I'm worried about the recent talk of America and TPP. Didn't the President sign the presidential thing to get out of TPP permanently on his first day?

In Japan, when the current ruling party (LDP) was an opposition party, the party members were opposing TPP.
One of them even said "Those who push TPP are traitors."
Then once his party became the ruling party, they started to push TPP, and this very same politician wore traditional Japanese clothes and signed the thing in New Zealand.
You can tell that this TPP is pushed by some really ugly people. The media are also totally controlled in favor of it.
This country is currently in a very sick state. (or has been for 20 years, but I think it's getting worse)
Almost all political parties, bureaucrats, media, business federations etc have become one big rotten cult where no one listens to the few ones with conscience.
And there is nothing I can do about it.

I am not American so I mostly refrain from talking about their politics, but I admire the people and the President for getting out of TPP and fighting the monstrous establishment. (the so-called globalists)
I don't know what kind of pressure the President is getting, but I hope he doesn't become like the above-mentioned politician.