38名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 43bd-wnac)2018/04/15(日) 10:49:00.69ID:/aQ5nzcg0

Isaac is only a timid mouse, who do not have the confidence to verify what he said
by asking contestants at the yahoo answers thread whether his sentence is superior to mine or not.
His opinions are not worth an old song.

39名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 43bd-wnac)2018/04/15(日) 11:01:35.96ID:/aQ5nzcg0>>42

Which is better, A or B below?

A. Football and Basketball are definitely two of the most popular sports in the US. (my sentence)
B. Most popular sports in the States are definitely Football and Basketball. ( Isaac's)


All the contestants except the idiot said A was better than B.

I agree with ワッチョイ 43bd-wnac.
Isaac has only to ask contestants at the yahoo answers thread whether his sentence is superior to mine or not.
That's all.