Pulp Fiction - Opening Scene

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Scary. Too risky. I'm free *** night shift. You always say that. The same thing every
time. I'm through. Never again. Too dangerous. That's what I was saying. I was right,
too. And you forget about it in a day or two? Yeah, in a day Let me forget about ???
You remember it. It just began. You know, when you go on like this, what you sound
like? Sound like a sensible fucking man. That's what I sound like? What hell's that?
[Imitating the sound of a chicken.] Because you're never ??? Since I'm going to have to
do it again, you're never going to have to quack. I'm never going to do it. After
tonight? Correct. I'll alternate quick. Can I get anyone more coffee? Oh, yes. Thank
you. I'm in the way. Is now. Taking a sandwich and rob a bank. Taking more of a
risk. ??? toresia. Federal banks ??? any way during a robbery. And sure. Why should I
give a fuck? ??? guy in a federal bank. What about this one block ??? funk? You gaze a
funk at ??? tella. ??? says, "We've got this ???, we'll go." We're going to get all your money.