When it comes to Japanese creativity in the field of sex industry, it's second to none.
They are rich in variety, as someone says above, oppabu, pinsaro, to name a few.
They create a wide variety of services to meet every demand of Japanese men.
Some are inexpensive with no sexual intercourse, easy on your wallet, some are
a bit expensive but you can have sex with both of you and woman naked.
In Oppabu, short for Oppai (meaning boobs) Pub, the further you can go is just
rub, suck, lick woman's nipple with them on your laps. As far as I know, You can't
have sex with women at Oppabu. I read that the women there don't take shower after
their nipples are licked and sucked by customers. They just wipe them with wet paper towel or something.
You could get infected with some viruses. Who wants to lick nipples where naughty old men's
saliva couldn't be completely wiped off? If you ask me, I'd go Oppai pub at the opening
hour so that I can be the first group of the customers, when no saliva can be left
on women's boobs there.