Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 208
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0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c2a8-PNnE)
垢版 |
2018/07/03(火) 19:06:46.04ID:33boLpCs0
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Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 207

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!
0472American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
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2018/08/10(金) 10:37:05.54ID:pe1n7iGD0
Step 1: stop masturbating so much. I know it sounds silly, but hear me out.
You should only ever masturbate when you are really horny- not when you are bored.
If you find your brain thinking "why not masturbate" instead of "my cock is
about to explode I'm going to bust one out right now", you are doing it too much.
Never ejaculate two days in a row (especially at the start).
Fill that bored time by working towards a goal- I recommend working out. The more you
do this, the closer you will get to your goal. This will boost your self confidence, making
you more attractive and less worried.

It can be really hard at first. But please trust me and try it. You will start to feel yourself
having a lot more energy, and wont want to go back to fapping every day.
0473American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
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2018/08/10(金) 10:38:48.17ID:pe1n7iGD0
Step 2: Get more sleep

Especially for Japanese people I can see this being very difficult.
This is something incredibly important. ALWAYS MAKE SURE
Don't lie to yourself and say, "oh I will be fine tomorrow". do it.
Sleep is very important to your health, and if you don't get enough
it can have serious negative effects. If you miss a full 8 hours for
even 1 day, your brain will not be able to process information as fast,
and you will feel sluggish all day. If you regularly miss sleep, it can
damage your brain. Morning time is very nice, so be sure to enjoy it.

I had a lot of trouble learning to force myself to sleep, being a former
insomniac. Try listening to something soft, like an audio book or ASMR
while lying down, to keep your mind from thinking about bad things. If you
still have trouble sleeping, it is most likely due to your brain staying active and
preventing you from relaxing. Try to follow a train of thought- think about
something positive- and then try to think slower to allow yourself to relax. I
really recommend ASMR though. It will give you the most relaxing sleep,
leading to the most energy in the mornings.
0474American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
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2018/08/10(金) 10:39:09.79ID:pe1n7iGD0
Another important thing for those who work: if you have a goal you
are chasing very seriously- especially something based in skill- that
you do every day, try to do it during the mornings. This is when you
will be feeling refreshed, and your mind will be the most open to
learning and forming new ideas. Even if you do not have a shounen-
manga-style goal, try to wake up a couple hours before work to have
time to yourself. It can be hard, and you will have to sacrifice some
parties, but it will be worth it. You will feel much more fulfilled in life
being able to take time for yourself in the morning, and the ladies find
it very attractive when their man is up beforehand (seemingly) getting
things done.

Oh, and waking up to an alarm is important. Even on your day off, set one.
You can give yourself an extra hour or two, especially if you missed an hour
the day before, but never more than two. You should always be waking up to
your alarm. Never hit snooze.
0475American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
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2018/08/10(金) 10:39:38.28ID:pe1n7iGD0
Step 3: working out

If you are a guy, working out is important. I get it, not every guy is the type that will
look good muscular or have an easy time making it to the point of being fit. But
for us it has a huge impact. Working out in the morning may make you feel tired at first-
this is natural. As you get used to it though, it will make you feel happier throughout your
day and give you a big boost in confidence. You don't have to do it to get a beach body.
Do it because it makes you feel good. Then show off after a couple months (lol).
0476American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
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2018/08/10(金) 10:40:31.12ID:pe1n7iGD0
Step 4: force yourself to talk to people more

Learning to hold a conversation is hard, but you can only learn it from experience. The more
you talk to people, the more your personality will develop. Don't be fake, and don't talk
too much. Sometimes people will like you more if you know when to be silent and just take
in your surroundings. Always be confident. Even if what you are saying is not particularly
interesting or funny, you can still captivate people with the way you say it.
0477American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
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2018/08/10(金) 10:43:09.89ID:pe1n7iGD0
The most important part of having a conversation is UNDERSTANDING WHERE THE
ENTERTAINMENT IS. You will often have to think about what you are going to say
beforehand, don't be ashamed. For example: when someone asks you what you have
been doing today, you can say "I played dark souls." or get embarrassed and say
"Nothing much". Especially with a girl. They might not want to hear about games,
and think you are nerdy, right? Wrong. You just have to KNOW WHERE THE
ENTERTAINMENT IS. Try something like "I was playing this game dark souls. The
boss was so hard that by the time I beat him I felt like I really was a hero who slayed a dragon!
I died so many times thinking "What? He can do that?". So when I won I felt like I really did
something great, (etc.) Even if you are doing something boring, try to find an interesting way
to think about it. Also, if you are worried about being too nerdy for a girl, try to steer the
conversation in a direction she can relate to, and never talk too much about the actual
process of whatever you are doing unless she asks. Too much detail turns women
away instantly, because they think you don't understand they have no knowledge
of it. If she waned game facts, she would go to wikipedia.
Try and always end your story in a way that makes it easy for her to relate to it.

Self deprecating humor is not attractive to women (but it's always funny to men),
so try not to do it around them.
0478American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
垢版 |
2018/08/10(金) 10:44:07.35ID:pe1n7iGD0
Step 5: Always be self-analytical. This is the only way to get better at anything in life,
so don't do it only when you need to. Take some time to reflect on yourself every day,
with these four things in mind:
-What do I want
-How do I get it
-How far have I come from where I started
-Am I satisfied where I am
If you ever reach "yes" on the last one, make sure to keep doing what you need to so that it
stays a "yes". Then, when you are sure you will continue to say "yes", find the next thing
to work on. If you need help getting motivated, think about the worst outcome.
Then think about what you will do so that worst outcome never comes true.
Build on it, and make it so the thing you want comes true.
0479American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
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2018/08/10(金) 10:52:04.22ID:pe1n7iGD0
Final step: Posture
If you are sitting, standing, crouching, whatever- always have a straight back and your head
held high. You will have better breathing, leading to better focus. And posture is HUGE
to women. If they see a guy who is always slouched or has his shoulders forward, they will
immediately form a negative opinion (yes, good looking women are this ruthless). Try to focus
on pressing your shoulders back so they are even with your chest. your back can bend forward
a little as you puff out your chest. This is optimal manly posture. Be the man you always knew
you could be. Don't be afraid of your nipples sticking out too much and be confident in your
body- even if you puff out your chest, people won;t know how your body looks under your
shirt any more than they did before. Own it. Even if you are chubby. Plenty of chubby guys
puff out there chest here in America and it actually works really well.
0480American (ワッチョイ 0a91-IeV5)
垢版 |
2018/08/10(金) 10:59:56.40ID:pe1n7iGD0
Only other piece of advice I have is "if you are feeling tired early in the day,
and you have had enough sleep,
take a break and eat. Not a snack, something filling that will give you energy.
If you are a skinny guy force yourself to eat more. You will feel a huge difference
in energy, as if blood is finally rushing back to your brain.
I have experimented so much with my own hunger/fatigue that I can now
feel when my brain is starting to slow down from not eating enough specifically.
I could be tired from something else, and still feel when my body needs food
for the energy before hunger actually sets in. If you feel hunger in your
stomach, you are well past the point where your brain has started slowing down from
not taking in enough nutrients.

Good luck, brother. I hope you can make a place where you are happy (that is NOT
in a coffin).
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