナウンス: Attention, attention, A full evacuation of Shinagawa has been issued. All residents are required to evacuate the area immediately...

父親: Hon, hurry.
「ママ、急いで」(Hon は Honey)

母親: Eeeek!


小塚知事: At this rate, the city will be in ruins. Contact public safety. Get them on the horn now. Tell them we're requesting Self-Defense Forces to come exterminate that thing.
0117名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/08/31(木) 18:05:13.23ID:gnWRikIR0

赤坂: I've got word about an assistant Deputy Chief to the US president. They're requesting a secret meeting with the PM.

矢口: They move fast, don't they?

赤坂: Yeah. He just left Yokota Air Base and is already en route to see the PM. Foreign Ministry is in an uproar of course. Oh, and the Deputy Chief's aide... had made a request and they're coming here to meet with you.

矢口: With me? (The) Why?

(U) word 「知らせ、伝言」
meet with somebody「〜と会談する」
0118名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/08/31(木) 21:50:03.49ID:gnWRikIR0

矢口: I need information now, where is Gojira?

泉: It's inactive near Tokyo Station. And the reason for that, who knows why.

矢口: And radiation levels?

泉: The Nuclear Regulation Authority, they are out getting readings right now. They did inform me earlier that radiation is dripping from Gojira's mouth, but it's only trace amounts.

久松秘書: Gojira's radioactive plume blew out to sea. But contamination is still widespread.

矢口: So then the hardest hit areas aren't just inhabitable now, they are contaminated as well.

泉: Yeah. Conditions are about as dire as they can get. We are lacking manpower, materials, and even political infrastructure.

志村: They're all dead. The Prime Minister and the Chief Cabinet Secretary, everyone who was on the evac...

矢口: Don't go to pieces! We'll just make do with the few staff that's left!
「取り乱すな! 残った数少ない人員でなんとかするだけだろう!」

泉: Yaguchi. Calm down first, OK?
0119名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/08/31(木) 21:51:11.26ID:gnWRikIR0
矢口: I'm sorry. Who's been made the acting PM?

ラジオ: The ruling party has just announced that Minister of Agriculture Yusuke Satomi has been named as acting Prime Minister. He will head the provisional emergency government that's been quickly set up.
And he stated that his first order of business will be to name a new cabinet to fill the political void.
0120名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/08/31(木) 21:52:11.42ID:gnWRikIR0
not just A but B as well 「Aだけでなく、Bも」
Conditions are as dire as conditions can get. →「状況は、状況が深刻になれる可能な限り深刻になっている」
get C 「C(形容詞)になる」get dire「深刻・悲惨になる」
go to pieces 「自制心を失う、取り乱す」
make do with 〜「〜で間に合わせる」
be named as 〜 「〜に任命される」(as の後の役職などは無冠詞でよい)
0121名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/01(金) 05:34:51.72ID:4rLReMh/0
巨災対2 (ここの、話者をピボットにつないでいくカメラワークが面白い)

森: Thanks for the food.
安田: Yeah. Thank you.

森: Even with this new information the US agreed to share with us, I still think we can expect some gridlock.

安田: Yeah, Riken's report had impact, but in addition to that Gojira has eight times the amount of genetic info of humans.

根岸: It's literally gonna take us years to sequence all of that genetic material.

尾頭: I think we can agree Gojira is the most evolved creature this planet has ever seen.
0122名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/01(金) 05:35:17.57ID:4rLReMh/0
間: Capable of self-mutation, to best fit to the environment that's in. That trumps human intelligence.

袖原: It's still mortal though. So it can be killed.

間: I sure hope so.

森: That is exactly what we're all here to find out, professor. Well, does anyone have any clues into its behavior?

安田: All it does is walk.

立川: One thing I don't understand, why did it return to Tokyo Bay?

間: That's it... For cooling.
0123名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/01(金) 05:37:08.86ID:4rLReMh/0

間: Gojira has something akin to a nuclear reactor in its body, and its fins must serve as heat vents. And if that is indeed the case, then its blood more than likely serves as the body's cooling system!

安田: I get it. You're saying that it temporarily retrogressed to sea creature so it could adjust its body temperature after mutating, huh?

根岸: Maybe our only hope is to try and find a way to shut it down. Its internal cooling system, that is.

尾頭: Then not only would we need to force Gojira to shut off its internal reactor to stay alive, but also find a way to cool its blood down, and so much so that we can immobilize the creature.

0124名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/01(金) 05:37:37.98ID:4rLReMh/0
町田: Just as a suggestion, what about administering blood coagulating drug?

矢口: Wait, is that even possible with Gojira upright?

袖原: We'll investigate a few practical methods. Perhaps a compression pump system like this.

竹尾: We, the Health Ministry, and METI will gather all the necessary coagulant and equipment that will be required for this op.

森: We're submitting this to the Prime Minister as the Yaguchi plan.

矢口: Understood. Name aside, Let's get to it.

一同: Sir.
0127名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/01(金) 21:19:04.89ID:4rLReMh/0
矢口執務室 (さすが庵野の映画、展開が速い)

矢口: His last known whereabouts.

カヨコ: My grandmother's homeland certainly works fast.

矢口: Goro Maki is missing. His boat was found adrift a few days ago, but there was no trace of him. Miss Patterson, were you only looking for Goro Maki, or this as well?

カヨコ: Yeah, that too.

矢口: "Now do as you please, I did the same." His last words? Do you wanna confirm this?

カヨコ: No need. I trust you. This is in special ink, it can't be copied.

矢口: I'll just take photos then, to share with my team.
0128名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/01(金) 21:19:35.06ID:4rLReMh/0
矢口: God...zilla?

カヨコ: That's right. It's the DOE's code name, "Godzilla." He gave it an english name.

矢口: Gojira... What does it mean?

志村: I found one link. On Odo island, where Maki's from, Gojira means "God incarnate."

カヨコ: A violent one. That's apparently why he put "God" in the name he gave it.

矢口: In japanese, the characters read "Gojira."

the character read "Gojira." ※この read は能動受動態と呼ばれ、能動形だがその意味は「〜と書かれている、〜と読まれる」という受動の意味を表す。
カヨコが he put "God" in the name と言う時に指2本を頭の両側でクイックイッとやるのはエア・クオートと呼ばれて、「"..."」 のちょんちょん(引用符)をジェスチャーで表している。quote O「Oを引用する」
the name he gave it (=the name which he gave it)「彼が付けた名前」
give it a name「それに名前をつける」の nameを先行詞としている。
0129名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/01(金) 21:20:39.14ID:4rLReMh/0

東官房長官: Gojira... you say?

赤坂: Who cares about its name at this point. That sounds ridiculous.

大河内総理: It's just as well the name originated in the US. At least now we know what to call it. Gojira.

女性アナウンサー: Just in and according to multiple sources, in regards to the giant creature, Gojira is the unofficial name by which the government is calling it.

it's just as well (that)...「〜というのは幸運・好都合なことだ、〜でよかった」
0130名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 00:07:20.12ID:TjmpiN490

赤坂: Good work.

  : Yaguchi, I've been told that the Satomi-cabinet will soon be resigning en masse.

矢口: All in line with your scenario, correct?

赤坂: (It) Wasn't mine. This was all Satomi's scenario.

矢口: ...!?

赤坂: The capital and the government are in shambles right now. It's a good opportunity to rebuild it right. And speaking of which, once the relief and reconstruction bills have been passed, the event that will happen afterwards... is the next election.
To resuscitate Japan and its 3.6 million refugees, we'll need a new leader and a new cabinet. This country was devastated before but it rose from the ashes. It'll do so again.
日本と、360万人の避難民を立ち直らせるためには、新たなリーダーと新たな内閣が必要だからな。この国はかつて荒廃させられたが、その絶望から這い上がった (灰の中から復活した)。また、同じことをするだけさ」

en masse 「ひとまとめに、一団となって」
in line with 〜 「〜に従って」
in (a) shambles 「めちゃめちゃな状態で」
0131名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxc7-Xu/B)
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2017/09/02(土) 00:16:23.78ID:5IbKdW0Ax
0132名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxc7-Xu/B)
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2017/09/02(土) 00:34:06.60ID:5IbKdW0Ax
>This country was devastated before but it rose from the ashes.

0135名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxc7-Xu/B)
垢版 |
2017/09/02(土) 02:27:03.60ID:5IbKdW0Ax
1. 古参住民がからかって遊んでる
2. 煽り耐性のない住民の脊髄反射
3. 荒しの自演


0136名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ cfcf-6h2J)
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2017/09/02(土) 15:16:44.33ID:3a5oH27M0
0137名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 16:48:05.17ID:TjmpiN490

記者: Moments ago, the Prime Minister declared a national state of emergency in response to the giant creature that has come ashore. He's also called for the first-ever mobilization of (the) Self-Defense Forces in this nation's history.
This makes it Japan's first military action since World War II. And when asked for justification, the Prime Minister referenced the terminology in Article 76.

call for 〜「〜を求める」
when asked for → when (he was) asked for (※<主語+be動詞>の省略。分詞構文に分かりやすくwhenを付けたものと解釈してもよい)
0138名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 16:49:16.34ID:TjmpiN490

大庭情報部長: Nerima first-division was dispatched at Tokyo's request.


浜田統幕運用部長: While this group has been tasked with guiding both rescue and evacuation efforts, I must stress that they're not equipped for battle.

石倉陸上幕僚長: I'd say attack helicopters would be our best offense. Contact Kisarazu base.

部下: Sir.

小澤航空幕僚長: Shall we deploy F-2s from Misawa base?
「三沢のF-2を配備しましょうか」 (※偉い人なのに格下扱いっぽい)

浜田: No, Any civilian casualties could destroy the SDF forever. So let's minimize fire power.
「ダメだ。少しでも民間人に死傷者が出た場合、自衛隊が永遠に消滅しかねない。使用武器は最小限に留めよう」 (※こっちの人の方がなんか偉そう)

北野海上幕僚長: But we still don't know this thing's strength. So I think we need to be prepared for anything in this case.

矢島統合幕僚副長: I agree. That's why I'm going to recommend an integrated three-force operation. Call the PM.

While this group の Whileは逆接「〜だけれども」
0139名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 16:51:03.42ID:TjmpiN490

花森防衛大臣: According to this plan, the joint-force will be led by the Eastern Army. The goal is "extermination".

財前統合幕僚長: The ground troops, they'll continue to evacuate all the citizens. With your permission, our rapid-response helicopters will attack the creature.

郡山危機管理監: Sir, It's very likely that some elderly and infirm people might still remain in the city.

大河内総理: That's why I can't make a decision without an inspection first.

赤坂: Unfortunately, under conditions like these, I'd say some collateral damage is unavoidable now.

東官房長官: Sir, I know this isn't easy for you, but we need a decision.

大河内: .... Understood.
0140名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 16:51:43.46ID:TjmpiN490

貝塚ヘリ隊長: This is a risky mission against an unknown enemy. But (Is) this group volunteer?

芦田小隊長: No, standard rotation. They said this is what they signed up for, sir.

芦田: Pirates! Good luck!

芦田(無線): Lifting off from Kisarazu at 13:08, ETA 13:20, over.
「木更津離陸 1308、現場到着予定時刻 1320、送れ」(※ETA=estimated time of arrival『到着予定時刻』)
0141名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 16:52:47.73ID:TjmpiN490

柳原: What a relief this is. That thing will be dead soon. I'm sure the choppers will make short work of it.

金井: Yeah. I bet we can turn its carcass into a big tourist attraction.

矢口: Sirs, Just as a reminder, the old Imperial Army thought like that. During the last war, their armchair theories led to the loss of 3 million Japanese lives. So beware of unfounded optimism.

make short work of 〜 「〜を手早く片付ける」
an armchair theory 「机上の空論」
unfounded 「根拠の無い」
0142名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 16:54:00.31ID:TjmpiN490

消防隊員A: Please watch your step! Remain calm!

消防隊員B: This way please! Pick up the pace!

小出恵介: Local evacuation centers are useless! Tell us where to send these people! Hurry!
「地域の避難センターでは役に立ちません! この人たちをどこへやるのか指示を請う。急いでくれ!」


危機管理担当要員: The creature's progression.... Somehow it suddenly stopped!

大河内: Stopped!? But, why now!?
「停止!? しかし、なぜ今!?」

矢口: Look... It's.. evolving...!
0144名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 17:10:09.76ID:TjmpiN490
0145名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/02(土) 17:15:40.87ID:TjmpiN490
0146名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxc7-Xu/B)
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2017/09/02(土) 18:01:33.27ID:69bvu6rzx


台本では、芦田「気を付け! 敬礼!」ですね
0148名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxc7-Xu/B)
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2017/09/02(土) 19:20:42.96ID:69bvu6rzx
0149名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/03(日) 00:56:07.72ID:DCPXLIPR0

森: What!? They're going to use a thermonuclear missile!?
「えっ!? 熱核ミサイルを使う!?」

根岸: And drop that thing here!?

矢口: The government just gave the UN its sanction to do so.
「先ほど、政府が国連に対してそれを承認した」(give OO)

袖原: That's insane...

間: There's still so much we don't know. Gojira might even be immortal. We are faced with two choices, incinerate it with a nuke or freeze it with a drug.

安田: Yeah, I guess we do have two choices here... But, both are bad.

尾頭: Man is more frightening to me... than Gojira.
0150名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/03(日) 00:56:35.31ID:DCPXLIPR0
矢口: If we are to do something, we have to do it quickly! The UN will be giving time for evacuation. That's our window for finishing the freezing plan!
「我々が何かをやるつもりなのなら、急いでやらなくてはならない! 国連は避難する時間を与えるだろう。それが凍結プランを仕上げるために我々に残された時間だ!」

森: OK. We got good results on the coagulant. But, formulating it is one thing, producing it is another.

安田: To freeze all of Gojira's blood, we've estimated we'll need six hundred and seventy-two kiloliters of coagulant.

町田: I'm trying to secure facilities for that now.

小松原: What if we can't?

矢口: We have to do it!! Don't give up! Our country is depending on us all!
「しなくちゃならないんだよ!! あきらめるな! この国の運命は、俺たち次第なんだ!」
0151名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/03(日) 00:58:31.52ID:DCPXLIPR0

(U) sanction 「承認、認可」
be faced with 〜 「〜に直面している」 be faced with a choice 「選択を迫られている」
be to do には「〜するつもり」「〜すべきだ」「〜する予定だ」「〜できる」などの意味がある。
a window 「機会、限られた時間」
A is one thing, B is another (thing) 「AとBはまったく別物だ」
0152名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxc7-Xu/B)
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2017/09/03(日) 01:09:55.87ID:6lHhZgjwx
つ 支援射撃
0153名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/04(月) 16:11:14.38ID:nY59o0jT0

志村: So then, the Agricultural Minister... is now the Prime Minister because of the seniority? *That's who they chose? But why him?

泉: Well, I heard the job was foisted on him by the party secretary. Can you blame them? Who wants responsibility at a time like this?
「まあ、幹事長から押し付けられたらしい。彼らを責められるか? 誰がこんな時に責任を負いたいなんて思うよ」


風越秘書官: What should we do about the disturbing movement near Tsushima Island?

里見総理臨時代理: Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. Can the Foreign Ministry act?

片山臨時外務大臣: We're still getting up and running right now, sir, but soon.

里見: Well, at any rate try to avoid any unforeseen surprises.

片山: Right. I'll let the ambassador know.

里見: Uh... noodles got soggy. I knew this job wasn't going to be easy, but come on.
0154名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/04(月) 16:12:08.44ID:nY59o0jT0
at a time like this 「こんなときに」
up and running 「(組織などが)うまくいって、順調で」
at any rate 「とにかく」
unforeseen 「思いもよらない、予期しなかった」

>*That's who they chose?
That is (the person) who they chose? の様に先行詞を補って考える。whoは<that + be動詞>の後では、That's whyや That's howのように、先行詞を含んだ関係代名詞として使うことができる。例: That's who I meant.
0155名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/05(火) 16:19:03.23ID:yFLIumUg0
本部員室 (ここはだいぶ発言内容が変わっているのでオリジナルと比べて欲しい)

泉: Yeah, that guy. He is a hard man to read.

矢口: Whoever the PM is, It's our job to keep the government afloat. We need emergency powers.

泉: I know. We're 30 kilometers from where Gojira's sleeping. Scary, huh?

矢口: I'm more concerned about something else right at the moment. The decisions that will be made to stop Gojira by the acting PM.

泉: You want his job?

矢口: Not right now. But maybe in ten years.

泉: (If) You have Japan still around then, you should run for office. I'll help you. In exchange for a nice cabinet position. ha ha ha..
0156名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/05(火) 16:19:30.68ID:yFLIumUg0
泉: Akasaka was in Yokota last night, so he survived. Every politician needs two things, strategy and luck. He has both and now he's Chief Cabinet Secretary. You could be more ambitious like him, you know.

 : But the Disaster Bureau is still a unique path for you. Just think about it. You're practically in charge of this group here.

矢口: No, I'm not. I'm here to take the fall if needed. Akasaka is a shrewd delegator. If anyone gets a career-boost from this, that person's going to be you.

泉: What exactly is wrong with that? If you don't like politicians, why did you become one?
「それの一体何が悪い? 政治家が嫌いなら、なぜ政治家になった?」

矢口: Because it's just friend or foe. It's simple. I like that.

津秋秘書官: Excuse me sir, Bureau members have arrived.
0157名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/05(火) 16:20:30.82ID:yFLIumUg0
>He is a hard man to read.
read は「(人の心のうちなど)を読み取る」の意味。
この to read というto不定詞が man を修飾する形容詞用法か、hard を修飾する副詞用法か文法書によって曖昧だが、辞書的にはこの to不定詞は hard を修飾する副詞用法に分類されている。
→ The man is hard to read. (形容詞 hard を修飾する副詞用法。readの意味上の目的語はthe man)

keep OC「OをCの状態に保つ」keep O afloat「Oを沈まないようにする、Oを成り立たせる」
have O around 「そばにOがある・いる」around自体にも「存在」の意味がある。
run for office 「(選挙に)立候補する」
take the fall 「罪をかぶる」
0158名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/05(火) 23:48:29.52ID:yFLIumUg0

貝塚ヘリ隊長無線: Attacker 1, this is CP. Over.
「アタッカー1、こちらCP、送れ」(※CP=Command Post=司令部)

芦田小隊長無線: Copy that, CP. Over.

貝塚: Head to holding are 2 to await further orders. Over.

芦田: Attacker 1, copy.

AH-1S射撃手: It's not like we were told!

芦田: CP, it's attacker 1. Target differs from (a) report. Nothing is much bigger now!

貝塚無線: Attacker 1, hold your position and await further instructions. Over.
0159名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/05(火) 23:48:56.73ID:yFLIumUg0

郡山危機管理監督: I was just informed that resident evacuation is complete.

財前統合幕僚長: Excellent. Minister, we're now ready to open fire.

花森防衛大臣: Understood. Well, sir, we'll fire at your command. Say the word.

大河内総理: Very well... Fire.


貝塚: Attacker 1, you have a green light from the PM. Commence fire on the creature. I repeat, Commence fire. Over.

芦田: Copy that, CP. Commencing fire.

  : Target in sight. Aim straight for the head! Ready, aim...

0160名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/05(火) 23:50:15.22ID:yFLIumUg0

貝塚ヘリ隊長無線: Attacker 1, abort and move to holding positions. Over.

芦田小隊長: Copy that, CP. Over.


危機管理担当要員: The creature's currently on the move again. It's breaking through the express way and it appears to be headed towards Tokyo Bay!
0161名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
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2017/09/06(水) 00:59:37.27ID:znFF5Vcv0
All flights at Narita have been cancelled...
We have several reports of fire blazing out of control in Shinagawa...
The train ### verified that most train lines are still...
Meanwhile, pledges of support continued pouring from heads of states...
And more surprising, aid workers are said to be on their way here now...
Tokyo Stock Exchange will be open as usual today...
Barring the unforeseen events, the bullet train is operating shuttle service from Shin Yokohama...
Scientific envoys from France and other nation have arrive in an attempt to help the government ascertain exact nature of...
So the search zones have been expanded to cover much wider area. Officials are...
..claims total number of confirmed casualties to 100 at this hour, but rescue personnel are still continuing...

アナウンサー: ...have reportedly been put out. While government officials search for the creature, the Disaster Management Minister Kanai is leading an envoy to survey and assess the damage that it's caused.

0162名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
垢版 |
2017/09/06(水) 07:03:19.26ID:t+rb0EM60
本部海保無線: We just spotted a pleasure craft drifting offshore of Haneda. Recon and intercept. Over.

はまなみ通信士: Roger that.

海保隊員A: We got the vessel in sight. From here there's no apparent hull damage. She's called the GloryMaru. Requesting owner information now. In the meantime, we're going aboard.

海保隊員A: We're now on board.

海保隊員B: Hello? Anyone here?

海保隊員C: There's no one on the flying deck.

海保隊員A: No sign of life. Just some personal effects. No traces of an incident. Maybe a fall overboard? (The) Vessel is vacant. We'll prepare a tow. Ugh!
「人の気配はない。ただいくつか個人的な所持品があるだけだ。事件性はなさそうだ。おそらく海中転落か? 船は無人だ。曳航(けん引)の準備をする。うゎっ!」


助手席女: Uh..
運転席男: Wow wow wow wow hey! Stop!
男: Ugh!
女: Ahhh!
0163名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
垢版 |
2017/09/06(水) 07:04:37.31ID:t+rb0EM60

志村: Here's all the info we have so far. That eruption caused the leak in the Aqua-Line. As a result, water is pouring into the auto lanes. A liaison office has already been set up, and an emergency order issued.

矢口: And where's the PM?

志村: He's arriving in twenty-eight minutes.

矢口: We need intel... downstairs.

志村: Right.

>A liaison office has already been set up, and an emergency order (has been) issued.
and の後、共通部分の省略が起きる。
0164名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
垢版 |
2017/09/06(水) 07:07:20.22ID:t+rb0EM60

担当要員: First report confirmed at about 8:30 A.M. A leak occurred in the Tokyo Aqua-Line tunnel near the 2.5 kilo marker.
Sea water entered from a fissure in the tunnel ceiling and several vehicles were involved in and damaged by the flood. Emergency crews are currently on the sea.

矢口: ..up taking as you get info. (よく聴き取れず)
志村: Right.

担当要員: Hamanami Coast Guard efforts are being stymied by the steam cloud that's in the bay.

担当要員: The Aqua-Line is still closed both ways and safety alerts have been issued throughout the region.
0165名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
垢版 |
2017/09/06(水) 07:08:17.05ID:t+rb0EM60
矢口: Status report, Mr. Koriyama.

郡山危機管理監: We have a total of five confirmed collisions in the tunnel so far.

矢口: Was it an earthquake that caused the flooding?

沖気象庁次長: We're awaiting seismic readings.

矢口: Could it be related to that strange sea eruption?

郡山: We don't know that, not yet, at least.

担当要員: We've got aerials!

志村: An underwater volcanic eruption, maybe?

矢口: If so, it's a strange one.
0166名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff33-hpdg)
垢版 |
2017/09/06(水) 07:10:03.31ID:t+rb0EM60
海保ヘリ通信員: Coast Guard 691, reporting continued steam eruptions in the bay. Undersea visibility is currently zero because of all that churning water.

郡山危機管理監: When the PM arrives, I'm suggesting a unified initial response. We'll need to reorganize.

オペセンA: FDMA disaster task force is currently assembling.
「 現在、消防庁災害対策本部を設置中です」

危機管理担当員: Third Regional Coast Guard HQ has sealed the bay. As of now there is no sea or air access to the area.

危機管理担当員: A coastal evacuation advisory has been issued to the public.
0168名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9a33-HAON)
垢版 |
2017/09/07(木) 00:12:38.06ID:uTsJQ4iA0
総理執務室 一夜明けて

花森防衛大臣: We believe the creature more than likely submerged itself somewhere on the sea floor off Kanaya.

財前統合幕僚長: So then, we step upped patrols, and strengthened our surveillance around Chiba and Sagami Bay as well. But if that thing's hiding somewhere in the Sagami trough, Detections are a moot point.

大河内総理: Who knows when or where that damn thing will emerge next? How are the preparations coming along?

more than likely 「きっと、ほぼ間違いなく」
a moot point 「(議論の余地のある)問題点」
Who knows ... 「分かるはずもない、見当もつかない」
come along 「(進行形で)上手く進む」
How is S coming along? 「Sの調子はどうですか」
0169名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9a33-HAON)
垢版 |
2017/09/07(木) 00:13:20.38ID:uTsJQ4iA0

三木東部方面総監部幕僚長: A rapid land strategy at water edge won't be easy. I suggest multiple plans.

山岡東部方面総監: I agree. So get to work devising. I wanna see numerous ones for a landing point encounter and expeditionary pursuit.

鮫島防衛部長: Right, sir. I'll get on them. And they will include a number of different artillery, tank and F-2 scenarios.

get to work (on) devising と補って考える。前置詞が省略されるとdevisingという動名詞は現在分詞として扱われる。
devise O「Oを考案する、案出する」
0170名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9a33-HAON)
垢版 |
2017/09/07(木) 00:14:18.56ID:uTsJQ4iA0
矢口執務室 泉は料亭 (電話で)

矢口: That's right. And in fact, they've even set up a special response team in the PM residence.

泉: You don't say! I also heard you were appointed as bureau chief. Well, look at you! You're big-time.

矢口: But I still need to pick the team. Can you do that for me?

泉: Of course I can. I'll bring people who speak their minds to the PM.

矢口: Good. I'll need them.


立川エネ庁課長: I'm Tachikawa.

竹尾国交省政策審議官: I'm Takeo.

職員: Ready? Lift!

0171名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9a33-HAON)
垢版 |
2017/09/07(木) 00:14:52.53ID:uTsJQ4iA0
You don's say! 「(1)知ってるよ、そうらしいな/(2)へえ、それはすごい」
be appointed as C 「Cに任命される」この意味の as「〜として」の後の役職名は無冠詞でよい)
big-time 「(形)一流の、最高の、大物の」
pick a team 「チームのメンバーを選ぶ」
0173名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9a33-V3rh)
垢版 |
2017/09/07(木) 16:55:01.94ID:uTsJQ4iA0
0174名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sx3b-6jQY)
垢版 |
2017/09/07(木) 23:36:04.28ID:TsnypvDex
“deploy”は輸入ボードwar gameでもよくでてくるね
0175名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9a33-HAON)
垢版 |
2017/09/08(金) 01:08:52.86ID:USy24cQk0

ドイツ・バーグヘッド研究所 (ドイツ訛りでちょっと苦しい)

事務職: A call from Japan. They're requesting parallel computing on info about Gojira creature.

研究者: Don't be sympathetic. But there is no way we can do that since ours are a closed system, and a proprietary one is that. We just can't risk our data being stolen.

女性研究所長: Oh, come. Don't be like that. Have some trust in your fellow man for once, right? Please tell them that our answer is "Yes." We'd be happy to help them.
「まあまあ、そんなことは言わないで。一度くらい人間を信用しましょう。ね? 私たちの答えは「イエス」だと伝えて。喜んで協力すると」

one's fellow man 「(仲間としての)人間、同胞、隣人」
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