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== 前スレ ==
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"Yes," said Nicholas; "my company will drink, this evening. Get madame
and your property to a safe distance, as there may be trouble."

The old man took the hint and hurried away; he was too experienced a
soldier not to easily guess what would happen when a poor and thirsty
company looked on at the carousal of a rich and happy one.

Well, down came the company, laughing, clapping one another on the
back, jumping about, for all the world looking partly like schoolboys
out for an unexpected and unhoped-for holiday, partly like a commando,
as the Dutch say, from the lower regions. There was not room for all
in the huts, but the barrels were quickly rolled out and broached with
due care, for who would spill good liquor? There was no scrambling or
pushing; in spite of the excitement every man waited good-humouredly
for his turn, for was there not enough for all? Eight or ten of us
selected by Nicholas were filling the glasses; a man came to me and
asked for brandy, I gave him a glassful, he drank, passed on to a
second and got a ration of wine, and then went off to the place where
the tobacco was distributed, giving way to another. This went on
continuously until all had received an allowance of brandy and another
of wine and a third of tobacco, and then Nicholas, this time also
accompanied by Le Grand and me, went for the _nouveaux mariテゥs_, as
he called them. We brought them down in triumph, Apollo smiling and
bowing, the Cooloolie girl beaming with happiness, Nicholas as solemn
as a judge, Le Grand and I breaking our sides with laughter. Such
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cheering and such compliments! Such a babel of tongues! The soldiers
were all shouting out, every man, or almost every man, in his own
tongue, and those words I caught and understood did not certainly err
on the score of modesty. Nicholas amidst renewed cheering handed an
immense vessel of wine to the lady; she drank some and passed it to
Apollo, who drained it to the bottom.

When the cries had somewhat subsided Nicholas made a short speech.
He alluded in graceful terms to the happy pair, and hoped that their
children's children would in the years to come follow the flag in the
old Legion, in the old regiment, in the old battalion, above all, in
the old company. He praised the company; he said we could fight any
other company on the face of the earth; as, he concluded by saying,
our well-loved comrade has taken, and will keep, the woman he wants
without asking any man's permission, so we have taken, and will keep
for ourselves, the liquor in the camp.

He spoke in a loud tone, so that certain men of the other company might
hear. These were looking enviously on at the orgy, and were quite near
enough to make out the general tenor of his remarks. And Nicholas meant
them to hear his words. He was no fool, and he knew what his speech
would provoke; he was no coward, when the fight came, he stood up to
his work like a man; he was no liar, for at the investigation he told
exactly what he had done, and kept back only his purpose in doing it.
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I may mention here that there were no _sous-officiers_ and no soldiers
of the first class at the carousal. We were all men of the second
class, who neither hoped nor wished for promotion, therefore we were
quite careless as to what might happen.

Very soon the fellows of No. 4 Company began to come out of their
quarters by twos and threes. As we saw them approaching we raised our
voices, we shouted, sang, danced, cried out toasts, and did everything
in our power to make them at once angry and jealous. The Cooloolie
was in the centre, seated in Apollo's lap, the Greek himself having
improvised a sort of arm-chair out of the staves and ends of an empty
barrel. Even then things might not have been too bad, but nothing can
keep a woman quiet, especially when her tongue is loosened with wine.
She called to the men of No. 4 to go and fetch the Portuguese, and we
all laughed. She openly and without shame showered kisses and other
endearments on her lover, and the laughter was redoubled. She called
out to the poor, thirsty and tantalised devils outside the charmed
circle that her old sweetheart was--well, let me leave her words to
the imagination of those who have ever listened to an angry, reckless
woman's tongue--and she ended by saying that the Portuguese was only a
fair sample of his comrades. The men of No. 4 were now all around us,
and those of us who, like myself, had partaken only sparingly of the
wine began to scent a fight. There was no premeditation, I believe,
on the part of the others; indeed, the only man who desired to make
trouble from the beginning was Nicholas the Russian, and truly he got
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his wish gratified to the full. A few bad words passed between some of
theirs and some of ours, a blow was struck and replied to; in a moment
a wild rush towards the combatants was made by all. A general melee
ensued, and in a second almost, as it seemed, a little spot of ground
was covered with the struggling, twisting, writhing bodies of four
hundred angry, swearing men.

As I was running down to where the press of fighting was, I came full
tilt against a man of No. 4. He and I staggered and almost fell from
the shock. Luckily I had a half-empty bottle in my hand, and though
when he recovered himself he almost made me totter with a swinging blow
on the chest, yet I sent him fairly down with an ugly stroke of the
bottle across the head.

The next man I crossed tumbled me fairly over. What followed
immediately afterwards I do not know. The next thing I remember is that
I was standing on a table, striking out on all sides with the leg of
a chair. A sudden rush on the part of the men of No. 4 drove back our
company, the table was overturned, and I found myself sprawling on the
ground, trying as best I could to regain my feet. Our fellows rallied
and pushed back the others, and a tacit armistice took place. Not for
long, though. The others got together in a mass, we formed up in a
circle round the barrels and the tobacco, and the fight re-commenced.
And the Cooloolie woman was the best combatant of all, for though she
herself did not do more than claw a man or two, who broke away at once,
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not wishing to hurt a woman beloved by men of both companies, yet
with her cries and execrations she lashed them and us into a fury of
fighting which made all men perfect devils. I have seen worse fighting,
but then we had weapons. This fight was really the most savage save
one, which I shall speak of afterwards, for there was no care of
hurting comrades, there was no hanging back in the rush, there was no
yielding of even a foot in the defence, and all the while the white
guards looked on in horror, and the Turcos crept back to their part of
the encampment with deadly terror in their hearts.

Half-a-dozen times we stopped for a moment or two to take breath. Then
one of ours would rush at a man of No. 4, or one of No. 4 would come
with an oath against a man of ours, and in a second the fray would be
re-commenced. The officers and the _sous-officiers_, the guard and the
picket, tried to separate us. It was all in vain; they might just as
well have tried to pull apart two packs of wolves. Moreover, half of
the soldiers brought down to quell the trouble belonged to ours, and
half to No. 4, and the commanding officer was very much afraid that
these might join in the fight, and they carried arms and ammunition.
But, you will say, why not use the Turcos? Ah, that would never
do. The commanding officer might succeed in putting an end to the
disturbance with their assistance, it is true, but the consequences
which were sure to follow were too serious, for the Turcos would never
afterwards be safe from an attack. All the legionaries, not merely the
men of the companies in the camp, but all the legionaries throughout
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Algeria, would resent the interference of the native troops, and
heaven only knows what scenes of bloodshed might arise in unexpected
quarters, and from trivial causes. Had there been even half-a-company
of Frenchmen in camp all would have been well, but the nearest French
soldiers, a squadron or two of chasseurs, lay a few kilometres away.
To them, however, a mounted messenger was sent, and when we were
almost weary of fighting, and began to think it time to look after the
wounded--the place looked like a battlefield where regular weapons
had been employed--we heard the trumpets of the cavalry and saw not
a hundred yards away the long line of horsemen thundering down with
raised swords at the charge. Before the chasseurs we broke and fled,
but they were on us too soon for safety, and many a man went down
before the charge.

As I was running to a hut a sergeant of chasseurs overtook me.
Instinctively I jumped aside and lifted my right arm to protect my
head. It was no use; down came the flat of the heavy sabre on my
shoulder, and almost at the same time the charger's forequarter
struck me sideways on the breast. I fell, and wisely remained quiet
and motionless on the ground until the charge had passed. I then got
up and reached the hut, which I found almost packed with men of both
companies, whose appetite for fighting had altogether disappeared.
In a short time we were all prisoners. My company was marched to the
north side of the camp and No. 4 to the south, and we lay out all the
night; and nights are very cold in these warm countries--the more so by
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contrast with the heat of the day.

Now about the casualties. I cannot tell the exact number killed
outright in the quarrel or charge, or of wounded who afterwards
died, but it was certainly not less than a score. More than 100 were
seriously injured, and there was not a man of all the fighters without
several ugly marks on his body. The Greek, who had fought well until,
as I heard, a blow of a stone brought him insensible to the ground, had
his brains knocked out by a horse's hoof; the Portuguese, we learned,
died in hospital of his hurts. As for the Cooloolie girl--well, what
would you expect? She wept for a week, and then took to herself a
new lover out of the many who sought her favour, for your famous or
notorious woman does not long lack suitors.

How we made up the quarrel and escaped severe punishment--heaven knows
we punished ourselves enough as it was--must be told in a new chapter.


Nobody was surprised when, on the morning after the affray, a corporal
of chasseurs and half-a-dozen men came to escort Nicholas, Le Grand,
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and me to the commandant's quarters in the camp. Nicholas had his head
swathed in rags, and limped more than slightly with the left foot;
Le Grand showed a beautiful pair of black eyes and confessed to a
racking headache. Every part of my body felt its own particular pain,
my right eye was closed up, and I had an ugly cut on the forehead, the
scar of which still remains. When we arrived at the place of inquiry,
we found every officer in the camp, our own officers and those of
the chasseurs and Turcos, assembled around the commandant. For a few
moments there was silence, while they eyed us and we looked steadily at
the commandant. At last this officer spoke, slowly and in a quiet tone:
"The affair of yesterday was serious, indeed serious." He fixed his
gaze on Nicholas. "You, I hear, bought all the drink and tobacco from
the sutlers. Did that lead to the quarrel?"

Nicholas saluted respectfully and asked permission to make a statement.
When it was accorded he began to tell all the story, just, indeed,
as it happened, or almost as it happened. In narrating the dispute
between the rivals he placed all the blame upon the Greek, for he
knew at the time that the Greek was dead and therefore could not be
punished. He said nothing, however, about certain encouragement that
Apollo had received before and during his vainglorious parade through
the camp with his new love on his arm; nor did he mention certain
sarcastic expressions concerning the Portuguese which he himself had
uttered in the hearing of the Cooloolie girl; also, he seemed to forget
that these very expressions were used most frequently and with most
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infuriating effect by her when she was sitting, almost lying indeed,
in the Greek's arms just before the fight. No; he told the truth, but
not all the truth, and he told everything in so open and candid a way
that Le Grand and I were almost deceived. He let fall the nickname
Apollo, as it were by accident, and then, turning respectfully to the
captain of chasseurs, who could not be supposed to know the man, he
explained: "We called him so, monsieur le capitaine, because he was so
handsome." "Quite true, quite true," acquiesced the commandant; "he
was a veritable Apollo." Afterwards we heard that the cavalry officers
went to see the Greek as he lay stripped in the hut of the dead, and,
although the face was disfigured out of all human semblance by the
horse's hoof, yet the beautiful curves and splendid proportions of
his body, marked even as it was by countless bruises, proved that the
nickname was well deserved.

One good effect was produced by Nicholas' statement. Everything was so
honest and straightforward, so natural and true-seeming, that anything
he might afterwards say was likely to be believed. Moreover, though the
officers had not seen the parade of the lovers through the camp, yet
they had evidently heard of it; and, again, the _sous-officiers_ could
be brought to prove the truth of that part of the story.

When the Russian was asked about the buying of the sutlers' property
for the use of only one company, he again begged leave to make a
rather long statement, partly, he admitted, about himself, but chiefly
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about the customs of the corps. He said that without such a statement
the business could not be clearly and thoroughly understood by the
officers, especially by those officers who did not belong to the
Legion. Again leave was granted to him to tell his story in his own
way, and the commandant was graciously pleased to allow Le Grand and
me to stand at ease; he even said to Nicholas: "You need not stand
altogether to attention, make gestures if you wish, speak freely, just
as if you were telling a story to your friends." Nicholas bowed with a
courtier's grace; he wore no kepi, being a prisoner at the tribunal;
the chasseurs looked at one another in astonishment, wondering at the
aristocratic air that could not be concealed even under a private
soldier's tunic or by a bruised and battered face. Ah! little they
knew of the wrecked lives, the lost souls, that came to us from every
country in Europe, that made the Foreign Legion, if I may say so, a
real cemetery of the living.

Nicholas explained that, when a man had money, he was bound by all
the rules of the corps to spend it with the men of his squad; that,
when the money was more than usually plentiful, he was supposed to
entertain his section; that, in the rare cases when thousands of
francs--how the chasseurs opened their eyes at this!--were in a man's
possession, all the rules of regimental etiquette obliged him to spend
the money royally and loyally with his comrades of the company. Beyond
the company one could not go. Were one as rich as a Rothschild one
could not do more than give a few francs to a man of another company
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if he were a fellow-countryman--all, or nearly all, had to be spent
with one's comrades of the company. Our officers recognised the truth
of this, they understood our unwritten laws, and again Nicholas added
to his reputation for veracity. But he said nothing at all about
giving a percentage to the sergeant-major, nor about the taxes levied
by the sergeant of the section and the corporal of the squad. The
sergeant-major, who was present, looked relieved when this part of the
Russian's statement came to an end--for were not two hundred francs
of the Russian's money in his pocket at the time? Nicholas knew what
to tell and what to keep back; there would be no use in alluding to
the money which he was practically compelled to give to his superior
officers; it would only cause anger at the time and produce trouble and
a heavier punishment for us afterwards.

Nicholas went on to state that he had received a large amount of money
from a friend in Europe, and that he had at once resolved to pay for
a good spree for his comrades. For a joke he called the affair a
wedding _dテゥjeuner_ in honour of the Greek and the Cooloolie girl. He
thought--at least he said he thought--that the other company would not
mind; they knew the rules of the Legion as well as he; a little fun
about the new connection ought to hurt nobody except the Portuguese.
But, poor, misguided fellow that he was, he had never calculated the
damage that might be done by a woman's tongue; he, simple, ignorant
baby, thought that we should have a couple of hours of jollity and
drinking and that then all would go quietly back to quarters. He had
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always held the men of No. 4 in great respect; he would, indeed, be the
last in the world to insult them, or in the slightest degree to make
little of the company. He admitted with sorrow--the hypocrite--that
his action had been injudicious--it would have been all right only for
the woman; he had paid for drink and tobacco, but not for insults to
any man or men of No. 4; it was the woman who insulted people; he did
not want to fight with anybody, least of all with the men of No. 4,
but, when his company became engaged in an affray, he would have been
indeed a bad comrade, nay, a coward, had he remained out of the fight.
We wished for only the drink and the tobacco; we soldiers had no desire
but to enjoy ourselves in peace and quietness in the evening after the
hard work of a hot and dusty day; we had no malice, not even now did we
harbour evil thoughts, towards our fellow-soldiers of No. 4; but what
will you? who can stop a woman's tongue?--we could not even expostulate
with her without insulting our good comrade Apollo; if she drove
the others to attack us by her ugly words, were we, men not afraid
of death, to tamely surrender? That, they all knew, was impossible.
Without actually saying it he flung the whole blame for the fight on
the woman's shoulders. I thought at first that this was not quite fair,
but I soon saw that Nicholas was really doing his best to save us all.
Everybody knew the wild way she spoke and acted before the first blow
was struck, but Nicholas knew quite well that nobody would hold her
accountable for her language, while everybody would admit that the
men of No. 4 had reasonable grounds for attacking us, and, of course,
we when attacked were quite justified in defending ourselves. This
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was what the Russian was aiming at all along: to put the blame on the
Cooloolie girl, who in the first place could not be court-martialled
for a soldiers' quarrel, and in the second would most undoubtedly be
sympathised with for the loss of her lover. At the same time, a case
of extenuating circumstances was made out for No. 4 Company, and we,
the attacked party, who did not apparently seek to provoke an attack,
would be adjudged guiltless of offence because we merely resisted. It
was a splendid plan--it saved us--but we had, in addition to becoming
reconciled with our comrades and getting some punishment, to volunteer
for the war. That, however, will be told of in its own time and place.

When the Russian had finished his statement a few questions were asked
of him, not in the nature of a cross-examination, but for the evident
purpose of clearing up matters that were not quite understood by the
hearers. He answered these with readiness and to the point, preserving
always the bearing and language of an aristocrat, with the tone and
temper of a simple soldier in presence of his superiors. When they had
done with him the commandant questioned first Le Grand and then me, but
we merely corroborated our comrade's story. Not that there was at the
time any doubt in our minds that Nicholas had desired a fight and had
paid for the gratification of his desire, but who can give evidence
of what has passed in another's mind, and who would betray a generous

At last the commandant sent us away, and we returned under escort to
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今回の件については、ノートでの議論であっても削除依頼を行わない予定です。最低でも1年程度は自粛するつもりです。--Sakurapop7(会話) 2019年3月23日 (土) 11:31 (UTC)

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the place where our company lay under guard, hungry, thirsty, without
change of clothing, and every man aching all over, and cursing as the
effects of the fight began to make themselves felt. The other men
crowded around us to learn what had happened. Nicholas, in the centre
of a ring of eager, interested listeners, told exactly, without change,
addition or omission, in a loud voice so that all might hear, the
tale of the inquiry. All were satisfied so far, many, indeed, gave up
their preconceived beliefs, and thought that the Russian's account of
the affray and what led up to it was "the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth." We, Le Grand and I, confirmed the account, we
made no secret of our belief that all would yet be well, we swore it
was the woman who led our good friends of No. 4 to assault us, and
surely no one could blame us for defending ourselves.

After some time Nicholas called Le Grand and me apart, and we held a
consultation for nearly a quarter of an hour. The others marked us,
they noted the earnest words and persuasive gestures of the Russian,
they watched the eager, attentive looks of Le Grand and me. When we had
settled the matter to our own satisfaction apparently Nicholas led the
way to the centre of the little camp--prison I should call it, for the
sentries looked inwards and not outwards. In a moment, as it seemed,
every man that was able to drag himself forward was in a group around
our little party. Nicholas waited until a hush fell upon the meeting,
and then addressed them somewhat in the words that follow. I have no
doubt about the essence of what he said, but I cannot hope to reproduce
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the eloquent language, the expressive features, the seductive tones,
above all, the general air of the born orator that Nicholas assumed.
From time to time he appealed to Le Grand or to me for confirmation of
his words. There was, indeed, no necessity, the men were at his will
before he had spoken for two minutes.

In brief, this was what he said:

"My comrades, we have had an ugly quarrel with our fellow-soldiers of
No. 4, and we cannot, I think, blame them for attacking us, nor can
they with justice blame us for defending ourselves. But there is no
doubt about the real origin of the affair. The woman used to belong
to one of theirs; she chose, as she had a right to do--that everyone
admits--to give up her lover in their company and to give herself to a
man of ours. Well, we must acknowledge that she and the Greek were not
discreet, and I will confess that, for my own part, I did not act with
discretion either, but what could I do when I had money in my pocket
but spend it with my companions of the encampment and the battlefield?
If there had been no jealousy about a woman, we should have had a
peaceful, enjoyable evening; if there had been no money in the company,
the jealousy would have been settled by a fair fight between the rivals
in the usual way that we all understand and appreciate, without four
or five hundred men being drawn into the quarrel. We are under guard
and are sure of punishment; in all respects they are faring, and will
fare, no better than we. Let us try, now that the Greek is dead and the
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Portuguese, as I hear, is dying, to become reconciled to our comrades
of No. 4. Trust me, if we can settle the matter amongst ourselves,
so that all may understand that we shall not renew the quarrel, the
officers will be only too glad to have an excuse for passing over the
affair as lightly as possible. What I recommend then is this: let a
deputation of four be appointed from amongst us; let us ask permission
to visit the prison camp of No. 4; let us ask them to appoint four of
their number to confer with us; believe me, we shall soon, for the
sake of the men of both companies, come to a satisfactory arrangement,
and we all shall be friends again, and, indeed, be better friends than
ever before, because we have learned to respect one another."

The Russian's proposal was agreed to on the spot. Someone said that
Nicholas ought to be chief of our embassy, but this he would not agree
to. He would be a member, if they wished, but only with the same rights
and the same responsibilities as the others. Le Grand, a Hungarian, and
I were chosen as his partners in the delicate business, and some way or
other we all seemed to be satisfied that our troubles would soon come
to an end.

The first thing to be done was to get permission to go across, under
escort be it well understood, to the prisoners of No. 4. This was
obtained by the aid of our sergeant-major. He must have spoken very
strongly to the commandant, for the latter came down to us in a great
hurry, asked Nicholas point-blank whether we were serious in the
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attempt to settle the affair amicably, and if he thought we had any
chance of succeeding. Things were bad enough, heaven knows, as they
were, but it was rather risky to keep nearly 400 fighting men without
their weapons and ammunition in the very centre of the scene of the
recent operations. Had the Kabyles attacked the camp on the night after
the quarrel, they would have slaughtered us, the unarmed ones, like
sheep, and in all probability would have easily carried with a rush the
little fortification that had been set up around the huts. Therefore
the commandant was only too glad to get a chance to put us under arms
again, if he could only believe that we would not use them against one
another. The quarrel was an ugly thing, but that could be explained,
and we should in any case receive punishment, but a disaster to his
command would spell ruin for his chances of promotion. He was pleased,
therefore, when Nicholas laid his hand upon his heart and promised upon
his honour--yes, he said upon his honour--that we would do our best to
settle matters, that we would in no way again raise the anger of the
men of No. 4, and, finally, that he was himself prepared to apologise
for his part in the affair. This expression, I am sure, the commandant
took to refer to the buying up of all the drink and the tobacco; we,
who knew better, remembered the irritating speech that the Russian had
made after the _nouveaux mariテゥs_ had pledged each other.

Well, after a little hesitation he let us go across. We were escorted
this time by the men of our own company--soldiers of the first class,
who had taken no part in the fight, and soldiers of the second
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class who had been either on guard or on camp picket. The escort
was under the command of our sergeant-major, and I am sure that he
was sent so that the commandant might get a trustworthy account of
the negotiations. We could not object to any arrangement; we were
very well satisfied to get the chance of making it up again with our
fellow-soldiers, for, as I have already said, the nights are cold in
Algeria, and we feared that news of the quarrel might have already
spread amongst the Kabyles, and we knew that the exposed position
in which we were placed left us completely at their mercy, should
they make up their minds to attack. Moreover, the soldier, even in a
peaceful country, hates to be deprived of his weapons and his belts;
how much more then did we, in a hostile land, dislike the deprivation
of them!

When we arrived at the cordon of sentries around No. 4 Company we
were halted, and Nicholas, standing slightly in advance of us, his
fellow-ambassadors, told them why we came and asked them to be so
kind as to appoint four men of theirs to confer with us, so that the
dispute might be settled and the companies be at peace with each other
again. He was listened to with attention, and when he had finished his
message he said that we four should wait, with the sergeant-major's
kind permission, for half-an-hour to give them time to deliberate and,
if they should agree to the proposal, to select their delegates.

Before the half-hour was over the men of No. 4 Company had made up
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their minds to accept the proposal, and at once appointed four of
theirs to arrange matters with us. Two of the four were Alsatians, one
a Lorrainer, and the fourth, and, indeed, the most important--their
Nicholas, as I may say--a bronzed, sharp-eyed and sharp-witted Italian.
As soon as these ambassadors were nominated, our sergeant-major took
the eight of us away a short distance from the escort and told us that
we might speak freely, as he and the sergeant-major of No. 4 would be
the only listeners, and they would in every way respect our confidence.
The second sergeant-major said the same thing: "Speak freely," he
continued, "and, for the love of God, settle the affair for ever. It
is not pleasant to see so many brave soldiers without arms in such a
region; who knows when the Kabyles will attack?" The hint was not lost
upon us, and I believe that the seven others felt, as I did, that the
sooner we were again good friends and under arms the better.

Nicholas made the first speech, and said in almost the same words what
he had already told the commandant. He did this, I believe, purposely.
Our sergeant-major was very attentive, and Nicholas guessed, as all
did, that he would make a report to the officers, and it would be just
as well that the statement made then at this meeting should be on
all-fours with the statement made previously at the tribunal. But he
went further. He explained that he had made up his mind to give a good
evening to his company when money came to him from Europe, and surely
no one would blame him for that. Then he went on to say that he was
truly sorry for the affray and for any language or acts of his that
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>追記 次に一度でも行ってしまえばブロックせざるを得ないと思っています。--Sakurapop7(会話) 2019年3月23日 (土) 13:01 (UTC)

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might have brought it about. Had he but remotely guessed what would be
the result, he would have burned the money sooner than let it be the
cause of strife between companies which had been so lately fighting
side by side against the enemy and which had never before fallen out
with each other. For his own part, he hoped and prayed that the former
good relations might once more exist between us, and he believed that
they would, and that we should respect one another more than ever on
account of the gallantry which No. 4 Company and his own had displayed
in that unfortunate struggle. Many other things he said to the same
effect, and when he had finished it was easy to see that all, with the
exception of the Italian, were satisfied. Not that the Italian desired
to prolong the disagreement, but he saw--what his fellow-delegates
either did not see, or, for the sake of peace, pretended not to
see--that Nicholas had deliberately resolved, when the money arrived,
to get up a quarrel between the companies through pure devilment and
love of excitement. The Italian wanted to show clearly to all that
he at least understood and was determined to publish his opinion,
and it must be admitted that he was quite within his rights in doing
so, though it would have been more discreet on his part to keep his
thoughts, for the moment any way, to himself. He developed his plan of
attack in a Socratic manner.

"Why," he questioned the Russian (I may mention that all through he
ignored the rest of us), "why did you not spend the money with all?"
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[[ライン (競輪)]]
> 競輪では、空気抵抗によるエネルギーの消耗を抑えるためやスリップストリームによる加速などの理由から、
> 血縁、同門(師匠が同じ、あるいは師弟など)、同郷、同地区(近隣都道府県。大体はこれで組む)、競輪学校
> 同期生同士で「チーム」を組んで縦列を組み、上位入線を狙う。

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"Because I never go outside my company," replied Nicholas.

"Very good; but why did you buy up all the drink in the two cabarets?
Why did you not leave some in one of them for us?"

"Because I thought that all would be scarcely enough for my own
comrades, and one thinks only of his own."

"True," continued the Italian; "but then why did you not give us
notice that you were taking all for yourself and your companions?"

"Because I thought that such a notice would be an insult and would
certainly provoke a quarrel, a thing which I was most anxious to avoid."

A low muttering of approval followed this, but Cecco only smiled like
one unconvinced. I was looking at Nicholas at the time; truly he had
the air and bearing of one who would suffer martyrdom rather than tell
a lie. He puzzled me. For a moment I almost believed him innocent, he
seemed so calm and steadfast, his manner was so open and ingenuous.
Here, a stranger might remark, is an upright, God-fearing man, whose
heart knows no guile, whose mind is lofty and self-respecting, whose
bosom swells with love and friendship for his fellow-man. Cecco's
comrades seemed almost to believe, but the Italian was too cunning, too
experienced in the world--above all, too full of knowledge of his own
rascality--to be convinced.
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"Well, well, well," he said; "we were insulted, and you best of all
know it. Shall we not have even an apology? There cannot," he went on,
"be an excuse. No matter about the woman and her fickleness; no matter
about the wine and the tobacco; what can be said of the ugly words
spoken of us, the comrades of the Portuguese?"

"Ah," replied Nicholas in a tone of contrition and with an assumption
of sorrow that would have deceived Vidocq himself, "that is what wounds
me. I, alas! have been indiscreet. I confess that I was overjoyed when
I saw around me my comrades happy and free from care, and that in a
moment of excitement I said things which were altogether wrong and
uncalled for. Let me beg your forgiveness for my offence, and, as an
evidence of my regret and a proof of your forgiveness, let us spend,
both companies together, the remainder of the money sent to me by a
kind friend in my own country."

The admission that the Russian still had money, and enough too to
provide fun and pleasure for both companies, was quite sufficient to
settle the whole affair. Even Cecco was satisfied, as he remarked:
"What was the use of abusing one another for a thing that could not be
undone, when it was so much better to shake hands and clink glasses and
be good friends as of old?"

"What indeed?" assented the Lorrainer. "What indeed?" said we all.
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We shook hands earnestly and gladly with one another, and each
quartette departed to its own company. All were pleased to hear the
report. The men of No. 4, indeed, cheered Nicholas as loudly as we
did. The commandant was satisfied; he knew well that the men were only
too glad to become reconciled, but he took care when the rest of the
Russian's money was spent that it was spent in the encampment and that
half-a-squadron of chasseurs were standing by their saddled horses
until the last man had gone quietly home to quarters. They were not
wanted, indeed, but the cunning fox was taking no chances, as a serious
renewal of the fight would, if not at once put down, be bad for his
military reputation.

So we became friends again. But we suffered a little, and judged
it best to volunteer for the war in Tonquin, for the soldier going
on active service, especially as a volunteer, generally gets his
punishments remitted, and is received back again into the favour of his

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いちいち(神奈川県)とか(和歌山県)とか書けってか? まどろっこしい
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