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2019/03/19(火) 19:26:40.83ID:???
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== 前スレ ==
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the place where our company lay under guard, hungry, thirsty, without
change of clothing, and every man aching all over, and cursing as the
effects of the fight began to make themselves felt. The other men
crowded around us to learn what had happened. Nicholas, in the centre
of a ring of eager, interested listeners, told exactly, without change,
addition or omission, in a loud voice so that all might hear, the
tale of the inquiry. All were satisfied so far, many, indeed, gave up
their preconceived beliefs, and thought that the Russian's account of
the affray and what led up to it was "the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth." We, Le Grand and I, confirmed the account, we
made no secret of our belief that all would yet be well, we swore it
was the woman who led our good friends of No. 4 to assault us, and
surely no one could blame us for defending ourselves.

After some time Nicholas called Le Grand and me apart, and we held a
consultation for nearly a quarter of an hour. The others marked us,
they noted the earnest words and persuasive gestures of the Russian,
they watched the eager, attentive looks of Le Grand and me. When we had
settled the matter to our own satisfaction apparently Nicholas led the
way to the centre of the little camp--prison I should call it, for the
sentries looked inwards and not outwards. In a moment, as it seemed,
every man that was able to drag himself forward was in a group around
our little party. Nicholas waited until a hush fell upon the meeting,
and then addressed them somewhat in the words that follow. I have no
doubt about the essence of what he said, but I cannot hope to reproduce
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the eloquent language, the expressive features, the seductive tones,
above all, the general air of the born orator that Nicholas assumed.
From time to time he appealed to Le Grand or to me for confirmation of
his words. There was, indeed, no necessity, the men were at his will
before he had spoken for two minutes.

In brief, this was what he said:

"My comrades, we have had an ugly quarrel with our fellow-soldiers of
No. 4, and we cannot, I think, blame them for attacking us, nor can
they with justice blame us for defending ourselves. But there is no
doubt about the real origin of the affair. The woman used to belong
to one of theirs; she chose, as she had a right to do--that everyone
admits--to give up her lover in their company and to give herself to a
man of ours. Well, we must acknowledge that she and the Greek were not
discreet, and I will confess that, for my own part, I did not act with
discretion either, but what could I do when I had money in my pocket
but spend it with my companions of the encampment and the battlefield?
If there had been no jealousy about a woman, we should have had a
peaceful, enjoyable evening; if there had been no money in the company,
the jealousy would have been settled by a fair fight between the rivals
in the usual way that we all understand and appreciate, without four
or five hundred men being drawn into the quarrel. We are under guard
and are sure of punishment; in all respects they are faring, and will
fare, no better than we. Let us try, now that the Greek is dead and the
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Portuguese, as I hear, is dying, to become reconciled to our comrades
of No. 4. Trust me, if we can settle the matter amongst ourselves,
so that all may understand that we shall not renew the quarrel, the
officers will be only too glad to have an excuse for passing over the
affair as lightly as possible. What I recommend then is this: let a
deputation of four be appointed from amongst us; let us ask permission
to visit the prison camp of No. 4; let us ask them to appoint four of
their number to confer with us; believe me, we shall soon, for the
sake of the men of both companies, come to a satisfactory arrangement,
and we all shall be friends again, and, indeed, be better friends than
ever before, because we have learned to respect one another."

The Russian's proposal was agreed to on the spot. Someone said that
Nicholas ought to be chief of our embassy, but this he would not agree
to. He would be a member, if they wished, but only with the same rights
and the same responsibilities as the others. Le Grand, a Hungarian, and
I were chosen as his partners in the delicate business, and some way or
other we all seemed to be satisfied that our troubles would soon come
to an end.

The first thing to be done was to get permission to go across, under
escort be it well understood, to the prisoners of No. 4. This was
obtained by the aid of our sergeant-major. He must have spoken very
strongly to the commandant, for the latter came down to us in a great
hurry, asked Nicholas point-blank whether we were serious in the
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attempt to settle the affair amicably, and if he thought we had any
chance of succeeding. Things were bad enough, heaven knows, as they
were, but it was rather risky to keep nearly 400 fighting men without
their weapons and ammunition in the very centre of the scene of the
recent operations. Had the Kabyles attacked the camp on the night after
the quarrel, they would have slaughtered us, the unarmed ones, like
sheep, and in all probability would have easily carried with a rush the
little fortification that had been set up around the huts. Therefore
the commandant was only too glad to get a chance to put us under arms
again, if he could only believe that we would not use them against one
another. The quarrel was an ugly thing, but that could be explained,
and we should in any case receive punishment, but a disaster to his
command would spell ruin for his chances of promotion. He was pleased,
therefore, when Nicholas laid his hand upon his heart and promised upon
his honour--yes, he said upon his honour--that we would do our best to
settle matters, that we would in no way again raise the anger of the
men of No. 4, and, finally, that he was himself prepared to apologise
for his part in the affair. This expression, I am sure, the commandant
took to refer to the buying up of all the drink and the tobacco; we,
who knew better, remembered the irritating speech that the Russian had
made after the _nouveaux mariテゥs_ had pledged each other.

Well, after a little hesitation he let us go across. We were escorted
this time by the men of our own company--soldiers of the first class,
who had taken no part in the fight, and soldiers of the second
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class who had been either on guard or on camp picket. The escort
was under the command of our sergeant-major, and I am sure that he
was sent so that the commandant might get a trustworthy account of
the negotiations. We could not object to any arrangement; we were
very well satisfied to get the chance of making it up again with our
fellow-soldiers, for, as I have already said, the nights are cold in
Algeria, and we feared that news of the quarrel might have already
spread amongst the Kabyles, and we knew that the exposed position
in which we were placed left us completely at their mercy, should
they make up their minds to attack. Moreover, the soldier, even in a
peaceful country, hates to be deprived of his weapons and his belts;
how much more then did we, in a hostile land, dislike the deprivation
of them!

When we arrived at the cordon of sentries around No. 4 Company we
were halted, and Nicholas, standing slightly in advance of us, his
fellow-ambassadors, told them why we came and asked them to be so
kind as to appoint four men of theirs to confer with us, so that the
dispute might be settled and the companies be at peace with each other
again. He was listened to with attention, and when he had finished his
message he said that we four should wait, with the sergeant-major's
kind permission, for half-an-hour to give them time to deliberate and,
if they should agree to the proposal, to select their delegates.

Before the half-hour was over the men of No. 4 Company had made up
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their minds to accept the proposal, and at once appointed four of
theirs to arrange matters with us. Two of the four were Alsatians, one
a Lorrainer, and the fourth, and, indeed, the most important--their
Nicholas, as I may say--a bronzed, sharp-eyed and sharp-witted Italian.
As soon as these ambassadors were nominated, our sergeant-major took
the eight of us away a short distance from the escort and told us that
we might speak freely, as he and the sergeant-major of No. 4 would be
the only listeners, and they would in every way respect our confidence.
The second sergeant-major said the same thing: "Speak freely," he
continued, "and, for the love of God, settle the affair for ever. It
is not pleasant to see so many brave soldiers without arms in such a
region; who knows when the Kabyles will attack?" The hint was not lost
upon us, and I believe that the seven others felt, as I did, that the
sooner we were again good friends and under arms the better.

Nicholas made the first speech, and said in almost the same words what
he had already told the commandant. He did this, I believe, purposely.
Our sergeant-major was very attentive, and Nicholas guessed, as all
did, that he would make a report to the officers, and it would be just
as well that the statement made then at this meeting should be on
all-fours with the statement made previously at the tribunal. But he
went further. He explained that he had made up his mind to give a good
evening to his company when money came to him from Europe, and surely
no one would blame him for that. Then he went on to say that he was
truly sorry for the affray and for any language or acts of his that
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>追記 次に一度でも行ってしまえばブロックせざるを得ないと思っています。--Sakurapop7(会話) 2019年3月23日 (土) 13:01 (UTC)

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might have brought it about. Had he but remotely guessed what would be
the result, he would have burned the money sooner than let it be the
cause of strife between companies which had been so lately fighting
side by side against the enemy and which had never before fallen out
with each other. For his own part, he hoped and prayed that the former
good relations might once more exist between us, and he believed that
they would, and that we should respect one another more than ever on
account of the gallantry which No. 4 Company and his own had displayed
in that unfortunate struggle. Many other things he said to the same
effect, and when he had finished it was easy to see that all, with the
exception of the Italian, were satisfied. Not that the Italian desired
to prolong the disagreement, but he saw--what his fellow-delegates
either did not see, or, for the sake of peace, pretended not to
see--that Nicholas had deliberately resolved, when the money arrived,
to get up a quarrel between the companies through pure devilment and
love of excitement. The Italian wanted to show clearly to all that
he at least understood and was determined to publish his opinion,
and it must be admitted that he was quite within his rights in doing
so, though it would have been more discreet on his part to keep his
thoughts, for the moment any way, to himself. He developed his plan of
attack in a Socratic manner.

"Why," he questioned the Russian (I may mention that all through he
ignored the rest of us), "why did you not spend the money with all?"
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[[ライン (競輪)]]
> 競輪では、空気抵抗によるエネルギーの消耗を抑えるためやスリップストリームによる加速などの理由から、
> 血縁、同門(師匠が同じ、あるいは師弟など)、同郷、同地区(近隣都道府県。大体はこれで組む)、競輪学校
> 同期生同士で「チーム」を組んで縦列を組み、上位入線を狙う。

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"Because I never go outside my company," replied Nicholas.

"Very good; but why did you buy up all the drink in the two cabarets?
Why did you not leave some in one of them for us?"

"Because I thought that all would be scarcely enough for my own
comrades, and one thinks only of his own."

"True," continued the Italian; "but then why did you not give us
notice that you were taking all for yourself and your companions?"

"Because I thought that such a notice would be an insult and would
certainly provoke a quarrel, a thing which I was most anxious to avoid."

A low muttering of approval followed this, but Cecco only smiled like
one unconvinced. I was looking at Nicholas at the time; truly he had
the air and bearing of one who would suffer martyrdom rather than tell
a lie. He puzzled me. For a moment I almost believed him innocent, he
seemed so calm and steadfast, his manner was so open and ingenuous.
Here, a stranger might remark, is an upright, God-fearing man, whose
heart knows no guile, whose mind is lofty and self-respecting, whose
bosom swells with love and friendship for his fellow-man. Cecco's
comrades seemed almost to believe, but the Italian was too cunning, too
experienced in the world--above all, too full of knowledge of his own
rascality--to be convinced.
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"Well, well, well," he said; "we were insulted, and you best of all
know it. Shall we not have even an apology? There cannot," he went on,
"be an excuse. No matter about the woman and her fickleness; no matter
about the wine and the tobacco; what can be said of the ugly words
spoken of us, the comrades of the Portuguese?"

"Ah," replied Nicholas in a tone of contrition and with an assumption
of sorrow that would have deceived Vidocq himself, "that is what wounds
me. I, alas! have been indiscreet. I confess that I was overjoyed when
I saw around me my comrades happy and free from care, and that in a
moment of excitement I said things which were altogether wrong and
uncalled for. Let me beg your forgiveness for my offence, and, as an
evidence of my regret and a proof of your forgiveness, let us spend,
both companies together, the remainder of the money sent to me by a
kind friend in my own country."

The admission that the Russian still had money, and enough too to
provide fun and pleasure for both companies, was quite sufficient to
settle the whole affair. Even Cecco was satisfied, as he remarked:
"What was the use of abusing one another for a thing that could not be
undone, when it was so much better to shake hands and clink glasses and
be good friends as of old?"

"What indeed?" assented the Lorrainer. "What indeed?" said we all.
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We shook hands earnestly and gladly with one another, and each
quartette departed to its own company. All were pleased to hear the
report. The men of No. 4, indeed, cheered Nicholas as loudly as we
did. The commandant was satisfied; he knew well that the men were only
too glad to become reconciled, but he took care when the rest of the
Russian's money was spent that it was spent in the encampment and that
half-a-squadron of chasseurs were standing by their saddled horses
until the last man had gone quietly home to quarters. They were not
wanted, indeed, but the cunning fox was taking no chances, as a serious
renewal of the fight would, if not at once put down, be bad for his
military reputation.

So we became friends again. But we suffered a little, and judged
it best to volunteer for the war in Tonquin, for the soldier going
on active service, especially as a volunteer, generally gets his
punishments remitted, and is received back again into the favour of his

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いちいち(神奈川県)とか(和歌山県)とか書けってか? まどろっこしい
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お前がピンと来るか来ないかなんて 知  ら   ん    が     な
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Of course, the affair did not altogether end with the reconciliation of
the companies. Punishment had to be awarded to both, and as ours was
the more guilty one we received more than the men of No. 4. As so many
were included it was obviously impossible to punish us in any of the
ordinary ways, but we got extra drills, extra duties, unnecessary most
of them, and in addition each of the companies had to furnish all the
guards and pickets for the little camp on alternate days. This relieved
the Turcos and those of our men who had not been in the fight, but it
was very hard for us others to do double drill and double fatigue, let
us say on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays to be on sentry or on picket during the day and to sleep
in our clothes, with only a greatcoat to cover us, during the night.
And even then there was no chance of sleeping much, for when night
fell one of the sections was on guard and outlying picket for two
hours, and then the other relieved the first for the next two. Thus,
if my section went on duty at eight o'clock in the evening after, be
it well understood, doing our fair share of guard and camp-picket work
from eight in the morning, we were relieved at ten for a little rest,
went on again at midnight, and were relieved at two; took up the duty
once more at four, and remained on until six, and then we had two
hours to get our morning coffee and clean up our things to come off
guard at eight. You might think that it was hardest on the officers,
sergeants, and corporals; but no, only one officer and one-third of the
_sous-officiers_ mounted guard on any morning, so that all of these got
five nights in bed out of every six, whereas we, the troublesome ones,
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got only one night in every two.

We bore it well enough, however, though I must admit that we used bad
language occasionally, but, as there were so many of us included in the
punishment, no one minded it so much as if he were the only delinquent.
It helps a man wonderfully to bear hardship and disgrace when he sees
many others undergoing the same misfortunes as himself, and this is the
rule even though he does not wish evil to his comrades in distress. One
man on a sinking raft will in all probability go mad before it takes
its final plunge beneath the waves; a dozen men similarly situated will
have less fear of the great deep and the great unknown, because each
is, as it were, consoled by the knowledge that others too must pass
through the grim portals of death at the same time and place and by
the same means as he. Thus it was that, though we grumbled and cursed
one minute, the next we laughed and rallied one another; and we had,
moreover, one great consolation--we knew that the story would rapidly
run through the Legion, and that our good comrades, 8000 in number,
would laugh with fierce delight when they heard of the encounter and
its causes, and would admire and envy the men who had the spirit and
the devilment to provide such a relief from _ennui_ in the little camp
on the border of the desert. We eagerly figured to ourselves how they
would gloat over the story of the Cooloolie girl and her lovers--the
handsome Greek and the passionate Portuguese; we knew how they would
envy Nicholas and his money; we felt quite certain that the story would
go down to succeeding legionaries with embelishments, as was natural,
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半分近くがMatsutake 00とSakurapop7対応w
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and finally become one of the best-loved traditions of the corps. It
is still too early to call it a tradition; but, take my word for it,
the fight between the two companies at Three Fountains is talked of
to-day in many a barrack-room, in many a lonely village round an oasis
in the Sahara, over many a camp and watch fire, in many a canteen and
cabaret, where the _vieux soldats_ pull their grey moustaches and tell
the eager-eyed recruits over the _eau-de-vie_ and the _vin ordinaire_
the wonderful story of what happened when a Cooloolie girl changed her
lover and a Russian prince, in exile and disgrace, received thousands
of francs from a friend, "most likely a woman, _mes enfants_," in
Europe and spent it as a soldier should. Ay, even the officers are
proud of the story to-day, and, when they go to France on leave, our
little escapade is told in the family circle and to all the friends
and relations who are continually asking for tales of _ces affreux

I had almost forgotten another part of our punishment. While all the
others turned out for parade without knapsacks, those of us who had
been in the affray had to appear in heavy marching order, as English
soldiers say--that is, with all our _buffleterie_, knapsack, and
pouches on our persons. In fact, looking at us one would imagine that
we were just about to start on a campaign. Another thing was that
Nicholas, Le Grand, and I, as to all appearance the ringleaders in the
affair, were not allowed to stir out of the camp or even to go much
through it; a sergeant or a corporal would quickly order us back to
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そんなことをさせないために管理者や自警をつかいjawpの怖さというものを馬鹿の心の中にきざみ恐怖心を植え付ければ 馬鹿はjawpにもっと協力的になるのではないかと思いました。

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でてゆけよ チョン
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our own quarters, if we were seen at any distance from them. Moreover,
we three lost all our pay; but that made little difference, it was not
much anyway, and our comrades gave us as much tobacco as we wanted and
as much wine as we really cared about or they could spare.

While we were thus getting a foretaste of purgatory, into the camp
one sultry afternoon rode the colonel of the regiment. That evening
he spent in talking to the officers and examining some sergeants and
corporals, who were believed to have most knowledge of the quarrel and
of those engaged in it, especially the corporals who commanded the
squads in which the Russian, Le Grand, and I were. Le Grand, I have
already said, did not belong to our squad, not even to our section.
Next morning at six a company of Turcos relieved No. 4 Company, which
had been on guard and outlying picket all the night, and at seven,
immediately after the morning coffee, the two companies of legionaries
were formed up in line first and inspected, and then in column of
sections, No. 1 section of mine being the front, and No. 2 of No. 4
Company the rear, of the half-battalion. While in this formation we
were addressed by the colonel of the regiment. I cannot give a detailed
account here of what he said; all I remember is that he abused,
threatened and cursed us for nearly half-an-hour. We did not mind that,
however, as we were case-hardened enough already; but what we did mind
was the Parthian shaft he let fly as he turned to leave the ground:
"Remember, remember well, that all the punishment has not been endured;
when the commandant is satisfied I shall wish to be satisfied too." To
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