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== 前スレ ==
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intimation we inside had of their arrival was the silence of the men
who were laughing, singing, and carousing outside. The commandant put
down a couple of gold pieces and asked for two bottles of wine. He and
the others took each a sip of this and wished mademoiselle a prosperous
business. Then the commandant gave me a strong hint that enough of
business had been done for that day, and I promptly shut up shop after
his departure. When all had left Giulia and I counted the money. We
had a little gold, a good deal of silver, and a great quantity of
copper--altogether over fourteen hundred francs. I congratulated her
upon the successful evening's trading, and then we went to reckon up
the supply still left. We found that at the same rate of sale the
two thousand francs would be changed into at least two thousand six
hundred, and that surely was excellent profit in an out-of-the-way camp
of legionaries where money was rather scarce.

Then Giulia asked me to take a glass of wine and a cigar. I did not
refuse. What legionary, what man, indeed, would, when pressed by so
lovely a girl? Of late I had seen her constantly, as my management
of her affairs and my continual reports about the progress of her
new house brought me daily into her society. We always got on well
together--fifteen and seventeen don't usually fall out--and my rank and
medal brought me favour in her eyes. Moreover, I was very respectful in
my words and demeanour. I pitied her misfortune, and my pity was not
lessened by the sight of her beauty, and, before I had been three days
attending to her affairs, I took more interest in them than I could by
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any chance take in the accounts of a company. We were very good friends
and companions, but there was not a hint, not a suspicion, of love
on either side. She was pretty and in trouble, and, therefore, had my
sympathy. I was kind and attentive to her, and she was grateful. _Voilテ

Before I drank the wine I made her put her lips to the glass, which she
did, prettily and with a blush.

"You must never ask me to do that again," she said.

"Why, it is the custom of the Legion, ma camarade," I replied. "You are
now a legionary; surely you will do as your good comrades do?"

"Well, at least not in the presence of others."

"Very well," I answered; "but always when we are alone?"

"Yes," she whispered; "when we are alone. I trust you." And she put her
little hand out to me. I took it, and by a sudden impulse kissed it.

"You may always trust me," I said--"always."

A question now arose as to the disposal of the money. There was no
danger from natives, as the new house was inside the lines; there was
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not much, indeed, from soldiers, as there were sentries near. At the
same time I told Giulia that it would be safer to transfer it to some
other place. "Can you not," I suggested, "take it to the woman in whose
quarters you live?"

"No, no," she replied; "I will take some to give to her--she has been
very good to me--but you are in charge, you must keep the greater part."

"I?" I said in astonishment.

"Yes; if you do not, I will leave it here."

"But, Mademoiselle Julie, there are very bad men in every battalion,
and someone may break in and steal all."

"Let the sentinels keep watch."

"Ah! a sentinel may be glad to get half."

"I do not care; you are my sergeant-major"--as she said this a rosy
flush came up over neck and face and ears--"and it is your duty to keep
my money for me. Besides, did I not say that I trust you?"

In the end I had to take twelve hundred francs, though with many
misgivings. Giulia told me that she would give two hundred to the
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sergeant's wife, the rest she would keep herself. Then we locked up
the place and departed to our separate quarters, after having made an
appointment to meet in the morning, to inspect the stores and see if
anything had been touched during the night. Giulia wanted me to take
the keys as well as the money, but this I refused to do.

I could scarcely sleep that night on account of the money. I occupied
a small room in a long, low-roofed building, given up to the
accommodation of sergeants whose domestic arrangements did not include
a woman. I barricaded the door, put a glass on the window, so that
anyone trying to enter that way might knock it down on a tin basin
placed just below, and put a naked bayonet and the box containing the
money under my pillow. For all these precautions I spent a wakeful
night, and rose in the morning, restless, anxious, and unrefreshed.
After the morning coffee I felt better, and laughed to myself at my
fears of the night. Who would take the money? surely not one of the
sergeants. I did not, I could not, suspect them, but I certainly should
not like to trust every man in the battalion; the Legion contains more
than a due percentage of desperate ruffians, and our battalion had its
fair share of the bad ones.

As I went across the parade-ground to keep my appointment with Giulia
at the door of the canteen I met the captain of my company, or at least
of the company to which I was attached, though I seldom paraded with
it. He noticed the box and asked me what it contained. When I told him
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he laughed, and said that many a man would be pleased to be so trusted,
especially by so beautiful a girl as Mademoiselle la Cantiniティre. I
answered that the trust was pleasant but the responsibility too great;
I did not wish to have the safe keeping of twelve hundred francs.
"You cannot help it now, my sergeant-major of the canteen, you must
undertake all the duties of your position." Then he told me to present
his compliments to Mademoiselle Julie, and went away.

I met Giulia at the door. She looked annoyed at having to wait, but
when I made her acquainted with the delay caused by meeting the captain
her face cleared.

"I thought, mon ami," she said, "that you had forgotten your duty."

"That might be possible; but, Mademoiselle Julie, how could I forget

She curtsied at the compliment, and I noticed the grace of her figure,
the beauty of its curves, the wonderful arch of the instep; and I
must have looked my admiration, for when she lifted her eyes to meet
mine, again the rosy flush came up over her neck and cheeks. "Let us
see that all is right within," she said, and opened the door. When we
were inside we saw at a glance that everything was as we had left it
on the previous evening. "Now let us count the money," I said. In a
second Giulia flew into a rage, she stamped her foot upon the ground,
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she cried out that I wished to insult her, that I thought her mean
and suspicious, and finally burst into tears. I laid my hand upon her
arm and wished to know what had vexed her; she flung it off with an
indignant gesture and bade me go away. I was thunderstruck. I could
not tell how I had offended, and was beginning to feel aggrieved. Why
should I be told that I had insulted her whom I would not pain for
all the world? The more I thought of my conduct towards her, the less
reason I could see for her anger and tears. I was wise enough, however,
to let her have her cry out: when she had done with weeping she would
be reasonable. I was not mistaken.

When she had dried her tears, I asked how I had offended her. She
looked, calmly enough now, at me, and said: "Did I not tell you
yesterday that I trusted you?"

"Yes," I replied.

"And yet to-day you ask that I should count the money. How can I do so
and trust?"

I took off my kepi, bowed, and said: "Pardon me, I was wrong."

"You will never offend me again?"

"Never. And you, you will forgive?"
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"Yes; once, but not a second time."

Again she gave me her hand, again I kissed it, then she put her hands
upon my shoulders, and said: "My dear friend, if I did not trust you
more than you think, I would not be alone with you here."

She asked me to take a glass of wine, voluntarily put the glass to her
lips, and then handed it to me. I deliberately turned it round, so
that my lips should touch where hers had touched, and drained it to
the bottom, looking the while over it at Giulia. She smiled and looked
pleased, and then turned away to get some cigars. I had more sense than
to offer money. I took the cigars, and said:

"You are a good comrade, Giulia."

It was the first time I had called her by her name. She hesitated a
little, and then answered:

"And you too, you will be a good comrade, will you not, Jean?"

"Oui, ma belle." And I bit off the end of a cigar, while she struck a
match to light it for me.

Just as I began to smoke there came a knock at the door. I shouted out
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"Entrez," and the commandant came in. I put down the cigar and stood to

"Everything goes well, is it not?" he asked.

"Yes, monsieur le commandant," Giulia replied; "I can soon repay some
of the money advanced by you and the other officers."

"No, my child," the commandant said; "you are the daughter of the
regiment now. The battalion must be father and mother to you; we cannot
accept repayment."

"But my mother paid back the money given to her by the officers."

"Yes, my dear child; but your mother was not born in the regiment,
and though we lent to her we give to you. We gave it, indeed, and did
not expect to be repaid. I was a sub-lieutenant then, and I remember
all. She insisted, and we were compelled to accept. With you it is
different; we will insist, and you must not refuse. How do you like the
sergeant-major of the canteen?" he went on. We all laughed at the queer
title; no one had ever heard of such a rank.

"Very well, monsieur le commandant."

"Yes, yes; I think he will be good; if he is not, tell me." With that
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he went away.

"I must be good, Giulia?" I said, as I lit the cigar again.

"Yes; very good, my comrade; you must never offend me again."

"Ah! you do not forget--perhaps you will never forget--and then, what
is the good of being forgiven?"

"I will forget; yes, I will never remember, unless you force me to."

I promised that I should never offend her again, and she smiled and
said that she believed me.

"Nobody will enter here during the day," I told her, "and I will leave
the box here; if I do not I must carry it everywhere with me, and that
will be inconvenient."

Giulia asked me why I should carry it about with me, and I told her
that I should have no peace or ease of mind while it was out of my
sight unless it was in the canteen, which was near so many sentinels.
I also mentioned my fears for its safety the previous night and the
precautions that I had taken. She was very sorry that I had been so
restless, and advised me to leave it in future in the canteen. To this
I demurred. I told her that if the box were there, I should be getting
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up at all hours of the night to come and look at the place, and perhaps
I might be shot by a sentry. "But can we not find a hiding-place--some
place that nobody could find even in broad daylight?" The idea struck
me as a good one. We searched in all directions, and finally decided on
an empty box half-full of straw that had contained bottles. By leaving
this, of course, without the money, in full view of everybody during
the day, no man who might enter at night would dream of searching it.
Then I proposed that we should put only the money there every evening
and that I should take away the empty box.

"No, my friend, you shall not. Something might happen if the bad ones
thought that the box was full; better lose the money than a good
friend's life."

"As it pleases you, my comrade; I will obey orders, then I cannot

That evening the canteen did a good trade, so good, indeed, that
we--that is, Giulia and I--determined on sending for more wine and
_eau-de-vie_. I went to the commandant in the morning and told him how
affairs stood. He was glad to hear my report, and ordered me to make
out the order and give it to him to be forwarded. I brought him the
written order to a merchant in Oran and handed over eighteen hundred
francs in cash. He had the money counted by a clerk, and then told me
that he would see that Mademoiselle Julie's order and money were safely
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transmitted. I saluted and went away.

As day after day passed Giulia and I became all the better friends. We
openly showed our liking for each other. We were constantly meeting,
sometimes by accident it is true, but oftener by unexpressed design,
and, whenever we met, we always stopped to speak. I, being unattached
to any company for battalion duties, had plenty of time on my hands;
Giulia, of course, had nothing to do until evening, as I took good care
that her place was swept and cleaned every morning by legionaries,
who were only too glad to do this work for a glass of brandy and an
ounce of tobacco apiece; thus we, as it were, could not help meeting
so frequently. The others noticed and said nothing; it was tacitly
understood at the time through the battalion that we were lovers, and
yet we had never even spoken of love, and I had kissed her hand only
twice. We were happy together, and that, for the moment, was enough for


When Giulia and I met next morning at the canteen we found money and
goods untouched. She did not ask me to take a glass of wine this time
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but filled it out, put it to her lips, and gave it to me. I drank the
wine, lit a cigar, and asked her if she had any orders. We laughed at
this, then she in her pretty way insisted that I was the sub-officer
in charge and that her duty was to listen and obey, mine to command.
I objected, saying that the lady's wishes had to be considered first.
A good deal of harmless chat followed. I smoked the cigar, she deftly
rolled a cigarette and lit it from my cigar, our faces were close
together, and I told her it was well that cigarette and cigar were
between us and also kept our lips engaged. But this was all fun, we
had nothing to do; the men of the battalion, at least three companies
of them, were out marching with knapsacks and pouches full, the fourth
company was up to its eyes in work, some on guard, some cooking, some
doing the necessary duties of a camp; I honestly believe that we two
were the only idle, careless ones in the cantonment.

As she flung away the end of a cigarette she said: "I have resolved to
live here after a few days."

"What!" I cried, "you to stay here alone, beautiful and with money?"

She smiled back, as it were triumphantly, and replied:

"Why not?"

"But you are beautiful."
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"Thanks, my comrade."

"And there will always be money in the house."

"It is true."

"And beauty and money, what will they not tempt men to do?"

"I shall have a protector."

This was a blow to me, and she must have seen it, for she said quickly,
putting her hand on my arm, that the sergeant and his wife whom she had
been staying with since her mother's death would keep house for her.

"Oh," I cried, "I am so glad and I was so sorry."

"I trust you, Jean," she answered; "will you not trust me?" I was not
allowed to reply; she put a pretty finger on my lips, and said:

"Yes, I know you trust me; why say to me what I know?"

What pleasant days we had together! What fun and jesting and pretended
rebukes! When the sergeant and his wife were installed in one of the
rooms over the canteen, I used to stay until the call went for "Out
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lights," and then I groped my way in the darkness back to my quarters,
challenged by every sentry on the road. Soon the battalion got to
understand that _le jeune_ was always to be found going to his quarters
at a certain hour, and the sentries used to look out especially for me.
I, of course, had to answer their challenges and to give my reason for
being out at night. I always said:

"Visiting Sergeant M----." As I passed the scoundrels used to say:
"Sergeant M----, is he married? Has Madame M---- a friend at her
house?" And I dared not say anything in reply, because if I did all the
battalion would be laughing at me and somebody else next day.

You must not think that the men wished to hurt anyone's feelings. No;
bad as they were, forgetful as they were of the ten commandments,
they had no intention, not even the slightest, of offending Giulia or
me. Giulia was the pet. Many envied me, I am sure, but they envied me
because they thought things; had they known that Giulia and I were
merely good friends, good comrades, and that no word of love had ever
been said by either of us they would have laughed, and said: "Oh, boy
and girl to-day, lover and mistress to-morrow," but that was because,
with a lingering taste for good, they had quite given up expecting it
here or hereafter. One thing I must say, the legionaries were very
quiet in the canteen. They called for their drinks and went outside at
once, and there smoked, drank, and sang as best pleased each. Sometimes
a man would have no money and would wish for a drink in the morning or
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a pipeful of tobacco at night. He came to me, and said:

"I want it, my sergeant-major; will you give it me?"

"I can't give it," I used to say, "but I'll ask for it for you, and if
you don't pay when you have money I shall have to pay instead and I'll
never ask for you again."

They did not always pay, but that was because a man's money was
stopped--he was in hospital, perhaps, or in jail--but Giulia and I
never minded that; the men who could pay did.

To say the truth, no battalion in the world was so good or so
comfortable as ours at that time. The men never drank out of the lines,
therefore those who went too far could be easily carried away to bed.
There was very little fighting, for no man, indeed, would strike a blow
in Mademoiselle Julie's canteen, and if a blow is not struck soon,
soldiers forgive and forget easily; moreover, if a man had no money he
could get his bit of tobacco and, perhaps, his glass of _eau-de-vie_
without begging for it. Giulia never wrote down the name of a man she
gave credit to; she said always: "It is not my honour, but yours, that
is at stake." That phrase with us was worth all the ledgers in the

One evening I was sitting on the edge of the counter talking about
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something or other to a corporal who had dropped in for a glass of
wine and had asked me to join him in the drink. In spite of the
difference in rank I consented, for I knew quite well that the social
position that the corporal used to hold was very much higher than my
own; as a matter of fact, the man had at one time a commission in the
British army, and his father draws to this very day a big pension
from the British Government But that is by the way. As we chatted
Giulia listened and was interested; we spoke of some affairs of the
battalion, and Giulia knew as much as we did of such things. We three
were the only persons in the canteen. I had just told Giulia to refill
the glasses, and she was about doing so when a man entered, a simple
soldier. I did not know him at the time; I found out afterwards
that he was a Hessian and bore the reputation of being taciturn and
unsociable, thereby rendering himself an object of dislike to all. He
called for a glass of brandy and drank it, then for another, which he
sipped slowly, and tried to enter into conversation with Giulia. The
corporal and I resumed the conversation interrupted by the Hessian's
entrance, and Giulia evidently preferred to listen to us rather than
to the new-comer. As he noted this he became rather angry, and made
some remark about his money being as good as another's, and that
canteen girls should be obliging to all customers. Giulia, who had a
hot temper, told him at once to finish his drink and to take himself
and his money elsewhere. The Hessian drank his brandy, and as he was
leaving said that she knew the difference between a simple soldier
and a sergeant-major, and if someone had no chevrons on his sleeve he
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would soon be taught that it was unmannerly to sit on a counter in the
presence of a lady. My temper had been gradually rising and this was
too much for me. I jumped down from the counter, took off my belt and
bayonet, which I handed to Giulia, stripped off my tunic, and told the
scamp that there were no chevrons on my shirt. He was astonished, and
almost before he could put himself on his defence I had given him in
quick succession right and left fists in the eyes. I followed up the
attack vigorously, and in less than three minutes all the insolence
was taken out of him and he begged for mercy. Then I kicked him out of
the canteen and told him never again to enter it, put on my tunic and
sat down, this time on a chair.

"I must apologise," I said to Giulia; "I should not have sat on
the counter; in one sense he was right. I will not ask pardon for
quarrelling, for he offended you too."

"You may sit where you like, my sergeant-major," Giulia replied; "I
shall not be offended."

"But I should not sit on the counter."

"Sit where you wish," she repeated; "I shall be satisfied."

"Mテェme sur vos genoux, mademoiselle," said the English corporal, with a
smile. Giulia blushed, laughed, and shook her head.
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I may finish here about the Hessian. The story was told by him that I
had committed an unprovoked assault When the commandant heard this,
he sent for me. I told the truth, and my version of the affair was
corroborated by Giulia and the corporal. The commandant would take no
official notice of the affair, but he privately admonished me that it
was very wrong to take off my belt and tunic. "You should not have
undressed, even partially," he said, "in the presence of a lady and an
inferior." But he gave me no blame for the beating I gave the Hessian.

Here I must explain the military meaning of being undressed. If a
man is on duty and wearing a belt and bayonet, he is undressed if he
takes them off. Should he be supposed to wear white trousers and white
gaiters, he is undressed if he wears red trousers with black leggings.
So one can understand that, when the commandant admonished me for being
undressed in the presence of Giulia and the corporal, he referred
quite as much to the taking off of my belt and bayonet as he did to
the taking off of my coat. Soldiers have to be very particular about
their clothing and equipments; this is quite right, as it tends to good
discipline and order.

When the canteen closed for the evening Giulia and I smoked our
cigarettes as usual, while I sipped my glass of wine. We were
rather silent, for I was thinking of the quarrel and its probable
consequences; what Giulia thought of I cannot tell. At last I finished
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my cigarette, carefully extinguished the end for fear of fire, and
drained my glass. I rose to go. Instead of shaking hands with me across
the counter--for she had been sitting inside all the time, whilst I
occupied a seat outside--Giulia came round to where I was and for the
first time asked me what I thought would happen.

"Oh, nothing, nothing," I replied; "what can happen? I had to do as I
did; I surely could not allow any man to misconduct himself here?"

"Yes, yes; but you took off your belt and tunic."

"Oh, that will never be mentioned; why should the scoundrel talk of

"Yes; but he will talk of it, and there will be trouble--trouble for
you on my account."

"Well, if there is to be trouble for me I shall not mind it, since it
will be on your account; were it on account of any other I should be

"But you may lose your rank," she insisted.

"I shall not mind, so long as they leave me on duty in the canteen."
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"But they may not leave you here; another may come."

"That is true," I answered, "and that is the only thing I am afraid of."

"You would like to stay here with me?" said Giulia, blushing as she

"Always, always with you," I replied, and, putting my kepi on the
counter, I took her in my arms and kissed her full upon the lips.

Then we forgot all about the Hessian and thought only about ourselves.
I have no mind to write all about our love story; people who have loved
will understand, and those poor wretches who have never known what it
is to love passionately and to be as passionately loved could never
comprehend, were I to write till Doomsday about Giulia and myself.

At last the time came for parting. Giulia told me that she should not
sleep for thinking of what might happen as a result of the quarrel, but
I succeeded in calming her fears. "Trust me," I told her; "I took the
wisest course, though I did not think of that at the time. If I had
allowed the rascal to go away unpunished, the commandant would call me
a coward and say that I was unworthy to wear the military medal, and
all the officers and men would agree with him. Now the worst that can
be said is that I lost my temper and forgot my rank. Even that too will
be pardoned, since they will easily see that I could not allow myself
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to be insulted in your presence without taking instant vengeance for
the affront." She grew more composed as I spoke, and I felt more at
ease; in comforting Giulia I comforted myself.

I did not get the message that the commandant wished to see me until
about three o'clock in the afternoon of the next day. All the morning I
had enough to do to prevent Giulia from breaking down; her eyes showed
that she had spent a restless night, a night of tears, but as the
morning wore on she almost forgot her anxiety in my cheering words and
more than cheering kisses. When a sergeant told me that I was wanted at
the officers' quarters Giulia broke down completely. I kissed her once
more, bade her be of good courage, and gave her over to the sergeant's
wife, whose kindness and tender sympathy were of inestimable value to
us both. The sergeant's wife was a good woman and deserved a better
fate than that which was her lot afterwards; but then, what will you?
It is only the good who suffer in this world; the bad are always to be
found at the top of the wheel.

Well, the commandant received me as I have already told, and after a
kind admonition--how kind these officers that men fear so much can be
when they like!--sent me away. I saluted, turned, walked a pace or
two, and then set off running at the top of my speed to the canteen. I
burst in the door, ran up the stairs, taking three steps at a time, and
bounded with a loud cry of joy into the room where Giulia was weeping.
I could say nothing, nothing intelligible at all events, but Giulia
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understood. So did the sergeant's wife, for she discreetly went away
and left us to ourselves and our happiness.

Things went on badly for the Hessian. He was always an ill-liked
comrade, but this last affair was too bad indeed. All sympathised with
Giulia and myself, and the sympathy was not merely on account of the
chance a man had of getting tobacco and a glass of spirits when his
pockets were empty. Oh no; the legionaries were glad that they could
get a little credit, but then they always paid--that is, all paid
except the poor devils whose money was stopped for some reason or
other--and they were pleased with the canteen, pleased with Giulia, who
had been born in the battalion, and I think they were not discontented
on account of my position, for was not I a legionary like themselves?
So the Hessian was not spoken to, or only spoken to to be cursed; if
he replied he was beaten; if he complained, there were plenty to prove
that he was a bad comrade and that it was impossible to soldier with
him, and, unfortunately for himself, he had been known as an unsociable
fellow for a long time. The end was that he volunteered for Tonquin,
where there were some of ours still, and his captain was by no means
sorry to be rid of him, for one can never know what may occur when a
man is deservedly unpopular in the Legion and has not grace or tact
enough to get back to favour with his comrades.

As for Giulia and me, life was idyllic. We did not mind the laughing
jests of our comrades; they never went too far. There was a leaven of
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the gentleman in the battalion, and this leaven leavened all the mass.
Then the really bad ones were afraid; the example of the Hessian was
too fresh in their minds. But, indeed, all were kind and agreeable.
That Giulia and I should be lovers had been obvious to all others long
before we ourselves thought of being such to one another, and when
the legionaries noticed that she lived for me alone, just as all my
thoughts were alone hers, they kept their coarse jokes to themselves
and were as polite to us as if we were far higher than they in social
position. Some of the songs were not of a moral kind, but as the
evening concert always took place outside the canteen Giulia was not
supposed to hear, and, indeed, when she did hear she did not always
understand. When she did comprehend she said nothing; one cannot be a
_cantiniティre_ in the Legion and a prude.

At this time Giulia and I were always together. Certainly while the
canteen was open I was outside the counter, often making one of a
party of sergeants who came to drink in comrade-like fashion with one
another; at other times merely going around to see that there was no
disorder--well, no more disorder and abandonment than are reasonable
in a canteen where belts are off and tongues wag freely. I very seldom
had any trouble, most of the legionaries kept within bounds, and those
who felt disposed to give a loose rein to the desire of ardent spirits
were prevented from doing so by a constant lack of money. Sometimes,
however, when some Russian or Prussian or Austrian had received money
from Europe there was a little danger of a free fight, and I, who had
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been in the encounter at Three Fountains, did not like these things.
I had told Giulia about that trouble and she was just as concerned as
I, but she was concerned for my safety and my rank, while I was anxious
about her shop and herself. Any man can start a row--oh, it is quite
easy, I assure you--but it is not every man that can stop one. Besides,
I remembered how the huts were torn down at Three Fountains and the
Russian's advice to the old soldier sutler: "Take your goods and madame
away." The advice about madame seemed especially applicable to Giulia,
and yet I knew she would stay by me, and it was my duty to stay by the

One day the English corporal whom I have mentioned came to the canteen
and asked Giulia to take care of some money for him. Giulia refused
point-blank, but said that he might speak to me. When I learned what
he wished me to do I at once saw the reasonableness of the request,
inasmuch as no man would like to keep so large a sum of money as
the corporal had in his own possession in a hut. The Englishman had
just received from home a Bank of England note for ツ」100, and many a
simple soldier would kill him for such a sum. But, one may object,
how negociate such a billet in such a place? Oh, no one could do that
except the owner, or someone like Giulia, who would change it for
him in the regular way of business; but many a man was nearing the
end of his five years' service, and a Bank of England note could be
easily hidden for a time and in the end changed in Paris. One hundred
pounds!--twenty-five hundred francs!--why, it was a fortune.
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I said that I would take the note and give him a receipt for it, and
that, as he drew money from Mademoiselle Julie, he could give receipts
until the full amount was withdrawn. He thanked me, gave me the note,
took a receipt, and immediately applied to Giulia in my presence for
a hundred francs. She gave him the money at my request and he gave me
an acknowledgment. That evening his squad was merry; he had given
them fifty francs to spend, the other fifty he spent with his brother

On the following day he asked me about the stock in the canteen. I told
him that there was not at the time enough to justify him in giving a
spree to a section, but that in less than a week he could stand treat
to the battalion if he liked.

"Oh no; not the battalion, only the company."

"I understand," said I; "I know that you cannot go outside your own
company, but I spoke of the battalion merely to show you Mademoiselle
Julie's resources."

"I see," the corporal replied; "well, tell me when you are ready, and
my comrades shall enjoy an evening's carouse."

Let me now tell about the money. Of course, it was Giulia's, not
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mine, and she kept it in her money box, which was snugly hidden in
her own room in a place that no one knew of except ourselves. Even
the sergeant's wife did not know it. She never entered Giulia's room
except on invitation. Giulia herself kept the place as it ought to be,
sweeping it, dusting the furniture, and having everything as neat and
clean as it could be in a palace. Once a week she gave me the key. I
went there with a couple of privates--of course, she then took the box
away--the legionaries with me removed everything to another place and
washed out the room and left it with windows and door open for a couple
of hours. They then returned, replaced the furniture, got a couple of
drinks, a couple of cigars and a franc, and went away satisfied. But
this is mere domestic economy.

Giulia also kept the receipt for the hundred francs. But, one will say,
why not transact the business without troubling me? Well, the amount
was so large and the money was so strange that she wished me to settle
everything for her, as I was, in her opinion, the one man in the world
who knew everything and was always right. Again, she knew how much I
prized her trust, and so was glad to pay me a delicate compliment.
Moreover, we were so closely united to each other now that it would
seem to so gentle and confiding, yet high-spirited a girl as she was
a breach of faith for her to engage in such a transaction without my
knowledge and consent. Yet when I asked Giulia why she had not taken
the money from the corporal at once, she only answered: "I don't know;
but I would not." Then she kissed me, and said: "I will never take
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anything, unless you know about it and are satisfied."

What a sum of happiness the events, even the very words, of our lives
made at this time! Ah, well! the sum was soon to be added up, and the
total not exceeded, for ever.

About five days after my last conversation with the English corporal
the new stock arrived. It had cost altogether about two thousand
francs, and we--that is, Guilia and I--were sure to make at least five
or six hundred francs profit. When we ordered the stuff we expected
that it would last for some time, but now, knowing the corporal's
resources and intention, we settled that it would all be sold within a
week. We were not disappointed; in fact, the day after it arrived we
had to send an order for a similar quantity to our agent at Oran.

"I see that the new goods have arrived," said the Englishman to me as I
met him on the parade-ground.

"Yes," I replied. "I have been looking for you. If you tell me now how
much you want I can get it, and you can write out the receipt."

"Thanks, my sergeant-major; but you are a man of experience in these
things. You were at Three Fountains; is it not so?"

"Yes," I answered, laughing.
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