
I have read a book called “Ito Kazuo No Eigo Gakushuhou” by Kazuo Ito.
In the book, he said that many native speakers pointed out that the
sentences he wrote were unnatural so he often felt depressed, but he
was also confused because each native speaker was saying different
things about his sentences.
And finally he shrugged off native speakers’ opinions about his
sentences and started to say that there were various English in the
world, native speakers who don’t have no education wouldn’t
understand my English, or there weren’t many native speakers who
could correctly read English from Japan’s college entrance exams.

Those remarks made me feel his writing skills may be poor. I don’t want
to criticize him, but if you can’t admit how bad your English is compared
to native speakers’, you will continue writing unnatural English. Actually
what native speakers are saying is correct in many cases. If multiple
native speakers point out that your sentences are unnatural, your
sentences are incorrect in most cases. If you can’t accept it, you English
will remain poor.