Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 201©
0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 転載ダメ© (ワッチョイW 1b19-CdYB)
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2017/05/21(日) 13:44:22.08ID:72k0Jmg60
         (   (
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       i ヾ<:;_   _,.ン |
       l      ̄...:;:彡|
        }  . . ...::::;:;;;;;彡{           \ Let's have too-hot genmai tea in summer and chat! /
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        ヽ、.. ....::::::;;;ジ.::::::::::::::::::::::

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 200 [無断転載禁止]?

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!
0002名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW aadf-PCQh)
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2017/05/21(日) 16:00:46.34ID:x1beo5c40
Afikasu is not worth living.
They allways depend on ○, and They can't do anything on their own.
They are just like scum.

It is said that the person who is depending on something is losing oneself, but in this case, they are only making an excuse which is that they are losing themselves.
Are you happy??
Afikasu are really guys who has no meaning living.
They don't create anything by themselves, but they treat other people's as is it is theirs.

To tell repeatedly, as I thought, Afikasu are low grade people by nature.

Yes, they are what is called ”handicapped people”!
They try to earn money by themselves, but they can't.
They don't have any ideas.
They are poor, poor and poor handicapped people who are not worth living.

In other words, they are trifling people.
Since they are children, they have been Suffering from illness which is that they can't help depending on other people.

I lately have started to think that I can't blame them because they have a youthfull illness.
That is because They have such an illness!
That is because They are such people!
That is because They are such handicapped people!
0003名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW aadf-PCQh)
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2017/05/21(日) 16:01:24.39ID:x1beo5c40
Otherwise, they must not have been able to come up with an idea which is reprinting conservations among people, summarizing it on their blog and making money.
Since a long time ago, in Japan, the proverb says, "One beats the bush, and another catches the birds".
but we are talking on a totally different level
It is abnormal to make money by using conservation among other people.
New rule of NINJA NO SATO or something that If you were ordered to say "no reprinting" but didn't, you are done a suiton was made.

In fact, the central figure of the discussion about the rule is me.
I want it to be enforced soon.
It is not heard yet.
It is said that he who is born a fool is never cured.
Afikasu won't understand unless they are done suiton.
They must have 〇● .
Make them not want to go to VIP!
Send them into depths of despair!

So, be done a suiton dozens or hundreds of times!
they should be sorry hundreds or thousands of times!
Go to hell of lack of funds thousands or tens of thousands of times!
Then, Afikasu's blogs will finally collapse.
While saying "all of subscribers on my blog,...please click...", they will die sadly.
It is a suitable lasts for them.

I think that Afikasu don't have human right , and that they will never be cleaned even after dying
Afikasu are worthness whether they live or die.
In other words, they are worthness forever.
0004名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 469c-jo0S)
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2017/05/21(日) 18:34:35.32ID:j58nEqFs0
Too long. Please make it shorter or more amusing.
0010名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 4a19-CdYB)
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2017/05/23(火) 19:13:59.48ID:ZFe3Ia9y0
so rub his body unintentionally.
0018名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 4a19-CdYB)
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2017/05/24(水) 19:38:18.60ID:YPUnXwcd0
why dont you talk to him? you seems cruel.
0020名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 4a19-CdYB)
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2017/05/24(水) 19:54:23.25ID:YPUnXwcd0
who he looks like?
i dont think 五郎丸 is イケメン. i like 畠山 rather.
0026名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0fac-SLS7)
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2017/05/25(木) 02:19:19.82ID:+a9+tyUM0
Do you live around the location of teikyo uni?

You seem to have little interest in trends. That is good.
How can you live without knowing goromaru's face?
I'm not the type who follows the trend either, but even guy like me knew him little by little
through media, including net news.
Even when you go to a grocery store, you can see his face at frozen foods corner. lol
Nitirei uses him as a character of its frozen chahan productn.
My impression is ウザイ everytime I see it.
You may have seen him before without recognizing him.
0027名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b3a-0req)
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2017/05/25(木) 02:41:25.84ID:61sRrxsO0
Of course I knew 五郎丸. I didn't know this rugby player 畠山.

Oh I love that big 五郎丸 panel. I wish I can do anything to the actual 五郎丸.

No, There is no Teijyo uni campus around my area. He said he came back to hometown or something after college.
0028名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0fac-SLS7)
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2017/05/25(木) 03:13:15.71ID:+a9+tyUM0
I see. There are many teikyo rugby men who came from local districts.
Then I have no idea where you live.

Speaking of Hatakeyama, Hatakeyama is a former boxing champion Hatakeyama for me.
How do you think about him? Isnt he cute?
Yeah, he is hoso macho type rather than gachimuti debu macho.
0029名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0fac-SLS7)
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2017/05/25(木) 03:18:29.81ID:+a9+tyUM0
I don't feel sex appeal from debumacho people.
I fear more of fear and aversion toward them.
They look violent and ignorant. I would try not to look at them when I see them in real life.
Hatakeyama of Yakult Swallows is debu too.
0030名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b3a-0req)
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2017/05/25(木) 03:27:27.48ID:61sRrxsO0
He is too skinny. I'm not into "hoso macho" things. I really like super bulky bodies like bodybuilders and physiquers. Their bodies are so beautiful.

I really need to go to bed now but I ate too much so I can't sleepppp
0032名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/25(木) 20:55:48.42ID:qvpk1jmp0
i dont like western RPG. even skyrim frequently dies easily such as slipping from cliff.
0033名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/25(木) 20:56:52.31ID:qvpk1jmp0
i recommend ETS2 if you are a workaholic.
0037名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/25(木) 23:57:06.33ID:qvpk1jmp0
just inform police
0041jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ efb8-yumd)
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2017/05/26(金) 08:31:36.57ID:w7Kl4L700
Those sentences were excellent. I think you're better than you think you are. Believe in yourself :)
Personally, I would have written the first one as "to get INTO its blind area" but your way is still correct. That's just personal preference.
Oh, and the usual term is "blind spot" but the way you wrote it still works, you just weren't using the common expression.

I've seen plenty of worse writing from native speakers.
0042名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Sp0f-MJsu)
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2017/05/26(金) 12:41:44.72ID:WXuq5rwQp
No one in this thread can read and write Engrish.
0044名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Sp0f-MJsu)
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2017/05/26(金) 15:03:27.25ID:WXuq5rwQp
Engrish please?
0046名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/26(金) 19:21:12.53ID:2gkyK0W+0
0047名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Sp0f-MJsu)
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2017/05/26(金) 19:23:28.56ID:WXuq5rwQp
Debut macho please?
0050名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/27(土) 01:35:44.40ID:sp3O2ww30
maze soba will amaze you
0055名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/27(土) 17:21:52.14ID:sp3O2ww30
a canadian youtuber said that japanese use "that's too bad" as 残念だ, but the real meaning is like 知るか!話しかけんな!.
is it real?
0057名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/27(土) 18:48:32.06ID:sp3O2ww30
0060名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/27(土) 19:03:25.13ID:sp3O2ww30
just because her engilsh is weird?
0063名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/27(土) 22:25:32.49ID:sp3O2ww30
0065名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/27(土) 23:08:53.79ID:sp3O2ww30
lets buy ets2
0066名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b3a-DC4P)
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2017/05/27(土) 23:09:25.83ID:j3WyWYKJ0
 / ̄\  ‖ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 (^,_J^)≪ It doesn't matter
と(。人。)つ|to me.
 |χ|  |Well, anyway, good luck!
  し'し'    \_____
0067名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0bf2-Cz3W)
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2017/05/28(日) 01:14:42.75ID:qdA1Z8KL0
Bruce Cumings: A Murderous History of Korea: a Japanese translation
0069名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スップ Sdbf-Iu/z)
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2017/05/28(日) 04:05:25.21ID:4wROn0yJd
no gays wanted...
0073名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f19-UhbI)
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2017/05/29(月) 02:28:17.21ID:UeQZCswQ0
takasu clinic!
0074名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2b4c-i9PT)
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2017/05/29(月) 02:48:17.66ID:+QfeN8U60
I honesty think that our PM is sick and needs to be hospitalized asap
He got this pathological lies. It totally mislead people. I definitely consider
that our PM Abe is really sick.
Asahi, Mainichi and other magazines are trying so hard to tell the truth but those cults
do have hard time listening to the facts. Instead, they try to add the strong force to those
who opposes them and threaten their careers, sometimes using police power

Today, I had seen this malicious misinterpretion given by right wing newspapers, regarding about the consipiracy laws,
which the UN individual was really concerned about our privacy and freedom of speech.

The original English sentences were totally different thing. Even if netizens are these days
aware of malicious lies given by Abe and his congress people, this was totally stunning.
0075名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2b4c-i9PT)
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2017/05/29(月) 02:56:45.97ID:+QfeN8U60
A lot of Ministers left Abe's Cabinet with many unbelievable scandals
and everytimes he said things like, " I was responsible" but never left his position.
Then there were these Kake and Moritomo, he is still in his position and I was like
OMG! what is he thinking? It is totally something which is so hard to understand

Although, there are many PM Abe's suportors in the net. Although they are not
quite decent but very noisy and malicious, dirty, and filled with lies.
Unfortunately, somepeople still believe him because he treatens people with missile crisis
in North Korea.
0076名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2b4c-i9PT)
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2017/05/29(月) 03:02:40.25ID:+QfeN8U60
I honestly had never seen anyone so shameless like PM Abe and it is pretty shocking.
I do not know how he deal with the society before he was a member of the Diet.

Usually, people leave the Diet, when he/she has these much scandals. Instead
he is giving pressure or threaten media personal not to broadcast something which is not good for him.

I think he is really really really sick
0084名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9f3a-MJsu)
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2017/05/30(火) 22:51:58.40ID:uhE9nvAU0
Go ahead say something
0090名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロル Sp0f-MJsu)
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2017/05/31(水) 18:43:32.78ID:lZMB8VRNp
OMG, everyone speaks English in here, so cool!
0093名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロロ Sp3d-8PdT)
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2017/06/01(木) 15:42:58.48ID:jMa3F8uBp
Wow, that sounds cool! Respectable!!
0094名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a619-wUaA)
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2017/06/01(木) 15:58:17.19ID:jFOJbmqM0
what does mean 'circle jerk'?
0095名無しさん@英語勉強中 (US 0Hf5-q7dZ)
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2017/06/01(木) 16:35:57.12ID:qNGeLPKpH
A Circle Jerk is a group of men who masturbate together in the same room, generally in a circle. However, it is also used as a metaphor for a one-sided, self-congratulatory group or discussion.
0097名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロロ Sp3d-8PdT)
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2017/06/01(木) 20:23:07.07ID:jMa3F8uBp
Really? Wow! UNIQLO's t-shirt really good.
0098名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 6a19-CgF0)
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2017/06/01(木) 22:56:52.94ID:UoRelfbv0
even when others dont wear the same!
0099名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Saa1-fPLl)
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2017/06/01(木) 22:57:51.64ID:uVKT4943a
if there was an unidentified, unclaimed box in front of me, i should've opened it without hesitation when i was a child.
i'm an adult now and if there is such a box, i should be on a high alert and wouldn't open it.
some people are willing to open it even after they become adults and
i guess that implies the difference between those who succeed in their lives and those who don't...
0100名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 6a19-CgF0)
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2017/06/01(木) 23:02:20.64ID:UoRelfbv0
uniqlo's outfit in physical retail store is too small for me.
i only use online store.
0104名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 6a19-CgF0)
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2017/06/02(金) 22:52:36.40ID:IXvc5sw60
buy immediately
0105名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ea00-OMod)
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2017/06/02(金) 23:20:20.53ID:hnTKemXa0
Im very stupid man, for example i was late enter college after 2years.
There is free enter except your an achivement test, so-colled F rank university.
I am disgusted by my act. I am very blessed with environments.In spite of good
environments, i am silly man. I hope change myself, so i conducted a lot of things,
but Its useless after all.What should i act for changing myself?
0109名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 6a19-CgF0)
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2017/06/03(土) 22:17:15.36ID:nxJDo2Vk0
by making their own PCs, they understand how and what to maintain it.
at least become cafeful about dust.
0112名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 2a3a-8PdT)
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2017/06/04(日) 01:33:00.41ID:aQUZpBQJ0
Me too ^_^ I made curry out of my ass twice today!!
0113名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 6a19-CgF0)
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2017/06/04(日) 01:34:19.03ID:MWVm1wkY0
NEVER talk about curry while eating unko.
0114名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロロ Sp3d-8PdT)
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2017/06/04(日) 08:22:22.24ID:6KJix7Lep
Hey don't eat it too much you'll get fat!
0120名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Saa1-fPLl)
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2017/06/05(月) 00:43:04.98ID:avU6hBU5a
i like to see uploaded videos on youtube.
from time to time, a lot of foreigners posted comments for the japanese videos (sometimes the ones with english subtitles)
and i also like to read those comments.
i feel i can widen my range of viewpoints by doing that.
0125名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 9e00-R5vE)
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2017/06/05(月) 16:12:11.10ID:ZMdb8Y1p0
yes,this phenomenon is only you
I recommend you should go out
I think you feel cold is due to keeping stay in your home
so you go out and do right exercise to feel warm of this country
if as you are,you may be called around everyone "loser"or"withdraw"
break shell and go out!!
0129名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7168-zUMb)
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2017/06/05(月) 22:38:59.49ID:5Sn3B4240
So I'm not a spy, but there was a fishy poster who said something like "things would
be easy if Japan got along with China" and "Japanese are deceived by Koreans."
That poster was fishy. I'm guessing it was the same one (probably some gaijin) that
occaisionally appears in this thread and tries to drive Koreans out.
0132名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ガラプー KK25-ihWF)
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2017/06/06(火) 01:54:46.79ID:5v6B6pxqK
bacon isnt poison.
He was a philadelphia.
0133jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ deb8-a/o5)
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2017/06/06(火) 04:00:51.66ID:tDai3LSd0
I made curry with soba noodles one time. It was only so-so. It would have helped if I had more vegetables and some meat.

I don't ever really see stuff like that, but I also never read youtube comments.
0141名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ bdd3-J4c7)
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2017/06/07(水) 12:55:23.38ID:K5IWk0rj0
r u dqn?
0151名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 85ac-P4r9)
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2017/06/08(木) 04:15:45.33ID:GKAp75bV0
I have a question.

If I split like light refracted
I'm only off to wander
Across a moonlit mile

These are lyrics from The Pretender's Don't get me wrong.
Does the "split" in the first sentence mean the same as "off to" in the second sentence?
Is my understanding right?

Don't get me wrong,
if you say hello and I take a ride
Upon a sea where the mystic moon
is playing havoc with the tide
Don't get me wrong

Does a writer of this passage want to say that taking a ride is not special,it's like order of nature?
It's not my understanding though. I read
an English-Japanse translation site and it lead me to
this understanding.
0152jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ dbb8-K3wN)
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2017/06/08(木) 04:34:12.96ID:ZtLTxINC0
My wife has a chronic pain condition that makes it hard to be active. Besides that, it's hard to find time.
After work, it's hard to do anything but relax, and weekends usually have things going on. Plus I'm pretty lazy, so that doesn't help.

"split like light refracted" =
"off to x" means "leaving to go to x" so that's the same as ”wander に行きます” Sorry, I don't know the Japanese word there. But it's just another way to say "go"

For the second part, he's saying that when the girl he's talking to says "hello" it makes his mind go flying across the ocean.

The whole song is about how all these amazing things happen when he sees the person he likes, or she notices him or talks to him.
0153名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 85ac-P4r9)
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2017/06/08(木) 05:20:01.31ID:GKAp75bV0
I know refract has something to do with physics.
Every japanase-english translation site translate "plit" literally.
A web English-Dictionary defines split
as 《俗語》 急いで行く[立ち去る]. ≒leave quickly, dash on the sixth definition.
So, I wonder if "split" in the lyrics has the same meaning as "off to" and "wander" in the lyrics.
I imagined a situaion that a girl in the song feels awkward and shies away from a guy because she likes him.

When a person does , what does it mean metaphorly?
Some translation site relates "split" to the state of mind, but I felt it don't come along with
latter lyrics.

>The whole song is about how all these amazing things happen when he sees the person he likes, or she notices him or talks to him.

I don't thin so.
Here is the whole song lyrics. For example, girl stares at a guy
because she is in love, but she denies it and blame it
on meterials like neon lights and fireworks.
0155jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ dbb8-K3wN)
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2017/06/08(木) 05:42:48.42ID:ZtLTxINC0
In this case, the literal definition of "split" is correct. It doesn't make sense in the context of the song to
have that line be about leaving suddenly, even though the next DOES talk about leaving.

It's all about the feelings you get when you see the person you like.
Fireworks, rainbows, moonlight on the ocean, neon lights etc are all metaphors for love.

The lines you were talking about at the end are the guy looking at the girl, and seeing neon lights because it's like she's glowing.

The picture I posted with the prism and the rainbow is literally light refracting..
Of course it's a metaphor to say that the singer is splitting up, but it FEELS LIKE he's becoming a bright rainbow
0157名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 85ac-P4r9)
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2017/06/08(木) 05:58:18.73ID:GKAp75bV0
Every English-Japanse translation site is in line with my understaing.
I just want to know correct translation line by line....
Should I die?
Don't get me wrong is 勘違いしないでよ
Some translator quoted つんでれ tsundere. You know Tsundere.

Isn't "Don't get me wrong " a call to a boy frined ?

"Don't get me wrong
If I'm looking kind of dazzled
I see neon lights
Whenever you walk by"

I got the situation vice versa.
A person who says don't get me wrong is a girl(of course singer songwriter is a woman).
"you" is a man. She follows him with dazzled eyes whenever when he walks by
because she falls in love with him. However, she blame it on the neonlights.
Is it completely messed up understaiding?
Should I die?
0159名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 2319-0XeP)
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2017/06/08(木) 18:41:52.56ID:yF+nvjjc0
today i gonna eat ome-rice! yey!
0162名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa99-osKB)
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2017/06/08(木) 23:02:58.56ID:sD/slyFSa
i work for a company but am still seeking new opportunities.
unfortunately most of the opening positions that i think are good require more than what i have now.
i am not qualified and i feel miserable.
i should've studied and worked hard in my youthful days.
0165名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 45db-jeA0)
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2017/06/09(金) 08:45:48.19ID:0aBrrvWV0
I don't like baseball.
I prefer soccer.
My favorite teams are Arsenal, Barcelona, Vegalta Sendai, and Jublio Iwata.

Do any Japanese here like soccer but not baseball?
What's your favorite soccer team?
0167名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 2319-0XeP)
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2017/06/09(金) 21:25:46.32ID:WpsyQnDp0
tonight is strawberry moon.
0169名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スップ Sd03-7o5L)
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2017/06/10(土) 00:02:40.32ID:/ybrMIMmd
no gays wanted
0173jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ dbb8-K3wN)
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2017/06/10(土) 02:20:49.74ID:6TGp0zO+0
Everyone can have your own interpretation, but I feel like it's genuine. I think she's saying that all those things
with the lights and fireworks and stuff are her feelings when she sees the guy she likes.

How much did you have? Most whisky is about 40% alcohol.
0176名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 85ac-P4r9)
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2017/06/10(土) 06:25:23.77ID:1fsnnaOG0
Someone pointed out sperm-like smell from leaves at this time of season, on the previous thread.
I knew what he meant, but I didn't necessarilly agree with him.
Now I really understand what he meant every time I passed a certain area on my scooter. lol

I'm not sure if this phenomenon applies to the U.S and other coutries.
0178名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd43-7o5L)
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2017/06/10(土) 19:42:25.10ID:2yapGUPSd
If in the gym I should come across a faggot leering at other men, I couldn't help beating that dirty beast.
Both to you and to me, it was fortunate that we didn't encounter each other :-)
0182名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4d68-D9zB)
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2017/06/11(日) 18:14:35.34ID:WohclUf10
I recommend posting stuff in this thread while picking your nose.
You will learn some phrasal verbs naturally, and that's enough for now.
I heard some super translator thing is going to be available in 10 years or so.
We should wait for it and meanwhile spend our time on other things.
0183名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロロ Sp71-Kara)
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2017/06/11(日) 18:14:59.38ID:C+FjoFMOp
Is this fun?
0186名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Sp71-Kara)
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2017/06/12(月) 21:10:40.54ID:Hi9tONtsp
I came here
0187名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 2319-0XeP)
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2017/06/12(月) 21:38:16.40ID:NgBWVvA90
0188名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Sp71-Kara)
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2017/06/12(月) 21:46:54.22ID:Hi9tONtsp
0189jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ dbb8-K3wN)
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2017/06/13(火) 02:53:45.81ID:VsFL1WAy0
That's weird. I guess I've never been around chestnut trees because I've never smelled that.
When I go to costco a few miles from my house, the air outside always smells like grape candy. I wonder if that's some kind of tree too.

It looks a little different than the kind I buy.
0196jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ dbb8-K3wN)
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2017/06/14(水) 01:24:02.75ID:F8TaigmS0
It takes a while to get used to that kind of life for sure. The small town that I lived in for a while with my wife, only had
a population of 500 people. There wasn't much to do, and only a few stores. A gas station, a bar, an expensive grocery store, a hardware store and a post office... that's it.
0198名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 2319-0XeP)
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2017/06/14(水) 14:02:53.40ID:vhSxZ5h20
clear sky without clouds @osaka
seems like autumn.
0203名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 2319-0XeP)
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2017/06/14(水) 23:51:22.93ID:vhSxZ5h20
grow mint!
0205名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa77-gvxY)
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2017/06/15(木) 00:50:21.53ID:a6MgcQ7Ta
i want to attract somebody/something, even insects.
nobody is interested in me.
my daily life becomes more and more boring. just a repetition of travelling between my house & the office.
i know i need to do something to change the current situation but i can't think of any good idea.
that is one of the reasons why i continue to post comments in this thread.
i thought it would be a better way to post on 2ch than to do nothing.
0208名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H8b-C0RR)
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2017/06/15(木) 01:15:14.61ID:e41lT/3vH
You need to talk to someone outside our office.
Just register a matching site and find a girl/guy.
I'm not sure how many serious maching sites exist in Japan though.
A friend of mine said here in the UK there are some
and he is enjoying his dating life.
0210名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/15(木) 13:25:22.12ID:lWEmgjZH0
I must say that I will never vote for LDP party ever!!!

They are not even democratic government and they revise our history
They lie too much and it makes me feel they have no moral or virtue at all

I did not vote for LDP this time so it kind of makes me feel like
I'm not one of them so I feel really relieved
0211名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/15(木) 13:30:04.35ID:lWEmgjZH0
They are bunch of LDP supporters in the net, I feel so surprised
that how much they can lie. There are bunch of liars and it absolutely
makes me feel so sick. TV, it is like PM Abe's supporters everywhere and
they distort the facts. There is nothing evil than that.

I really hope that we all seek for the truth and never go to the evil side
0212名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/15(木) 13:39:51.26ID:lWEmgjZH0
I am really afraid that PM Abe and his supporters really
do bad thing to our journalism here in Japan.
I thought our freedom of press was supposed to be somewhere around 11th
in the past, but now it had failed to 71st since PM Abe's reign. He is doing
such a terrible things to our media and journalists. If he doesn't like his/her opinions
next thing we see is that they are gone from the screen. NHK is something that we pay
to watchdog our government but now it is just totally like PM Abe's propaganda
and we are like "OMG? Is this North Korea?"

The conspiracy law was passed and it is not really that we can share with the world.
Since we cannnot say PM Abe and his supports are really not a believer of the democratic govt
There will be a lots of LDP and police power everywhere, if they see some TV programs or
journalists that they don't like, they can do whatever they want.
0213名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/15(木) 13:46:19.41ID:lWEmgjZH0
Believe or not, PM Abe's cabinet has these people who are so into
Imperialism or Nazis. Why isn't media really tell these facts to people, it is their duty.
Some media are trying so hard and this personal said that once he tells about those things
there will be a lot of calls to their sponsers. PM Abe's LDP is kind of organized in many ways.

It is totally so creepy. Good thing that we can use the net and watch the foreign news talking about
our society today, unless, we won't have no way to know the facts
0218名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3a19-D2HP)
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2017/06/15(木) 19:07:43.14ID:1yVTwHKJ0
sprinkle pest!
0224名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7a3a-I2CP)
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2017/06/15(木) 23:09:39.96ID:e53VCqof0
Me too
0226名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 96ce-JhXs)
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2017/06/15(木) 23:12:16.87ID:+PT9sXHm0
You're liar.
0229jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 16b8-HF6k)
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2017/06/16(金) 02:29:29.26ID:HEBLCb0h0
That's a really nice looking plant! It looks pretty happy there in that window.
If you can't keep up with how much it's growing, you could try drying some of the leaves to save them.
0234名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/16(金) 19:33:35.17ID:Ha02q3sV0
JASRAC really sucks like NHK
they like regulate everything
0236名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/16(金) 19:37:37.02ID:Ha02q3sV0
they don't like music, they just so into money
0237名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/16(金) 19:41:16.26ID:Ha02q3sV0
Since PM Abe, they are like a total control freak and
the socialists so they really love to regulate everything

Although, they're not really good with economy and obviously
Abenomics failed. Dumb people don't realize that and they just
believe many silly excuses from our govt
0238名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/16(金) 19:44:26.10ID:Ha02q3sV0
Last time, they'd said, I believe that it was NHK that "consumption of squid decreased so our economy is maybe not too good"
and I was totally like what is that exactly?
0239名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3a19-D2HP)
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2017/06/16(金) 20:29:23.30ID:EgTGKVSZ0
ono yoko got credit of "imagine" song writing ?
0241名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3a19-D2HP)
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2017/06/16(金) 21:37:51.95ID:EgTGKVSZ0
that is not astonishable.
sperm and chestnut's pollen have same odorous substance called as spermine.
0242名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 133a-QeqB)
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2017/06/16(金) 22:53:34.35ID:K2gC69Ox0
I'm lying on my bed feeling dizzy and hungry at the same time. I wish I had an useful boyfriend who does anything for me like getting french fries and a cheese burger from Macdonald's.

I just don't feel like driving right now to get to Macdonald's drive-through at the moment.
0245名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オイコラミネオ MMe6-mWp0)
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2017/06/17(土) 00:53:30.49ID:n4I/2kNAM
how come u wont work this weekend despite the work that should be done asap?
are u gonna dodge urgent responsibility? or is your work nothing but imaginary?
0247jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 16b8-HF6k)
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2017/06/17(土) 01:37:14.87ID:1VDBUvnF0
You should say, "That is not surprising."
"Astonishing"means "really really surprising," but you can't put "able" on the end, it doesn't work.

Do you live in a big city? Here in Los Angeles, there are several food delivery companies. You can order from restaurants
or stores and get things delivered within a couple hours. Does that kind of service exist in Japan?

I know what you mean. I've been feeling overwhelmed all week, but yesterday I actually accomplished a lot and
got caught up. It's a good feeling.
0248名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オイコラミネオ MMe6-mWp0)
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2017/06/17(土) 10:39:22.48ID:n4I/2kNAM
she would be crazy for mcdonalds.
in l.a. can u have burgers or so delivered from mcdo?
im a bit concerned about the quality of your work?
0249名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bac-IdGG)
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2017/06/17(土) 11:21:48.36ID:aUr9BfN40
Sorry for the late reply,,Writing English consumes more energy and time,
so I procrastinated.
Can I ask more?
I thought "don't get me wrong" had two patterns.
In one case, it shows strong denial for someone, and it is used like "don't get me wrong, you are not my type"
In the other case, it shows consideration for someone, and it is used like "don't get me wrong. I don't mean to hurt you"
I was influenced too much by the japanese translation 勘違い(している), whose word at times can describe someone
being delusional and self-conceited.
It seems that don't get me wrong is used only in the latter case.
Do you agree on this? Do you think almost all native speakers interpret the song "dont get me wrong" like you do?

I noticed that a couple of Japanese bloggers seem to understand close to the intended meanings.
I take back the previous comments that all Japanese translation sites tlanslated the lyrics
like I did.
0252名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オイコラミネオ MMe6-mWp0)
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2017/06/17(土) 15:04:07.39ID:n4I/2kNAM
so trivial
anyway abbreviation
dont divert the attention from the main point
0253名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/17(土) 17:01:46.54ID:UlposrfK0
it's the Kansai expression of Mcdonald
mac is Kanto
0255名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/17(土) 17:14:49.83ID:6KmOcmWpp
Could it be called dinner, isn't it a snack?
0256名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/17(土) 18:49:47.63ID:UlposrfK0
I had shishamo, iwashi tenpura, korean pancake, green lettuce tuna salad,
and cucumber and crab salad macaroni salad today

I all goes well with a beer but I had a wonderful dokudami tea
0257名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/17(土) 18:50:47.74ID:UlposrfK0
I am going to have a gelato later
0258名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ba07-yrNu)
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2017/06/17(土) 19:29:47.81ID:i9qJel8/0
Dokudami tea ? It flashes back. That's the tea name that I've not heard in a long time...long time.
You are a health-oriented person, aren't you?
0259名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/17(土) 19:58:58.02ID:UlposrfK0
not that much but I'd bought dokudami tea in a very rural country-side
it's good when ur having a greasy dish
0260名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3a19-D2HP)
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2017/06/17(土) 20:23:20.96ID:sGp3g+Kl0
Dokudami tea which costs 2500yen/25pack is so delicious.
0264名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3a19-D2HP)
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2017/06/17(土) 21:54:29.98ID:sGp3g+Kl0
  O、( ´∀`)O this is my secret weapon!
  ノ, )    ノ ヽ
 ん、/  っ ヽ_、_,ゝ
  (_ノ ヽ_)
0265名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b4c-w/Nb)
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2017/06/17(土) 22:12:14.18ID:UlposrfK0
dokudami tea was 1050yen /150g
0267名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sdda-Ep9f)
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2017/06/17(土) 23:48:57.51ID:7d+/Fw7Ed
the gay is no more human than the ape is
0269名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa77-gvxY)
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2017/06/18(日) 00:13:51.97ID:hEh2fMl3a
the only creadit card i have is JCB card and it's an international card.
but it seems that you can hardly use the JCB cards in abroad.
in the europe, VISA cards are widely used instead and in the north americas
AMEX or DINERS CLUB cards are popular, right?
0271名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/18(日) 00:37:26.26ID:AzuILA26p
0274名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3a19-D2HP)
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2017/06/19(月) 00:15:59.67ID:H/G96zpZ0
grand big mac is 470(left) by app coupon and ordinal big mac is 380 (right).
i should have chosen both grand big mac.
0276名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ effe-gvxY)
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2017/06/19(月) 19:11:41.13ID:ac8MMQSt0
I've never eaten such fast food.
If you are Japanese, you should eat rice.
0279名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd7a-Ep9f)
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2017/06/19(月) 21:45:31.65ID:d1tlAl6Od
you are a sort of imperialist who think that a man must live
based on the stereotypes which you have against his ethnicity.

we have no duty to amuse foreign travelers and anthropologists
by eating sushi and wearing kimono, as well as Africans need not be naked,
or as Oceanians need not eat man.
0280名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/19(月) 21:52:43.62ID:OGfyiY2Yp
0283名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/19(月) 22:19:21.85ID:OGfyiY2Yp
I guess his English is OK.
0284名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/19(月) 22:20:11.10ID:OGfyiY2Yp
They are not big words.
0287名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 4b93-Ep9f)
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2017/06/19(月) 22:42:34.36ID:3g05Bxb30
Grammar-Nazi is eyesore (lol
0288名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/19(月) 22:51:59.13ID:OGfyiY2Yp
Look "at" な
0289名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/19(月) 22:53:10.48ID:OGfyiY2Yp
Yeah, he is a grammar nazi
0292名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd3b-Ep9f)
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2017/06/19(月) 23:22:57.45ID:aRdPnhHId
please go back to madhouse, okay?
0293名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7a3a-I2CP)
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2017/06/19(月) 23:28:09.98ID:WklKcX+K0
Poor swear words make no impression on anyone's heart.
0294名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd3b-Ep9f)
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2017/06/19(月) 23:36:04.70ID:aRdPnhHId
no one like grammar nazi
0297名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7a3a-I2CP)
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2017/06/19(月) 23:52:32.26ID:WklKcX+K0
0311名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/20(火) 11:02:37.60ID:bq+xObl3p
Anyway, it's so fucking hot here in Mercury.
It's 300 degree now.
0314名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/20(火) 18:49:48.30ID:bq+xObl3p
Step me in the face.
0315名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オイコラミネオ MMe6-mWp0)
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2017/06/20(火) 20:17:03.83ID:OuIGcd7+M
therere a lot of odds and ends
0317名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd7a-Ep9f)
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2017/06/20(火) 22:27:59.21ID:M751Dik9d
Yesterday the fact came out that the grammar nazi is hated by everyone :-)
0318名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/20(火) 22:30:47.95ID:bq+xObl3p
Ugh, please say it more!
0321名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3a19-D2HP)
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2017/06/20(火) 22:55:12.82ID:3SSH46Wf0
in my childhood, i appreciate mcdonald's burgers at special events,
but after the storm of discount around 2001?, i regard it as cheeeep food (regular burger is 80yen that time).
a series of food poisoning case definitely crushed mcdonald's brand,
and many stores obliged to be closed or suspended midnight operation.
but lately they are recovering by promoting new burgers(including grand big mac i bought last week).
grand big mac is good for me, but cost perfomance is subtle (probably should get regular big mac *2).
0323名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/20(火) 23:28:46.84ID:bq+xObl3p
Yes, there used to be a time McDonald as a number one in Humburger.
0326名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa77-gvxY)
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2017/06/21(水) 00:22:44.04ID:vuAJWfsna
when i speak english or write in english, i am almost always afraid to make grammartical mistakes.
one of the tips about improving english my former boss gave me is that
you shouldn't look up a word/phrase in dictionary.
to say that was easy but to put it into practice was really hard for me.
0327名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa77-gvxY)
垢版 |
2017/06/21(水) 00:24:14.48ID:vuAJWfsna
oops i forgot to type "sage" in the mail address area...
0331名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd7a-Ep9f)
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2017/06/21(水) 05:10:54.06ID:V8CbkAJVd
The grammar nazi gives rise to a serious quarrel onto the thread,
so we must exert ourselves to keep him from harassing others, that is,
purge this sort of harmful bacteria from here.
0333名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 09:18:57.40ID:7976rEkVp
I'll start calling you "country-ma'am boy" :-)
0338名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 11:57:34.56ID:7976rEkVp
What is this thread lol Only kids here
0339名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 133a-QeqB)
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2017/06/21(水) 12:14:58.34ID:rRm0uLG+0
This is a "chat" thread.
However, it seems like a lot of angry people here don't even know what it really means nor read the thread titile.

According to someone, your sentences must be creative enough and include hard vocabulaties....
0341名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 14:01:21.08ID:7976rEkVp
Lan Lan La La Lan Lan Lan!♪
0343名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sdda-Ep9f)
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2017/06/21(水) 15:27:23.47ID:s1+PEOBod
wow, a monkey is speaking! (lmao
0344名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 133a-QeqB)
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2017/06/21(水) 15:42:03.72ID:rRm0uLG+0
292 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd3b-Ep9f) :2017/06/19(月) 23:22:57.45 ID:aRdPnhHId
please go back to madhouse, okay?

294 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd3b-Ep9f) :2017/06/19(月) 23:36:04.70 ID:aRdPnhHId
no one like grammar nazi

317 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd7a-Ep9f) :2017/06/20(火) 22:27:59.21 ID:M751Dik9d
Yesterday the fact came out that the grammar nazi is hated by everyone :-)

331 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd7a-Ep9f) :2017/06/21(水) 05:10:54.06 ID:V8CbkAJVd
The grammar nazi gives rise to a serious quarrel onto the thread,
so we must exert ourselves to keep him from harassing others, that is,
purge this sort of harmful bacteria from here.

343 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sdda-Ep9f) :2017/06/21(水) 15:27:23.47 ID:s1+PEOBod
wow, a monkey is speaking! (lmao

Someone is so angry lol
0345名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 19:49:14.62ID:7976rEkVp
I guess you are the one who angry
0347名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 4b93-Ep9f)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:14:21.20ID:Pcq4I+b40
it's the quasi-grammar teacher who should be called "bigot".
0349名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 4b93-Ep9f)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:32:13.56ID:Pcq4I+b40
don't fog the point.
it's not whether your english is perfect or not that dose matter.

don't harass others and don't insult others' english.
do you see? oh you beast.
0350名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:33:39.16ID:7976rEkVp
He's just a troll. All we can do about him is just ignore him
0354名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:45:42.68ID:7976rEkVp
Regardless of what I call about you, you are trolling others. And what else can you do for us beside it?
0355名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:46:20.93ID:7976rEkVp
Tell us
0356名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:50:24.06ID:7976rEkVp
Taking so much time to responding a single remark? I believe you learn English though?
0357名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:51:28.24ID:7976rEkVp
You can't even text-chat with native speakers, can you?
0361名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:57:06.77ID:7976rEkVp
You are the one "that" does cloud the point
0362名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:58:26.97ID:7976rEkVp

You "ARE", not YOU are.

If you want to emphasize it.
0364名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 20:59:45.94ID:7976rEkVp
I'm writing down things on smartphone
0366名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 21:00:21.14ID:7976rEkVp
Well, I'm just copycatting you.
0368名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 21:02:32.27ID:7976rEkVp
What's the purpose then? Tell us if you insist lol
0369名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 21:05:00.00ID:7976rEkVp
Who is Kinda rude? Your sentence's subjects are so vague.
0370名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spab-I2CP)
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2017/06/21(水) 21:05:48.06ID:7976rEkVp
You meant, "I don't deverve that"?
0381jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfb8-LRJs)
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2017/06/22(木) 09:58:07.79ID:S5jt68ea0
I'd say the first meaning is usually right. "Don't get me wrong" is usually used when you're trying not to hurt someone's feelings.

I can see why you think that, but the next line changes things. "I take a ride upon a sea" so it's talking about a feeling of sailing.

There has been a lot of updates on this thread and I haven't had a chance to read since Friday, so this is all I have time for
right now until I can get caught up a bit more.
0385jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-LRJs)
垢版 |
2017/06/23(金) 04:51:04.61ID:eYI1P9b/0
Visa and Mastercard are the most common in the US. American Express and Discover are around too
but not as common. I've heard of Diner's Club but I've never seen one.
JCB is pretty rare. Probably the Japanese stores around me will take it, or stores in areas with a big Japanese population,
but if that's all you brought with you to America, you'd have a hard time.

His English was actually really good, I only see two mistakes. One: I don't think "Oceanian" is a word.
Two: "sort of imperialist who think that a man must live"the word think should be "thinks" because the subject of the sentence is "you,"
which is singular. I can see how this mistake was made, if you think of the subject being imperialists as a group.

I'm a native English speaker, but I'm usually here in the middle of the night in Japan's time zone. I come here while I'm at work.

I agree with you. It's okay if your writing isn't perfect. If people understand what you mean, then you are successfully communicating
and that's the whole point. That's why I don't really correct people unless it seems like they want me to.
0390【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k (ワッチョイ 574f-U94U)
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2017/06/24(土) 04:35:18.16ID:/YwPzzK90


0391【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k (ワッチョイ 574f-U94U)
垢版 |
2017/06/24(土) 04:39:01.23ID:/YwPzzK90
look for videos of how to say CUNT

most English speakers would know what you ment

wwww yes! wwww

I love you 2ch <3
0395名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Sp0b-/a3i)
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2017/06/24(土) 10:31:55.56ID:MrqhkNB4p
Hi, everyone!! I ugh... nothing. Ciao
0396名無しさん@英語勉強中 (エムゾネW FFbf-U+/M)
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2017/06/24(土) 10:47:55.30ID:HkJjXa//F
I'm pretty chunky. I'm six feet tall and 260 lb.
I dropped by a convenience store to buy some sunflower oil and the casher offered me a straw with it.
Thats just wrong.
He would have known that I would chug it down straight from the bottle in one go.
0399名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Sp0b-/a3i)
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2017/06/24(土) 21:38:24.20ID:cEw8X06xp
I loled it
0402名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Sp0b-/a3i)
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2017/06/24(土) 21:46:08.06ID:cEw8X06xp
Did you toast it? Just kidding
0408【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k (ワッチョイ b7b2-U94U)
垢版 |
2017/06/25(日) 14:07:34.39ID:Af92W3LM0
too long wwww
0412名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Sp0b-/a3i)
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2017/06/27(火) 20:15:23.59ID:9HKLRXPXp
I eat air everyday
0416名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ b7c9-ds17)
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2017/06/28(水) 05:03:24.50ID:qDiG9TZn0
I'm happy that Omiya Ardija beat Sanfrecce Hiroshima on Sunday.
I'm less happy that Vegalta lost.
0421【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k (ワッチョイ b786-U94U)
垢版 |
2017/06/28(水) 23:14:35.53ID:W/iWumlz0
>>412 wwwwwwwwwwww
0425名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スップ Sdc2-iz1f)
垢版 |
2017/06/29(木) 01:37:47.47ID:a2iiU4Whd
go to the gas chamber...
0437名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 629b-d4sa)
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2017/06/30(金) 15:38:26.65ID:3spzYRKt0
Girls in classmates "Hey, what do you do when you erect during class?"
I "I can not do anything, I will wait until I get better."
A girl of a classmate "Is that so, you do not masturbate?"
I "I think masturbating in class will be crazy."
A girl of a classmate "Hahaha, it's funny."
A girl of a classmate "Hey, have you ever masturbated by creating girls in classmates?"
I "Yes."
A girl of a classmate "Did you get excited at that time?"

I was asked like this. What was her intention?
0442名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 629b-d4sa)
垢版 |
2017/07/01(土) 18:21:07.23ID:F44iAO/w0
The day before returning home from the Vietnam War, a young soldier called home.
"I'm leaving tomorrow, but I'd like to take a friend who has no other place to go.
May I live together at home? "
My parents crazy about my son's return report, of course! I cried and answered.
"But there is something I want to say only one thing.
He stepped a landmine, he lost his arms and legs.
But I want to take him home and leave. "
In that speech my parents got shut up.
"If only a couple of days is okay, care of the disabled is awful.
While you are at home, let's find a place where your friends can live.
Because you and ours have our lives,
It is impossible for me to live my life by taking care of my friend. "
Finally my mother said only that, my son quietly hung up.

The next day, there was a telephone call from the police, and the parents of the young soldier
He was told that he jumped from the roof of the building and died.

The parents who confronted the corps exclaimed and broke down.
0443名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 4633-Clcj)
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2017/07/02(日) 00:28:18.40ID:AgSCq82m0
I don't still get the difference between "a" and "the".
0446【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k (ワッチョイ 71df-//SM)
垢版 |
2017/07/02(日) 07:04:41.71ID:SLEeZZ7y0
helo agin obody speakng to me </3 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww tytpo wwwwwwwwww
0448名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c58d-wjSU)
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2017/07/02(日) 21:49:19.34ID:nitrm8MQ0
I'm not concerned about constitution so much.
I heard Chinese are buying land and water sources and occupying villages and towns.
That's what I'm concerned about.
China is an invader country now, and all politicians in Japan need to take this fact to heart
and face up to reality.
0451名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 462b-gcaE)
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2017/07/03(月) 01:06:33.65ID:qd6vy3j00
For requests, "A" is general while "The" is specific.
For example, if I say "Please give me a knife," then any knife is acceptable.
If I say "Please give me the knife," then I want a particular knife.

Where it gets a little more complicated is that the familiarity of the object between speakers also matters.
If I were to say "Please give me the knife" but the person I'm talking to doesn't know about the knife, then they'll probably be confused.
In such a case, it may be necessary to use "That" instead and show or tell them where the knife I want is.
My first example, "Please give me a knife" doesn't have this problem; the listener is free to give me any knife.

It's mostly the same outside of making requests:
In the sentence "The dog ran away", I am talking about a dog that both I and the listener know about.
If the person I'm talking to doesn't know about the dog, then I should say "A dog ran away" instead.

The third usage is rhetorical, and you usually use "A" instead of "The."
"A leader must also be a servant."
"The leader must also be a servant" only makes sense if there can only be one leader, and it sounds weird without specifying what leader I'm talking about.

I hope this makes things a little clearer.
0452名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c9cf-wjSU)
垢版 |
2017/07/03(月) 14:23:48.76ID:4/kleITk0
I feel like Japan will be over anytime soon
because of people without any thought of national defense
not only politician but also the people can not see reality as it is
what brought on this situation in japan?
0456名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sae9-zi5K)
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2017/07/03(月) 18:09:46.90ID:xykiTbhJa
Not at all, but I felt the vote rate of this election was lower than my thought.
I wonder why the rate was low.
The figure showed that most of the people in Tokyo has no concern abou politics, Is it right?
If you have different opinion, please tell me that.
0463名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c98c-uerO)
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2017/07/04(火) 02:49:16.53ID:s4h9EyeC0
I am just so happy since yesterday
The LDP party, those biggest liars, they had a hysterical defeat
I honestly do believe that was totally a heaven's judgement
It made me believe that there is GOD

PM Abe's arrogance was something
I do not know how a human can become something so evil like him
and his friends but I saw a huge punishment and I really feel satisfied
and they do deserve that, like forever
0464名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c98c-uerO)
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2017/07/04(火) 02:54:37.98ID:s4h9EyeC0
I really hope PM Abe will be gone from our govt and a screen FOREVER!
He is totally a nightmare and a horror. He is just so disgusting. He lacks
humanity, fairness, sincerity, like everything.

They talk about a virtue or whatsoever but I believe that they have got to
learn about very simple virtue, do not keep lying in front of the people,
it really makes us feel so humiliating and disgusted.
0466名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 6e33-qtoQ)
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2017/07/04(火) 05:42:02.82ID:0unJoIS40
But the elected party, Tokyo citizen first, is pretty much similar to LDP.
I don't understand why people still chose the delegate Koike Yuriko after she's wasted billions of money on the relocation of Tsukiji. I think people only care about the image the mass media report.
I suspect the two party will team up later.
0470名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sae9-zi5K)
垢版 |
2017/07/04(火) 18:01:09.92ID:Ikv/aYkra
I really agreed with you.
The mass media stirs up people in tokyo to attract Tokyo citizen first.
And Ms.Koike wants to be back to national government after the Olympic game, I think.

Anyway, The typhoon hasn't come yet arond here.
How's weather in your hometown?
0474名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 62f6-VeOu)
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2017/07/04(火) 22:38:14.96ID:oyE5GnHh0
As far as Tokyo goes, it's a relief for typhoon to pass by during the night.
I wake up tomorrow morning to find the sky clear and everybody walking down the street as if nothing had happened.
Then, I'll talk to myself, "Where's the typhoon gone?" That's for sure.
0478名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ cd14-VeOu)
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2017/07/05(水) 20:30:32.43ID:XH41nmIg0
It's just a matter of time before Funakoshi divorces her.
0481名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ cd14-VeOu)
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2017/07/05(水) 22:45:28.89ID:XH41nmIg0
We don't know the truth, but looks like she's got a lot of evidence that Funakoshi is a double-faced dog.
Did the late Eiji Funakoshi draw a sword!? Whoa!
0482名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 9f81-7ZEz)
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2017/07/06(木) 00:38:00.44ID:Tfw02zJA0
Your sentence is too great to stop laughing.
0484名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffcf-zHn5)
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2017/07/06(木) 02:04:12.34ID:fixo2pfZ0
I'm a japanese native speaker.
So I can understand her theatrical speech.
Maybe people who can't understand Japanese could understand the atmosphere.
Japanese never speak like that in real life except a few wierdos.
She is like just out of T.V drama or theater.
And the content of her story is eye-popping..
The U.S is blamed for his husband behavior.
I demand apology from U.S.
0489jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-jTKI)
垢版 |
2017/07/06(木) 03:55:17.57ID:fy/O01ML0
I can understand a little but my vocabulary isn't so good. I don't feel like she's talking strangely, though.
In the first clip, she starts out talking about a date or something, right?
And there's something about being really sorry. I heard something about her husband, and ordering from the TV.

I didn't get the idea that she had a weird way of talking, I just didn't recognize a lot of the words because
it's been so long since I studied Japanese.
0490名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffcf-zHn5)
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2017/07/06(木) 04:16:54.46ID:fixo2pfZ0
If she was on a TV drama or on a teatrical play, she would be fine.
She speaks like she was in a shooting of a tv.drama.
Her way of expressing emotiond is also too dramatic.
Her talking style might fit the Japanese listening test though.
She is like a seiyuu(voice actor).
It might be the clue to why you feel it natural.
0493jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-jTKI)
垢版 |
2017/07/06(木) 06:52:37.15ID:fy/O01ML0
In a case like this, if I was having this conversation with someone who I thought was a
native speaker, I would have been confused and I would ask you to explain.
But since I knew you aren't a native English speaker, I just figured it out myself.
0495名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sa2b-4yre)
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2017/07/06(木) 17:28:26.64ID:OkraotJRa
Umm,I'm not sure.
But if anyone who isn't Japanese, they also want to speak better eng as well as we Japanse, or want to exchange language.

Matsui Kazuyo looks being mental illness.
I knows nothing what she said is true or not, but her behaviors are out of the norm.
If your partner cheats on you, Won't you get mad like her?
0500jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-jTKI)
垢版 |
2017/07/07(金) 01:18:45.53ID:A3JGh2Tb0
I'm American, from California. >>446 is from Louisiana, I think. I believe there
is at least one British person who comes sometimes, plus the Japanese ex-pat living in England.

I just bought the new generation Kindle Fire HD 8. It was only $90 and I'm happy with it.
It's not the most powerful, but it does everything I want pretty well and I was able to install
Google services on it so I can get any android app, instead of only what's on Amazon app store.
Maybe an iPad would be faster but I'm very happy for less than $100. My last tablet
was a Nexus 7, it cost $350 in 2012 but I've barely touched it in a couple years. It's
very slow and frustrating to use.
0509名無しさん@英語勉強中 (タナボタ Sdbf-Xn0F)
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2017/07/07(金) 18:00:20.36ID:dmjuFcqyd0707
making no sense, your saying never moves me
0512名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa5b-TyVU)
垢版 |
2017/07/09(日) 02:48:17.90ID:bHg73THma
the other day i found an opening position at a company on a recruitment website and
i thought that my professsional experiences matched their qualifications requirements very well.
so i applied for the position with my cv but they turned me down immediately...
0515名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d7cf-KuRC)
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2017/07/09(日) 10:08:10.38ID:qC4MFkwv0
globalization destroies cultuers specific to individual regions
it has procuced many migronauts and terrorisms, and widend economic disparities around the world.

at first I welcomed the emargence of the president Trump
because I thought he is the man who stops excessive globalisation like now.

however, i'v known Trummp is not the man. he is a complete armature about politics,

come out whoever a powerful anti-globalist !
0517名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd3f-Xn0F)
垢版 |
2017/07/09(日) 18:31:21.27ID:tW7Th4/wd
where gays had better go is not the gym but the gas chamber
0526名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sa2b-4yre)
垢版 |
2017/07/11(火) 13:44:25.39ID:lAtPNJFda
Ughhh, I've gained 3kg for two month.
Although I have a plan to go to guam and wear bikini, I can't keep on going like this.
So I have to lose weight by my trip, the dead line is coming, just about a month lol.
I want to ask if you have any ways to lose weight healthfully.
From yesterday, I've started dancing for a hour in a day and cut off eating snacks.

The pig can't fly the air is only called “a pig“ … I know I know.
0533jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-jTKI)
垢版 |
2017/07/12(水) 01:42:11.24ID:Onhw6q5H0
I know your pain. I've gained 20 pounds this year. Before that, I've worn the same
size clothes for probably the last 15 years, so it's really frustrating.
I don't have very many clothes that fit now.

>>529 >>531
When I got mine out, I didn't do anything but lay on the couch for a week afterward.
I wasn't paying attention to my weight back then, but I bet I lost some.
0536名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sd8b-Xn0F)
垢版 |
2017/07/12(水) 19:37:11.53ID:cm/P0HvVd
I'm proud to be straight.
0539名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sab5-3Tbx)
垢版 |
2017/07/13(木) 23:44:55.84ID:s8uit4jda
speaking of socks, i usually wear black socks by uniqlo, the top of which almost reaches my knees.
but most of men these days, seem to like wearing short socks, which can cover only their ankles.
i am simply an out-of-date person but i am fond of long socks even when i am off-duty.
0548名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ f13a-Xm5V)
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2017/07/14(金) 11:57:28.79ID:u3VFnAUz0
wassup jook how you doing you lousy attention whore
0550名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sab5-3Tbx)
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2017/07/14(金) 21:58:54.72ID:fAiKOJhQa
my mother used to like bourbon's sweets very much.
about 20 or 30 years ago (i can't remember correctly),
she bought a pack of bourbon's sweets at a nearby supermarket as usual.
after she came back to our house, she found a dead animal contained in a clear packaging
along with tasty sweets she loved.
then she called bourbon.
she wasn't mad at all.
0552名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sab5-3Tbx)
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2017/07/14(金) 22:38:53.00ID:fAiKOJhQa
the person who answered my mother's call (i am not sure if he/she was in charge of QC) seemed to be really decent.
my mother got the replacement sweets and the official apology letter from bourbon, plus the additional free sweets(?).
anyway she still loves bourbon and she gives me its sweets on occasion when i visit my parent's house.
0557jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 42d1-HRoc)
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2017/07/15(土) 00:50:44.89ID:EpZUtaYx0
>>555 >>556
Using "sorrowful" in that sentence isn't wrong, but I think it makes it feel overly dramatic.
Unless losing the flavor ruined your whole summer, you could probably just say "sad," or "let down," or "disappointed."
0558jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 42d1-HRoc)
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2017/07/15(土) 01:00:54.69ID:EpZUtaYx0
I was never really a fan of the cotton candy flavored ice cream.
In America, it's usually way too bright pink and blue. It's so unnatural and it hurts me eyes.
Plus it's just really sweet with not much flavor. Maybe the recipe in Japan is better.
0569名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 95a8-javn)
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2017/07/16(日) 05:33:49.75ID:WSV/KAFu0
Today, Wimbledon male tennis final will take place. I am a huge fan of Roger Federer. I am sure he is gonna hold 8th title of this tournament.
I can't wait!
0575名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d8cf-xWDo)
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2017/07/17(月) 01:28:39.79ID:RUmrfPKX0
I missed the match.
When I turned on the TV to watch the match, it was over, news was on T.V.
too early...
I don't know much about Tennis,but I agree Federor plays with elegance.
I can't describe exactly in Japanese either.
His old wife always watches his match on the seats like a ghost.
It must be a western culture.I feel afraid if Federor's concentration
will expire by her existence.
Are there any ranked tennis players of western lineage who don't accompany their wives
to the stadium?
0577名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d8cf-xWDo)
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2017/07/17(月) 03:45:41.77ID:RUmrfPKX0
Doesn't Federor bring her wife to every grand slam stadium?
I think I have seen Djokovic's wife many times too.
I hope Nishikori won't imitate this custom.
Nalal is permited to bring his fiancee, but Nishikori is not.
Nishikori's girl friend must be eager to watch the match from a
special seat.
I don't know what the difference is.
Nishikori's girl friend seemed to be shut out by the french open organization
and ordered to watch the match from a general seat, according to the news.
0583jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 42d1-HRoc)
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2017/07/18(火) 01:32:29.64ID:RE8VQ9Yz0
Is it good for reading, like maybe laying flat and holding a book by your chest?

That's what I was worried about.

How do you feel about 3D movies? Some people get headaches. I wonder if it's related.
Have you tried VR? Does that make you dizzy too?
0584jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 42d1-HRoc)
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2017/07/18(火) 01:33:37.07ID:RE8VQ9Yz0
I love the beach. I wish I could go more often. Even though I live just a couple miles
from the ocean I don't go to the water very often. My days are usually work or resting.
0585名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d8cf-xWDo)
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2017/07/18(火) 01:45:09.26ID:GR/vqkdS0
Federer has no chance to become swiss funakoshi eichiro.
Poor Federer.
Federer does not need Viagra.
If adultery surfaced, it would damage his public image and he woudld
lose many contracts.
I wonder if there exists an item to cut contract for adultery and seek
As for the drug use, it's in vain.
0588名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d8cf-xWDo)
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2017/07/18(火) 03:30:41.97ID:GR/vqkdS0
I heard areas for rich people are full of white. It must be true.,_California
So, you are not wealthy, right?
(Rich) white people on coastal areas seemed to be divided over
Tramp or Hillary. They tend to be more conservative than other races, but
they seem to be also influenced by so-called liberalism.
I'm suprised that people from far off the coast, especially in northern part of california,
overwhelmingly support Tramp.
There must be two californias.

>I'm generalizing, but people I've met from the UK are usually whiter.
I don't know why. Is it because of strong sunlights in California or that you
are italian descent or something?

In japan 美白(white bueauty skin) has been a trend especially for women and younger people
are getting away from the beach. We have stronger skin to sunlight
than white people though.
Health and aestheticism matter more than fun.
0601名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sab5-3Tbx)
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2017/07/19(水) 00:05:31.66ID:K22M/KU1a
i just read an article about an hollywood actor who succeeded in losing weight.
1 thing i was surprised at is that a word "stone" was used as a unit of weight.
i know and have seen "lbs (pounds)" many times to date but i have never seen "stones"...
0608570 (ワッチョイ 8ecf-z+eH)
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2017/07/19(水) 08:39:37.33ID:a+TPBjHc0

Tha's too bad
i tried reading for 30 minites in the way as >>583 said, but i was not dizzy
maybe you are easy to get carsick ?

though, its notice saying "use for short periods of reading only"
originally it is unsuitable for a long period use
0617jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-fyIl)
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2017/07/21(金) 06:33:59.76ID:S+mOrbhc0
My high school had a policy that it was ok for students to miss class because of religious holidays.
So my friend and I started our own religion, and Wednesday was our holy day.

We never actually tried using it to skip school, but it was funny. You just reminded me about that.
0618名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW a7bd-MWVT)
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2017/07/21(金) 22:06:46.04ID:Kr3CeIHf0
Today I was at the station and this guy talked to me like
"hey are you marumaru-san? I'm marumaru. Do you remember me? It's been a while since we graduated from junior high school!" Or something.

But I didn't recognize him at all even didn't recall his name. I was a bit panicked for a moment but I was able to improvise a response like
"omg! Hey how are you? You look so different now!" Or something. I still have no clues who the hell I was talking to.

Looking back I'm very impressed with my ability to deal with that situation. I handled it very well. I think I can become an actor or something lol
0623名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW df1d-Ki5D)
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2017/07/22(土) 19:22:08.74ID:2nqy/8HP0
Talking about a person who just passed away makes me feel like I ought to mourn every single day for people died at this very minute.
It's like more than I can bear therefore
I usually try to stay away from such topics.
However, it's a bit hard to stop thinking about it because I'm a humble fan of his.
I wish I could go to enjoy their live in Japan.
I'm so sorry for him and his family.
0627名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7fcf-BJBh)
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2017/07/23(日) 12:39:17.82ID:sjcxBlWb0
Oh, wish was your wish... regardless of the vocalist death.

i can understand you.
I read on a 2ch thread that once audince leaves your seat, one can't get back to your seat.
that's crazy.

I'm the one who don't like the trend that every one must standup in the pop music concert.
How do you think?

and i want to know about replacing chester with taka.
洋楽 listners tend to hate japanese musicians who imitate 洋楽.
I'm not a fan of one ok clock, but the vocalist's ability is above and beyond
japanese vocalists ever in my opinion.
0630jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-fyIl)
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2017/07/25(火) 09:48:42.55ID:QEV9DpKB0
I agree with you about standing up. I wish I could just relax and not be on my feet, but you have to get up
because the people in front of you are going to, so you won't be able to see anything from your chair.
It's annoying.
0641jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ e6d1-1i8l)
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2017/07/28(金) 02:46:40.50ID:nyi1tP2u0
Are you saying that every month, you work 40 hours of overtime? How many hours do you work in a week?

Good advice. I usually like to sleep in a cool bedroom because the blankets are comfortable and if the room
isn't cold, then I will sweat from the blankets.

That's a good reason.
0644jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ e6d1-1i8l)
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2017/07/28(金) 03:02:40.89ID:nyi1tP2u0
No, maybe I wasn't clear. I do use the air conditioner. I like to have blankets on me to be comfortable.
But if the AC isn't on, then I get too hot with the blankets.

I did a study abroad at 九三大 in June 2007. It was so hot and humid!
I think Florida is worse though, because there are more mosquitos.
0648jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ e6d1-1i8l)
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2017/07/28(金) 04:44:32.19ID:nyi1tP2u0
Oops, did I have the wrong kanji? I'm glad you understood anyway. Thanks for correcting me.
I don't remember the cicadas being noisy while I was there, although I have heard them before.
0649名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ becf-2MTO)
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2017/07/28(金) 08:21:08.90ID:zFXVVaO10
When I start hearing higurashi's voice, I start to feel Summer really starts.

When I hearing min min zemi's voice, I start to feel I am in the height of Summerr
(I confused minmin zemi apperance with abura zemi one. I thoght aburazemi was minmin
zemi. we can see a lot of aburazemi in the residential areas, probably attracted by the lights.

When I start hearing tsukutusukuboshi's voice, I start to feel Summer is near the ending.
(Dead aburazemi on their backs are what remind me of it, too)

I don't like haiku(japanese poem)'s formality, but I associate insect's voice with
Season like haiku shows.
It's true that Japanese feel season with a insect voice and become sentimental.

I heard that for the westeners, insect's voice was nothing but noisy and nuisance. It it true?
0650570 (ワッチョイ becf-V1Wy)
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2017/07/28(金) 15:23:32.18ID:0BKtdlZm0
There is something that I think is rather strange.

most people who achieve great success as a kid actor
don't grow taller since then.
for example, Natalie Portman, Jodie Foster, Daniel Radcliffe,
Elijah Wood and Justin Bieber.
in japan, Yumi Adachi, Mao Inoue and most of the Johnny's actors.
don't you wonder why?
0651名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW ea1d-a/Ox)
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2017/07/28(金) 18:15:57.88ID:TM2kBJUj0
I assume they tend to pick up a shorter child than taller one.
If they looked for a child actor as 10 years-old character, they would rather choose a certain child actor.
For example, he/she is 12, smarter than 10, and as short as 10.
0652名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Spb3-ZyQx)
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2017/07/28(金) 20:06:42.61ID:LBp2Aqefp
I am East Asian. I have to admit that the white people contributed the most to the world in the past several hundreds years,
physics, mathematics, evolution , computers, Democratic societies, and the US Constitution ( best balance of political power).
Some statistics show that White has the most genius even though Asians have higher average IQ scores.
I believe this is true. I thank the contributions by all the white genius.
0655名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxb3-UnsH)
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2017/07/28(金) 23:19:31.11ID:M9nANxL2x
Are there any non-Japanese people in here?
0656650 (ワッチョイ becf-V1Wy)
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2017/07/29(土) 00:02:45.73ID:kB0ZyOxr0
English is difficult
What i mean in >>650 is as follows..

in most cases, people who achieve great success as a kid star couldn't get taller after they grow up
0660jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ e6d1-1i8l)
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2017/07/29(土) 06:44:00.08ID:RumfT0FO0
Maybe in some places it's like that. I think different people have different things that make them feel the seasons.
For me though, bug noise is just annoying.

>>650 I think >>651 is probably right. They pick actors who look extra young, so even when they
get older, they still look little.

I think I understand what you mean. People here on salary work the same way, except I think Japan's work culture is
way more extreme. Do you feel like your situation is pretty common? Most people in the US don't work that hard.
Actually salaries have gotten harder and harder to get. Companies have made a huge shift in the last 10 years to have more
part-time and hourly employees and fewer salaried workers.
I've never had a job with a salary, I work 40 hours a week. Occasionally I do a little overtime at my current job, but not often.
The last place I worked at, I averaged probably 2 or 3 hours of overtime a week, which wasn't a big deal. My boss would do probably 6 to 8
but I think that is because we didn't have enough staff and she had to fill in.
Most companies avoid letting people work overtime at all because they don't want to pay extra.
How many hours do you work in a week?

0662jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ e6d1-1i8l)
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2017/07/29(土) 07:43:28.91ID:RumfT0FO0
I guess I would say it depends. If I was in that forest, I would love it. But in that case, it's the entire experience.
If I had the wind and the smell of the trees and the sunshine, I would feel very relaxed and happy.
But listening to the sound on headphones at work? Yeah it just hurts my ears.
0663名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ becf-V1Wy)
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2017/07/29(土) 15:31:30.14ID:kB0ZyOxr0NIKU
why most of successful kid stars don't get taller after they grow up ?

I dont know why but, some would say that it is because successful kid stars
can not receive the venefits of growth hormone when they need it the most
for their activity as a much-in-demand actor.
0664名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエT Sa9f-vGvp)
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2017/07/29(土) 21:53:11.96ID:4MFxuAjTaNIKU
i work 50-60 hours a week
and i think that the situation i am in is pretty common for japanese salaried workers.
for the huge shift companies made in the last 10 years, that is the case with japan.
many salaried workers have been replaced with part timers at companies i have worked for.
0666名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエT Sa9f-vGvp)
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2017/07/29(土) 21:58:49.50ID:4MFxuAjTaNIKU
according to an online article, apple has stopped manufacturing and selling ipod nano and ipod shuffle.
i like that there are several options available to customers
but apple seems to have started narrowing the options down to only 1...iphone...
0669名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8b53-l1ls)
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2017/07/30(日) 21:53:19.27ID:wwKCooDb0
I didn't come for a long time.
Now, I see a renewed soft design site overall.
0670名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa9f-vGvp)
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2017/07/31(月) 00:03:01.34ID:7ofsaOJNa
on saturday, when i travelled by train, i came across a lot of women wearing fashionable "yukata",
a japanese traditional outfit.
i wondered why at that time and later i knew that a famous firework festival was held on that day.
those women must have gone to see it.
but when i met them, it rained really hard.
the fireworks should've been put off by the rain...
0677名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Safb-m7fJ)
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2017/07/31(月) 15:47:22.56ID:fGMrCW+fa
ughhh I don't want to do anything.
I can't stant such a climate,like taking a hot spring in the long time.
Anyway have you been to ICE-MONSTER in the branch of Tonyo?
As I was in Taipei on my business, I sometimes ate the saved ice(I want to ask what's called “かき氷“ in Eng?)with mango syrup, which is exactly dealicious and further cheap than here.
0682名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa9f-vGvp)
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2017/07/31(月) 22:21:08.20ID:Tkf+wfr6a
today, on my way home from the factory, i went to a bookstore.
i picked up 2 comic books and took them to the cashier.
they cost me 1,192 JPY and i paid 1,202 JPY to the sales assistant girl at the cashier.
when she passed me a 10 JPY coin as the change, she tenderly wrapped her hands around mine.
it caught me by surprise.
her hands were warm...
0689jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ e6d1-1i8l)
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2017/08/01(火) 03:27:11.89ID:Xvimglfh0
Yeah most people here don't work that much, but some do.

I've heard that but I haven't played it. Splatoon seems pretty popular on reddit.

You can say "middle-shcooler" and "high-schooler"but there is no shorter way to say a college student.
Or, you can say that a person is "in middle school" or "in high school" or "in college" but those are a different
part of speech.

I am the same when when I try to write in Japanese. It has been ten years since I studied it, so I forgot a lot.
Let me try to practice by writing this same thing.
If you want me to help you and correct your writing, you can tell me and I will help.
Your first two sentences are perfect. The last one has mistakes but I still understood so it is not that bad.

"Shaved Ice" is correct. I looked up the restaurant and it looks pretty tasty. I love eating those kinds of things.

"most boring" would be better, but even like that, your sentence is a little unusual.
If I was writing something like >>679 I would probably say the comment is pointless or stupid.
Or if I was saying it on an English website, I would probably use a meme and say "Your comment is bad and
you should feel bad." but that is probably more harsh than just saying that it's boring.
0696名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3bbd-ygvK)
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2017/08/01(火) 14:43:21.26ID:6ZpKUUB40
Today I ordered a burger. I ate half and the girl from the kitchen came and said in Japanese that forgot to put cheese, and said sth else like let me wait for a while, and ran away.
So I stopped eating, waiting for my cheese. 5 mins later she came out with a new burger with cheese. .. I was suprised and said no no its ok, but she put the new burger on my table, took the half eaten burger and ran away...
0700674 (ワッチョイ f377-Lud7)
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2017/08/01(火) 22:02:13.45ID:F2GlPMiI0
Thank you for replying! I want you to correct any mistakes
I did. I feel I was wrong about the place of the adverb clause
"many times" in the sentence >>674 .
0701名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ f377-Lud7)
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2017/08/01(火) 22:35:40.94ID:F2GlPMiI0
Today I went to reddit (subreddit /r/anime) and
read somebody talking about the delaying of the streaming of
one episode of an anime .(....too many "of"s)
They seemed so furious about the provider (Amazon)
for not only delaying but also even releasing no announcement,
and emphasized how Amazon had lost their trust.
Someone said "I'm not going to pay for Amazon any more."
0702名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa9f-vGvp)
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2017/08/01(火) 22:57:46.81ID:0xK8cUopa
i read an article about a vocalist from a band linkin park commiting a suicide,
so i just watched several music videos of linkin park on youtube.
he is gorgeous and has a beautiful voice.
i could sometimes understand what he sings in english.
even a super successful celebrity is deeply worried about something and decides to put his life to an end by himself...
0703名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 37a8-ygvK)
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2017/08/01(火) 23:46:43.41ID:nI2hGem50
Definitely due to use of drugs. About 90% of successful musicians are addicted to drugs or illegal hemp.
The more they succeed, the more they ask drugs to indulge in pleasure. In the end pleasure would turn into depression and at the worst case they kill themselves.
0706名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bbe-FEN5)
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2017/08/02(水) 02:46:06.95ID:T/L0nhxs0
oh I have first time , "landromat". Isn't "coinlandry" English?
I use it to wash shoes , I jog 5km every day almost, there aren't
one with shoe washer near hear.
so I drive 3km to clean up them, but I like it, because on the way
there is a Book Off shop which use English books, very cheep Only 100 yen.
----please correctly rewrite if wrong ---
0707jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ e6d1-1i8l)
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2017/08/02(水) 03:00:33.10ID:akCGGfLI0
You left out an important detail - was she cute?
I don't think I've ever had that happen. The service culture in America is different. If my food was wrong, I would
have to tell the waitress myself, but they would almost certainly make another one if I requested it. They might or
might not offer to make it again without me asking.

Oh I thought of another way to say >>679. You could say it was so boring that it made you fall asleep. That's a good one.

I would have said "often" or "usually" instead of "many times," but you are correct that it was in the wrong spot before.
You could write it like this:
I need many many times to use online dictionaries or search engines
I often need to use online dictionaries or search engines
I need to use online dictionaries or search engines a lot.
You could also use "many times" in the sentence above instead of "a lot" but it feels kind of formal.

You did all of those "of's" perfectly.
Some people take things a bit too seriously. Maybe he needs another hobby to distract him from small
things like that. On the other hand, if that is the biggest problem in that guy's life right now, things must
be pretty good.

Convenient compared to what?
0709名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bbe-FEN5)
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2017/08/02(水) 08:48:04.98ID:T/L0nhxs0
thanks, yes that's it ! , In japan we say that kind of equipment is Coin Laundry.
I had thought that Coin Laundry was correct English.
when we use it, insert coin for 1 hour or more lent, then laundry begin to work.
I think this name is very fit with usage of that equipment.
0710jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ e6d1-1i8l)
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2017/08/02(水) 09:03:33.03ID:akCGGfLI0
Maybe it's regional, but from my experience, the word is almost always "laundromat."
Maybe people in other parts of America, or other English-speaking countries, might use a different term.
Actually it's kind of interesting, because the sign on the building sometimes does say something like "coin laundry,"
but people don't really say that to describe the type of business.
0712名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bbe-FEN5)
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2017/08/02(水) 09:18:02.93ID:T/L0nhxs0
Almost 5km and almost every day, sometime 10km, sometime sleeping in bed.
0718名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bbe-FEN5)
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2017/08/02(水) 12:24:13.05ID:T/L0nhxs0
Thanks for your kindness, I 'm longing for it with my neck at full length.
0719名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bbe-FEN5)
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2017/08/02(水) 12:28:48.60ID:T/L0nhxs0
how do you say in English ,"waiting for with someone's neck at max length"
0721名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9eb7-pJKk)
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2017/08/02(水) 13:10:01.53ID:WSf954uh0
How is it used in Japanese?
If it means to anticipate something, you could simply say “I anticipate your return,” or if you want to use an idiom then you could say “with bated breath” as in “I am waiting for you with bated breath”
0723名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9eb7-pJKk)
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2017/08/02(水) 17:09:39.41ID:WSf954uh0
It does. It is used for both anxious suspense and exciting suspense.
Whether it is used for one meaning more than the other one, I couldn’t give you a strong conclusion, but you will usually be able to differentiate between the two by context.
For example, if a teacher were passing out grades to an important test, the use of “with bated breath” to describe the feelings of the students would connote anxiousness or nervousness,
but if the winner of a contest was about to be announced then the use of “with bated breath” to describe the feelings of the audience or contestants would connote excitement or thrill.
Of course, these feelings do overlap so the differences are rather blurred.
0725名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bbe-FEN5)
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2017/08/02(水) 21:22:02.51ID:T/L0nhxs0
”首を長くして待っている。” is Japanese expression.
0728名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 37a8-ygvK)
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2017/08/02(水) 23:18:23.56ID:6B/YPrsA0
Of, does english people also suffer from humidity in their country?
0729名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa9f-vGvp)
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2017/08/02(水) 23:23:31.48ID:NWoOELEXa
expression on my face is not very good tonight.
i can't remember the last time i laughed my head off.
i believe that "laughing only once is better than taking a medicine 3 times" should've been scientifically proved correct .
0730名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 43d4-y2Uz)
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2017/08/02(水) 23:50:35.18ID:6iGi76f+0
The summer in the UK for the past couple of weeks has been
mostly pleasant. The highest is the low 20s and not much rain
(today is nasty though). I went back to Japan early July for the
summer holidays and I hated the weather there.
0735jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/03(木) 03:31:47.45ID:upkxjxGN0
oh I have first time , "landromat". Isn't "coinlandry" English?
I use it to wash shoes , I jog 5km every day almost, there aren't
one with shoe washer near hear.
so I drive 3km to clean up them, but I like it, because on the way
there is a Book Off shop which use English books, very cheep Only 100 yen.
----please correctly rewrite if wrong ---
Oh this is the first time I have seen "laundromat." Isn't it "coin laundry" in English?
I use it to wash shoes. I jog about 5km almost every day.
There isn't one with a shoe washer near here, so I drive 3km to clean them, but I like
it because on the way there is a Book Off shop with used English books for very cheap, only 100 yen.

English is flexible. If you want, I'll also write it the way I would have done it, if I wanted to say that stuff.
0736jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/03(木) 03:37:05.74ID:upkxjxGN0
>>719 >>725
I have never heard that before, but someone else already talked about it so there is not a
lot for me to add.

I'm American. >>726 is right, I'm from California. There is a British person here too (Or maybe a Japanese
ex-pat in England?) but I'm not sure who without looking through the whole thread. Maybe >>721 ?
I always use this tripcode so you can find me.

In English, we say "Laughter is the best medicine."
0737名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 431d-1QqE)
垢版 |
2017/08/03(木) 03:38:31.59ID:bUvWT/y10
I want UK to remain EU and keep its economy strong enough in order to avoid further serious WW3.
I'm in no position to say such a thing though.
Breixt is a good option for its people
to enforce its national defense until WW3 fully begin.
0741jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/03(木) 04:50:29.75ID:upkxjxGN0
After I posted that, I meant you were just asking me to rate the English.
There are mistakes but I can understand it with no problem.
It's hard to compare to a native-english child, because they learn differently than someone
who is learning a second language as an adult, and make different mistakes.

If I had to compare the writing to an American student, I would probably say the skill level
is like maybe 5th or 6th grade (around 11 years old probably).
There are some grammar mistakes but the words are good and I don't have any trouble
getting the meaning.
0742jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/03(木) 04:54:38.72ID:upkxjxGN0
I think my Japanese used to be as good as that, but I haven't studied in a long time so I forgot a lot.
I never took JLPT but 先生 said I was probably level 3.

English doesn't have a comparable proficiency rating that I am aware of.
0744名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/03(木) 06:37:53.66ID:Ffag1gbq0
Thaaaa-----------------------nk you very much!!!
I was tremendously astonished because my describe English almost is correct.
so I have had confidence of writing. I have of course had English course
on my school days for 6 years , but have forget all of them, it is nature
no chance to speak and read English in Japan.
Now we'll have Olympic game held in Tokyo next, so I try to become
good at English and start to learn again.
but reading only, I have not so much time writing and speaking moreover.
0745名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d3b7-XpRd)
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2017/08/03(木) 07:08:29.20ID:VjCWjhqj0
For conveying held syllables in text, only the letters that are held are used, and
the use of “-“in this context is not something I could see a native speaker doing naturally,
so it would be “thaaaaaaaaaaank you” (thank you), “nooooooooooo” (no),
“ahhhhhhhhh” (ah), “sooorrrrrry” (sorry), "woooooow" (wow), etc.
0747名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/03(木) 07:47:33.50ID:Ffag1gbq0
Great! that make sense. I wondered how to write which is better 'thhhhhank' or
thannnnnnnk or thaaaaaank, then I decided to chose "thaaaaaa---------nk"
this is my original idea.
0748名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/03(木) 08:07:42.36ID:Ffag1gbq0
hey! Wipe the sweat off your brow.
0752名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/03(木) 10:11:44.59ID:Ffag1gbq0
what do you mean geminateing vocal ? you mean geminate vowel? I cannot find it in dictionary.
any way I get it, your are right, but I guess long consonant more emphasize surprising feeling than in case vowel.
you'll find that kind of expression in manga. but I don't know well about manga.
0757名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 17bd-6kmL)
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2017/08/03(木) 19:59:03.18ID:6RPkm5pn0 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:f68c41b6bce4f8b76d46a9fc61dd270c)
0758名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa2f-7lLJ)
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2017/08/03(木) 22:15:34.83ID:zOD1bMUta
I feel like I lost enthusiam and interest in English since I started working.
So tired everyday, I can't call up energy to read English novels, which was what I loved to do so much back in my university days.
0761名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa2f-7lLJ)
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2017/08/03(木) 23:18:01.44ID:zOD1bMUta
Yeah, I think I said it before.
I'm repeating fucking monotonous days.
0763名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW c5a8-1GzY)
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2017/08/03(木) 23:47:17.28ID:eJdwjwva0
But at least you still come here and write your feeling in English. This tells that you lost neither enthusiasm nor interest of learning English, actually.
0771名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ bbbd-jEed)
垢版 |
2017/08/04(金) 01:14:35.99ID:HmFgae//0
Yu Darvish bought a full page of advertising space in the Dallas Morning News.

Thank you very much for the past 5.5 years since 2012.

Coming from Japan, I could not have adjusted to the new environment if it weren’t for all the courteous fans, teammates, team staff and all affiliates who supported me. It is my biggest regret that I gave up 10 runs on my last outing as a Rangers.

There were a small number of voices that said, ‘Darvish only cares about strikeouts.’ Although I may have had strikeouts in my mind, fans, team, teammates and team staff were always my top priority.

Thank you very much for everything!

Please take care!

Yu Darvish
0772名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ bbbd-jEed)
垢版 |
2017/08/04(金) 01:31:04.74ID:HmFgae//0
Since I came from Japan, I could not have adjusted to the new environment if it had not been for all the courteous fans, teammates, team staff and all affiliates who supported me.
0774名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H63-xdmZ)
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2017/08/04(金) 02:05:54.20ID:AN76rcOdH
Not that I know of.

I am a sweaty person and want to have あせワキパット in particular for
the situation that I have to wear suits in summer.
I also have never seen them outside Japan.
0776jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/04(金) 04:22:48.75ID:uYc3zlvx0
Is that a real expression? That's pretty funny.

Is that a special item specifically for when you sweat, or are you just talking about the tissues that
people give out with flyers?
Anyway I've never heard of something like that here. I usually just wipe my face with my shirt.

That's a complicated sentence, but it's correct.

In recent years it has become a little more common to see people wearing those masks in America.
I feel like ten years ago, people would think it was really strange to see someone going around with a mask on.
These days, it's still not very common, but also not unheard-of, and people usually appreciate that it's
someone sick who is trying to to share germs.

Oh and that article is hilarious.
0779名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 07cf-dE0h)
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2017/08/04(金) 11:19:50.03ID:a9lpps2s0
I wear mask, too. I am a middle aged full-time housewife.
In my case, wearing mask started just after the Great East Japan Earthquake

Days after the earthquake the nuclear power plant in fukushima caused
hydrogen explosion and we heard a rumor that the northern half of Japan
was exposed to radioactive material. Then Tokyo was coverd with masked people
I also did it..

Once I found that mask was very useful than I thought.
It could be used for other than protection against radioactivity (in fact it might be
not very successful ),
At first, in winter mask protects from flu and make me warm as much as scarf,
in spring, mask guards against pollen allergy (in Japan there are many people with hay fever. ),
but the most useful way for me was that I didn't need to makeup when going out
for wearing mask. It's great to save me the trouble of makeup

So I ssometimes waer mask even now (other than summer), although 6 years after the earthquick.
I suppose many Japanese also started wearing mask because of the accident..

(I thank someone to correct my mistakes in the upper sentence)
0781名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 17bd-FJ49)
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2017/08/04(金) 13:28:41.91ID:Rxs5VOiH0
I have read until 'I am a middle aged full-time housewife.'
I don't want to read anymore below it because I'm interested in young single woman, not in おばさん someone like you.
0782名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d3b7-XpRd)
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2017/08/04(金) 14:30:53.96ID:41K5Z+P10
>I wear mask, too. I am a middle aged full-time housewife.
You need an indefinite article ("a") for "mask" here.

>In my case, wearing mask started just after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Same here.

>Days after the earthquake the nuclear power plant in fukushima caused
>hydrogen explosion and we heard a rumor that the northern half of Japan
You need an "a" here for "hydrogen explosion."

>was exposed to radioactive material. Then Tokyo was coverd with masked people
>I also did it..

>Once I found that mask was very useful than I thought.
There are a few things wrong with this one.
First it looks like you were trying to use the "Once A [then] B" construction but left out the second part.
This cannot be done in English; you need the second part as the first part is describing why and or when the second part came to be.
Another thing wrong with this sentence is that "very" cannot be used for a comparison.
You need to use the comparative form of the word or, if there isn't one, use "more."
"A" is also need for "mask" here again.

>It could be used for other than protection against radioactivity (in fact it might be
>not very successful ),
You need an appropriate noun after "for" here (such as "things," "applications," or "problems").
"Things" would probably be the first word to come to mind so the sentence will become:
"It could be used for things other than protection..."
For the parenthesis, the order of "be" and "not" should be reversed, "at that" should be appended to the end, and
I would add "even" between "not" and "be" for emphasis.
0783名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d3b7-XpRd)
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2017/08/04(金) 14:31:36.45ID:41K5Z+P10
>At first, in winter mask protects from flu and make me warm as much as scarf,
You do not need "at first" at the beginning here.
You need an "a" before "mask," a "the" before "flu," and an "a" before "scarf."
"Make" should also be "makes" as "a mask" is singular.
"Does" should be appended to scarf as a scarf makes one warm and isn't a warm temperature itself.

>in spring, mask guards against pollen allergy (in Japan there are many people with hay fever. ),
"A" for "mask." I would pluralize "allergy" or drop it altogether.
>but the most useful way for me was that I didn't need to makeup when going out
>for wearing mask. It's great to save me the trouble of makeup
I would replace "way" with "thing."
"Makeup" isn't a verb in this context so use "wear makeup" instead.
Instead of "for wearing mask" use "while wearing a mask" or remove it altogether.
Replace "'s" with "was."
Use "for" in place of "to" and change "save" to "saving." Also insert "putting on" in front of "makeup"

>So I ssometimes waer mask even now (other than summer), although 6 years after the earthquick.
Delete "so," "A" for "mask," remove the comma before "although," and add "it is" between "although" and "6"
>I suppose many Japanese also started wearing mask because of the accident..
"mask" should be "masks"
0785名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H63-xdmZ)
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2017/08/04(金) 19:24:11.89ID:AN76rcOdH
I'm >>775

Coincidentally I got sick a bit today.
I wanted to wear a mask this morning but didn't
as I didn't want to be stopped by a police (just kidding).

Maybe this is kind of "バチが当たる" of making a derogatory remark against
religous people.
(I tried to find a proper english translation but couldn't find a decent one)
0786名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H63-xdmZ)
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2017/08/04(金) 19:29:47.64ID:AN76rcOdH
Okay. Good to know that wearing maks is not as weired as I thought.

When I stay in Japan, some cashiers at retails shops wear it.
Maybe they were kind people who care others, but talking to them
made me feel very awkward...
0791名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H63-xdmZ)
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2017/08/04(金) 22:51:39.59ID:AN76rcOdH
You know, it's Friday, so the obvious one is how you will spend the weekend.

I don't have anything special though.
I guess I should take a rest so that I'll be fully recovered by monday.
(I thought monday is a bank holiday but it's scots only, damn.)
0799jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/05(土) 07:10:43.34ID:pnaX4YTL0
Can anyone tell me what the second sentence is? The first one is easy but I had to use a translator
for the second half and it didn't make any sense.
> Do not make strange crimes in Akihabara, kudzu
Was it slang? Kudzu is a plant, and I don't see what akihabara has to do with anything.
0800名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/05(土) 07:21:28.36ID:jtClF9Wc0
Hanabi!! festival at yodogawa riverside in Osaka today. 500 thousand people come together.
We 'll be two of them with my girl friend.
0801名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/05(土) 07:42:02.86ID:jtClF9Wc0
this is slang, Kudzu means a small chip of wood not useful.
akiba ~ sentence means a murder case at Akiba few years ago.It was feared to have killed many.
0804名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 17bd-w4ji)
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2017/08/05(土) 10:59:09.47ID:7kf8IAse0
I used to be a real estate agent and one day I showed one of my customer from US one flat located on 13th floor of huge building in Tokyo.
He said that he likes its layout, condition, and rent, but he doesn't want to stay there only because of the floor number.
He continued telling me that he was first time seeing a room which is on 13th floor as there is no story between 12th and 14th floor in any buildings in his country.
I know the number of 13 is considered to unlucky number for somone in specific religion, but is it true that 13th floor doesn't exist in any tall buildings in whole western contries(Europe and North America)? (sorry for my awkward english)
0807名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/05(土) 15:39:26.41ID:jtClF9Wc0
Plant Kudzu is Chinese medical food , and macrobiotic use it, very expensive food.
0820名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/06(日) 07:39:18.76ID:oQkRaCRu0
don't you like to think, if you love to think, think how to make works fun,
so you'll find how to become working like pleasure in Hawai vacation.
I love thinking and Almost all parts of my job are to be thinking, so I love to work hard.
I have no saved money. spent all every get.
I need money until my death, but I love to work hard
so no problem of lack of money.
0821名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オイコラミネオ MM4b-Ql1d)
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2017/08/06(日) 21:50:18.79ID:5JWZuzz0M
I watched Degawa English for the first time.
I think seriously that his communication skill is wonderful and amazing.
Bad pronunciation, bad grammer, it does not become a big problem.
The language is only a tool for communication.
Of course I don't intend to stop learning :)
0823名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/07(月) 04:50:18.40ID:YvWzEbzP0
In England, “Trump” means fart 
really? It's funny.
0826jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/08(火) 02:52:38.75ID:9MzynREW0
It isn't *every building* but it actually is pretty common for floor numbers to go from 12 to 14.
Technically, the 14th floor is really just floor 13 with a different name, but we pretend not to realize.
Personally, I think it's a dumb superstition, but you'd be surprised what can bother people.
I used to work as a cashier, and sometimes if somebody's total was $6.66, they would be kind of upset
and ask me to change something.

That's the kind of kudzu I was thinking of.

Thanks for that extra explanation. :)

It depends on the usage. If you say Kuzu or kasu as a random word like an exclamation
when you're mad, then "generic swear words" is perfectly fine.

I'm with you. I don't understand people who say they would still work. I only work so I can live like I want. If I had money
from some other source, I would travel first, and then buy a nice place in an area with the fastest internet I can get.
0827jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
垢版 |
2017/08/08(火) 02:53:27.35ID:9MzynREW0
I searched on google and I watched this video
It was funny, but there is no way anyone was going to understand what he meant when he kept saying "very very sky."
I don't even know what that was supposed to mean.
This is funny for an English speaker because it sounds like "ass food," which is why the people were confused.
I assume that's not the joke in Japanese. Maybe somebody can tell me if there is more too it than just the people
not understanding.

I've never heard of that. I would say it's probably not true, because it seems like I would have heard something
like that at least from my british friends on facebook.
I could be wrong though.

I have heard that too. I think there are a couple of rules that would help, that those people probably didn't follow.
1: Don't tell everyone. Be very careful about who you tell because everyone will probably beg.
2: Hire a lawyer and and accountant before you do anything else.
0834名無しさん@英語勉強中 (プチプチT Sa71-FJ49)
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2017/08/08(火) 21:05:54.75ID:QCE4tdwMa0808
when i am cheerful, i work to try to contribute to the japanese society.
when i am relaxed, i work to make money to play and become happy.
when i am blue, i work just to survive.
i work for different purposes, depending on the situation.
0835名無しさん@英語勉強中 (プチプチT Sa71-FJ49)
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2017/08/08(火) 21:24:25.03ID:QCE4tdwMa0808
"all things third at thrice." is an old english saying
and when i saw this first, i was puzzled and dazed as i felt a word was followed by a phrase with the same meaning.
""third" followed by "at thrice"?? exceptional grammer??"
i almost spoke to myself in my room...
0836名無しさん@英語勉強中 (プチプチ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/08(火) 21:47:44.14ID:61jS8ZWq00808
Why do you write small i ? It is smelly like tiny i.
0838名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW c5a8-i08+)
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2017/08/08(火) 23:38:49.16ID:mpdONRVZ0
In terms of superstition, four is consided to the unlucky number only in Japan. This is because we call 4 'yon' or 'shi' in Japanese, and this 'shi' has another meaning which is death.
This superstion is bit obsolete and few people care it, but I still sometimes see some apartments skipping room no.4 (ex #101,102,103,105)
0841jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/09(水) 01:34:07.25ID:ZIJxEppJ0
"thrice" means three times. I have no idea what that expression is supposed to mean though.
This is the first time I've seen it.

I've heard of that before. I guess it's pretty much the same thing.
0842名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d766-sD9l)
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2017/08/09(水) 05:26:27.83ID:2sai5Hni0
>I don't understand people who say they would still work.
Some people are afraid of free time because they would realize they have wasted so much of their lives working without realizing it. There are also people who actually enjoy what they do for a living but they're less common.
0843jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 23d1-kJPR)
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2017/08/09(水) 05:50:47.12ID:ZIJxEppJ0
I can understand liking what you do, I guess I've never really had a job that I enjoy so much I would
keep doing it if I didn't have to work. I'm not sure what would qualify.
0844名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5dbe-3aaz)
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2017/08/09(水) 10:19:17.57ID:JDmc7X4X0
Life is a game, works and pleasure and recreation and sad and fight, everything
are contained. of cause it include the death and fears.
0846名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW c5a8-i08+)
垢版 |
2017/08/09(水) 16:17:04.86ID:JvOghZ/Z0
Today I was suddenly interviewed by TV media. I may be going to be broadcasted on this weekend.
0851名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H1b-V3Ru)
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2017/08/09(水) 20:36:14.46ID:9A9z6FIlH
Yo! Ask your questions, I am a foreigner. I don't understand these strange hieroglyphics, but I like them.
0854名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H1b-V3Ru)
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2017/08/09(水) 21:32:28.51ID:9A9z6FIlH
Obviously :с
0857名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H1b-V3Ru)
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2017/08/09(水) 22:45:08.83ID:9A9z6FIlH
I'm not interested in politics, but what can I tell u about this incident? mm.. In my opinion, world has gone made and suppose that this message are true - are u believing in it?
Russian government controlling my media. So, what do u think, if I saying that russian people say that this is not true? Who should we believe in this world?
Each country has its own propaganda or is't not so? It's better to consider the standard of living of the country and that country is good, where we can realize our mind for our life.
I can tell u about russian life - it's a funny life, *facepalm. I hope, that I could answer u. And what does Japanese media say about this situation?>>855
0858名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6b8d-dE0h)
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2017/08/09(水) 23:14:48.73ID:CgazqhRF0
No, I don't believe it. I think this Russian conspiracy thing is complete nonsense.
The Japanese media mostly just repeats what the American media (like CNN) says,
but most people in Japan probably don't care about this matter at all.
Anyway, thanks for answering.
0861名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6b8d-dE0h)
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2017/08/09(水) 23:39:23.14ID:CgazqhRF0
I'm looking forward to the world cup soccer. I think it will be held in Russia next year.
Team Japan will play against Australia at the end of this month, and I think this game decides
which country will advance to the tournament. I hope they will defeat Australia and go to Russia.
0864名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H1b-V3Ru)
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2017/08/09(水) 23:57:55.26ID:9A9z6FIlH
>I won't do any business there but would feel unsafe if I'd visit there.
If you are simple human in this country - it's a not scary. haha.
0867名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H9b-A3l2)
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2017/08/10(木) 01:05:45.56ID:P+ch5GaYH
That's what I thought.

"hibernation" could be used for "sleep mode" for your computer. Or if you
want to sleep very long time, you can say something like "I'm going to
hibernate today as I'm super tiread today and the weather is going to be
bad tomorrow."

As a non-religious guy, the only occasion I would use the term "salvation" is
"to donate something to the salvation army", which you can bring whatever
you don't need to keep it anymore but you think has a little value (not enough
value to sell).

I have never used the second term in my life.
0869名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7fa8-sbVB)
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2017/08/10(木) 01:44:57.84ID:EExk+dhP0

Wow, thank u so much. I try to use two of them in real life if I have a chance to.
The second term I have heard once in the movie Harry Potter. Potter called this word and spelled magic and the enemy got petrified. Now I realized.
0872jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 36d1-7NHe)
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2017/08/10(木) 03:02:41.34ID:wH3+G87p0
You can't "do" salvation, it's not a verb, it is a noun. You can grant someone salvation, or you can
be their salvation, they can ask for salvation, but you don't do it. I guess the verb would be "save."
0873【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k (ワッチョイ d34f-mE8h)
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2017/08/10(木) 04:16:48.30ID:GTDHJcr30
I been too busy!! gomen!
0885【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k (ワッチョイ d34f-mE8h)
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2017/08/11(金) 06:19:20.01ID:k/7otbIc0
>>874 <3 ^^

JP is crazy <3 wwww
0893889 (ワッチョイW 63bd-sbVB)
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2017/08/11(金) 11:13:47.72ID:iVgtzu2N0
The proper amount ovbiously depends on an individual. If u think one glass of wine is too much, u should drink half of them or have a coulpe tastes of wine.
For me I am a kind of heavy drinker so I feel good with 2 glasses of wine or a 500ml can beer. I still don't get much drunk with this amount but can just feel relaxed and confy which leads me to deep sleep.
0896889 (ワッチョイW 63bd-sbVB)
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2017/08/11(金) 12:01:42.16ID:iVgtzu2N0
>But moderate exercise affect better to our body than alcohol does, I suppose.

Totally agree. No one would disagree to this. Thus this is not controversial. Drinking proper amount of alcohol is NOT bad habit. This is what I want to emphasize. We shouldn't talk about drinking in the same sentence that has smoking or eating junk food.
0904名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H9b-A3l2)
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2017/08/11(金) 17:49:52.41ID:nX9KMKiLH
Medical studies are psuedo-science with a lot of dubious papers published annually
especially in mediocre journals.
You need to say which study you are talking about.

From my brief internet search, I found some papers which are inconclusive about the
benefit of low-volume drinking.

Like this:

Similar arguments are found here:

I've never thought about the selection bias for moderate drinkers' health benefits,
but that sounds a reasonable argument. The key of the second articule is that so-called
moderate drinkers are special types of drinkers, who might influence the over-estimation of
health benefit of moderate drinking. The group of drinkers are special in:
1. They are motivated enough to enroll in the medical study (so probably they are health conscious)
2. They might be physically stronger than others (as they haven't died because of drinking)

After all, I can't find a reliable source of deteriorating heath by low-alcohol consumption.
There is no definite evidence that even low-volume drinking is bad for your health,
so if you enjoy casual driking, why not?
0908名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1abe-VUf/)
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2017/08/11(金) 23:09:47.68ID:GB5XMUFf0
how about this paper?
as you say, medical results are often uncertain, so researchers usually check these impact factor.
you cite Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, which IF is 2.5
contrally, the paper i cited is BMJ which IF is 17.
the score shows the journal is important followed by nature, science, cell.
IF<3.0 is usually igonorable.
0909名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H9b-A3l2)
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2017/08/11(金) 23:53:57.17ID:nX9KMKiLH
There are three reasons I picked up these articules:
1. Both of them are overviews of the research field (i.e. meta-analysis or review articles)
2. Both articles discuss general health effects rather than specific diseases
3. Well-cited (especially the first has more than 50 citations received according to
google scholar although the publication was in 2016).

The paper you gave me the link satisfies none of them (citation count might increase
over-time though).

Regarding IF:
When I send papers to journals, of course I care about the journal's reputation, which can be
measured by IF. In that sense, IF is important, but IMHO it is not as important as the number
of citations when it comes to measure the quality of a paper. Good journals often publish
crappy articles, and these papers disappear without receiving much recognitions.
0911名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1abe-VUf/)
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2017/08/12(土) 00:28:08.57ID:6pUoZPBL0
the paper i picked is published on June2017, and yours are March2016 and June 2016.
these span is not understandble to get less citations than yours ?
i think usually researchers tend to cite major journals.

my citation's objective is
"whether moderate alcohol consumption has a favourable or adverse association or no association with brain structure and function".
the theme is related to "general health" enough.
and i cant understand 1. means. you choose review papar not regular article? is that important?
>Good journals often publish crappy articles, and these papers disappear without receiving much recognitions.
i dont think so.
in fact crappy aticles exists even at major journals, but more at minor journals,
thinking some journals accept so easily and speedy like BBRC.
0914名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H9b-A3l2)
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2017/08/12(土) 02:38:38.63ID:Y7ZEzl0BH
> these span is not understandble to get less citations than yours ?
Probably you didn't get but I said "citation count might increase over-time though".

"crappy" is a bad word choice.
By "crappy" I meant "not scientifically strong", by which I mean that the same design
cannot reproduce the same outcomes.

There are always the possibility of false positives, and since the research is expensive
expecially one with human subjects, false positive results can easily be published,
and never been falsified even when the true effect exists.
Still, there are different degrees of irreproducibility in the likelihood of getting the significant
results in additional analyses. Usually people in the field have a good sense of
this likelihood, and therefore, some outcomes, even these are ground-breaking in its face,
may not be mentioned by the future articles.

I know this is a big issue in psychology, but seems also the case for medical research.

For the definition of "general health", I don't think "brain structure and function" is
not a thing people would think as the effect of alchol consumption, but who knows,
maybe you are right.

Anyway, I'm no longer in the mood of typing words longer than 10 letters as it's friday.
Have a good weekend :)
0915名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1abe-VUf/)
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2017/08/12(土) 03:05:45.39ID:6pUoZPBL0
>"citation count might increase over-time though"
"might" is not but "must".
because my citation is also cited by CNN.

>I mean that the same design cannot reproduce the same outcomes.
yes. medical experimental results is often unreproducible so the researches engage replication annually, you know.
but why the phenomenon is applicable only for major journals such as Nature?
i admited even major journals publish false positives, but i said the possibility is less than minor journals.
even if a true discovery is published at a minor journal, storyline of the field must be formed at major jounals.
because every researchers (especially at out of his/her field) could not read every papers.
you dont explain about it, i think.
0919名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H0a-6KBD)
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2017/08/12(土) 18:06:46.77ID:jVXYL0j7H
good luck bro.
0924名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H0a-6KBD)
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2017/08/12(土) 21:54:36.19ID:jVXYL0j7H
Relax. She agreed and went with u.
0928名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW dfbe-D1yQ)
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2017/08/13(日) 13:06:24.52ID:kJZZMb/r0
O Rose, thou art sick
0929名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 33be-6KBD)
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2017/08/13(日) 15:04:06.47ID:dGi1KQ/V0
I want to know how breakfast and lunch are?
there are no green foods.
0931名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 63bd-7GHe)
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2017/08/13(日) 16:21:53.18ID:sWnGzlAM0
Where do you live
0933名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sac7-Opwn)
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2017/08/13(日) 19:13:47.72ID:nrToGUnPa
i like to go to bookstore and check/buy various types of books.
one thing i am curious about is why only comic books are protected(?) with "vinyl-wrapping".
hardcover is not wrapped with that transparent vinyl and paperback or small-sized book is not, either.
many magazines are tied up with strings but the purpose for this is to tie those magazines with some attachment packagings tightly.
comic books are not sold with such attachments...
0951名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H9b-A3l2)
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2017/08/14(月) 19:13:34.22ID:VpiVk3G1H
I don't think I cite an articule because of the fact that it was featured on the popular media.

> because every researchers (especially at out of his/her field) could not read every papers.
I don't know why you think I said we should read all papers in all fields,
but I think we should read everything relevant for your research.
Fortunately, my field is small enough that I can read (or at least skim through) them.

> you dont explain about it, i think.
I don't get this. What do you mean by "it".
0955名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H0a-6KBD)
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2017/08/14(月) 20:57:28.18ID:P0ElWZgEH
Can the Japanese feel depressed? wow.
0957名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H0a-6KBD)
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2017/08/14(月) 21:31:10.09ID:P0ElWZgEH
By human nature - yes, i'm sorry. But in terms of the mentality of the country I thought differently.
0964名無しさん@英語勉強中 (RU 0H0a-6KBD)
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2017/08/15(火) 02:07:42.97ID:2cnA9OH8H
on the photo.
0966jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 36d1-wFGS)
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2017/08/15(火) 05:24:31.63ID:zR2Lr+UK0
Well, French Fries aren't typically a dish you make at home, but if this is at a restaurant, that steak
American dinner usually has some sort of protein as the centerpiece, so this could be an average
dinner for some people but it's a pretty big portion.

The thing is America is huge and diverse, and people eat lots of different things. Personally, I have
sushi more often than hamburgers.
Some people cook, some people don't. I do feel like it has gotten less common for people to cook.
Lots of people eat out all the time, or buy prepackaged food. I've been trying to cut back because
it's way more expensive than cooking for yourself.
It's really hard to make generalizations about 300 million people spread across 3.8 million square miles.
0970jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 36d1-wFGS)
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2017/08/15(火) 07:20:29.55ID:zR2Lr+UK0
"Huh?" shows confusion. You'd usually say it if you don't understand or you didn't hear the speaker.
You can also use "What?" in those situations, and it's a little more polite (only slightly).
0972名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7fa8-sbVB)
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2017/08/15(火) 08:02:13.15ID:GBUeI8E60
はあ?contains feeling of rebellion. Usually use this word with anger. Although you clearly understood what the speaker said, you can still answer はあ?immediately when you want to take a hostile attitude to him/her.
はぁ?doesn't show any confusion but show kind of dissatisfaction. This is different from 'huh?'
0977jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 36d1-wFGS)
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2017/08/15(火) 09:51:58.53ID:zR2Lr+UK0
You're right. "Huh" wouldn't be used in that case. "What?" works, especially if you add the ! like >>973.
However, "what?" isn't always like that, so you would have to pick it up by context when you're reading,
or tone if someone is speaking.

>>975 >>976
That actually can work sometimes, like in the example from >>973. Again, you have to pick it
up by context or tone. Because you could also have something like this:

Doctor: I'm sorry. We did everything we could, but she didn't make it.
Man: What?! You're kidding me!

In this case it's disbelief and despair, instead of anger even though it's the same sentence.
0978名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2eb7-w1Cq)
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2017/08/15(火) 10:06:55.04ID:i6Iz2ImC0
"Excuse me?" said with a forceful tone can mean the speaker understood the previous statement but felt that it was inappropriate, but the phrase feels as if the speaker is speaking down to the listener like a parent to a child.
A: "Ow, shit!"
B: "Excuse me?!"
Here speaker B is calling out A's use of profanity by indirectly saying that he or she must have misheard A as A would never use such language even though A was very much understood.
0980名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 63bd-sbVB)
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2017/08/15(火) 10:50:42.91ID:tyjp/lYG0
Thanks for good explanation. I learnt a lot from you.
0982名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 63bd-sbVB)
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2017/08/15(火) 15:06:41.57ID:tyjp/lYG0
Shall I build a new thread?
0983名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スププ Sdba-pnIq)
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2017/08/15(火) 15:11:57.20ID:88FAhd//d
What do you do?
0984名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 63bd-sbVB)
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2017/08/15(火) 15:18:54.06ID:tyjp/lYG0
Then you build another thread please. You must have a plenty of time. We count on you.
0985名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 63bd-j2BT)
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2017/08/15(火) 16:51:46.28ID:7NQmb9XM0
hey,i wanna talk about one of filmmaker.
he is awesome artist.
his names David Lynch.
by the way,the following is what i write to him after waching his interview.

I feel pure energy from his demeanor.that is fusion a sign of violence.
it is mysterious and beautiful.

how many grammatical errors?
0990名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワイエディ MM86-pnIq)
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2017/08/15(火) 23:58:51.00ID:hHILP4x5M
I wanna eat that fish(^-^)
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