
It's, ah, hugely a divisive political issue. It, It always has been an, of course, uh,
right now, a conservatives are celebrating this and many of those concert is,
of course, that Donald Trump's base said this is something he promised to do
what he was campaigning for office for the presidency last year, so he has kept
true to his promise, but, uh, for all people had been perhaps expecting this to
happen at some point, there is going to be a rout over it, there is going to be
a campaign, and yes, legal actions as well, to try to get this decision by the T
rump presidency overturned at least one organization, the American Civil
Liberties Union, has already said that it's started legal precedings as
the organizations plan parenthood had spoken out against this and
there is a possibility this could go all the way to the supreme court.