他人の英語に文句つける癖に自分ではI just spoke my mind.としか言えない馬鹿

19 名前:黒羊 ◆Gt/Nze4WhQ (オイコラミネオ MMd6-HqN0)[sage] 投稿日:2018/06/17(日) 13:31:40.99 ID:c8zy31zJM [1/2]
"Infinitesimal" is an exaggerated word of
"small". It simply means "very, very small".

Yep. You don't understand the concept of exaggeration, let alone the word, "infinitesimal".
Because your brain IS infinitesimal.

Face the music. You are nowhere near as good as me. Prove me wrong.
You cannot.
Because your brain IS infinitesimal.