Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213

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0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPWW 0H5e-mX7i)
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2019/08/28(水) 07:45:35.99ID:Kgyss+6RH
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Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!


前スレ Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 212
0018名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 819d-GBYD)
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2019/09/06(金) 21:26:48.69ID:kf9pfFpv0
Sometimes I encounter some クソガリ at the gym wearing tanktops or compressioned shirts... which makes me laugh. Yes. Everytime. Without fails.

How miserable they look! If you wanna rock those shirts, you’d better work
0035外人 (ワッチョイ 093b-wxDY)
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2019/09/08(日) 02:42:41.21ID:ER1Czn7J0
Hey, wanted to make a new thread but fucked up and posted in another thread for translating Japanese to English.
Just gonna copypaste what I wrote, with some edits.



As for me, I want to know why you're interested in English. To learn the lingua franka of the world? To impress your girlfriend? Cause you have nothing better to do?
Let me know! Doesn't matter if your replies are in English or Japanese because I'll just throw it into google translate if I can't read it.
Preferably English since this is an English convo thread.
0037外人 (ワッチョイ 093b-wxDY)
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2019/09/08(日) 03:10:13.55ID:ER1Czn7J0
And you're a dick.
Who cares if I'm white?
0039外人 (ワッチョイ 093b-wxDY)
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2019/09/08(日) 04:05:10.27ID:ER1Czn7J0
...detrimental to who, might I ask?
I'm just in this thread to chat and answer potential questions you might have for a Canadian, like do we have polar bears as pets, etc.
0042外人 (CAWW 0H15-pyDU)
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2019/09/08(日) 04:54:55.66ID:y9NevSAsH
(Phone posting cause I needed to get out of the house)
I have German heritage. I actually love korean and asian food in general and have a few korean and chinese friends, but the real issue here in Canada is the fucking chinese and the CPP's influence on the chinese communities in Canada.
While westernized chinese people aren't the big issue, misinformation spread by mainland China to mandarin speakers is just screwing up the concept of the melting pot.
We even had protests in Vancouver in favor of the CPP because of the Hong Kong situation.
0043外人 (CAWW 0H15-pyDU)
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2019/09/08(日) 05:01:38.87ID:y9NevSAsH
Correction, CPC for my whole spiel.

Also, just wondering if you just default to sage on the board? Don't wanna be too annoying.
0045外人 (CAWW 0H15-pyDU)
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2019/09/08(日) 07:07:39.11ID:y9NevSAsH
Cool! What kind of videos do you want to watch? North american dramas? Cartoons? Youtube videos?

I'm wanting to learn Japanese because when I graduate from university I wanna visit Japan for 3 weeks.
0046外人 (CAWW 0H15-pyDU)
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2019/09/08(日) 07:31:21.28ID:y9NevSAsH

Thought I should add my two cents to this.
Sugar activates the same receptors in the brain that cocain and heroin do.
We evolved as a species to seek out sugar because that's energy. Berries, fruit, etc. all have sugar.
Only reason why pure sugar is still legal is because there's money to be made.

High fructose corn syrup is also sugar, but is metabolized differently then cane/beat sugar. It's probably the main reason why americans are getting as fat as they are.
We're all sugar addicts. Such is the current plight of humanity.
0049名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd62-nA0h)
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2019/09/08(日) 12:26:42.84ID:VVfjIJVId
I type words as best pancakes, hamburger, coffee into search box. I don't have any specific youtuber I watch regularly.

Why are you interested in Japan? Are you anime fan? Is that your first time to go abroad?
0050外人 (ワッチョイ 093b-wxDY)
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2019/09/08(日) 13:14:22.94ID:ER1Czn7J0
I visited the US twice and Germany 3 times throughout the last decade.
Visiting Japan would be the first time going somewhere in the world alone for me.

I'm somewhat of a weeb--been doing some Gunpla and finished a Zaku II--but the language, culture, and landscapes interest me too.
Shinto temples, Mt.Fuji, various cities with it's huge metropolitan landscape, and the countrysides in between.
I'm not full-on crazy like some foreigners are, but it'd be a nice change in destination for a vacation.

If you like chatting about food and don't mind using imageboards, 4chan has a food&cooking board if you want to use that to
improve your English. The memes and colloquial might be a bit jarring at first, but I think I had that same situation with browsing 2channel.
0057外人 (キュッキュ 093b-wxDY)
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2019/09/09(月) 11:19:32.79ID:DlCJZcrP00909
Wouldn't adding udon to it just make it fancy ramen...?

I'm still curious why people add sage to these threads and not have your comments bump the thread.
Is it to be more polite to more active threads?
0063名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa4a-o78b)
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2019/09/09(月) 23:22:58.49ID:FqCZUKIca
i woke up to notice that lid of a fan, attached inside my house, had been blown away
by strong wind of the typhoon no.15 during the night.
it was like a big hole was dug through the wall
and small animals would have been able to come through it into the house.
0071名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 999d-8D6z)
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2019/09/09(月) 23:58:50.14ID:kCXBvOFB0
As far as the number of posts is concerned, there are almost no posts other than operatives'.
As a result of the operatives continuing to distort information,
the English board lost its trust and was depopulated.
It is now a waste board.
There is no writing other than the operatives' faked stories.
They operatives look so miserable.
0073外人 (ワッチョイWW 863d-pyDU)
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2019/09/10(火) 00:49:46.29ID:eKYa++oy0
Do schools teach computer typing in Japan? I was taught it in elementary school, and even with capitalization I have a 70 WPM typing speed.

Kek, are you that much of a conspiracy theorist?
...although now I said kek, now you think I'm a fucking korean spy. In the west it's more of a different version of lol.
0078名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd62-nA0h)
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2019/09/10(火) 21:39:20.98ID:6ExcT/xHd
Are>>36 and >>77 same person?
0082外人 (ワッチョイWW 093b-pyDU)
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2019/09/10(火) 23:07:47.94ID:1skA61yP0
...it's "Sir, yes sir."
Unless you're just meming.

Another question I want to ask this thread is the reason you might hate an ethnic group. Whites? Koreans? Dominican republicans?
0084名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd62-nA0h)
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2019/09/11(水) 00:23:47.51ID:UYoVX4G4d
I'm not a racist. (* ・ω・*)ノ
0086外人 (ワッチョイ 093b-wxDY)
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2019/09/11(水) 11:13:48.91ID:BU7qpOkV0
That's great. Still I can sense quite the hostility towards Koreans in particular.

Ya know who also said that? The fucking Nazis. Don't aspire to be a Nazi.
Full Metal Jacket has quite a good scene pertaining to this.

There's a time and place for politics. This isn't one of those.
Anyone who disagrees can move over to 4chan's /pol/ board. They'll like you there.
0093名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW ff32-PG/5)
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2019/09/12(木) 08:18:07.44ID:CayTRLe20
my fav moment from Bercow's speech. if someone is interested.
0097外人 (ワッチョイWW ff3d-CmmK)
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2019/09/12(木) 22:23:12.14ID:tmyllMW/0
That's an easy answer.

Humanity evolved to adapt to their climates. Everything from skin color to nether regions.
A higher surface area allows you to cool down faster as you sweat. Bigger dong, higher surface area.
Europeans had to deal with long, cold winters. Because of that, less surface area is desirable.
0100名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa7f-HuMN)
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2019/09/13(金) 01:11:02.97ID:0pugULjca
the other day, when i went out taking a walk at night,
a little girl walked toward me alone.
she seemed only 7-8 years old and it's almost 10p.m.
i couldn't help but frown at her,
and also wondered where the hell her parents were at that time.
0101名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f9d-Ivwm)
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2019/09/13(金) 01:19:46.61ID:1iZZ9DqI0
It’s too late for you to realise that, dude.
Everytime I go to a local mall centre after work like at 9pm, I see some young-ish parents with a little kid like 3 or 4 years age.

This is pretty the norm in Japan now. You need to adjust to it.
0102外人 (ワッチョイWW ff3d-CmmK)
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2019/09/13(金) 03:06:45.81ID:v5g6d3PQ0
Depending on location in relation to the equator, your ancestors would have gone through evolution gaining different traits.
With asians, narrow eyes and similar physiology to europeans were the favorable trait.

We have something similar in Canada for my area. These are SUVs used to suppliment ambulances and fire rescue.
Then again you said they wern't emergency services so I have no idea.
0105外人 (ワッチョイ 9f3b-+dKN)
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2019/09/13(金) 09:41:53.20ID:fY77JixR0
Sadly not. It's only required to learn french from grades 1 through 6. After that, it becomes optional.
Doesn't matter. Since grade 1, I was learning German in a bilingual school system my area has.
I dropped out of German in grade 12 though because I'd have to take the C level Sprachdiplom (German equivalent to N1 JLPT).
I really didn't care about having that certification since it's only useful for interpretation jobs and working/studying in Germany if you aren't a citizen.
However since I am both Canadian and German, no Sprachdiplom required.

If you don't know french, working as a public servant is close to impossible due to preferential treatment of francophones and those who speak french.

Exchange programs are amazing and fun to do. I did one in grade 8 for a trip to Germany.
Australia is a good choice too.
Their accent and slang might be difficult for ESL students to understand though.
How was your experience in Australia?
0106名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa7f-HuMN)
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2019/09/13(金) 09:46:57.86ID:0pugULjca
if those cars were used for emergency purposes (to suppliment ambulances and fire rescue)
they should make loud warning sounds with sirens or ask for other car's cooperation through loudspeakers or microphones.

i think those young ish parents must take better care of their children.
the children will have a difficulty breaking the bad habit when they begin to go to school.
0107名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa7f-HuMN)
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2019/09/13(金) 09:54:34.70ID:0pugULjca
some people like to pursue the latest, up to date version of electronic devices.
when iphone x models were launched a few years ago,
they emailed me the pictures of them (or sent messages with pics through line app).
i wonder how many people will do the same thing with iphone 11 in 2020.
0108外人 (ワッチョイ 9f3b-+dKN)
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2019/09/13(金) 10:13:23.87ID:fY77JixR0
Yup. People are pretty absorbed by their expensive toys.
I did get a flagship phone (LG V30) but I only upgrade every 3 or 4 years.
0110名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd9f-oiQV)
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2019/09/13(金) 13:10:41.53ID:C/f6mt/td
I still use the flip phone. That is *garakee in Japanese. But It was tiresome to check out the correct word to me. So I wrote *galapagos portable phone to soneone in the youtube comment section. I don't know he understood me.
0114名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f9d-Ivwm)
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2019/09/13(金) 22:46:49.82ID:1iZZ9DqI0
I was in Brisbane for a year and it was such a nice experience. People were so chill and I loved the climate there.

The only thing I hated about Australia is that I couldn’t use water as much as I can. I use tons of water here in Japan.
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