Mr.セレンが 2次を音声付きで再現してる。彼はいい奴だ。wすくなくとも、ごまかしがない。

自分も短めで スピーキングだが 書いてみた。

“Is serious journalism becoming a thing of the past?”

I believe serious journalism is disappearing in many countries.
Serious journalism is like the media which confront the government ,
companies,and the rich and powerful.

Hoever, in terms of serious journalism, it is different in every country.
your mileage may vary.

One of the reasons is that serious journalism could be secondary,
because the public are getting more and more concerned about their pocketbooks.
they don't pay much attention to invastigative journalism in any way.

another reason is that if you want to become a investigative journalist,
you're going to be a outsider very quickly.
It also risks your life especially in countries in South East Asia.
Throughout history ,a lot of journalists were killed and
the media became a pet dog of the government instead of a watch dog.

so all in all it's easy to see why I believe that this kind of serious journalism is disappearing .