As glorious to this night, being o'er my head,
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white -upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him

= As glorious ●to this night● as is a winged messenger ★unto (to) the eyes of mortals★

my bright angel is as glorious to this night as a winged messenger is [glorious] to the eyes of mortals.
「あなた (my bright angel) は、人間の目に対して(人間の目から見て)天使が glorious であるのと
同じくらいに、今宵(この夜)に対して(この夜から見て) glorious な存在だ」

だからこの unto (= to) は、その前の to this night の to と同じ働きをしていて、
He seems nice to me.
という場合の to と同じような意味なんだろうな。