Alright, I got it. It's not otaku's faults that these ads are now everywhere.

Let me clarify again. I'm not hating on their stuff, I just don't like having those stuff around where it's not supposed to be.

Of course they receive positive reactions from the audience because the audience went through the trouble going to movie theaters, payed some money and watched it,
Plus, movies usually get high ratings unless it horribly messes up in visual or screenplay.
This is especially the case for the ones like animation, because animation are primarily for minor audience (kids won't notice a little mess-up, do they?).

And they don't bother me at all, because they've been kept to the right places all the way through.
But once it's outside of their field and makes their way into other areas like ads/stations/shops/restaurants etc. Don't you find it a bit too much?
Because whether you like it or not, anime in the styles like the movie that you just mentioned aren't fully accepted by general population; particularly from senior generation.
I also don't like to have people from other countries pointing their fingers at us and say "Hey, it's the country of anime!!"