I have something I want you to know about protesting against racial discrimination and militaristic thought.
There are videos that make statements that alleviate accusations against Hitler and Nazi Germany massacre, so would you please lend me the power to delete?

What is uploading is "conservative journalist" Tsuneyasu Takeda, a very famous person who has appeared in numerous political TV shows and debate programs in Japan.
He works on TV, magazines, newspapers, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. as a "patriot who loves Japan" using his grandchild of Emperor Meiji as his title.
His range of activities not only introduces patriotic and traditional Japanese culture but also frequent repetition of intense attacks against certain races,
apparent discrimination remarks, and Japan's beautification in the militaristic era. In addition, he also publish books targeting Korean residents in Japan.

However, his range of activities has not narrowed, it has expanded, and activities on TV shows, Twitter and Youtube are not restricted.

Today, in Japan, the movement to exile the Youtube channel which carries out racial discrimination and history correction on the Internet community is on the rise.
At that time, there was such a thing among Mr. Takeda's one, who is a person who is sending various racist speech.