I am so fucking sick and tired of the Chinese.

- They live in such unsanitary and barbarous conditions that they regularly spawn super viruses.
- They covered up the virus from the rest of the world and let it spread.
- They bribed the World Health Organization to look the other way.
- They drove around the country buying up ALL of our masks and equipment
to send to China, leaving none for us Americans.
- When the virus finally arrives in Europe/America, they sell us masks and tests that don't work.
This is despite us donating tons of equipment to them.
- They are talking in WeChat about sabotaging thermometers to give lower temperatures and then selling to America.
- There are tons of videos of Chinese purposely coughing and spitting on food in grocery stores.
- They are now blaming this entire thing on Italy and the USA.
- They are CHEERING and CELEBRATING that the virus is spreading in America and Japan.

God, we just need to fucking nuke them already. They can't get away with this.
Japan should have stayed in China.
Japan, please do your best and occupy China again for the good of the world.