
So for starters, I'm 17 and a girl, my brother is 15, and my sister is 14. This happened yesterday.
My little sister was pissed off at my brother, and she came into my room. She said that she would
give me $20 to hit our brother. At first I said no, but then she got out the $20 bill and put it on
my dresser. I had originally thought that she wouldn't pay me even if I did it, but then I saw
the money and realized that she was being serious.I told her that I would do it.

I found my brother playing video games downstairs.

I walked up to him and slapped him across the face. I really didn't do it hard, or at least I didn't
try to, but he fell over from the slap. He didn't even get mad, he just held his face and started
crying. I told him I was super sorry and that I did it for $20, and that I would give him the money.
He wouldn't talk to me, he just kept laying there crying, so I went to go get the money.
Meanwhile my sister was laughing her butt off and telling me it was totally worth it.
I told her that I shouldn't have done it and that I really hurt our brother, to which she said
"good, that was the point".

この流れでさ、お前は 弟が下でビデオゲームをしているのを見つけた
って訳すのか? まあ間違いじゃないが、下手くそなだけでw
弟を探してんだから 殴るために 20ドルでw
下でビデオゲームしてる弟を見つけた ってのが自然だしその意味で使ってる
(本質的には 下の階に弟がいた ビデオゲームしててさ くらい)
