Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 221
0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4a34-G1eK)
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2022/08/02(火) 10:40:59.79ID:wJgsgR/J0
    // |ヽ\
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┃利│   ‖
┃休│   ‖
┠─┘  [二]
┃ _ロ==(´・ω・)<eat eggs
┃/ (::) ( >oy>o\
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!


Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 219

Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 220
0900名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr03-DoRO)
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2022/10/14(金) 21:04:05.49ID:5Jyn1Dywr
I’m a guy by the way.
0902名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr03-DoRO)
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2022/10/14(金) 21:43:11.52ID:5Jyn1Dywr
You should develop your gayder, an ability to distinguish gay guys from straight guys.
0904名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ブーイモ MM7f-iSZE)
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2022/10/15(土) 02:14:57.36ID:c0jJALTKM
Reselling is leagual.
0905名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ブーイモ MM7f-iSZE)
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2022/10/15(土) 02:16:25.21ID:c0jJALTKM
Why drop while the prices are going up.
0906名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr0f-bvKx)
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2022/10/15(土) 02:51:12.77ID:zrLNa3xMr
I was thinking like why don’t l sell them all together because I cant be bothered to sell it many times.

50K→200yen per iPhone

Can you believe this????
0907名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9f60-ZPbQ)
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2022/10/15(土) 05:18:04.54ID:jDAsef1F0
I don't use my smartphone. All communication is by email only.
0910名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr0f-iSZE)
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2022/10/15(土) 10:33:44.70ID:WfwmgOzIr
you like to be 仙人?
0911名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr0f-iSZE)
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2022/10/15(土) 10:34:06.87ID:WfwmgOzIr
What's that?
0913名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b9d-bvKx)
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2022/10/15(土) 12:50:14.63ID:RQ8/WW1o0
Some people already do that. They do programmings and buy premium items in an instant and hire part-timers to ship those items.
0914名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b9d-bvKx)
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2022/10/16(日) 15:47:24.10ID:qgYjVYM50
It’s so hot today.
0915名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1f0e-AIvh)
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2022/10/16(日) 17:16:26.49ID:QM4jbxlI0
Coming from a chess background, it's strange to me that the most popular shogi app (shogi wars) allows users to pay to cheat in the middle of a game.
An app with a feature like that would be highly ridiculed in the chess world and would probably never become popular.
0916名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ fb60-ZPbQ)
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2022/10/17(月) 12:50:00.96ID:ijiRDGiQ0
Would you like to stop your smartphone?
When you stop using your smartphone, you will have more time for yourself.
The disadvantages of doing so are few and the advantages are many.
0917名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ fb60-ZPbQ)
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2022/10/17(月) 15:17:48.82ID:ijiRDGiQ0
Chess.com found that Hans Niemann’s results in many online games were
unlikely. Many people seem sure that Niemann cheated somehow. Why?
Carlsen’s suspicions carry weight. Niemann was playing unrealistically well,
Carlsen said in a public statement.

I had thought that cheating was common practice in the chess community.
0919名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オイコラミネオ MMcf-9zfq)
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2022/10/18(火) 00:36:50.47ID:bdfR5lbVM
Would you mind my pooping on your face?
0920名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オイコラミネオ MMcf-9zfq)
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2022/10/18(火) 00:38:28.48ID:bdfR5lbVM
Staff Sergent will pick you up to fuck you with his guy community fellows.
0921名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オイコラミネオ MMcf-9zfq)
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2022/10/18(火) 00:46:32.11ID:bdfR5lbVM
2nd lieutenant Gomez mentioned to visit his room for Cpl Daniel to suck his dirty dick everyday.
0925名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ effb-7iBv)
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2022/10/18(火) 07:22:25.02ID:hqRzjh+d0
Kenichi Omae said in a mook, "Broken English not necessary for business."

Obviously slungs are most difficult for Japanese, they speask rapidly.
For example, I watched Mayweather Jr. speaking after battle versus Mikuru Asakura,
I totally couldn't underrstood even a single word of what he said.
0932名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b9d-bvKx)
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2022/10/18(火) 21:52:15.51ID:5QQkvOxR0
I hate guys with attitudes but with small cocks!!
0933名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPW 0Hcf-DeMZ)
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2022/10/19(水) 10:10:14.37ID:CB5nwo2kH
Damn Daniel🥵
0934名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr0f-bvKx)
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2022/10/19(水) 15:29:41.27ID:ZNFS7zl9r
I keep pooping all day. Maybe I should stop drinking coffee, which makes my stomach upset ><
0935名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1f0e-AIvh)
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2022/10/19(水) 17:28:14.22ID:gY6NukzW0
>I had thought that cheating was common practice in the chess community.
according to chess.com, "fewer than 0.2% of players cheat in online chess", so it doesn't seem that common.
the number is probably even lower for in-person chess.
0936名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ db1e-ZPbQ)
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2022/10/19(水) 17:52:10.40ID:AGPEid0H0
I watched the match today for the second time.
I realized the words "Do you speak English?" were uttered by Mayweather right after the KO.
I had been thinking Asakura's seconds gave the question to Mayweather. I was like "How come they could ask to their opponent what language he speaks! What were they doing while researching him."
It was, actually, Mayweather himself spoke to his opponent's seconds to have a conversation.
Then I came to think like "How come he could behave like English is the universal language!"
0937名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr0f-VBA1)
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2022/10/20(木) 12:57:22.21ID:ZfEekb57r
You have chance to loose much?
Using that you shold fly over to Russia.
0938名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr0f-VBA1)
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2022/10/20(木) 13:02:20.16ID:ZfEekb57r
0939名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr0f-VBA1)
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2022/10/20(木) 13:03:22.44ID:ZfEekb57r
Cheat means fault?
0940名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1f0e-AIvh)
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2022/10/20(木) 16:14:06.24ID:HDZO1I4c0
From wiktionary:
>To violate rules in order to gain, or attempt to gain, advantage from a situation
is the sense of the word i'm using. In the case of chess, cheating usually involves using chess software to find the best move during a game.
0941名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b9d-bvKx)
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2022/10/20(木) 19:33:20.85ID:qWzpuymc0
I gotta buy new Pokémon card tomorrow!!!! Wish me luck!!!! Pokémon cards are like investment. Buy it and wait for a few years and boom!!! The price becomes triple!!!!
0943名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b9d-bvKx)
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2022/10/20(木) 22:45:48.96ID:qWzpuymc0
Yas.It’s so insane. I was >>268 and now the card is worth more 200K. Fuck. I should not have sold it…
0944名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW bb96-vo5F)
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2022/10/21(金) 00:48:42.66ID:B7RuTKPS0
Logan Paul, one of the most famous YouTubers in the world, bought just one card for 5.3milion dollars (almost 800 mil yen!! at the current exchange rate) It's probably the most expensive pokemon card so far.
The name of this card is "Pokemon illustrator" written in Japanese and produced exclusively for the award (competition of drawing pokemon for the cards) winners. The fact that these cards are distributed only 39 resulted in extraordinarily high prices!!
0946名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b9d-bvKx)
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2022/10/21(金) 18:58:19.00ID:sLzlTFZe0
It’s crazy right? I should not have disposed of early Pokémon cards… they are fortune now…!

Today I got myself whole boxes of Pokémon. I’m going to wait for a few years and sell them… lol
0947名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr0f-bvKx)
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2022/10/21(金) 22:16:39.68ID:z/tt1pZer
Me in a nutshell today.
I’m tired as hell.

0949名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b9d-bvKx)
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2022/10/21(金) 23:27:56.62ID:sLzlTFZe0
No. I’m gonna wait and see when it’s right time to sell them. Haha
0954名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa45-M+yW)
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2022/10/22(土) 15:18:24.60ID:I7PvVQREa
I know ともハッピー as 虎 likes illegual porker.
0955名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr11-M+yW)
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2022/10/23(日) 01:56:07.16ID:X9fxuRx3r
Somebody please tell me how your Nintendo switch is exellent.
0956名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr11-M+yW)
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2022/10/23(日) 01:56:44.47ID:X9fxuRx3r
I mean I don't have switch and buying.
0957名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr11-O5FY)
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2022/10/24(月) 18:22:01.61ID:pbtv+DOjr
Switch is portable. It’s very handy.

My job today was to pick up 5 sets of PS5. I made about ¥150K by just doing so.
0958名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr11-O5FY)
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2022/10/24(月) 18:42:24.87ID:pbtv+DOjr
I don’t want to work, but I want money. People say investment is a key to success, but I don’t know much about it.
0962名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエー Sa8a-M+yW)
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2022/10/25(火) 08:49:19.13ID:ESEqyb9ua
VTI is
getting famouse these days.
0963名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエー Sa8a-M+yW)
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2022/10/25(火) 08:50:19.74ID:ESEqyb9ua
PSP is my favorite.
What do think about Switch beside PSP?
0964名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエー Sa8a-M+yW)
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2022/10/25(火) 08:50:34.64ID:ESEqyb9ua
0965名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエー Sa8a-M+yW)
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2022/10/25(火) 08:51:00.33ID:ESEqyb9ua
Sorry, come back?
0966名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエー Sa8a-M+yW)
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2022/10/25(火) 08:56:55.84ID:ESEqyb9ua
Everybody do
you know Alex Jones vesy famouse MC
broad caster in U,S?
0967名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa45-qRRr)
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2022/10/26(水) 17:40:50.73ID:I0LRtZVna
Born in Kokura, raised in Genkai.
I've got a big mouth, but I've got a big heart, too.
A lifetime of lawlessness, never a tear in my eyes.
I'll live on a thousand ryo of guts.
A lifetime of lawlessness.

The sound that echoed in the sky...
The beating of the drums.
The bamboo grass on the floats, the bank lamps...
The red lights of the bank lamps swaying.
Today is the Gion summer festival
The young people in their yukata
Pulling out the ropes and leading the music
The wind from the Genkai Sea
The whips are flailing left and right.
Kokura's famous name is "Muho Matsu
The Kokura nadai is a mafomatsu (a pine tree with no branches)

Don't cry, don't mourn. You're a man.
It's a love that never comes to fruition anyway.
No more complaints, no more regrets, in the Genkainada Sea.
Let the drums beat wildly
Let your dreams come true.
0969名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 219d-O5FY)
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2022/10/27(木) 03:55:18.39ID:PU4HV5Em0
Guys! I got a super rare Pokémon card again! This time it’s worth ¥70K on Mercari right now. I’m going to keep it and wait until it’s worth ¥200K. Yay!
0972名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa9d-BNXj)
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2022/10/29(土) 08:17:40.66ID:V8bl1A+Ia
Today Gion?
0973名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa9d-BNXj)
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2022/10/29(土) 08:18:11.76ID:V8bl1A+Ia
I feel that’s poem.
0974名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa9d-BNXj)
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2022/10/29(土) 08:22:06.45ID:V8bl1A+Ia
Are you druggy?
0976名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ Src5-TFDv)
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2022/10/29(土) 14:00:39.95ID:FCl6k8hTrNIKU
Reselling is fun!!!!
0978名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ Src5-TFDv)
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2022/10/29(土) 22:17:34.75ID:FCl6k8hTrNIKU
My room is full of game consoles, Pokémon cards, smartphones and tons of tons of cardboard boxes and 緩衝材 like プチプチ.

I need to sell some…
0979名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエー Sae3-BNXj)
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2022/10/30(日) 00:15:49.94ID:Kj7ckY4Wa
Where do you get the funds of purchasing from?
0983名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Src5-TFDv)
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2022/10/30(日) 21:25:39.05ID:0PmuN8Tfr
I haven’t seen roaches eggs in my life. Are they even visible?!

Anyway! I got rid of some cardboard boxes today, but some game consoles are coming tomorrow… again. More cardboard boxes…
0984名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Sa9d-BNXj)
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2022/10/31(月) 07:50:57.92ID:LaoHJCDpaHLWN
A japanese woman was dead in Korean accident.
Fuck Korean gov.
"every stinking things"of Korea!
0985名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Sa9d-BNXj)
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2022/10/31(月) 07:55:29.41ID:LaoHJCDpaHLWN
Bloody accident!
0986名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Sa9d-BNXj)
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2022/10/31(月) 08:44:45.50ID:LaoHJCDpaHLWN
It's so cold these days.
0987名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Sa9d-MudK)
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2022/10/31(月) 10:00:46.97ID:XqbdR5wLaHLWN
Every time I wanna go get a fuckin' brew
I gotta go down to the store with the two
Oriental one penny countin' motherfuckers
That make a nigga mad enough to cause a little ruckus
Thinkin' every brother in the world's out to take
So they watch every damn move that I make
They hope I don't pull out a gat and try to rob
They funky little store, but, bitch, I got a job
"Look, you little Chinese motherfucker
I ain't tryin' to steal none of yo' shit, leave me alone!"
"Mother fuck you!"
Yo, yo, check it out
So don't follow me up and down your market
Or your little chop suey ass'll be a target
Of the nationwide boycott
Juice with the people, that's what the boy got
So pay respect to the black fist
Or we'll burn your store right down to a crisp
And then we'll see ya
Cause you can't turn the ghetto into black Korea
0988名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Sa9d-BNXj)
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2022/10/31(月) 11:12:41.67ID:LaoHJCDpaHLWN
Hey hey!
Hold back to say four letter
words many time.
0989名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Sa9d-MudK)
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2022/10/31(月) 16:16:44.48ID:5Vk8vP7DaHLWN
You Need A Freak Like Sancha,
Do Wat Some Dem Girls Dont Wanna, U Can Do Me In Tha Back Of Da Club,
In The Back Of The Truck,
I Dont Care Papi I Just Wanna F*ck,
A Lil Licking On Ma Clit,
A Lil Sucking On Yo Dick,
That'll Do Da Job If U Wanna Come And Get This Pussy Wet,
Just The Thought If It Makes Me Hot,
Whether You Or Me On Top,
Bust A Nut On This Freaky Stuff,
U Can Stick It In The Butt U Know Wus Up,
I Don't Care Bout Your Wife At Home, Ready To Moan If U Ready To Bone,
Ima Suck It 4 A Playa Ready To Blow Deep-Throat,
I Love The Feel Of Sex,
Touch My Lips,
Rub My Chest And Make Me Sweat,
This Panochas Dripping Wet,
I Like It When U Suck On My Tits,
Betta Get Me Off, Break Me Off,
Keep It Hard, Ima Suck Till You Nut,
F*ck Through A Shrut,
I Love It When U Pull Ma Hair And Call Me Slut,
69 Will Do Juss Fine,
Lets Ride Gotta Get It Right,
Ima Ride Till The End Of The Night,
Keep My Legs To The Sky,
Now Don't That Sound Tight,
So Come And Get It Daddy,
Nobody Has To Know,
I'll Be Ur Sancha Don't Trip I'll Keep It Low-Pro
0993名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Src5-TFDv)
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2022/10/31(月) 19:20:28.22ID:cgVdShbzrHLWN
God bless you.
0994名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Src5-TFDv)
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2022/10/31(月) 19:57:35.31ID:cgVdShbzrHLWN
I spent 240万 on Apple gift cards today. Yay!
0999名無しさん@英語勉強中 (中止 Src5-TFDv)
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2022/10/31(月) 21:44:06.38ID:cgVdShbzrHLWN
For buying iPhones.
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa9d-BNXj)
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2022/11/01(火) 03:28:47.45ID:CiTrGlYia
It’s really hard to say but what do you think
About realtime translation
Which is a mobile contains Apprication?