What I notice is clear:

You remarked in Jp above, my posting 172 bared from English learner’s eagerness, but I don’t think so because of the following.

MOCKING OTHERS for their DISEASE, MISERY, or 精神障害者1級手帳 carrier is NOT SOMETHING THEY COULD POST on the 5ch.

Image a possible精神障害者1級手帳 carrier before you.
He or she is into English language, now their dream is becoming a pro in Eng and brushing it up in hope for obtaining a job.

I WOULD like you to FEEL WITH what’s like a family mental sufferer member.

What happens if they are ridiculed simply for being精神障害者1級手帳carrier.
What is your reaction? Maybe furious.

Suppose your family has a patient of one of the most notorious disease.
What if your family has a Hansen's disease?

This is not merely disease but, LABELING SO, which disgraces them forever.
How could you respond?
It’s so outrageous that you must even wrath at knowing it.

Scolding them is good because it is for them.
If not, they will repeat the bad habit that harms others.
It’s like fragile glass dropped from higher level to lower where it hits on people - patient - in mental care.

mocking others for their disease, misery, or 精神障害者1級手帳 carrier is NOT SOMETHING THEY COULD POST on the 5ch.

Scolding them is good because it is for them, while there is no obstruction for ardent English students to catalyze their lives, benefiting others even better.