ナイロビ にて、2019年IWC 科学委員会が開会しました。
(2019/05/10 16:44:03)

Annual Scientific Committee begins in Nairobi

The meeting also sees the creation of a new group called Implementation Reviews and Simulation Trials (IST).
This amalgamates two previously separate groups working on whaling management procedures.
The amalgamation reflects the fact that the work to develop catch limit calculations for Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling was largely and successfully completed in 2018,
and the remaining work of this group can be combined with work under the Revised Management Procedure.
The main focus of the new IST group is the Implementation Review process which is used to provide advice on safe catch limits for a particular species in a particular area.
These Reviews are required for Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling hunts and would also be required if the Commission were to lift the moratorium on commercial whaling.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)