Second, medical care costs have been rapidly declining these days thanks to the production capability of pharmaceutical firms and ever-growing world economies.
A good example of this is a drug for a certain kind of lung cancer which is also effective to liver cancer.
The price of the drug has plunged to 1/6th in less than a decade!

Third, another approach to beat incurable diseases is appearing from a different field: robotic engineering.
Experts predict that within this century if succeeded, we will not only overcome cancers and other prevalent diseases but also abundant our own body to become superhuman in a form of cyborg.
Given dream come ture, we will enter the age of immortal life!

In light of points mentioned above, currently Incurable diseases will be eradicated directly or indirectly via the development of medicine or biohacking.
We should do our share by pouring in as much money as possible to realize this dream of future technologies.