【反出生主義】 ベネター Part9 【antinatalism】

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2022/08/05(金) 03:27:53.420
デイヴィッド・ベネター(David Benatar, 1966年12月8日 - )は、
著書『生まれてこないほうが良かった 存在してしまうことの害悪
(Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence)』において

「予防と児童虐待の間(Between Prophylaxis and Child Abuse)」
(『The American Journal of Bioethics』)や「胎児の痛み――
胎児の痛みに関する混乱の終息に向けて(A Pain in the Fetus:
Toward Ending Confusion about Fetal Pain)」(『Bioethics』)がある

【反出生主義】 ベネター Part3 【antinatalism】
【反出生主義】 ベネター Part4 【antinatalism】
【反出生主義】 ベネター Part5 【antinatalism】
【反出生主義】 ベネター Part6 【antinatalism】
【反出生主義】 ベネター Part7 【antinatalism】
【反出生主義】 ベネター Part8 【antinatalism】
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2022/08/17(水) 19:32:49.870
Everyone is alive because they were born.
There is no disadvantage to not being born.
Live in an absurd world with only those who are born because of their parents' dangerous gamble.

Population decline? Good luck with robotics,
don't ask anti-natalists to be responsible.
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2022/08/17(水) 20:59:35.210
This is my way of thinking.
The idea that I don't want to have a baby because I feel sorry for the child is "weak anti-natalism".
And "strong anti-natalism" is the idea that all births are evil and all people should not give birth.
And "militant anti-natalism" is one that commands others not to give birth.
The other is "childfree," which means not to have children for one's own comfort.

This thread seems to have a majority of "strong anti-natalists," but the idiot says that anti-natalism only makes sense if it is "militant anti-natalism".
And it is so funny that they are against anti-natalism. Too stupid.
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2022/08/17(水) 21:34:39.660
By the way, I have written several articles on the comparison of wild and civilized people,
and this idea was inspired by Rousseau. He has a sharp point of view and is an excellent philosopher.
But alas, the idiotic critics of this thread have said,"That's your impression, isn't it?"You sound like Hiroyuki.
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2022/08/17(水) 22:01:07.660
And "strong anti-natalism" is just a personal value.
It doesn't matter if I judge all births to be evil, because I don't force others not to have children.
But I do think all parents have done wrong.
It's a personal thought, so why not?
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2022/08/17(水) 22:40:37.690
"I want to be happy with my children.",Why don't you be happy on your own?
Your kids won't necessarily be happy, and you might think, "I wish I hadn't had them."
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2022/08/17(水) 22:47:36.380
If a child is born incredibly unhappy, "Why is my child...?" I understand that feeling, but we can make a rational decision in advance that this may happen.
I understand that feeling, but we can rationally determine in advance that this could happen.
"It won't happen! I will make sure they are happy!" This judgment is nothing more than an assumption.
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2022/08/18(木) 03:52:43.170


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2022/08/18(木) 03:53:39.060



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2022/08/18(木) 04:35:50.760
Even if mostly people disagree with an idea that conducts to antinatalism,
it can't change present social trends in main developed countries.
It's significant decline of birthrate. Also we need adequate controlled prevention
for high-stakes of overpopulation.
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2022/08/18(木) 04:44:46.590

US birth rate falls 4% to its lowest point ever

The downward trend in birth rates in the US has been seen throughout the world

The American birth rate fell for the sixth consecutive year in 2020, with the lowest number of
babies born since 1979, according to a new report.Some 3.6 million babies were born in the US in 2020 -
marking a 4% decline from the year before, found the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) National Center for Health Statistics.

The slump was seen across all recorded ethnicities and origins, according to the findings.
The national picture mirrors a decline in births seen worldwide, a trend some experts say
has been accelerated by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
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2022/08/18(木) 04:47:41.180
"It's not worth reading," "Poems," "Diary," "Don't write here."
If you make fun of others as much as you like like and get fired back, you will be a victim
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2022/08/18(木) 05:05:01.660
In the CDC report, demographers examined the country's general fertility rate,
which compares the number of live births with the number of women considered
to be of childbearing age - between 15 and 44 years old.

In 2020, the general fertility rate in the US was about 56 births per 1,000 women - the lowest rate
on record and about half of what it was in the early 1960s.

The decline in birth rates was seen across all measured racial and ethnic groups.
Births dropped by 4% among white, black and Latina women, 9% for Asian women,
3% for Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders and 7% for Native American and Alaska native women.
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2022/08/18(木) 05:38:56.350
What's the global picture?

The slowing US birth rate is echoed by worldwide trends.

While wealthy countries like Germany and Japan have seen slowing birth rates for some time,
the same is now happening in middle-income countries as well, including Thailand and Brazil.
Globally, the fertility rate is expected to fall below replacement levels - 2.1 births per woman - by 2070, 
according to a 2019 report from the UN.

By the end of this century, the report found, the world's population is projected to virtually stop
growing for the first time in history. And a widely cited study published in the Lancet last year
suggested this population peak would come even earlier - in 2064.
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2022/08/18(木) 05:39:29.910
Between 2020 and 2100, 90 countries are expected to lose population, including two-thirds of
all countries and territories in Europe. According to the UN numbers, Africa is the only region
in the world projected to have strong population growth for the rest of the 21st Century -
mostly concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa.

Similar to trends in the US, the UN has linked falling fertility rates and population growth to gradual delays
in childbearing among women. Though the mean age of childbearing varies widely throughout the world,
overall increases will continue to lower fertility rates and global population growth in turn.
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2022/08/18(木) 05:55:05.980
Considering worsen global warming,ethnic that can survive around severe global environment,
I guess it's just only African people.
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2022/08/18(木) 05:57:10.020







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2022/08/18(木) 06:25:08.110
Would you like to discuss in English,if you can? Because arguments in Japanese that have inclining to
emotional anti-intellectual vain exchange like you.
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2022/08/18(木) 06:58:42.170
Uh, that's exactly what one famous philosopher said...
I made that excerpt because it's amazing that something written a few hundred years ago can be applied directly to the present day, and you can't understand any philosophical thought.
Also, you should write in English.
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2022/08/18(木) 07:27:49.490
If you write something philosophical issues in English, I know its needs additional efforts for most native Japanese.
However,therefore I think Its has sufficient effects because it will reduce frequent futile posts and emotional response.
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2022/08/18(木) 07:44:56.920



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2022/08/18(木) 08:22:16.210


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2022/08/18(木) 11:25:22.270
I think all of us would have experienced more or less something malicious aftermath and sorrow,
but human beings hasn't get out of there fully yet.
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2022/08/18(木) 12:29:21.440
Mental illness is another form of suffering to live with.
There is another victim in this thread and he seems to be having a very hard time.
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2022/08/18(木) 14:10:46.510








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2022/08/18(木) 20:00:28.780
as you can see, this lunatic is an unfortunate person who has had quite a difficult time in life,
but, although it is inappropriate, I get some strange sense of relief when I see such a person.
The presence of someone inferior to oneself makes one relatively happy.
This is true. I believe Schopenhauer said something similar.
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2022/08/18(木) 20:06:44.620
You're awfully obsessed with the disabled, but I guess that's what it's all about...
I pity them.
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2022/08/19(金) 03:20:49.790
I'm sure controlled reason and uncontrolled grisly utterances don't occur simultaneously.
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2022/08/19(金) 04:27:12.100
In Tampa, Thomas Mantz, president of Feeding Tampa Bay, a food bank, has seen demand for food assistance
climb 35-40% over the past six months.

“We all have to be concerned when people who are employed, and responsible,
and a productive part of our communities cannot make ends meet,” said Mantz.

Virginia and Daniel Garcia, who care for three young children, are among those seeking help. Before the pandemic,
Garcia stayed at home to look after the children while her husband worked 40 hours a week finishing drywall.
But his hours were cut during the pandemic, and the family began turning to food banks to supplement their groceries.

Just as work returned, gas and grocery prices began to surge. And then a few months ago, Garcia,
who is diabetic, got gangrene in his foot so badly that it almost had to be amputated, leaving him out of work.
Garcia has applied for work at a school cafeteria, but for now she is using credit cards for expenses like
back-to-school clothes and is counting every penny.
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2022/08/19(金) 04:27:47.180
Grocery costs “just jumped from one day to another,” Garcia said. “The bananas and the tomatoes,
the meats — we’ve lowered our meats, our proteins, because it’s so expensive.”

The possibility of not having enough food looms ever-present for Garcia, who at times went without meals
as a child and has sworn that her own children will not.
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2022/08/19(金) 04:28:22.510
Signals that rising prices are inflicting serious pain on families echo across the Sun Belt. In Miami,
legal aid providers have seen a surge in eviction cases as moratoriums end and rents shoot higher.
People with housing assistance vouchers are struggling to find apartments within the price range
the government has set out, said Sean Rowley at Legal Services Miami, because so few affordable
units are on the market and the government’s payments standards have not kept pace with rising rents.

“We’ve seen low-income households lose their vouchers because they cannot lease an apartment,”
he said, explaining that if someone does not find housing in an allotted time, the benefit will expire.
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2022/08/19(金) 04:54:48.710
Like this ,this world is always full of abundant predicament.
So anti-natalism will be corrected stance
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2022/08/19(金) 04:57:39.490
>>795 ×
Like this ,this world is always full of many kinds' predicament.
So anti-natalism necessarily will be correct stance.
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2022/08/19(金) 05:23:53.950
An endless global warming,pandemic and surging every living cost.
I assume this mean no more need a human beings on the earth.Don't you think so?
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2022/08/19(金) 09:08:02.010
The extinction of the human being will be deemed in the global warming earth.
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2022/08/19(金) 09:28:13.920



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2022/08/19(金) 09:28:47.340





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2022/08/19(金) 10:43:26.380
This is our rigorous reality of today.For instance global warming,inflation,
frequent massive flood,epidemic, food shortages,racism,poverty,surging energy
and groceries cost. These are all flows that significant devastate and worsen the ecosystem.
So you could say a person who is inclined to anti-natalism would have a point.
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2022/08/19(金) 12:54:36.910
What if human being never had been existed,
this ruined earth by humankind how was it now.
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2022/08/19(金) 13:19:54.790
Let's say he has like a habit of ape.
If so, it will inevitable he tries too many vain posts on this thread.
I guess he has straightforward tendency in a bad sense.
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2022/08/19(金) 14:31:45.580
In some cases people would be better to reflect on its intrinsic value of anti-natalism.
Because this world and society are surrounded by many unfavorable affairs all the time
since beginning of human history.
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2022/08/19(金) 17:24:02.970
He has a received barrage of criticism.
Because his attitude so impolite and rude ,it looks like a caveman.
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2022/08/19(金) 17:25:42.070
× >>821
He has received a barrage of criticism.
Because his attitude so impolite and rude ,it looks like a caveman.
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2022/08/20(土) 04:52:43.200
Where were you until now? You were supposed to be in the zoo at least an hour ago.
You were supposed to being isolated by reason of harming other but were out and about.
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2022/08/20(土) 06:23:09.610
Some natalist pointed out Anti-natalist's faults, and some antinatalist vice versa.
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2022/08/20(土) 07:04:09.020
I think human being would be endangered species in the not too distant future.
Because the ego of humankind to being stayed is an uncontrolled level.

Water stagnation occurs when water stops flowing.Stagnant water can be a major
environmental hazard.
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2022/08/20(土) 10:05:34.900



803 I deem him an ape

809 Let's say he has like a habit of ape.

816 You're a member of the apes.

817 I hope that you'll be able to dialogue as a human beings

818 Where on earth have you been all this time in the jungle?

821 it looks like a caveman.

825 an apes story

827 You're supposed to be in jangle.

830 You were supposed to be in the zoo at least an hour ago.
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2022/08/20(土) 15:10:05.950
I think your understanding is so superficial interpretation.
You may be lacking basic academic skills.
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2022/08/20(土) 15:10:10.680
What's up?
Get to the hospital as soon as possible.

You may not be a monkey, but you are a lunatic.
People like you become JOKER under stress.
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2022/08/20(土) 15:37:03.510
He should receive proper medical care.
He has serious personality problems.
He is an example of the misery of this world. We should not have more people like this.
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2022/08/20(土) 15:44:19.400
The stress of being agitated on 5chan could turn you into a JOKER.
Like Kato in Akihabara, the psychological damage is so great that it is not impossible.
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2022/08/20(土) 16:36:39.180
We get poisoned by big industries, does not matter if it is the food industry putting
Kilos of unecessary sugar in food to make you addicted, or tobacco industry
which literally makes you inhale pesticides for money and we just take it,
because fuck it.
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