>>466 への回答の続き
さて、wordreference のサイトで、俺は実に面白い歴史的な解説を読んだ。実に長いが、

(2) While my forthcoming explanation is merely supposition, I believe the logic holds.
The usage of shop versus store in each nation is likely derived from the settlement patterns
of each nation along with the implementation of Modern English. Most linguists don't recognize English
in the Modern sense, as opposed to Early or Middle English, as existing until the 16th Century CE.
During this time in England most items were commonly created in the home rather than purchased,
with certain exceptions...works of metal, for instance. Even then the establishments creating such things,
various smiths, metal, jewelry, etc., were small establishments...shops. Retail establishments usually
didn't have large stores laid in. Large stores were more community property or privately owned
for the person's/family's use, i.e. graineries or warehouses. As such the English usage of 'shop'
for a retailer other than a warehouse likely stems from this earlier understanding.
