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== 前スレ ==
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Remember, I was only a boy, and I had taken that which no man can
restore. Many times since have I looked without a shudder, almost
without a thought, on the face of my dead foeman, but on that morning
in the desert my mind was shocked by the new experience.

Suddenly I heard a trumpet and a cry. I looked towards the right; the
spahis were riding at top speed with levelled lances on the foe. Our
men were scattered, fighting in squads and parties over the plain,
driving the Arabs back. The press of battle had gone beyond me. In a
moment the horsemen swept into the Arab ranks; the lances rose and fell
with terrible significance as the mass rolled on. Our work was over;
the cavalry so rushed and harried the fleeing enemy that the rebellion
was practically at an end, for that time of course, before noon. When
the main body came up the chiefs were in our camp, prepared to accept
any terms offered by the general. These were hard enough. All arms to
be surrendered, a heavy fine to be paid, their villages to be kept in
our possession till all the petty fortifications should be dismantled.
Yes; my company kept a village and an oasis, and I fancy that the next
generation of Arabs was whiter than their forbears. But that is war;
and the people--the goody-goodies and the stockbrokers and the foolish
women--who believe that honour dwells in the heart of a soldier on
active service will lament our wickedness and get ready for the next
occasion when they can send off their own soldiers to war, glorious
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[[Wikipedia:コメント依頼/Ptyths 他]]

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Not long after the end of the little war my company and another were
ordered on garrison duty to a place which we called, for what reason
I know not, Three Fountains. I never saw three springs in the place;
of course, there was an oasis but whether this, before being walled
in, had really been divided into three separate wells I cannot say.
Probably the name was a fanciful one given by a soldier and taken up by
his comrades.

Alongside us lay about five or six hundred Turcos. They did not like
us and we did not care overmuch for them, so you might imagine that
here were pretty grounds and opportunity for a quarrel. Not so, indeed;
they kept away from us, for they knew well what would happen should
one of them dare to enter our lines. We gave them a wide berth, for
the African is always--like the Asiatic and the American and the
European--ripe for treachery to men of another race and colour. No; the
races did not fight, but we of the higher breed,--how angels and devils
must laugh when people speak of higher breeds!--had a very pretty fight
amongst ourselves.
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It came about in an unusual way, but for the invariable cause. There
was a Portuguese in No. 4 Company who loved a girl--a Cooloolie girl
who had followed him in all his marches and campaignings. A Cooloolie,
I may explain, is the offspring of a Turkish father and an Arab or
Christian mother, and as a rule when a Cooloolie woman gives herself to
a man she does it in a thorough manner and without any reservation save
one--the woman's right to change her mind. And this lassie did change
her mind, and of her own accord made love to a Greek who belonged to
my company, as handsome and well-formed a man as I have ever had the
good fortune to see, and a downright good soldier. Certainly I should
not care to see him too near my knapsack--brushes and such things have
a strange knack of disappearing--but I know very well that he was a
right man in a fight and a trump to spend his money when he had it.
He did not have it often, and when he had you generally heard next
morning that an officer's tent had been visited--yes, visited is a good
word--by someone not invited.

Well, the Cooloolie girl flung over the Portuguese, with bad words
and worse insinuations, and openly followed the Greek around, like
a dog after its master. And Apollo, of course, who probably did not
care a button about the woman, must go here and there, head up, with
smiling face, cheery talk, and queer jests. He visited every corner of
the camp: first the part where we, his own company lay; then, still
followed by the woman, the Turcos, who showed their white teeth and
grinned and muttered: by Jove, he was a handsome man, and she, though
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rather dusky and stout, looked a perfect beauty in such a place, remote
from civilisation; last of all he came towards us through the company
of his predecessor in the Cooloolie girl's favour. Flesh and blood,
least of all the hot blood of a Peninsular, could not stand it; with a
hoarse cry and an awful oath the Portuguese rushed at the Greek, but
Apollo was quite prepared. Slipping aside he struck the poor devil
full under the ear at the base of the skull and sent him headlong to
the earth, senseless. Apollo, seeing that his opponent did not rise,
calmly walked to his own quarters, the girl now hanging upon his arm
and uttering all the endearing words she could think of, looking up the
while into his face as one entranced. None of the men of No. 4 Company
interfered. It was a common thing enough for two men to quarrel about
a woman, and, though they must have felt sore that their comrade had
been worsted, still that was no reason why outsiders should interfere.
The matter would have been settled by the interested parties for
themselves had it not been for the devilish desire of creating mischief
that always possessed Nicholas the Russian. Indeed, Nicholas loved
mischief like a woman.

Now Nicholas was a man who often had money and spent it like a
gentleman, a soldier, and a rascal. He never got all that was sent to
him, any more than the Crown gets all the revenues collected in its
name: to greasy palms coins will always stick. If 1000 francs were his
due--sent by friends, of course--he reckoned himself lucky to be able
to spend half. This time he must have received a more than ordinary
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sum, for instead of following the custom of the Legion and showing us,
his comrades, a little bit of paper, which the commandant would cash
next day, so that we, his good comrades, the men who liked and loved
him, might know exactly how much drink and other things to be had for
money each might fairly reckon on, he said:

"Our comrade, Apollo I mean, has taken the girl; let us be good
comrades to him; let us take the two cabarets to-morrow, and keep all
the drink and all the tobacco and all the cigars for ourselves, and
give the happy pair a right good wedding."

He pulled his moustache as he spoke, and then, turning his eyes round
the squad, he showed devilment and fun enough in them to entice the
ordinary good man to break not only the laws of God but to do a still
more risky thing--to break the laws of his society.

The word was passed around quickly that the Russian would be a good
friend to all the company, and not merely to his own section or his
own squad. Everybody was happy; we forgot squad distinctions and shook
hands with one another and handed freely round our tobacco, for was not
to-morrow the glorious day when _eau-de-vie_ and wine and cigars and
tobacco were to be had by every one of us, even without the asking? Ah!
the good Russian, the worthy comrade! Ah! the handsome Greek! Ah! the
wise woman, who knows the company to select her lover from! Ah! you,
good soldier, of another squad it is true; shall we not drink and smoke
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[[Wikipedia‐ノート:削除依頼/斉木楠雄のΨ難 (アニメ)]]

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together to-morrow and curse the pigs of No. 4? How they will groan and
curse and envy us to-morrow! Good-night, brave comrade; good-bye till I
see you again to-morrow!

The morrow came, with its drills and fatigues and duties. Some of ours
were for guard, others for camp picket; how they envied us who were
free for all the fun of the evening! The last meal was over, the last
duty for the day done, when Nicholas and Le Grand and I went out to
negotiate with the two cabaret keepers of the place.

Let me say something here about Le Grand. He was the biggest man in the
battalion, some fellows said in the Legion, but there were others who
denied this; anyway he was a fine, strapping Dubliner, whose real name
I do not care to give. He was in my company, but not in my squad, not
even in my section, so he and I passed each other when we met with a
friendly "English pig!" "Irish pig!" "Go to the devil!" "Yes, yes; have
you any tobacco?" "Yes; here, do not forget me to-morrow." Another word
and we separated.

But let me pay here my tribute to the comrade of whom I shall more
than once have occasion to speak. He was brave--I learned that on the
battlefield, I have it not by hearsay; he was generous--I learned
that many a time when we were together in Tonquin; he was kind and
honest--that is, honest for a soldier--to all he met with, and his only
fault was hastiness of temper, which made him knock you down one moment
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>湿度の話はしていません。--切干大根(会話) 2019年3月23日 (土) 07:20 (UTC)

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and, with the corresponding virtue, pick you up the next. But he never
struck a boy, he never struck a veteran whose limbs and features showed
the effects of war, he would die of thirst sooner than take a drop of
water from the hot-tongued youngster in the fight who had the desire
to go forward and the weariness of the rifle and pack, and the moist
heat of socks and the dull, heavy, deadly pain of pouches at the sides.
I do not know where you are to-day, Le Grand; wherever you are take a
little, a very little, tribute from one of your comrades. Great as was
your frame, our liking and love for you were greater.

Well, we walked slowly, as befitted men bent on so important a mission,
down to the collection of mud huts where the sutlers were. Nicholas,
as the giver of the feast, had the centre, Le Grand was on his right,
and I, the youngest and least of the three, supported the Russian on
the left. We did not speak, but Nicholas now and then laughed, while
a constant smile, cynical, sarcastic, and malicious, was on his lips.
The Russian was evidently calculating on the fun he would have, for he,
if no one else did, forecasted accurately the result. He was paying,
and paying for a purpose; excitement was to him the breath of life;
he had no fear of consequences; if he were punished he would take his
punishment with that calm ease of manner which was the despair of all
his superiors from the commandant down.

The first cabaret we visited was kept by a retired soldier--a man
who had spent most of his life in Algeria, who had in fact, almost
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forgotten France. An ugly, old Kabyle woman, whom, I daresay, he had
picked up a young girl in some forgotten desert raid, lived with him,
cooked his meals, and helped to swindle us poor fellows out of the
wretched pittance we were paid.

When we entered the host came forward, smiling, gloating I should say,
on Nicholas. The fellow evidently knew about the money. The Russian
came straight to the point.

"How much, _mon vieux_, for all in this hole?"

"What! all?"

"Well, you may leave out madame and the domestic furniture. How much, I
ask you, for the hut, the drink, the tobacco, the glasses, the tables
and forms, and all the rest of your property?"

"Well, well, I do not understand."

"Let us go to the Jew then," said Nicholas to Le Grand.

"Very well."

"What do you say, my friend?" This to me.
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"A Jew can't swindle more than this old ruffian."

We turned to leave.

"No, no, no; I will sell all," cried the sutler.

"Very well," said Nicholas; "show me all you have, and quickly. I will
make an offer; if you take it I will pay the money at once."

The sutler showed us what he had: so much brandy, the strongest in
France, he said--so much wine; how beautiful, would we not take a
glass?--so much tobacco, and so on; he praising and Nicholas critically
valuing as the goods were shown. When everything had been shown
Nicholas offered 500 francs for all.

"Oh no, not at all; that would ruin me."

"Very well; let us go to the Jew."

As we were passing out he ran out after Nicholas, and said:

"Six hundred."

"Five," said Nicholas.
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The sutler shook his head.

"Give me five hundred and fifty and take all, in the name of the devil."

"For the last time, five hundred."

"Oh, you have a hard heart, very hard for so young and brave a soldier."

The temptation was too great; he would not let us go to the Jew, so he
accepted. The money was paid, and Nicholas gave the old soldier and his
wife ten minutes to get out their personal belongings, leaving me on
guard to see that nothing else went out by mistake.

A similar scene, Le Grand afterwards told me, took place in the Jew's.
At anyrate, in about a quarter of an hour Nicholas came back alone,
having left our comrade to watch the other sutler's departure, and told
me that he was going away to summon the rest.

"Fill a couple of glasses for ourselves first," he said; "I want to
give the Jew time to get his things away."

The old soldier cocked his ears.

"You have bought the Jew's stuff too, my boy?"
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"Yes," said Nicholas; "my company will drink, this evening. Get madame
and your property to a safe distance, as there may be trouble."

The old man took the hint and hurried away; he was too experienced a
soldier not to easily guess what would happen when a poor and thirsty
company looked on at the carousal of a rich and happy one.

Well, down came the company, laughing, clapping one another on the
back, jumping about, for all the world looking partly like schoolboys
out for an unexpected and unhoped-for holiday, partly like a commando,
as the Dutch say, from the lower regions. There was not room for all
in the huts, but the barrels were quickly rolled out and broached with
due care, for who would spill good liquor? There was no scrambling or
pushing; in spite of the excitement every man waited good-humouredly
for his turn, for was there not enough for all? Eight or ten of us
selected by Nicholas were filling the glasses; a man came to me and
asked for brandy, I gave him a glassful, he drank, passed on to a
second and got a ration of wine, and then went off to the place where
the tobacco was distributed, giving way to another. This went on
continuously until all had received an allowance of brandy and another
of wine and a third of tobacco, and then Nicholas, this time also
accompanied by Le Grand and me, went for the _nouveaux mariテゥs_, as
he called them. We brought them down in triumph, Apollo smiling and
bowing, the Cooloolie girl beaming with happiness, Nicholas as solemn
as a judge, Le Grand and I breaking our sides with laughter. Such
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cheering and such compliments! Such a babel of tongues! The soldiers
were all shouting out, every man, or almost every man, in his own
tongue, and those words I caught and understood did not certainly err
on the score of modesty. Nicholas amidst renewed cheering handed an
immense vessel of wine to the lady; she drank some and passed it to
Apollo, who drained it to the bottom.

When the cries had somewhat subsided Nicholas made a short speech.
He alluded in graceful terms to the happy pair, and hoped that their
children's children would in the years to come follow the flag in the
old Legion, in the old regiment, in the old battalion, above all, in
the old company. He praised the company; he said we could fight any
other company on the face of the earth; as, he concluded by saying,
our well-loved comrade has taken, and will keep, the woman he wants
without asking any man's permission, so we have taken, and will keep
for ourselves, the liquor in the camp.

He spoke in a loud tone, so that certain men of the other company might
hear. These were looking enviously on at the orgy, and were quite near
enough to make out the general tenor of his remarks. And Nicholas meant
them to hear his words. He was no fool, and he knew what his speech
would provoke; he was no coward, when the fight came, he stood up to
his work like a man; he was no liar, for at the investigation he told
exactly what he had done, and kept back only his purpose in doing it.
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I may mention here that there were no _sous-officiers_ and no soldiers
of the first class at the carousal. We were all men of the second
class, who neither hoped nor wished for promotion, therefore we were
quite careless as to what might happen.

Very soon the fellows of No. 4 Company began to come out of their
quarters by twos and threes. As we saw them approaching we raised our
voices, we shouted, sang, danced, cried out toasts, and did everything
in our power to make them at once angry and jealous. The Cooloolie
was in the centre, seated in Apollo's lap, the Greek himself having
improvised a sort of arm-chair out of the staves and ends of an empty
barrel. Even then things might not have been too bad, but nothing can
keep a woman quiet, especially when her tongue is loosened with wine.
She called to the men of No. 4 to go and fetch the Portuguese, and we
all laughed. She openly and without shame showered kisses and other
endearments on her lover, and the laughter was redoubled. She called
out to the poor, thirsty and tantalised devils outside the charmed
circle that her old sweetheart was--well, let me leave her words to
the imagination of those who have ever listened to an angry, reckless
woman's tongue--and she ended by saying that the Portuguese was only a
fair sample of his comrades. The men of No. 4 were now all around us,
and those of us who, like myself, had partaken only sparingly of the
wine began to scent a fight. There was no premeditation, I believe,
on the part of the others; indeed, the only man who desired to make
trouble from the beginning was Nicholas the Russian, and truly he got
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his wish gratified to the full. A few bad words passed between some of
theirs and some of ours, a blow was struck and replied to; in a moment
a wild rush towards the combatants was made by all. A general melee
ensued, and in a second almost, as it seemed, a little spot of ground
was covered with the struggling, twisting, writhing bodies of four
hundred angry, swearing men.

As I was running down to where the press of fighting was, I came full
tilt against a man of No. 4. He and I staggered and almost fell from
the shock. Luckily I had a half-empty bottle in my hand, and though
when he recovered himself he almost made me totter with a swinging blow
on the chest, yet I sent him fairly down with an ugly stroke of the
bottle across the head.

The next man I crossed tumbled me fairly over. What followed
immediately afterwards I do not know. The next thing I remember is that
I was standing on a table, striking out on all sides with the leg of
a chair. A sudden rush on the part of the men of No. 4 drove back our
company, the table was overturned, and I found myself sprawling on the
ground, trying as best I could to regain my feet. Our fellows rallied
and pushed back the others, and a tacit armistice took place. Not for
long, though. The others got together in a mass, we formed up in a
circle round the barrels and the tobacco, and the fight re-commenced.
And the Cooloolie woman was the best combatant of all, for though she
herself did not do more than claw a man or two, who broke away at once,
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not wishing to hurt a woman beloved by men of both companies, yet
with her cries and execrations she lashed them and us into a fury of
fighting which made all men perfect devils. I have seen worse fighting,
but then we had weapons. This fight was really the most savage save
one, which I shall speak of afterwards, for there was no care of
hurting comrades, there was no hanging back in the rush, there was no
yielding of even a foot in the defence, and all the while the white
guards looked on in horror, and the Turcos crept back to their part of
the encampment with deadly terror in their hearts.

Half-a-dozen times we stopped for a moment or two to take breath. Then
one of ours would rush at a man of No. 4, or one of No. 4 would come
with an oath against a man of ours, and in a second the fray would be
re-commenced. The officers and the _sous-officiers_, the guard and the
picket, tried to separate us. It was all in vain; they might just as
well have tried to pull apart two packs of wolves. Moreover, half of
the soldiers brought down to quell the trouble belonged to ours, and
half to No. 4, and the commanding officer was very much afraid that
these might join in the fight, and they carried arms and ammunition.
But, you will say, why not use the Turcos? Ah, that would never
do. The commanding officer might succeed in putting an end to the
disturbance with their assistance, it is true, but the consequences
which were sure to follow were too serious, for the Turcos would never
afterwards be safe from an attack. All the legionaries, not merely the
men of the companies in the camp, but all the legionaries throughout
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Algeria, would resent the interference of the native troops, and
heaven only knows what scenes of bloodshed might arise in unexpected
quarters, and from trivial causes. Had there been even half-a-company
of Frenchmen in camp all would have been well, but the nearest French
soldiers, a squadron or two of chasseurs, lay a few kilometres away.
To them, however, a mounted messenger was sent, and when we were
almost weary of fighting, and began to think it time to look after the
wounded--the place looked like a battlefield where regular weapons
had been employed--we heard the trumpets of the cavalry and saw not
a hundred yards away the long line of horsemen thundering down with
raised swords at the charge. Before the chasseurs we broke and fled,
but they were on us too soon for safety, and many a man went down
before the charge.

As I was running to a hut a sergeant of chasseurs overtook me.
Instinctively I jumped aside and lifted my right arm to protect my
head. It was no use; down came the flat of the heavy sabre on my
shoulder, and almost at the same time the charger's forequarter
struck me sideways on the breast. I fell, and wisely remained quiet
and motionless on the ground until the charge had passed. I then got
up and reached the hut, which I found almost packed with men of both
companies, whose appetite for fighting had altogether disappeared.
In a short time we were all prisoners. My company was marched to the
north side of the camp and No. 4 to the south, and we lay out all the
night; and nights are very cold in these warm countries--the more so by
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contrast with the heat of the day.

Now about the casualties. I cannot tell the exact number killed
outright in the quarrel or charge, or of wounded who afterwards
died, but it was certainly not less than a score. More than 100 were
seriously injured, and there was not a man of all the fighters without
several ugly marks on his body. The Greek, who had fought well until,
as I heard, a blow of a stone brought him insensible to the ground, had
his brains knocked out by a horse's hoof; the Portuguese, we learned,
died in hospital of his hurts. As for the Cooloolie girl--well, what
would you expect? She wept for a week, and then took to herself a
new lover out of the many who sought her favour, for your famous or
notorious woman does not long lack suitors.

How we made up the quarrel and escaped severe punishment--heaven knows
we punished ourselves enough as it was--must be told in a new chapter.


Nobody was surprised when, on the morning after the affray, a corporal
of chasseurs and half-a-dozen men came to escort Nicholas, Le Grand,
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and me to the commandant's quarters in the camp. Nicholas had his head
swathed in rags, and limped more than slightly with the left foot;
Le Grand showed a beautiful pair of black eyes and confessed to a
racking headache. Every part of my body felt its own particular pain,
my right eye was closed up, and I had an ugly cut on the forehead, the
scar of which still remains. When we arrived at the place of inquiry,
we found every officer in the camp, our own officers and those of
the chasseurs and Turcos, assembled around the commandant. For a few
moments there was silence, while they eyed us and we looked steadily at
the commandant. At last this officer spoke, slowly and in a quiet tone:
"The affair of yesterday was serious, indeed serious." He fixed his
gaze on Nicholas. "You, I hear, bought all the drink and tobacco from
the sutlers. Did that lead to the quarrel?"

Nicholas saluted respectfully and asked permission to make a statement.
When it was accorded he began to tell all the story, just, indeed,
as it happened, or almost as it happened. In narrating the dispute
between the rivals he placed all the blame upon the Greek, for he
knew at the time that the Greek was dead and therefore could not be
punished. He said nothing, however, about certain encouragement that
Apollo had received before and during his vainglorious parade through
the camp with his new love on his arm; nor did he mention certain
sarcastic expressions concerning the Portuguese which he himself had
uttered in the hearing of the Cooloolie girl; also, he seemed to forget
that these very expressions were used most frequently and with most
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infuriating effect by her when she was sitting, almost lying indeed,
in the Greek's arms just before the fight. No; he told the truth, but
not all the truth, and he told everything in so open and candid a way
that Le Grand and I were almost deceived. He let fall the nickname
Apollo, as it were by accident, and then, turning respectfully to the
captain of chasseurs, who could not be supposed to know the man, he
explained: "We called him so, monsieur le capitaine, because he was so
handsome." "Quite true, quite true," acquiesced the commandant; "he
was a veritable Apollo." Afterwards we heard that the cavalry officers
went to see the Greek as he lay stripped in the hut of the dead, and,
although the face was disfigured out of all human semblance by the
horse's hoof, yet the beautiful curves and splendid proportions of
his body, marked even as it was by countless bruises, proved that the
nickname was well deserved.

One good effect was produced by Nicholas' statement. Everything was so
honest and straightforward, so natural and true-seeming, that anything
he might afterwards say was likely to be believed. Moreover, though the
officers had not seen the parade of the lovers through the camp, yet
they had evidently heard of it; and, again, the _sous-officiers_ could
be brought to prove the truth of that part of the story.

When the Russian was asked about the buying of the sutlers' property
for the use of only one company, he again begged leave to make a
rather long statement, partly, he admitted, about himself, but chiefly
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about the customs of the corps. He said that without such a statement
the business could not be clearly and thoroughly understood by the
officers, especially by those officers who did not belong to the
Legion. Again leave was granted to him to tell his story in his own
way, and the commandant was graciously pleased to allow Le Grand and
me to stand at ease; he even said to Nicholas: "You need not stand
altogether to attention, make gestures if you wish, speak freely, just
as if you were telling a story to your friends." Nicholas bowed with a
courtier's grace; he wore no kepi, being a prisoner at the tribunal;
the chasseurs looked at one another in astonishment, wondering at the
aristocratic air that could not be concealed even under a private
soldier's tunic or by a bruised and battered face. Ah! little they
knew of the wrecked lives, the lost souls, that came to us from every
country in Europe, that made the Foreign Legion, if I may say so, a
real cemetery of the living.

Nicholas explained that, when a man had money, he was bound by all
the rules of the corps to spend it with the men of his squad; that,
when the money was more than usually plentiful, he was supposed to
entertain his section; that, in the rare cases when thousands of
francs--how the chasseurs opened their eyes at this!--were in a man's
possession, all the rules of regimental etiquette obliged him to spend
the money royally and loyally with his comrades of the company. Beyond
the company one could not go. Were one as rich as a Rothschild one
could not do more than give a few francs to a man of another company
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if he were a fellow-countryman--all, or nearly all, had to be spent
with one's comrades of the company. Our officers recognised the truth
of this, they understood our unwritten laws, and again Nicholas added
to his reputation for veracity. But he said nothing at all about
giving a percentage to the sergeant-major, nor about the taxes levied
by the sergeant of the section and the corporal of the squad. The
sergeant-major, who was present, looked relieved when this part of the
Russian's statement came to an end--for were not two hundred francs
of the Russian's money in his pocket at the time? Nicholas knew what
to tell and what to keep back; there would be no use in alluding to
the money which he was practically compelled to give to his superior
officers; it would only cause anger at the time and produce trouble and
a heavier punishment for us afterwards.

Nicholas went on to state that he had received a large amount of money
from a friend in Europe, and that he had at once resolved to pay for
a good spree for his comrades. For a joke he called the affair a
wedding _dテゥjeuner_ in honour of the Greek and the Cooloolie girl. He
thought--at least he said he thought--that the other company would not
mind; they knew the rules of the Legion as well as he; a little fun
about the new connection ought to hurt nobody except the Portuguese.
But, poor, misguided fellow that he was, he had never calculated the
damage that might be done by a woman's tongue; he, simple, ignorant
baby, thought that we should have a couple of hours of jollity and
drinking and that then all would go quietly back to quarters. He had
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always held the men of No. 4 in great respect; he would, indeed, be the
last in the world to insult them, or in the slightest degree to make
little of the company. He admitted with sorrow--the hypocrite--that
his action had been injudicious--it would have been all right only for
the woman; he had paid for drink and tobacco, but not for insults to
any man or men of No. 4; it was the woman who insulted people; he did
not want to fight with anybody, least of all with the men of No. 4,
but, when his company became engaged in an affray, he would have been
indeed a bad comrade, nay, a coward, had he remained out of the fight.
We wished for only the drink and the tobacco; we soldiers had no desire
but to enjoy ourselves in peace and quietness in the evening after the
hard work of a hot and dusty day; we had no malice, not even now did we
harbour evil thoughts, towards our fellow-soldiers of No. 4; but what
will you? who can stop a woman's tongue?--we could not even expostulate
with her without insulting our good comrade Apollo; if she drove
the others to attack us by her ugly words, were we, men not afraid
of death, to tamely surrender? That, they all knew, was impossible.
Without actually saying it he flung the whole blame for the fight on
the woman's shoulders. I thought at first that this was not quite fair,
but I soon saw that Nicholas was really doing his best to save us all.
Everybody knew the wild way she spoke and acted before the first blow
was struck, but Nicholas knew quite well that nobody would hold her
accountable for her language, while everybody would admit that the
men of No. 4 had reasonable grounds for attacking us, and, of course,
we when attacked were quite justified in defending ourselves. This
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was what the Russian was aiming at all along: to put the blame on the
Cooloolie girl, who in the first place could not be court-martialled
for a soldiers' quarrel, and in the second would most undoubtedly be
sympathised with for the loss of her lover. At the same time, a case
of extenuating circumstances was made out for No. 4 Company, and we,
the attacked party, who did not apparently seek to provoke an attack,
would be adjudged guiltless of offence because we merely resisted. It
was a splendid plan--it saved us--but we had, in addition to becoming
reconciled with our comrades and getting some punishment, to volunteer
for the war. That, however, will be told of in its own time and place.

When the Russian had finished his statement a few questions were asked
of him, not in the nature of a cross-examination, but for the evident
purpose of clearing up matters that were not quite understood by the
hearers. He answered these with readiness and to the point, preserving
always the bearing and language of an aristocrat, with the tone and
temper of a simple soldier in presence of his superiors. When they had
done with him the commandant questioned first Le Grand and then me, but
we merely corroborated our comrade's story. Not that there was at the
time any doubt in our minds that Nicholas had desired a fight and had
paid for the gratification of his desire, but who can give evidence
of what has passed in another's mind, and who would betray a generous

At last the commandant sent us away, and we returned under escort to
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今回の件については、ノートでの議論であっても削除依頼を行わない予定です。最低でも1年程度は自粛するつもりです。--Sakurapop7(会話) 2019年3月23日 (土) 11:31 (UTC)

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